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Actividad 2

1) Distribución de libros
2) Carta descriptiva de al menos 1 unidad del programa de asignatura de tu idioma de

Juan C. Lugo Perez



Vijosa Muñoz Sergio Alberto

Febrero 2024

This distribution of books comprises units 5 to 10, as it is the distribution for the second
part of the semester (units 1-5 were used in the previous one, which do not appear

Classes are two hours long, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

UNIT 5 p 59-69

Tuesday Wednesday Friday

C5 P 62-64
B5 P 60-61
A5 P 59
Second conditional 😉 Adjectives usage 😎 Voiced and unvoiced final
consonants 🎵
"-ed" and "-ing" forms 😊
Expressing feelings and
emotional responses 😢 Sentence stress (1): Emphasizing
words for emphasis 🔊

F5 P69
Understanding contrast (1):
D5 P 65-67
🎨 E5 P 68
Listening for contrast in event
Article about art
Summarizing a text descriptions
Dealing with intonation
misunderstandings 😕 Explorers discussing art 🌍 Writing an event description ✍️
Dealing with intonation
Analyzing evidence: Supporting

arguments with quotations 📚 misunderstandings 😕

UNIT 6 P 70-80

Tuesday Wednesday Friday

A6 P 70 B6 P 71-72 C6 P 73-74

Present perfect continuous 🕒 Describing movement in towns and Articulating /l/ and /r/ 🗣️
Understanding weak auxiliary verbs cities 🌆 People sharing childhood stories

🤔 Article about a temporary city 🏙️ 🧒

F6 79-80
D6 P 73-74
E6 P 75-78 Managing group conversations
Listening for signposts in a travel

🛣️ Recognizing synonyms 📚 💬
Interpreting bubble charts 📊

Describing steps in a plan 📝 Putting activities in time order

UNIT 7 P 81-90

Tuesday Wednesday Friday

A7 P 81-82
C7 85
B7 83-84

Talking about the future 🔮 🏃‍♂️ Money

Verb patterns with infinitive or -ing
and financial vocabulary

Using sentence stress (2): Pronunciation of the letter "r" 🎤

Stressing important words 🔊 Advice column about time

management ⏰

D7 86-87
E7 88-89 F7 90
Identifying supporting reasons

🤔 Podcast about money advice 🎙️ Pros and cons essay 📝

Using an outline for a pros and cons Understanding ways of
Identifying supporting

information 🧐 essay 📄 processing information 🧠

Categorizing information 🗂️ Talking to people with different ways Writing a pros and cons essay

of processing information 💬 📝

UNIT 8 P 91-100

Tuesday Wednesday Friday

C8 P 94-95
A8 P 91 B8 P 92-93

Defining and non-defining Comparatives 📊 Understanding elision in words

relative clauses 🕵️‍♂️ Article about life on the International
with "th"

Pronouncing /ɪ/ and /iː/ 🗣️ Space Station 🚀 Blog post about essential skills

E8 P 98-99
D8 P 96-97 F8 100

People talking about different foods
Recognizing ellipsis (...)
🍔 Choosing a topic for a blog post

Activating vocabulary 🧠 📝
Giving and receiving feedback 🔄
Blog post about essential skills
🙋‍♂️ Identifying and expressing

📝 ⭐
Personalizing feedback

UNIT 9 P 101-111
Tuesday Wednesday Friday

B9 103 C9 104-105
A9 101-102

Third conditional 🤔 Giving advice on holiday

phrases 🎄
Pronouncing aspirated /p/, /t/,

and /k/ 🗣️
Saying consonant groups (2): Inserting a

short vowel 🔡 Article about taking time off

from work 🏖️
Conversation about holiday

advice 💬
F10 P 109-111

D10 P 106

🎧 E10 P 107-108 Dealing with unexpected

Listening for specific information
Email of complaint: How to behaviors
Understanding contrast (2): Reading for

📖 write one 📧 Writing an email of complaint ✍️


Considering unexpected behaviors 🤔 Interpreting bar charts 📊

UNIT 10 P 111-122

Tuesday Wednesday Friday

C10 115-116
A10 P 111-112

Passives 🤔 B10 113-114

Making predictions 🔮 Noticing challenging sounds 👂

Correcting pronunciation mistakes

🗣️ Article about the senses 🧠 Paraphrasing people talking about

future technology 💬
D10 117
F10 119-122
Description of a memory: Showing

instead of telling 📖
E10 118-119

Collaborative listening 🎧 Listening to people's problems 😢

Interpreting a diagram 📊 Asking questions about famous Asking questions when listening to

Technology and the senses 📱 buildings 🏛️ people's problems🤔

Description of a memory: Showing Time expressions ⏰

instead of telling 📝
Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

De la Asignatura Segundo Semestre


Propósito general El objetivo principal del curso de inglés de nivel B1 para estudiantes de secundaria es fomentar el desarrollo integral de la
competencia lingüística. Esto incluye el perfeccionamiento de habilidades gramaticales (por ejemplo, condicionales, pasivas, etc), la
ampliación del vocabulario (por ejemplo, adjetivos, frases para contextos específicos), la mejora en pronunciación y fonética (por
ejemplo, sonidos, patrones de énfasis) y el dominio de varias funciones del lenguaje (por ejemplo, dar consejos, describir, hacer
predicciones). El curso pone un fuerte énfasis en habilidades prácticas de comunicación a través de ejercicios de escucha, tareas de
escritura y discusiones colaborativas. Elementos temáticos como la tecnología, los sentidos, la gestión del tiempo y las experiencias
personales contribuyen a un enfoque holístico, asegurando que los estudiantes adquieran competencia lingüística y la capacidad de
aplicar sus habilidades lingüísticas en situaciones de la vida real. En resumen, el curso tiene como objetivo equipar a los estudiantes
con las herramientas lingüísticas necesarias y estrategias de comunicación para el uso efectivo del inglés en diversos contextos.

¿Cómo contribuye al perfil El enfoque integral del curso de inglés de nivel B1 para estudiantes de preparatoria contribuye significativamente al perfil de egreso
de egreso? de los jóvenes al proporcionarles habilidades lingüísticas y comunicativas esenciales para su desarrollo académico y personal. A
continuación, se destacan algunas maneras en las que este curso impacta el perfil de egreso:

1. Competencia en Inglés: Al abordar aspectos gramaticales, vocabulario y pronunciación, el curso garantiza que los estudiantes
alcancen un nivel sólido de competencia en inglés. Esto les permite comunicarse efectivamente en situaciones cotidianas y

2. Habilidades de Comunicación Prácticas: La atención especial a habilidades prácticas como escuchar, hablar y escribir prepara a los
estudiantes para expresar sus ideas de manera efectiva, ya sea en presentaciones académicas, discusiones en clase o en situaciones de
la vida diaria.

