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12 .Q1tad1ritiateratis
If A B C and D are co-planar point
' ' ") l 1· s, such that (') h
111linear an~ (11 t le . me segments AB,' BC no t ree of them are
·. ept at their end pomts, then the figur d
· CD, and DA do not intersect
:~c lied the quadrilateral (abbreviati e ~a e up of the four line segments
sea ailed its vertices.
utC on· quad). The points A, B, C and D
A quadrilate.ral is named by listing its Vertie . 4
d1·ng clockwise or counter-clockw· S es, starting at any vertex and
'orth, name the same figure. ise. o ABCD . , Bev,,..,
an d so D'-------~c

Sides, Angles and Diagonals of a Quadrilateral

(a) The four line segments AB, BC, CD and DA are called its sides.
(b) The four angles_ L?_AB, LABC, LBCD and LCDA are called its angles.
(c) A line segment Joimng two non-consecutive vertices is called a diagonal.
AC and BD are the two diagonals of the quadABCD.

Adjacent Sides and Opposite Sides Diagonal

(I) Two sides of a quadrilateral are said to be adj~cent sides of the quadrilateral, if they have a common end

(2) Two sides of a quadrilateral are said to be opposite sides of the quadrilateral, if they are not adjacent sides.
Thus, in the quadrilateral ABCD shown here, AB and AD are a pair of adjacent sides. So also are the pairs
of sides AB, BC and BC, CD. Again, in the same figure, AB, DC are a pair of opposite sides and BC, AD
are the other pair of opposite sides.
Adjacent Angles and Opposite Angles

(!)Two angles of quadrilateral are said to be adjacent angles of the quadrilateral, if they have. a side of the
quadrilateral in common. .
(2) Two angles of a quadrilateral are said to be opposite angles of the quadrilateral, if they are not adjacent
angles. . .
Thus, in the figure LA and LB are a pair of adjacent angles of the quadn_lateral ~BCD. They have side AB
· common. s·1m1·1 ar Iy, LB , LC·, LC, LD·' and LD' LA are the.other pall's ofadJacent
m · angles.. ·
· m • the same fl gure, LA and LC are a pair of opposite angles, so also are the pair of angles
Ang1., Sum Property of a Quadrilateral . D
- . Draw All)' qrntdnlrth.•rnl ..fB(•l), Met1sureitsnnglcsnndwntc
·'<"h\ 1l~ '
the ft-suits•'- un,1,"T:
LfBC' • ....... •, L BCD ~ .........•.
0:Cl>.f • ......... •, L D.18 • .........•. A : -

No\\ adc.l and finJ the sum of these angks.

LABC+ .!BCD+ • ........•. _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ I f'
You "111 find th:u the sum is 360°. You can
drawmoff'qn:tJrilaternls lil..e PQRS.L.\f1'.1Pctc.,
~•sure their 11ngll.".s and add the measures. You

"'ill find thot
LI + L .2 + L 3 + L'.4 = 360°;
L a + L b + Le+ L d = 360°.
Hence, we conclude that : L-----------~
Proof: \Vithout measuring. you could have found the sum as und cr: _ ,
Drnw one of the diagonals. say BD.
The quadrilateral is divided into 2 triangles.
Sum of the angles of each triangle = 2 rt.L.s or 180° 8
Sum of the an£lcs of 2 triangles = 2 x 2 rt. L.s = 4 rt. L.s C

or 2 X 180° or 36()°•
.·. Sum oftlte angles of the quadrilateral "" 4 rt.L.s or 360°.
Interior and Exterior Angles of a Quadrilateral
In the adjoining figure,angles marked I, 2, 3 aod4 are the interior angles C
or simply the angles of the quadrilateral ABCD.
If the sides of a quadrilateral are produced in an order, then angles
marked x. J'. z and tare cal1cd the exterior angles of the quadrilateral. A
Exterior Angles Sum Property B
is 'fo~he sides of a quadrilateral are produced in an order, the sum of the four exterior angles so /o
Proof: Let ABCD be a quadrilateral whose sides are produced in an order forming exterior ang\csx
and t . Angles marked I, 2, 3 and 4 are the interior angles.
You know that the sum of the angles of a linear pair is I 80°.
.·. Lx + Ll ~ ISO•; L y+ L'.2 = 180°;

b a

Lz + L3 = 1so•; LI + L4 = 180•.
Adding the angles on both sides, we get, La+Lb::::180'
(Lx + LI) + (Ly+ L2) + (Lz + L3) + (Lt+ L4) =,so•+ 180° + 180° + 180° linear Pair
i .e., (Lx + L y+ Lz + LI)+ (LI + L2 + L3 + L4) = 120•
' +J_y + b + Lt) + 360' = 720' I ·: Angle sum of a quad. ~
(t + L.z + Lt= 720' - 360' or Lx +Ly+ Lz +Lt= 360' . Proved,
,, p+J.Y

