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Prediction and Enhancement of Power System Transient Stability Using Taylor


Preprint · August 2018


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2 authors, including:

Amirreza Sahami
University of North Carolina at Charlotte


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Prediction and Enhancement of Power System

Transient Stability Using Taylor Series
Amirreza Sahami, Student Member, IEEE, and Sukumar Kamalasadan, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Timely information about behavior of a power In [9], a data-based method for transient stability prediction by
system is important for monitoring and controlling the system. using data pre-processing is presented. Ref. [10] uses Taylor
Accurate and prompt transient stability prediction is an effective Series expansion to find the state space model of the linearized
way to reduce the risk of a power system failure and possible
blackouts. In this paper, a method for predicting the generators model of a voltage control voltage source inverter (VCVSI).
behavior using Taylor Series has been derived that can be used For enhancing transient stability, different methods, such
to predict the angular changes during transient oscillations and as fast valving of steam stream in turbines, tripping gener-
thus the related critical clearing time. The paper also discusses the ators, using braking resistors, and controlled opening of tie
application of this approach for preventive control actions. The lines are mentioned in [11], [12]. In [13], using dynamic
proposed technique is applied on IEEE 39 bus test system and
the advantages, efficiency and error comparisons are presented. programming in a discrete supplementary control for transient
stability enhancement in a multi-machine power system is
Index Terms—Braking Resistor, Prediction, Transient Stability discussed. Ref. [14] proposes an optimal controller for Static
Enhancement, Transient Oscillations, Preventive Control.
Var Compensators (SVCs) to improve transient stability of a
power system. In [15], direct feedback linearization (DFL)
I. I NTRODUCTION technique is employed to control excitation system and fast
One of the main objectives of power systems is to deliver valving actuators to improve transient stability. In [16], an
stable, reliable, and high-quality power to customers. The approach based on Hybrid neural network-optimization to take
quality of delivered electrical power and safety of electrical preventive control actions for enhancing transient stability is
facilities are related to the nominal system frequency [1], [2]. reported. In [17] a hybrid direct and intelligent method of
System reliability is tested with respect to three criteria, the: real-time coordinated wide-area controller for improved power
(N-1) feasibility, voltage stability, and transient stability [3]. system transient stability has been presented. Ref. [18] uses
Transient Stability of a power system refers to the study of generation rescheduling to enhance system stability. Ref. [1]
a power system behavior after the system undergoes a large presents a new approach for improving transient stability, using
disturbance. A disturbance creates substantial power imbalance the concept of the potential energy terms of energy function.
between generated power and network demand. Consequently, In [19], a hybrid method based on offline analysis method
oscillations happen in the system, making generators angles to of generator tripping for transient stability enhancement is
swing, and the system to lose its normal condition. In severe presented. In [20], the application of a close-loop wide-area
cases these oscillations can lead to a local or global blackout. decentralized power system stabilizer for transient stability
Stability of a system depends on the initial operating con- enhancement is investigated.
dition, the nature of the physical disturbance, and the duration In this paper, using piecewise linearization and Taylor
of the disturbance even though the study mainly focus on Series, the behavior of system generators is predicted, which
post-disturbance scenarios of the system. It should be noted helps finding critical clearing time and angles. Finding them
that post-disturbance stable state may be different from pre- makes it possible to take necessary control actions in order to
disturbance operating point, depending on the sequence of prevent the system collapse. In this paper, after predicting the
the disturbances, and the controllers actions [3], [4]. So, the critical clearing time, a braking resistor is used to prevent lose
transient stability problem is the study of the stability of the of synchronism in the system. The method has been tested
post-disturbance system. Therefore, predicting the behavior of on IEEE 9 bus and IEEE 39 bus test systems, and results are
the system helps designing controllers to have better actions provied and compared with numerical methods. The rest of
that can prevent a system from collapse and possible blackouts. the paper is organized as follows: In section II, the proposed
Predicting and controlling the behavior of modern intercon- method is discussed. Section III shows an illustrative example
nected power systems has a major impact on the economy of the proposed architecture. Section IV discusses a general
and national security [5], [6]. prediction methodology for a multiple machine system, and
Different approaches and studies are reported in the liter- Section V discuss the prediction of generators angle and speed
ature for predicting and enhancing transient stability of large for IEEE 39 bus system. Section VI illustrates and application
power systems. In [7], it is mentioned that various methods, and section VII concludes the paper.
such as hybrid neural network with optimization, wavelet
neural network, echo state network are used for predicting the II. P ROPOSED M ETHOD FOR P REDICTING G ENERATORS ’
output of a wind generator. A new transient stability prediction B EHAVIOR
method, combining trajectory fitting (TF) and extreme learning Phasor measurement units (PMUs) are devices that provide
machine (ELM) based on two-stage process, is proposed in [8]. real-time phasor measurements at those locations of a power