3. Relevancia Temática: La inclusión de temas contemporáneos, como tecnología, gestión del tiempo y experiencias personales,
brinda a los estudiantes un conocimiento actualizado y relevante, permitiéndoles aplicar el inglés de manera contextualizada.

4. Trabajo Colaborativo: Las actividades colaborativas, como discusiones en grupo, contribuyen al desarrollo de habilidades sociales y
de trabajo en equipo, aspectos cruciales en el entorno académico y laboral.

5. Habilidades Analíticas: La capacidad para analizar información, interpretar diagramas y tomar decisiones informadas durante las
actividades del curso fomenta el pensamiento crítico, una habilidad valiosa en diversos contextos académicos y profesionales.

6. Preparación para Contextos Académicos y Profesionales: La habilidad para expresar opiniones, dar consejos y escribir ensayos o
correos electrónicos formales prepara a los estudiantes para enfrentar con confianza los desafíos lingüísticos en entornos académicos y
Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura


7. Confianza y Utilidad del Idioma: La aplicación práctica de habilidades lingüísticas en situaciones reales mejora la confianza de los
estudiantes para utilizar el inglés de manera efectiva, lo cual es esencial para su éxito futuro, ya sea en la educación superior o en el
mundo laboral.

En resumen, este curso de inglés para estudiantes de preparatoria contribuye al perfil de egreso al proporcionar una base sólida en
competencias lingüísticas, habilidades comunicativas y aptitudes prácticas, preparando así a los jóvenes para enfrentar exitosamente
los desafíos futuros.

Competencias genéricas El curso de inglés para estudiantes de preparatoria busca desarrollar competencias clave que impactan significativamente en su perfil
de egreso. En primer lugar, se enfoca en fortalecer la autodeterminación y el cuidado personal, fomentando la autoconciencia, la
gestión emocional y la toma de decisiones fundamentadas. En segundo lugar, promueve la sensibilidad al arte, participación en su
apreciación, y la comprensión del arte como una forma de comunicación compartida en el tiempo y el espacio. Finalmente, el curso
prioriza estilos de vida saludables, cultivando la actividad física, el discernimiento en hábitos de consumo y la construcción de
relaciones interpersonales positivas.

Además, el programa aborda la expresión y comunicación mediante el desarrollo de habilidades lingüísticas, el manejo de tecnologías
de información y comunicación, y la capacidad de expresar ideas y conceptos en distintos contextos. Se fomenta el pensamiento
crítico y reflexivo a través del análisis de argumentos, la estructuración clara de ideas y la resolución de problemas mediante métodos
establecidos. Además, se impulsa el aprendizaje autónomo, la articulación de saberes de diversos campos y la participación efectiva
en equipos diversos. Finalmente, se destaca la participación con responsabilidad en la sociedad, promoviendo la conciencia cívica y
ética, el diálogo para la solución de conflictos y la contribución al bienestar común.

En resumen, el curso busca formar estudiantes de preparatoria con habilidades integrales, promoviendo competencias esenciales para
su desarrollo académico, personal y social.

Competencias disciplinares El curso de inglés para estudiantes de preparatoria contribuye al desarrollo de competencias disciplinares básicas y extendidas en el
área de comunicación. En el ámbito de la comunicación, el programa se enfoca en fortalecer habilidades clave. Esto incluye la
identificación, interpretación y evaluación de textos, así como la capacidad para expresar ideas de manera coherente y creativa.
Además, se fomenta la argumentación precisa en público, la valoración del papel de las artes y medios de comunicación en la cultura,
y la apreciación del pensamiento lógico en el proceso comunicativo.

Dentro de las competencias disciplinares extendidas, el curso busca que los estudiantes utilicen información de diferentes textos para
orientar sus intereses, establezcan relaciones analógicas y debatan sobre problemas fundamentando sus juicios en el análisis de
información. También se enfoca en que los estudiantes propongan soluciones a problemáticas comunitarias a través de diversos tipos
Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

de textos, aplicando estructuras discursivas y modelos gráficos o audiovisuales. Además, se promueve la aplicación de principios
éticos en la generación y tratamiento de información, la difusión de expresiones artísticas para preservar la identidad cultural, y la
valoración de la influencia de sistemas y medios de comunicación en la sociedad.

En resumen, el curso busca que los estudiantes desarrollen habilidades avanzadas en la comunicación, desde la interpretación y
creación de textos hasta la aplicación ética de la información y la participación reflexiva en discursos culturales y sociales.



Develop your voice in English. (2021, September 20). NGL Sites.
Evans V., Dooley J. (2009). Upload US2. US: Express Publishing.
Murphy, R. (2006). English Grammar in Use Fourth Edition. Cambridge: University Press.
Spark Online Platform. (n.d.). Retrieved December 14, 2023, from
Voices intermediate: Student’s book. (2021). Cengage ELT BRE.
Voices intermediate: Teacher’s book. (2022). Cengage ELT BRE.


Redston C., Cunningham G. (2012). Face2face Elementary Student’s book Second Edition. UK:Cambridge University Press.
McCarthy, M., McCarten, J., Sandiford, H. (2014). Touchstone Student’s book 2 Second Edition. UK:Cambridge University Press.
Richards, J. (2005). Interchange 2 Third Edition Full Contact. UK: Cambridge University Press.


Learnenglishteen. (marzo, 2019). Recurado en:

Esolcourses. (marzo, 2019). Recurado en:
Learningenglish. (marzo, 2019). Recurado en:
Englishpage. (marzo, 2019). Recurado en:
Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

No. de unidades de Hrs. / Semana Hrs. teóricas Hrs. prácticas Total hrs. / semestre

6 6 48 48 96

1. Planeación de Actividades de la Unidad de Aprendizaje # 5

Nombre de la unidad de ART

Objetivo de la unidad de
aprendizaje By the conclusion of this unit, high school students operating at the B1 level in English will demonstrate proficiency in various
language skills. They will be able to summarize articles about the essence of art, analyzing quotations from texts, and engaging in
discussions on the subject. Furthermore, students will comprehend articles about famous images, skillfully apply the second
conditional to express hypothetical situations, and actively participate in conversations centered around imagined scenarios.

Regarding listening skills, students will understand spoken dialogues featuring explorers discussing art. They will practice using
contrast expressions, -ed and -ing adjectives, and focus on refining pronunciation, specifically with voiced and unvoiced final
consonants. Additionally, students will develop the ability to describe films, TV programs, and concerts, employing appropriate
vocabulary for effective communication.