I 1hC vnlUl' of the unknown angle in c.tch of the following fi~un.' "i:

(IJD "
(ii )


(, u )

A 0


. , . The angle sum of a quadrilateral is J60o

;,.J, (1) , < + J30' + 70' + 80' = 360' => X + 280' = 360'
"' = 360" - 280' => X = 80',
the figure, it follows
0~900 + 1500 + 2w + w = 3600 (The angle sum of a quadrilateral is 3
;,, 240' + 3w = 360' => 3w = 360' - 240' => 3w = 120' => w = 40'.
mthe given figure, it follows
(iii) Fro
0 + 30° + n + 25° = 360° (Th~ angle sum ofa quadrilateral is J60°)
t 27° + n = 360° => n = 360° - 127° => n = 233°. .
rwo angles of a quadrilateral arc of measure 500, and the other two :1ngJe~ :,re equal. \\,h a t,.; the
J• 2· nic.ssufc of each of these tn o ang)cs '!
ol, Let the equal angles of the given qua~ritateral be x 0 each. The other two angles are 50° each.
S BY the angle sum property of a quadnlatcral, we have _
sum of all the four angles= 360°
zx =360' - 100' => 2t = 260'
::::::) x= t30°.
Each of the equal angles is 130° each.
x.J. The angles of a quadrilateral are in the ratio 2 : 3 : s : 8. find the me:uure of of the
· rour angles.
Sol. The sum of the angles of a quadrilateral is 360°.
Let the measures of the angles be 2x0 , 3x0 , 5x0 , and 8x0 • Then
2x + 3x + 5x + 8x = 360' => 18x= 360' x= =-·
= 20'
Hence, the measures of the four angles are 40°, 60°, 100° and 160°.
Alternatively, Sum of the ratios = 2 + 3 + 5 + 8 = 18
The angles of the quadnlateral are~ x 360°, 2-x 360°, ~x 360° and_!_ x 360°,
18 18 18 18
i.e., 2 x 20°, 3 x 20°, 5 x 20°, 8 x 20°, i. e., 40°, 60°, 100° and 160°.
t '· 1.11 th€' ndjoinin~ ti~111·,·. th(' l1i"'·h ' .,t' ·
Sot ~uJ Ith• 11h' l\'ur,· t\f • ..-lfH •
. • . :. . R • .... C • ..-11 - JM-1"' D
,'. . . .__ fl _. %" -+ )11'' - .~Nl"
=.:~ ..:_/,' + 11('" - )Ml"
.. . . _N .,. )f,4.l' - t:ti" .. : .\.f'

±.::A+ 1..,: 8 :,1; ½'< :J-t"e lli"

--.I'.fR ,. LPIH """ 117"
Hut in..\ /'H~. + L l~fB + L l'IH ..,. 1:-::00 ofa b.)
i.e .. L <frR + 1170,.. 1~0"

v-< --- ------------ -- -· aum1-1 ffl _ ---------'--------

l~O" - ll7ci,,. t,J •

l./1:,)lic th"'-' angle$ <'fa quadnlataal arc 650. 550 and 1300. find its fourth angle ---------- I
J- The two adja,·cnt angks .,fa qu,drilatcr,1 arc 75° and 125°- The other two an ·, 1• "'
• ))l""'""' "1 cad, rsfthcse ,qn:il angles. g cs •rec
V = 150° ,nd L B = LC= LD. fiud LB, LC YHaJ. ii
'' LD. ' !\ii
~ ~ ··· I
!o~nmg figure, P is a point in the interior of LAOB and
0- A quadnla~e · It Pl/ j_ 04 and PN _i_ OB. find the n,eastue of LAIPN. 4
,ca -, • ral has all four angles of the ,.,me measure, wh,1t is the