system network where they are placed. Due to advancements

Pm − P e D
in the field of relay technology, digital relays can now act ∆ω = ( )∆t − ∆δ (16)
as PMUs, which has significantly reduced the cost of PMUs
[21], [22]. In what follows, it is assumed that there are PMUs P m − Pe D
ω(t0 + ∆t) = ω(t0 ) + ( )∆t − ∆δ (17)
or digital relays at all generator buses, which is a realistic M M
Let the dynamics of generators is modeled using (1) and Pm − Pe D ∆t2
(2). δ(t0 + ∆t) = δ(t0 ) + [ω(t0 )∆t + ( − ω(t0 )) ] ∗ 2πf (18)
M M 2!
2H dω
+ Dω = Pm − Pe (1) Using (17) and (18) behaviours of the generators of the
ωs dt
system can be predicted. It is worth noting that because a

= ω − ωs (2) function that shows the variables behaviour is not an analytic
dt function at switching moments, n sample of data is needed
where ωs is the synchronous speed, which is equal to 1 p.u. to be known to approximate a function with Taylor series of
Let 2H
ωs = M . So M = 2H. Then (1) can be presented as order n.

Assume that the behavior of the system between any two Consider the network shown in Fig. 1. It is a Single-Machine
consequent time steps is linear. This is a valid assumption since Infinit-Bus 50 Hz system. A three-phase symmetrical fault
the waveform of any stable power system variables are analytic happens at Bus 3 at t=0.1s. According to simulation, Critically
functions, except at switching moments. Hence, Taylor series Stable Clearing Time (CSCT) is 0.150s and Critically Unstable
can be used to linearize the system dynamics, and δ and ω Clearing Time (CUCT) is 0.151s. The goal is to predict the
can be expanded as system behavior. For the machine, H = 3.5 and M = 7.
0 00 t2 tn
δ(t) = δ(0) + δ (0)t + δ (0) + ... + δ (n) (0) + ... (4)
2! n!
0 00 t2 tn
ω(t) = ω(0) + ω (0)t + ω (0) + ... + ω (n) (0) + ... (5)
2! n!
Neglecting terms with order higher than two, and considering
t0 as the initial point,
0 00 ∆t2
δ(t0 + ∆t) = δ(t0 ) + δ (t0 )∆t + δ (t0 ) + O(∆t3 ) (6)

0 ∆t2
δ(t0 + ∆t) = δ(t0 ) + ω(t0 )∆t + ω (t0 ) + O(∆t3 ) (7)

0 00 ∆t2
ω(t0 + ∆t) = ω(t0 ) + ω (t0 )∆t + ω (t0 ) + O(∆t3 ) (8)
where O(∆t3 ) represents neglected terms. From the swing
equation we know Fig. 1. SMIB Network from Kundur [12]

M = Pm − Pe − Dω = M ∗ a(t) (9)
dt During the fault the voltage of Bus3 (V B3) is zero. So, no
Assuming a linear behaviour for the system between two active power is transferred from the generator to the grid (Pe =
consequent moments. Then 0). Assume that the post-fault configuration of the system is
same as the pre-fault, or it is known in general. At steady state
dt = ∆t = One T ime Step (10) (until t = 0.1s) the system state is as follows
So: δs.s. = 0.729020rad = 41.77◦ , ω = 0.
∆ω To predict δ and ω at t = 0.11, (17) and (18) can be used. So
M = Pm − Pe − Dω (11)
7 ∗ ∆ω = 0.9 ∗ (0.11 − 0.1) = 0.009 and thus ∆ω = 0.0013
and ω(t = 0.11) = 0.0013.
M ∆ω = (Pm − Pe )∆t − Dω∆t (12) From this ω(t
n = 0.11) simulated o= 0.0013 and δ(t =
0.9−0 0.012
0.11) = 2πf 7 2! + 0 ∗ 0.01 + 0.72902 = 0.7310