The unit also emphasizes the acquisition of knowledge about the use of intonation in communication. Students will practice stressing
different words for emphasis and address potential misunderstandings related to intonation issues. To further enhance their language
skills, students will work on improving writing proficiency. This involves describing the program of an event, providing detailed
information, and crafting invitations to encourage participation.

In essence, this learning objective aims to empower students with a comprehensive set of language skills tailored to the B1 level of
proficiency. The focus spans across reading, speaking, listening, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and writing, ensuring a
well-rounded development in English language proficiency.

1.1 Tiempo Programado para la Unidad de Aprendizaje # 5

Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

Total hrs. de la unidad Total hrs. teóricas Total hrs. prácticas

12 6 6

1.2 Actividades de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje de la Unidad # 5

Quién Realiza
Semana Descripción de la actividad Duració Estrategias didácticas, materiales y medios educativos a
n Hrs. Profesor Alumno utilizar

1 Introduction to Course and Regulations: 1 x x Interactive Visual Presentation

The course kicks off with a warm welcome, offering an Class discussion
overview of objectives and expectations. Essential school Worksheets with half answers to fill in
regulations and the marking scheme are clarified, setting the
tone for a positive and collaborative classroom atmosphere.

Online English Blog:

Students will engage in an 'English Blog' online, fostering
digital literacy and collaboration. This platform encourages
discussions, idea-sharing, and constructive feedback,
extending the learning experience beyond the classroom.

Work Procedures for Platforms:

Students will navigate Spark and Readworks platforms,
integral to the learning experience. Clear work procedures
will be explained, ensuring efficient use of these resources for
language skill reinforcement.

Visual and Oral Presentation Strategies:

Throughout the semester, students will learn effective visual
and oral presentation techniques. This includes structuring
presentations, using visuals, refining oral delivery, and
engaging audiences. Practical application in both individual
and group settings will showcase evolving language
proficiency and presentation skills.Creation of work teams
Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

will follow.

1 Integration activity all groups 1 x x Ludic games and Integration Activities

This activity must likely be carried out outside the classroom
with all students from all courses of English, along with the
other English teachers.

1 Reading - Group debate on the definition of art and 1 x x Use of authentic materials,
analysis of different perspectives. Technology integration in cooperative learning
What is art? Debate prompts
Summarising a text Second conditional focused questions for speaking
Analyzing evidence: supporting quotations Guided Grammar Exercises
Speaking - Conversations about possible scenarios in the
future (focus on the second conditional)

1 Reading 2 : Coursebook Reading Exercises 1 x x Reading for gist

Answering reading comprehension questions Reading in detail
Reading Comprehension Questions
Noticing Vocabulary

1 Speaking, grammar - Speaking and grammar sessions based 1 x x Role play, interviewing and drilling exercises
on expressing desires for the future.
If I had five more years…
Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

1 Real Life English Exposure Time 1 x x Music played on online platforms like youtube, Spotify, etc.
Exploration of Sounds and Stress Patterns:
- Listen to different songs together. Identify how words Youtube channel: The life of a teen in the sea
sound and recognize stress patterns.
Finn Whitaker - YouTube
Practicing of Pronunciation with Music:
- Take turns saying words and practicing sounds while One Day in the Coldest Village on Earth −71°C
listening to music. (−95°F) | Yakutia, Siberia

Watching Language Videos with Music: Music from radio stations from the UK:
- Watch interesting YouTube videos as a class. Discuss the Cam FM
words and topics in the videos. Capital
Music from radio stations in the USA:
Noticing Grammar and Vocabulary with Videos: Third Rock Radio
- Watch educational videos together. Have fun while
learning about grammar and vocabulary, and also watch a
YouTuber speaking English in real life.

Listening and Testing Understanding meaning of Songs:

- Listen to songs as a class. Discuss the meaning of the
lyrics and practice understanding. Fill in worksheets related
to the music heard.

2 Understanding intonation - Práctica de reconocimiento de 1 x x Jazz Chants, Intonation drilling

entonación en conversaciones cotidianas y discusiones y
choral drilling de Jazz Chants

2 Your evening starts with a tour 1 x x Writing as a process

Writing - Creación y presentación de itinerarios nocturnos Drafting
imaginarios. Revising
Working in teams (Coursebook pp 59-69) Editing
Final edition
Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

2 Spark Platform platform: Interactive Online platform 1 x Answering interactive exercises online platform

2 Creation of Visual and Oral presentations: Interactive 1 x Using an interactive graphic generator like ‘Canva’
Graphic Platforms Use for cooperative learning and task Use of authentic material

2 Visual and Oral Presentations developed in the past lesson 1 x x Interactive Presentation, Data Presentation, and Cooperative

2 Real Life English Exposure Time 1 x x Music played on online platforms like youtube, Spotify, etc.
Exploration of Sounds and Stress Patterns:
- Listen to different songs together. Identify how words Youtube channel: The life of a teen in the sea
sound and recognize stress patterns.
Finn Whitaker - YouTube
Practicing of Pronunciation with Music:
- Take turns saying words and practicing sounds while One Day in the Coldest Village on Earth −71°C
listening to music. (−95°F) | Yakutia, Siberia

Watching Language Videos with Music: Music from radio stations from the UK:
- Watch interesting YouTube videos as a class. Discuss the Cam FM
words and topics in the videos. Capital
Music from radio stations in the USA:
Noticing Grammar and Vocabulary with Videos: Third Rock Radio
- Watch educational videos together. Have fun while
learning about grammar and vocabulary, and also watch a
YouTuber speaking English in real life.

Listening and Testing Understanding meaning of Songs:

- Listen to songs as a class. Discuss the meaning of the
lyrics and practice understanding. Fill in worksheets related
to the music heard.

Total de Horas de la Unidad # 12

Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

2. Planeación de Actividades de la Unidad de Aprendizaje # 6

Nombre de la unidad de Where I’m from

Objetivo de la unidad de
aprendizaje In this unit, students will engage in a variety of language activities to enhance their skills in reading, speaking, listening, grammar,
vocabulary, pronunciation, and writing at the B1 level. They will practice recognizing synonyms in an article focused on a temporary
city, sharpen their analytical abilities by interpreting information presented in a bubble chart, and actively participate in discussions
about their personal experiences at large gatherings. Additionally, the unit involves listening to conversations about living in different
countries, allowing students to practice the present perfect continuous tense, improve their listening skills by understanding weak
auxiliary verbs, and express their ideas and preferences regarding city or countryside living.

