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Maria Charmaine L.

Communication Media Laws and Ethics

Crime and Crisis Situations

1. Research on what happened with the Manila Hostage Taking Crisis that happened in 2010.

I remember watching this as akid way back in 2010, Manila Hostage Taking Crisis
happened in Quirino Grandstand at Manila where a fired police hijacked a tourist bus,
leading to the tourist’s death including the hijacker himself.

2. Based on what you've researched, what were the specific mistakes that the media

The media messed up by showing everything live including the harassment of the
hijacker’s brother on his arrest, spreading wrong info, and being harsh to the hijacker
knowing that he have the hostages where in the first place, they need to negotiate with the

3. If the Manila Hostage Taking Crisis happened during this time, what possible sanctions
could the media face?

If it happened now, media on social platforms could get into trouble – fines or even
losing their jobs for not being careful with what they do during a hostage taking crisis.

4. As a future media practitioner, what will you do to ensure you do not commit the mistakes
in the coverage they did in the past?

I'd double-check stuff before sharing because I never forget what I learned on Media
Information Literacy, be mindful of the feelings of those involved, negotiate with
authorities, and always keep in mind the do's and don'ts to avoid causing harm or
spreading false information.

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