= ω − ωs (13) and then δ(t = 0.11)simulated = 0.7311
Considering this the prediction of desired paramters at
dδ ∆δ t=0.2s is as follows.
= = ω ⇒ ∆δ = ω∆t (14)
dt ∆t 7 ∗ ∆ω = 0.9 ∗ (0.2 − 0.1) = 0.09
∆ω = 0.0129
⇒ M ∆ω = (Pm − Pe )∆t − D∆δ (15) ω(t = 0.2) = 0.0129
ω(t = 0.2)simulated = 0.0129

Prediction for the network shown in Fig. 1 • Predicting Pe of generators. Because the behavior of the
ω δ system is predicted for next time step, Taylor Series can
Predicted Simulated Predicted Simulated be used. In next session this method is elaborated.
0.11 0.0013 0.0013 0.7310 0.7311
0.20 0.0129 0.0129 0.9310 0.9311
A. Predicting Pe via Taylor series
n 2
o In order to predict Pe , the behaviour of Pe is considered
δ(t = 0.2) = 2∗π ∗50∗ 0.9−0 7
2! + 0 ∗ 0.1 +0.72902 = linear between every two consecutive moments, except at
0.9310 switching times. Hence, Taylor series of Pe can be employed.
δ(t = 0.2)simulated =0.9311 The expansion of Pe is:
As it can be seen, using pre-fault condition and via knowl-
edge about Pm and Pe at the very moment after fault, the P (t) = P (0) + P 0 (0)t + P 00 (0) + ··· (19)
predictions are accurate. Table I, and figs. 2, 3 shows a com-
parison between the simulated results and predicted results. dω
M = Pm − Pe − Dω (20)
Angle Machine1
d2 ω dPe dω
M =0− −D (21)
Predicted dt2 dt dt
Angle (radian)

Simulated dω
1.5 = a(t) (22)

1 dPe d2 ω dω da(t)
=0−M 2 −D = −M − Da(t) (23)
dt dt dt dt
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Assuming the above equations for one time step and substi-
Time (s) tuting dPe and dt with ∆Pe and ∆t respectively leads to:
Fig. 2. Generator Angle.
∆Pe ∆a
= −M − Da(t) (24)
∆t ∆t
10 -3 Speed M1
∆Pe = Pe (0) − M ∆a(0) − Da(0)∆t (25)
Rotor Speed (P.U.)


Predicted So, the first order prediction for Pe will be.