Furthermore, students will delve into vocabulary development, listening comprehension, grammar usage, and pronunciation exercises.
They will describe various places within a city, recognize and understand signposts when listening to childhood stories, express
movement using adverbs and prepositions, and refine pronunciation by practicing the sounds /l/ and /r/. Additionally, they will learn to
describe a journey using appropriate vocabulary.

The speaking component of the unit focuses on effective communication strategies within group conversations. Students will learn to
manage discussions by asking questions, planning responses, and choosing the right moments to contribute. They will also practice
playing different roles within group conversations, such as showing unfamiliarity with a topic, linking to more familiar topics, and
involving others in the discussion.

Lastly, the writing aspect of the unit aims to improve students' ability to convey information in a clear and organized manner. They
will practice describing steps in a plan, arrange activities in chronological order, and develop their writing skills by creating a
suggested travel plan. Overall, the unit provides a holistic approach to language learning, fostering proficiency in various language

2. 1 Tiempo Programado para la Unidad de Aprendizaje # 6

Total hrs. de la unidad Total hrs. teóricas Total hrs. prácticas

12 6 6
Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

2.3 Actividades de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje de la Unidad # 6

Quién Realiza
Semana Descripción de la actividad Duració Estrategias didácticas, materiales y medios educativos a
n Hrs. Profesor Alumno utilizar

3 Reading and Speaking - Class discussion 1 x x Use of authentic materials, Technology integration in
Group analysis of life in the city, followed by a discussion on cooperative learning
personal experiences. Debate prompts

3 City Life - 1 x x Reading for gist

I’ve been living in Mexico Reading in detail
Listening and Grammar - Escucha activa y análisis Reading Comprehension Questions
gramatical de un relato personal sobre vivir en México. Noticing Vocabulary
I’ve been living in Mexico

3 Vocabulary, listening, pronunciation - Exploración de 1 x x Role play, interviewing and drilling exercises
vocabulario relacionado con suburbios y práctica de
I lived in a suburb

3 Diagnostic Test 2 x Diagnostic test

3 Real Life English Exposure Time 1 x x Music played on online platforms like youtube, Spotify, etc.
Exploration of Sounds and Stress Patterns:
- Listen to different songs together. Identify how words Youtube channel: The life of a teen in the sea
sound and recognize stress patterns.
Finn Whitaker - YouTube
Practicing of Pronunciation with Music:
- Take turns saying words and practicing sounds while One Day in the Coldest Village on Earth −71°C
listening to music. (−95°F) | Yakutia, Siberia
Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

Watching Language Videos with Music: Music from radio stations from the UK:
- Watch interesting YouTube videos as a class. Discuss the Cam FM
words and topics in the videos. Capital
Music from radio stations in the USA:
Noticing Grammar and Vocabulary with Videos: Third Rock Radio
- Watch educational videos together. Have fun while
learning about grammar and vocabulary, and also watch a
YouTuber speaking English in real life.

Listening and Testing Understanding meaning of Songs:

- Listen to songs as a class. Discuss the meaning of the
lyrics and practice understanding. Fill in worksheets related to
the music heard.

4 Writing - Redacción de textos descriptivos sobre la ciudad 1 x x Jazz Chants, Intonation drilling
You’re coming to my home town

4 Spark Platform platform: Interactive Online platform 1 x Answering interactive exercises online platform

4 Readworks Platform platform: Interactive Online platform 1 x Answering interactive exercises online platform

4 Creation of Visual and Oral presentations: Interactive 1 x x Using an interactive graphic generator like ‘Canva’
Graphic Platforms Use for cooperative learning and task Use of authentic materials

4 Visual and Oral Presentations developed in the past lesson 1 x Interactive Presentation, Data Presentation, and Cooperative

4 Real Life English Exposure Time 1 x x Music played on online platforms like youtube, Spotify, etc.
Exploration of Sounds and Stress Patterns:
Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

- Listen to different songs together. Identify how words Youtube channel: The life of a teen in the sea
sound and recognize stress patterns.
Finn Whitaker - YouTube
Practicing of Pronunciation with Music:
- Take turns saying words and practicing sounds while One Day in the Coldest Village on Earth −71°C
listening to music. (−95°F) | Yakutia, Siberia

Watching Language Videos with Music: Music from radio stations from the UK:
- Watch interesting YouTube videos as a class. Discuss the Cam FM
words and topics in the videos. Capital
Music from radio stations in the USA:
Noticing Grammar and Vocabulary with Videos: Third Rock Radio
- Watch educational videos together. Have fun while
learning about grammar and vocabulary, and also watch a
YouTuber speaking English in real life.

Listening and Testing Understanding meaning of Songs:

- Listen to songs as a class. Discuss the meaning of the
lyrics and practice understanding. Fill in worksheets related to
the music heard.

Total de Horas de la Unidad # 12

Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

3. Planeación de Actividades de la Unidad de Aprendizaje # 7

Nombre de la unidad de Balance

Objetivo de la unidad de The learning objectives for Unit 7 encompass a diverse range of language skills. In Reading and Speaking (7A), the goal is for students
aprendizaje to comprehend an advice column on time management, recognize how writers substantiate ideas with reasons, and engage in
categorizing ideas based on their utility and importance within the advice column. Moving to Listening and Grammar, Pronunciation,
and Speaking (7B), the objective is for students to understand conversations about plans, practice discussing the future using various
tenses (be going to, present continuous, will), enhance stress patterns in sentences, and articulate plans, arrangements, facts, and

In Vocabulary and Pronunciation, Listening, Grammar, and Speaking (7C), students are expected to utilize words associated with
money, refine pronunciation of the letter 'r,' identify supporting information in a podcast about money, and employ verb patterns with
infinitives or -ing forms while discussing needs, luxuries, and money-saving tips. Speaking (7D) introduces the concept of
understanding how culture influences information processing and encourages practice in communicating with individuals who process
information differently. Finally, in Writing (7E), students are guided to construct an essay outline, think about topics from various
perspectives, and compose a pros and cons essay.

3.1 Tiempo Programado para la Unidad de Aprendizaje # 7

Total hrs. de la unidad Total hrs. teóricas Total hrs. prácticas

12 6 6

3.2 Actividades de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje de la Unidad # 7

Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

Quién Realiza
Semana Descripción de la actividad Duració Estrategias didácticas, materiales y medios educativos a
n Hrs. Profesor Alumno utilizar


5 1 x x Reading for gist

Listening and Grammar - Previsión y análisis de un audio Reading in detail
sobre eventos divertidos, seguido de práctica gramatical. Reading Comprehension Questions
It’s going to be a lot of fun Noticing Vocabulary

5 Vocabulary, listening, pronunciation - Juegos interactivos en 1 x x Role play, interviewing and drilling exercises
línea para reforzar el vocabulario de manera lúdica.