' ""ot each angle? O o•
v ~T" l ,O t30£:lcs of aquadnlatcralmcasurc55° cach Titcthirdangkis 140° D~ -lg Q
t./. r; ; is the measure of the fourth angtc• - .< \
m the3 : measures
: : _ 0 f thc lour
- angles ofa quadnlatcral ,fthcy are m the O i
5 7 9
and B \\ hich :.Heral AO and BO are the angle bisectors of angle A [
- mcctatO. IfLC = 70o.LD=50'. finfoLAO A •
•pieI Choice Q uest,ons
- (MCQs) . Whatosthc value of ? Fig. Q.s 8 ,

ourth andc
\ thyacut - of
. th e quadrilateral that has a · [
\...l{)_)lcu e angles 1s
~b~:e (b) right ·
· 1'rr½~e-" . (d) straight
V .. e ,a Jue ofy in the gi\'cn figure is
(a) 90'
(c) 180' too
. H- her Order Thin kin i;d)_
. y' 2. Findtheva luesofr g kt lls (HOTS
reasons whcrever·n•:andz the diagrarn.c:
) ,

(a)89' 91 '
(c) 101 ° (d)) 79'
,, ~il• l
- -
- ... • auw.,.,.
I•1lcr,il "n pl,111c figure bo,~~~d lll
1 lrl

I· (ii) ,,,, l\'10 line segments arc collinear.

(b) no of the angles of a quadrilateral is Jrioo
b ; Y Of Key Facts
Y murl
,wo 1inc segments cross l't1ch other.. and tnc segments such

a• ..,

5lllll 1·1 I '
1W~ 51. 1·sofa qum n atcra arc produc <l .

;. ( t11C ' exterior angles so formed is ~ ~ ."" order. the
3 0 b

~~-~··-=-------- -
)·I""' Le+ Ld = 360'. ' ,.,.,
s t i b ------~-·-- _ a fli.F•ttNo.J

,/- Chapter Assessw,e"t I

· flevieW
~ceP 1 , blanks:
;o ·JI tn t 1I d fl I' 1
I• f1, /\ figllrc_ma 1\ our inc scgm~n ts no three of which arc ............... , is called a qua<lrilatcral.
(1) A quadr1later,1 as .....: .. •·..... pairs of adjacent a I

~!~) Jftl1C sides of a quadrilateral are produced in o;Je~~-the sum of four cxtcrim: angles so formed is i
....... - -·
quadrilateral PQRS, PR and QS are known . I
(iV) angle of a concave quadrilateral is ..............~sl~~;: ............. ·
(v) (T) or Fnlsc (f')
isn rr True . .
!, ,\1. The su~ of the angles o_fa quadn/a~eral is 2 right angles.
(1) A quadr1latcral has 2 pairs or opposttc sides.
(11 ) Jn 3 quadrilateral ABCD, LA is opposite to LD.
(111) A quadrilateral"·a polygo_ n with 4 sides.
11v) AIJCD is a quadr,latcrat with angles 90' 90' I I0' ,
(v) ' ' • 80 .
• choice Questions (MCQs)
~ulltP 1e 6. Find the measure of LADC.
casures of three angles of a quadrilateral A (3x+2)°
J. The;, 141 ' and 13' . Find the fourth angle.
,re 117: (b) 167°
(a) , (d) 137° X + 10° B
(c) tOS .
l, ih; 5:ogles of a quadrilateral are in the ratio D (4x-24)°
s. The smallest angle is
) 60'
5, ln
20 ,

(b) 40'
(d) 50°
(c the given diagram, the value of x is

(a) 37°
(c) 133'
(2x + 2)° C

Long Answer Type Questions

(d)43 '

7. If the angl es ofaquadrilateral arex' , (2x + I 3)',

(3x + 10)0 , (x- 6)0 , findx.


8. A campground site is in the shape of a convex 1

C quadrilateral. The sides of the campground fonn j

(b) 190° 2 right angles. The third interior angle measures ,
(a) 170'
20° less than the fourth angle. Find the measure I
(c) 100' (d) 90°
of all interior angles.
c11AP1cR 12: QUADR l.A TI:RAls
., i/r. !ff
f tJfr •

,. 1(c}
t rd
1., (f (;1./:ir~
(VJ gre~ ~
! {j f 1 f
, ,.,, ft!

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