5 Simulated Pe (t0 + ∆t) = Pe (t0 ) − M ∆a(t0 ) − Da(t0 )∆t (26)

0 This equation has been used for predicting electrical power

during the fault. To increase the accuracy, we may have to
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 add a higher order term to the prediction equation.
Time (s)
Fig. 3. Generator speed. d3 ω d2 Pe d2 ω
M 3
=0− 2
−D 2 (27)
dt dt dt
Substituting the second term in (21) will result in
d2 a d2 Pe da
dt2 dt dt
As could be seen in aforementioned discussions, there is Assuming the above equations for one time step and substi-
a term Pe in prediction formulas. Pe is the electrical output tuting dPe and dt with ∆Pe and ∆t respectively leads to
of the generator that its behaviour is under study. The most
accurate prediction happens when the actual output electrical ∆2 a ∆2 P e ∆a
M =− −D (29)
power of generators (Pe ) is known. This way, the accelerating (∆t)2 (∆t)2 ∆t
power can be found accurately. However, it is not practically
∆ 2 Pe ∆2 a ∆a
possible since the swing equation should be numerically solved 2
= −M −D (30)
(∆t) (∆t)2 ∆t
to find (Pe ). Also, in real-time studies, the actual output
of generators cannot be known beforehand to be used for t2
P (t) = P (0) + P 0 (0)t + P 00 (0) + ··· (31)
prediction. Therefore, the output of generators for predicting 2!
their speed and angle, should be found in another way. Three
different approaches can be considered for approximating Pe 1 ∆ 2 Pe
Pe (t0 + ∆t) = Pe (t0 ) − M ∆a(t0 ) − Da(t0 )∆t + (∆t)2 (32)
during the fault: 2 (∆t2 )
• Assuming Pe of generators equal to zero.
• Assuming Pe as a constant number. This amount is the Pe (t0 + ∆t) = Pe (t0 ) − M ∆a(t0 ) − Da(t0 )∆t
amount of Pe one moment after the fault. 1 D2 D2
+ (−M ∆2 a(t0 ) − D∆a(t0 )∆t − a(t0 )∆t2 + 2 a(t0 )∆t2 ) (33)
2 M M


Pe (t0 + ∆t) = Pe (t0 ) − M ∆a(t0 ) − Da(t0 )∆t To test the proposed method, prediction of generator angles
D 1 2 D2 D2 M 2 and speed is performed on IEEE 39 bus test system. One-line
− ∆a(t0 )∆t + ∆t ( 2 a(t0 ) − a(t0 )) − (∆ a(t0 )) (34)
2 2 M M 2 diagram and the features of the test system are presented in
Considering ∆t = TS as a constant time step, we have figure 4 and table II. To create system dynamics a symmetrical
three phase fault is applied at bus 16 at t = 0.1 sec. Fault is
∆a(t0 ) = a(t0 ) − a(t0 − ∆t) = a(t0 ) − a(t0 − T S) (35) removed at t = 0.285 sec. The system is critically stable in
this scenario, meaning that the critical fault duration is 0.158
seconds. Machine 2 is the reference (δ2 = 0).
∆2 a(t0 ) = ∆a(t0 ) − ∆a(t0 − ∆t) = a(t0 ) − 2 ∗ a(t0 − ∆t) + a(t0 − 2∆t) The prediction for system behaviour during the fault is
(36) only based on the PMU data for two time steps after fault.
Hence, (34) can be written in discrete form as follows However, prediction for post-fault system (after t = 0.258 sec)
Pe (i + 1) = Pe (i) − M ∆a(i) − Da(i)∆t − ∆a(i)∆t
is corrected by updating the initial point in the related formulas
2 every 8 time steps (every 0.08 sec.). The results for machines 4,
1 2 D2 D2
(37) as the first machines that lose synchrony, are provided in figs.
M 2
+ ∆t ( 2 a(i) − a(i)) − (∆ a(i))
2 M M 2 6 to 11. It can be seen that angle and speed prediction error is
Substituting (35) and (36) in (37) leads to (38). within 1%. For machine power prediction, expect during the
D sudden change in the power at fault time, the error is within
Pe (i + 1) = Pe (i) − M (a(i) − a(i − 1)) − Da(i) ∗ T S − (a(i) − a(i − 1)) ∗ T S
2 a threshold limit of 1%.
1 D2 D2 M
+ T S 2 ( 2 a(i) − a(i)) − (a(i) − 2a(i − 1) + a(i − 2)) (38)
2 M M 2
Based on (38), we can predict the output electrical power.
Using (17), (18), and (38), angles, speeds, and output electrical
power of generators can be predicted. It is worth reminding
that because 2nd order Taylor series is used, the data for the
first two moments after fault or after fault removal is required
for predicting the system’s variables during the fault and after
the fault removal, respectively.
PMUs can be used to improve the accuracy of the prediction
for post-fault system. It means that, we may update the
initial point of the prediction using PMU data when the post-
fault system is being predicted. It should be mentioned that
the scope of this work is to predict the behavior of the
system during the fault so that using direct methods becomes
possible without numerically solving the swing equation for
during-the-fault system studies. The prediction also helps to
apply predictive controllers and have a more stable system.
In addition, considering a sustained fault in a system and
Fig. 4. IEEE 39 Bus Test System
predicting the system behaviour can be used for finding the
UEP of a system. Finally, with defining an appropriate criteria,
prediction can be used for finding the critical clearing time, TABLE II
and for finding the critical machines, which refer to machines IEEE 39 Bus Features
Buses & 39 Buses Lines & 46 Lines
that loose synchronism first. Generators 10 Generators Loads 19 Loads
In what follows, the prediction has been used to predict Total Active Power Total Active
6147.92 6097.100
generator behavior in a dynamic IEEE 39 bus test system. The Generation (MW) Load (MW)
Total Reactive Power Total Reactive
prediction error for desired variable (X), has been calculated Generation (MVAR)
Load (MVAR)
and provided using (39) and (40).
Xtactual − Xtpredicted
Error(Xti )(%) = i i
∗ 100 (39)
i=1 |Error(Xti )| To test the efficiency of the proposed method in predicting
M ean Error(x) = (40) the system behavior and preventing lose of synchronism, CCT
where n is the number of moments that the variables are for fault on bus 16 in IEEE 39 bus test system has been
predicted. This can be represetned as in (41). predicted. For prediction, a PC has been used with a Core i7-
3770-3.4GHz CPU and 8GB of RAM. PASHA and MatLab are
t(f aultremoval) − t(f aultstart)
n= (41) used for simulation [5]. Elapsed time for predicting system for
T imeStep
2 seconds was 0.078385 seconds. After prediction, to prevent
lose of synchronism, dynamic braking has been used. dynamic