5 A balanced budget 1 x Teach-test-teach

Speaking - Debates en grupos pequeños sobre diferentes Predicting information
métodos de procesamiento de información.

5 Understanding ways of processing information x x

Writing - Redacción de ensayos argumentativos sobre 1 Case scenario solving issues, peer feedback and formative
diversos temas. assessment
Pros and Cons
Authentic listening materials

5 Real Life English Exposure Time 1 x x Music played on online platforms like youtube, Spotify, etc.
Exploration of Sounds and Stress Patterns:
- Listen to different songs together. Identify how words Youtube channel: The life of a teen in the sea
sound and recognize stress patterns.
Finn Whitaker - YouTube
Practicing of Pronunciation with Music:
- Take turns saying words and practicing sounds while One Day in the Coldest Village on Earth −71°C
listening to music. (−95°F) | Yakutia, Siberia
Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

Watching Language Videos with Music: Music from radio stations from the UK:
- Watch interesting YouTube videos as a class. Discuss the Cam FM
words and topics in the videos. Capital
Music from radio stations in the USA:
Noticing Grammar and Vocabulary with Videos: Third Rock Radio
- Watch educational videos together. Have fun while
learning about grammar and vocabulary, and also watch a
YouTuber speaking English in real life.

Listening and Testing Understanding meaning of Songs:

- Listen to songs as a class. Discuss the meaning of the
lyrics and practice understanding. Fill in worksheets related to
the music heard.

6 Writing - Redacción de textos descriptivos sobre la ciudad 1 x x Writing as a process

natal. Drafting
You’re coming to my home town Editing
Peer feedback

6 Spark Platform platform: Interactive Online platform 1 x Answering interactive exercises online platform

6 Readworks Platform platform: Interactive Online platform 1 x Answering interactive exercises online platform

6 Creation of Visual and Oral presentations: Interactive 1 x x Using an interactive graphic generator like ‘Canva’
Graphic Platforms Use for cooperative learning and task Use of authentic materials

6 Visual and Oral Presentations developed in the past lesson 1 x Interactive Presentation, Data Presentation, and Cooperative
Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

6 Real Life English Exposure Time 1 x x Music played on online platforms like youtube, Spotify, etc.
Exploration of Sounds and Stress Patterns:
- Listen to different songs together. Identify how words Youtube channel: The life of a teen in the sea
sound and recognize stress patterns.
Finn Whitaker - YouTube
Practicing of Pronunciation with Music:
- Take turns saying words and practicing sounds while One Day in the Coldest Village on Earth −71°C
listening to music. (−95°F) | Yakutia, Siberia

Watching Language Videos with Music:

- Watch interesting YouTube videos as a class. Discuss the Music from radio stations from the UK:
words and topics in the videos. Cam FM
Noticing Grammar and Vocabulary with Videos: Music from radio stations in the USA:
- Watch educational videos together. Have fun while Third Rock Radio
learning about grammar and vocabulary, and also watch a
YouTuber speaking English in real life.

Listening and Testing Understanding meaning of Songs:

- Listen to songs as a class. Discuss the meaning of the
lyrics and practice understanding. Fill in worksheets related to
the music heard.

Total de Horas de la Unidad # 12

4. Planeación de Actividades de la Unidad de Aprendizaje # 8

Nombre de la unidad de Taking a break

Objetivo de la unidad de The main aim of this thematic unit is to develop the students' reading and speaking skills by focusing on the theme of time off from
Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

aprendizaje work. They will comprehend the concept of contrast through phrases like "However" and "Even though" in an article. Additionally, the
unit aims to enhance their ability to interpret bar charts related to time off and engage in discussions about taking time off work.

In another section, the focus shifts to reading, grammar, pronunciation, and speaking, with the primary objective of understanding a
text about holiday regrets. The unit aims to reinforce the use of the third conditional with modal verbs for expressing imaginary results
of past actions. Furthermore, students will practice aspirated sounds and engage in discussions about their own holiday regrets. The
overall goal is to strengthen language skills within the context of discussing past experiences and regrets related to vacations.

In the subsequent part, the unit concentrates on listening, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and speaking. The primary aim is to
sharpen students' ability to extract specific information from a conversation about holiday advice. They will practice giving advice
using various structures and expressions, learn holiday-related vocabulary, enhance their pronunciation skills, and collaboratively
create a list of top ten travel tips. The overarching objective is to improve their communication skills and expand their vocabulary in
the context of providing and receiving holiday advice.

4.1 Tiempo Programado para la Unidad de Aprendizaje # 8

Total hrs. de la unidad Total hrs. teóricas Total hrs. prácticas

12 6 6

4.3 Actividades de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje de la Unidad # 8

Quién Realiza
Semana Descripción de la actividad Duració Estrategias didácticas, materiales y medios educativos a
n Hrs. Profesor Alumno utilizar

7 Reading and Speaking - Compartir experiencias 1 x x Use of authentic materials, Technology integration in
I really missed good coffee cooperative learning
Debate prompts
Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

7 1 x x Reading for gist

Listening and Grammar - Identificación de información Reading in detail
relevante en un audio sobre ropa innecesaria, seguido de Reading Comprehension Questions
ejercicios gramaticales. Noticing Vocabulary

7 Listening Skills Development: listening test 1 x Listening Test

7 Clothes that we don’t need 1 x x Role play, interviewing and drilling exercises
Vocabulary, listening, pronunciation - Exploración de
vocabulario relacionado con alimentos esenciales y
práctica de pronunciación.

7 Food that you can’t live without 1 x Diagnostic test

Speaking interviews
Giving and receiving feedback

7 Real Life English Exposure Time 1 x x Music played on online platforms like youtube, Spotify, etc.
Exploration of Sounds and Stress Patterns:
- Listen to different songs together. Identify how words Youtube channel: The life of a teen in the sea
sound and recognize stress patterns.
Finn Whitaker - YouTube
Practicing of Pronunciation with Music:
- Take turns saying words and practicing sounds while
listening to music. One Day in the Coldest Village on Earth −71°C
(−95°F) | Yakutia, Siberia
Watching Language Videos with Music:
- Watch interesting YouTube videos as a class. Discuss the Music from radio stations from the UK:
words and topics in the videos. Cam FM
Noticing Grammar and Vocabulary with Videos: Music from radio stations in the USA:
- Watch educational videos together. Have fun while Third Rock Radio
learning about grammar and vocabulary, and also watch a
Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

YouTuber speaking English in real life.

