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Name: Michelle P.

Tumamak Date: October 29, 2022

BSTM 2-C Prof. Medardo Bernados

Reflection: Scholastic triumph in Ateneo

The Scholastic Triumph in Ateneo was talked about by Dr. Jose Rizal while
studying in Ateneo Municipal under the supervision of the Spanish Jesuits. It
was a bitter rival of the Dominican-owned College of San Juan de Letran.
Formerly Escuela Pia (Charity School), it was established by the City
Government in 1817 for poor boys in Manila. However, Jesuits were expelled
from the Philippines in 1768 but returned to Manila in 1859. Reading Rizal’s
scholastic triumphs at Ateneo de Manila in 1872-1877 has taught me a lesson
about education. Like how education gives power to a person who achieves it.
Just like Nelson Mandela said, education is the most powerful weapon you can
use to change the world. Rizal was the first person to prove it. Even though
Rizal faces a lot of problems, he proves to us that facing problems and
challenges in life is just normal for us to experience. Because as we continue
on our journey, these difficulties will serve as opportunities for us to learn and
make improvements. Determine how we will use these problems to our
advantage by figuring out how to transform them into a strength. Along with
that, I discovered that no matter what our circumstances are, we constantly
require divine intervention. Additionally to what I've learned from reading about
Rizal's academic successes at Ateneo, Rizal demonstrated through his own
experience that reading is essential for all students because it broadens
vocabulary and imparts new knowledge. To succeed in our program, we need
thoroughly understand and comprehend the topics that we have read.
Moreover, seeking help is not a sin. Rizal also taught us that we should ask for
assistance. Asking for guidance and assistance from others is quite beneficial
for us because there are many things that other people know that we do not
know. And it doesn’t mean we are weak for asking for help. It's actually a

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