W4 Prediction Error
Detect Fault Get the PMUs Detect Fault 1
Send Control Signals to Related
Actuators (Dynamic Resistor)
Removal DATA Happening

Error W4 (%)
Read Generators
5 Power, Angle,
BASE Base -2

4 2 -3
Find Critical Machines and 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
3 Use Equations 17, 18, 38 to Time (s)
related Critical Clearing
predict Angles, Speed, and Fig. 9. Error of Machine 4 Speed Prediction
Time Based on Desired
Electrical Power
Fig. 5. Schematic of the Prediction Application Generator 4 Output Power

Electrical Power (MW)

Generator 4 Angle
Angle (radian)

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
0.4 Simulated Time (s)
Predicted Fig. 10. Machine 4 Output Power
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Time (s)
Generator 4 Output Power Prediction Error
Fig. 6. Machine 4 Rotor Angle 50
Machine4 Power Error (%)

Generator 4 Angle Prediction Error
1 30
Angle M4 Error (%)


-1 0

-2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Time (s)
Fig. 11. Error of Machine 4 Output Power Prediction
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Time (s)
Fig. 7. Error of Machine 4 Rotor Angle Prediction
the first machines that tend to lose synchrony with each other
Generator 4 Rotor Speed
are machine 1 and 4, the braking resistor has been switched
0.02 in at bus 33 which is connected to machine 4. Fault happens
at t = 0.1 sec. and prediction results are available at t = 0.18
Rotor Speed (P.U.)

sec. The braking resistor is switched in at t = 0.2 sec and
is switched out at t = 0.7 sec. The fault is not cleared until
t = 0.315sec. Hence, it shows that although the CCT for the
original system is 0.258 seconds, being able to predict the
Simulated system behaviour and taking a simple preventive action, help
0 save the system even when that fault is not removed for a
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Time (s) longer period than CCT.
Fig. 8. Machine 4 Rotor Speed
Relative Angles Between Machine 1& 4
t= 0.1, Fault Starts
braking uses the concept of applying an artificial electrical load t= 0.17, Prediction is done
Without Dynamic Resistor
during a transient disturbance to increase the electrical power
Angle (radian)

10 t= 0.2, Resistor is switched in

output of generators and thereby reduce rotor acceleration. One t= 0.286, Fault is Removed
form of dynamic braking involves the switching in of shunt t= 0.7, Resistor is switched out Improved with Prediction
resistors for about 0.5 second following a fault to reduce the and using Dynamic Resistor

accelerating power of nearby generators and remove the kinetic

energy gained during the fault [12]. 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
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