Listening and Testing Understanding meaning of Songs:

- Listen to songs as a class. Discuss the meaning of the
lyrics and practice understanding. Fill in worksheets related to
the music heard.

8 Writing - Redacción de textos descriptivos sobre la ciudad 1 x x Jazz Chants, Intonation drilling
You’re coming to my home town

8 Spark Platform platform: Interactive Online platform 1 x Answering interactive exercises online platform

8 Readworks Platform platform: Interactive Online platform 1 x Answering interactive exercises online platform

8 Creation of Visual and Oral presentations: Interactive 1 x x Using an interactive graphic generator like ‘Canva’
Graphic Platforms Use for cooperative learning and task Use of authentic materials

8 Visual and Oral Presentations developed in the past lesson 1 x Interactive Presentation, Data Presentation, and Cooperative

8 Real Life English Exposure Time 1 x x Music played on online platforms like youtube, Spotify, etc.
Exploration of Sounds and Stress Patterns:
- Listen to different songs together. Identify how words Youtube channel: The life of a teen in the sea
sound and recognize stress patterns.
Finn Whitaker - YouTube
Practicing of Pronunciation with Music:
- Take turns saying words and practicing sounds while One Day in the Coldest Village on Earth −71°C
listening to music. (−95°F) | Yakutia, Siberia
Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

Watching Language Videos with Music: Music from radio stations from the UK:
- Watch interesting YouTube videos as a class. Discuss the Cam FM
words and topics in the videos. Capital
Music from radio stations in the USA:
Noticing Grammar and Vocabulary with Videos: Third Rock Radio
- Watch educational videos together. Have fun while
learning about grammar and vocabulary, and also watch a
YouTuber speaking English in real life.

Listening and Testing Understanding meaning of Songs:

- Listen to songs as a class. Discuss the meaning of the
lyrics and practice understanding. Fill in worksheets related to
the music heard.

Total de Horas de la Unidad # 12

5. Planeación de Actividades de la Unidad de Aprendizaje # 9

Nombre de la unidad de Essentials
Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

Objetivo de la unidad de
aprendizaje In this thematic unit, the main goal is to help high school students at English as a Second Language level B1 develop proficiency in a
range of language skills. Students will learn to construct and use third conditional sentences, give advice in holiday contexts, and
pronounce aspirated /p/, /t/, and /k/ sounds accurately. Additionally, they will practice articulating consonant groups with short vowels
for clear communication.

The unit also focuses on reading and analyzing an article about taking time off from work, developing skills in understanding contrast
in written texts, and engaging in conversations about holiday advice. Students will refine their ability to listen for specific information,
compose effective emails of complaint, and handle unexpected behaviors in both written and spoken communication. Practical
application is emphasized, with students applying the learned principles to write emails of complaint in response to specific scenarios.
Overall, the purpose of the unit is to equip students with the language skills needed for effective communication in diverse real-life
situations, preparing them for both academic and practical language use.

5.1 Tiempo Programado para la Unidad de Aprendizaje # 9

Total hrs. de la unidad Total hrs. teóricas Total hrs. prácticas

12 6 6

5.2 Actividades de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje de la Unidad # 9

Quién Realiza
Semana Descripción de la actividad Duració Estrategias didácticas, materiales y medios educativos a
n Hrs. Profesor Alumno utilizar
Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura


9 1 x x Reading for gist

Listening and Grammar - Identificación de información Reading in detail
relevante en un audio sobre ropa innecesaria, seguido de Reading Comprehension Questions
ejercicios gramaticales. Noticing Vocabulary

9 Listening Skills Development: listening test 1 x Listening Test

9 Clothes that we don’t need 1 x x Role play, interviewing and drilling exercises
Vocabulary, listening, pronunciation - Exploración de
vocabulario relacionado con alimentos esenciales y
práctica de pronunciación.

9 Food that you can’t live without 1 x Diagnostic test

Speaking interviews

9 Real Life English Exposure Time 1 x x Music played on online platforms like youtube, Spotify, etc.
Exploration of Sounds and Stress Patterns:
- Listen to different songs together. Identify how words Youtube channel: The life of a teen in the sea
sound and recognize stress patterns.
Finn Whitaker - YouTube
Practicing of Pronunciation with Music:
- Take turns saying words and practicing sounds while One Day in the Coldest Village on Earth −71°C
listening to music. (−95°F) | Yakutia, Siberia

Watching Language Videos with Music: Music from radio stations from the UK:
- Watch interesting YouTube videos as a class. Discuss the Cam FM
words and topics in the videos. Capital
Music from radio stations in the USA:
Noticing Grammar and Vocabulary with Videos: Third Rock Radio
Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

- Watch educational videos together. Have fun while

learning about grammar and vocabulary, and also watch a
YouTuber speaking English in real life.

Listening and Testing Understanding meaning of Songs:

- Listen to songs as a class. Discuss the meaning of the
lyrics and practice understanding. Fill in worksheets related to
the music heard.

10 Writing - Redacción de textos descriptivos sobre la ciudad 1 x x Writing as a process

natal. Brainstorming
You’re coming to my home town Drafting
Final editon

10 Spark Platform platform: Interactive Online platform 1 x Answering interactive exercises online platform

10 Readworks Platform platform: Interactive Online platform 1 x Answering interactive exercises online platform

10 Creation of Visual and Oral presentations: Interactive 1 x x Using an interactive graphic generator like ‘Canva’
Graphic Platforms Use for cooperative learning and task Use of authentic materials

10 Visual and Oral Presentations developed in the past lesson 1 x x Interactive Presentation, Data Presentation, and Cooperative

10 Real Life English Exposure Time 1 x x Music played on online platforms like youtube, Spotify, etc.
Exploration of Sounds and Stress Patterns:
- Listen to different songs together. Identify how words Youtube channel: The life of a teen in the sea
sound and recognize stress patterns.
Finn Whitaker - YouTube
Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

Practicing of Pronunciation with Music:

- Take turns saying words and practicing sounds while One Day in the Coldest Village on Earth −71°C
listening to music. (−95°F) | Yakutia, Siberia

Watching Language Videos with Music: Music from radio stations from the UK:
- Watch interesting YouTube videos as a class. Discuss the Cam FM
words and topics in the videos. Capital
Music from radio stations in the USA:
Noticing Grammar and Vocabulary with Videos: Third Rock Radio
- Watch educational videos together. Have fun while
learning about grammar and vocabulary, and also watch a
YouTuber speaking English in real life.

