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Practical report: Laws of collision

I. Group 2
- Nguyễn Hoàng Vũ – 23BI14463
- Nguyễn Anh Tú – 23BI14440
- Nguyễn Trọng Toàn 23BI14423
- Nguyễn Trường Giang – 22BI13131
II. Set up
The paragraph outlines the experimental setup depicted in Figure 1. A
starting device is utilized to initiate the cart's movement, offering three
selectable initial energies via latch positions, with the second position
recommended for consistency. Light barriers are connected to input
jacks 1 and 3 on the timer, with matching colored jacks and earth jacks
linked. The "Collision experiments" mode is selected for measuring
shading periods per light barrier. When altering mass ratios, additional
masses should be symmetrically added. Track adjustment is checked
prior to measurements. Cart velocity determines momentum, measured
by the time the cart's screen interrupts the light barrier.

III. Result and discussion

1. Task 1: elastic collision
a. Data table and line graph
We have a data table below:
m1 m2 ratio(m1/m2) t1 v1 t1' v1' t2' v2'
0.6 0.4 1.5 0.208 0.480769 0.184 0.543478
0.6 0.45 1.33333333 0.206 0.485437 0.177 0.564972
0.6 0.5 1.2 0.207 0.483092 0.202 0.49505
0.6 0.6 1 0.204 0.490196 0.218 0.458716
0.6 0.75 0.8 0.204 0.490196 0.251 0.398406
0.6 1 0.6 0.205 0.487805 1.4 0.071429 0.299 0.334448
0.6 1.1 0.545454545 0.203 0.492611 0.95 0.105263 0.316 0.316456
0.6 1.2 0.5 0.204 0.490196 0.791 0.126422 0.339 0.294985
P1 Exp_P1' Cal_P1' Exp_P2' Cal_P2' Cal_P
0.288462 0 0.057692 0.217391 0.230769 0.288462
0.291262 0 0.041609 0.254237 0.249653 0.291262
0.289855 0 0.02635 0.247525 0.263505 0.289855
0.294118 0 0 0.275229 0.294118 0.294118
0.294118 0 -0.03268 0.298805 0.326797 0.294118
0.292683 0.042857 -0.07317 0.334448 0.365854 0.292683
0.295567 0.063158 -0.08693 0.348101 0.382498 0.295567
0.294118 0.075853 -0.09804 0.353982 0.392157 0.294118

And the line graph of those data:

Momemtum variation in Elastic Collision


Momemtum /kgms-1




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6


Cal_P1' Exp_P2' Cal_P2' Cal_P

b. Discussion
- Overall, as the ratio between m1 and m2 increases, the P1’ parameter
grows. In contrast, the P2’ parameter is witnessed to have a downward
trend. Thus, the Cal_P parameter fluctuates slightly.

2. Task 2: inelastic collision

a. Data table and line graph
m1 m2 ratio(m1/m2) t1 v1 t1'=t2' v1'=v2'
0.6 0.4 1.5 0.209 0.478469 0.349 0.286533
0.6 0.5 1.2 0.209 0.478469 0.402 0.248756
0.6 0.6 1 0.208 0.480769 0.458 0.218341
0.6 1 0.6 0.208 0.480769 0.671 0.149031
0.6 1.2 0.5 0.211 0.473934 0.804 0.124378

P1 Exp_P1' Cal_P1' Exp_P2' Cal_P2' p1'+p2'

0.287081 0.17192 0.172249 0.114613 0.114833 0.287081
0.287081 0.149254 0.15659 0.124378 0.130492 0.287081
0.288462 0.131004 0.144231 0.131004 0.144231 0.288462
0.288462 0.089419 0.108173 0.149031 0.180288 0.288462
0.28436 0.074627 0.094787 0.149254 0.189573 0.28436

- The line graph:

Inelastic collisions
Momemtum /kgms-1

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6

P1 Exp_P1' Cal_P1' Exp_P2' Cal_P2' p1'+p2'

b. Discussion
- In the respects to the above graph, the P1’ parameter follows an
upward trend and the decrease of P2’ parameter due to grow of m1/m2
- The reasons of difference between experiment and theoretical data in
both situations come from environmental factors including the
frictions, air resistance or the bias of the measurement sensors.
(With t1, v1: time and velocity of m1 before collision
- t2’, v2’ : time and velocity of m2 after collision
- Exp_p1’; Exp_p2’: Experiment data of objects after collision which by
equation p=m.v
- Cal_p1’ ; Cal_p2’: Theoretical data of objects after collision which by
equation given in the documents.)

IV. Conclusion
- In conclusion, the practical laws of collision provide fundamental
principles for understanding and analyzing the behavior of objects
during collisions.
- In this practical lecture, we measured the velocity and the momentum
of 2 carts with fixed mass before and after the elastic and inelastic

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