Listening and Testing Understanding meaning of Songs:

- Listen to songs as a class. Discuss the meaning of the
lyrics and practice understanding. Fill in worksheets related to
the music heard.

Total de Horas de la Unidad # 12

6. Planeación de Actividades de la Unidad de Aprendizaje # 10

Nombre de la unidad de The senses

Objetivo de la unidad de •The overarching learning objective of this thematic unit is to develop a multifaceted set of language skills in students, centered around
aprendizaje the theme of senses and technology. In the reading component, students are tasked with mastering the art of paraphrasing to articulate
Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

ideas about senses in their own words. Additionally, they practice interpreting diagrams, enhancing their visual literacy.

Moving on to speaking, the focus shifts to discussing experiments illustrating synaesthesia, fostering both oral communication and
understanding of sensory phenomena. The listening and grammar aspect introduces passive voice in the context of a talk about
language and color, providing students with practical usage skills. Pronunciation activities address individual challenges, allowing
students to identify and work on sounds that pose difficulty.

The vocabulary section emphasizes learning technology- and senses-related terms, expanding students' lexical range. Collaborative
listening takes center stage in another listening objective, requiring students to share notes after listening to a talk about the internet
and senses. Grammar practice involves making predictions using modal verbs and that clauses, cultivating nuanced expression of
likelihood and possibility. Pronunciation self-reflection is encouraged, and the unit culminates in speaking tasks where students make
predictions about various topics, integrating all the acquired skills seamlessly.

6.1 Tiempo Programado para la Unidad de Aprendizaje # 10

Total hrs. de la unidad Total hrs. teóricas Total hrs. prácticas

12 6 6

6.2 Actividades de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje de la Unidad # 10

Quién Realiza
Semana Descripción de la actividad Duració Estrategias didácticas, materiales y medios educativos a
n Hrs. Profesor Alumno utilizar

11 Reading and Speaking 1 x x Vocabulary Building

Most tastes of toast - Discusiones en grupos sobre lecturas Chunking text
asignadas Online resources like Cambridge Dictionary or
Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

11 1 x x Pre Listening activities

Listening and Grammar - Predicting and answering a While listening testing
listening task Post listening tasks
Seeing blue - Reading in pairs

11 Vocabulary, listening, pronunciation - 1 x x Ejercicios en plataforma interactiva de repaso

The internet of senses -Listening exercises

11 Speaking - Telling stories 1 x x Speaking circles

Total Class Oral presentations
Peer feedback

11 Writing - Writing stories 1 x x Process Writing

Final edition

11 Real Life English Exposure Time 1 x x Music played on online platforms like youtube, Spotify, etc.
Exploration of Sounds and Stress Patterns:
- Listen to different songs together. Identify how words Youtube channel: The life of a teen in the sea
sound and recognize stress patterns.
Finn Whitaker - YouTube
Practicing of Pronunciation with Music:
- Take turns saying words and practicing sounds while
listening to music.
One Day in the Coldest Village on Earth −71°C
Watching Language Videos with Music: (−95°F) | Yakutia, Siberia
- Watch interesting YouTube videos as a class. Discuss the
words and topics in the videos. Music from radio stations from the UK:
Cam FM
Noticing Grammar and Vocabulary with Videos: Capital
- Watch educational videos together. Have fun while Music from radio stations in the USA:
learning about grammar and vocabulary, and also watch a Third Rock Radio
YouTuber speaking English in real life.
Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

Listening and Testing Understanding meaning of Songs:

- Listen to songs as a class. Discuss the meaning of the
lyrics and practice understanding. Fill in worksheets related
to the music heard.

12 Spark Platform platform: Interactive Online platform 1 x Answering interactive exercises online platform

12 Readworks Platform platform: Interactive Online platform 1 x Answering interactive exercises online platform

12 Creation of Visual and Oral presentations: Interactive 1 x x Using an interactive graphic generator like ‘Canva’
Graphic Platforms Use for cooperative learning and task Use of authentic materials

12 Visual and Oral Presentations developed in the past lesson 1 x x Interactive Presentation, Data Presentation, and Cooperative

12 Real Life English Exposure Time 1 x x Music played on online platforms like youtube, Spotify, etc.
Exploration of Sounds and Stress Patterns:
- Listen to different songs together. Identify how words Youtube channel: The life of a teen in the sea
sound and recognize stress patterns.
Finn Whitaker - YouTube
Practicing of Pronunciation with Music: One Day in the Coldest Village on Earth −71°C
- Take turns saying words and practicing sounds while (−95°F) | Yakutia, Siberia
listening to music.

Watching Language Videos with Music:

- Watch interesting YouTube videos as a class. Discuss the
words and topics in the videos. Music from radio stations from the UK:
Cam FM
Noticing Grammar and Vocabulary with Videos: Capital
- Watch educational videos together. Have fun while Music from radio stations in the USA:
Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

learning about grammar and vocabulary, and also watch a Third Rock Radio
YouTuber speaking English in real life.

Listening and Testing Understanding meaning of Songs:

- Listen to songs as a class. Discuss the meaning of the
lyrics and practice understanding. Fill in worksheets related
to the music heard.

Total de Horas de la Unidad # 12

7. Planeación de Actividades de la Unidad de Aprendizaje # 11 General Review

Nombre de la unidad de General Review of al Units

Objetivo de la unidad de
aprendizaje At the culmination of this thematic unit centered around the "Voices Intermediate English B1" book by National Geographic, students
will reap the rewards of a comprehensive review. The overarching goal is to fortify and deepen their grasp of vocabulary, grammar,
speaking, writing, reading, listening, and cultural themes explored across the ten units. Through this extensive revisiting, students will
be prompted to synthesize and apply their language skills cohesively, fostering a more holistic understanding of the English language.

Moreover, the units review will provide an opportune moment to deliberate and implement the artistic and cultural topics woven
throughout the course within broader contexts. As students reflect on their progress and acknowledge the strides taken, a heightened
sense of confidence in their English language capabilities will emerge, instigating a drive to further refine their linguistic proficiency.
In essence, this thematic unit aspires to be an invaluable instrument for consolidating learning, reflecting on progress, and equipping
students for forthcoming linguistic challenges.
Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

7.1 Tiempo Programado para la Unidad de Aprendizaje # General Review 11

Total hrs. de la unidad Total hrs. teóricas Total hrs. prácticas

12 6 6

7.2 Actividades de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje de la Unidad # General Review 11

Quién Realiza
Semana Descripción de la actividad Duració Estrategias didácticas, materiales y medios educativos a
n Hrs. Profesor Alumno utilizar

13 Reflection on the thematic units 1 x x Activity: Reflective discussion groups using a reflective
Students write about their experiences, challenges, and
successes, and then share their reflections with their

13 Vocabulary Recap 1 x x Discussion groups incorporating gamification strategies

Vocabulary games such as vocabulary bingo or
vocabulary charades, to make the review engaging and

13 Creative Writing Showcase. 1 x x Creative writing exhibition and discussion groups with a
Students provide constructive feedback to their peers, peer-review component.
fostering a collaborative and supportive writing community

13 Pronunciation Auction 1 x x Pronunciation challenge and discussion groups with a

Play a game in which students work together to address pronunciation clinic
common pronunciation challenges and receive targeted
feedback from the instructor.
Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

13 Reading Marathon 1 x x Reading marathon and discussion groups incorporating a

Review key reading comprehension strategies. reciprocal teaching strategy.
Students take turns leading discussions, summarizing,
questioning, clarifying, and predicting as they revisit texts

13 Real Life English Exposure Time 1 x x Music played on online platforms like youtube, Spotify, etc.
Exploration of Sounds and Stress Patterns:
- Listen to different songs together. Identify how words Youtube channel: The life of a teen in the sea
sound and recognize stress patterns.
Finn Whitaker - YouTube
Practicing of Pronunciation with Music:
- Take turns saying words and practicing sounds while
listening to music.
One Day in the Coldest Village on Earth −71°C
Watching Language Videos with Music: (−95°F) | Yakutia, Siberia
- Watch interesting YouTube videos as a class. Discuss the
words and topics in the videos. Music from radio stations from the UK:
Cam FM
Noticing Grammar and Vocabulary with Videos: Capital
- Watch educational videos together. Have fun while Music from radio stations in the USA:
learning about grammar and vocabulary, and also watch a Third Rock Radio
YouTuber speaking English in real life.

Listening and Testing Understanding meaning of Songs:

- Listen to songs as a class. Discuss the meaning of the
lyrics and practice understanding. Fill in worksheets related
to the music heard.

14 Debate Extravaganza 1 x x Debate extravaganza and discussion groups using a

Students prepare arguments, engage in debates, and then structured debate format.
reflect on their persuasive strategies within their teams

14 Cultural Fair 1 x x Cooperative learning

Students research about a culture they learn about in the book IT skills
Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

and create an oral and visual presentation. Creating a script

14 Grammar Auction Game 1 x x Gamification Strategies for grammar review

Students play a simulation game of an auction of grammar
sentences from al the units in the book

14 Reading comprehension testing playing a 1 x x Gamification Strategies for reading comprehension review
a Digital Game in teams
about how to defuse a bomb

14 Real Life English Exposure Time 1 x x Music played on online platforms like youtube, Spotify, etc.
Exploration of Sounds and Stress Patterns:
- Listen to different songs together. Identify how words Youtube channel: The life of a teen in the sea
sound and recognize stress patterns.
Finn Whitaker - YouTube
Practicing of Pronunciation with Music:
- Take turns saying words and practicing sounds while Music from radio stations from the UK:
listening to music. Cam FM
Watching Language Videos with Music: Music from radio stations in the USA:
- Watch interesting YouTube videos as a class. Discuss the Third Rock Radio
words and topics in the videos.

Noticing Grammar and Vocabulary with Videos:

- Watch educational videos together. Have fun while
learning about grammar and vocabulary, and also watch a
YouTuber speaking English in real life.

Listening and Testing Understanding meaning of Songs:

- Listen to songs as a class. Discuss the meaning of the
lyrics and practice understanding. Fill in worksheets related
to the music heard.
Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

Total de Horas de la Unidad # 12

8. Planeación de Actividades de la Unidad de Aprendizaje # Speaking and ludic activities 12

Nombre de la unidad de Learning through games

Objetivo de la unidad de By the end of this thematic unit, students will have engaged in a dynamic and interactive exploration of language skills through a
aprendizaje series of ludic speaking, listening, reading, and writing activities. The overarching aim is to foster a multi-faceted language proficiency
that goes beyond traditional classroom approaches. Through these activities, students will not only strengthen core language
competencies but also cultivate creativity, collaboration, and effective communication.

Throughout the unit, the activities have been meticulously designed to cater to various learning styles and preferences, ensuring an
inclusive and enjoyable learning environment. The learning aim is to equip students with a well-rounded skill set that includes
heightened speaking fluency, active listening, improved reading comprehension, and expressive writing capabilities. Additionally, the
unit seeks to instill a love for language learning by infusing playfulness and excitement into the learning process.

The unit's emphasis on ludic activities serves to create a dynamic and engaging language-learning journey. From storytelling relays to
reading scavenger hunts and comic strip creations, each activity contributes uniquely to the students' linguistic development while
providing them with opportunities to apply language skills in real-life scenarios. The overarching goal is not only to enhance language
proficiency but also to nurture a positive and enthusiastic attitude towards language learning.

8.1 Tiempo Programado para la Unidad de Aprendizaje # Speaking and ludic activities 12
Total hrs. de la unidad Total hrs. teóricas Total hrs. prácticas

12 6 6

8.2 Actividades de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje de la Unidad # Speaking and ludic activities 12

Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

Quién Realiza
Semana Descripción de la actividad Duració Estrategias didácticas, materiales y medios educativos a
n Hrs. Profesor Alumno utilizar

15 Charades Challenge (Speaking and Listening) 1 x x Promoting verbal and non-verbal communication.

Students play a Charades game where students act out

vocabulary words or phrases related to the course content.
Others guess the word or phrase,

15 Storytelling Relay (Speaking and Listening) 1 x x Collaborative story building

Storytelling relay where each student contributes a sentence
to build a story. The relay format keeps the pace lively,
encouraging creativity and collaboration.

15 Reading Scavenger Hunt (Reading) 1 x x Reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.
Reading scavenger hunt where students search for specific
information within texts from the course. This activity
promotes active reading and comprehension.

15 Dictation Dazzle (Listening and Writing) 1 x x Listening accuracy and writing skills.
Dictation game where students listen to short sentences or
phrases and write them down. The game format adds an
element of excitement while practicing listening and writing.

15 Mystery Box Writing (Writing) 1 x x Stimulate creativity and descriptive writing skills.
Mystery box writing where students touch and feel objects
in a concealed box, then write detailed descriptions. This
activity engages the senses and boosts descriptive writing.

15 Music: phonological work on lyrics by various popular 2 x x Authentic listening material: music by popular artists
artists phonological and semantic analysis
And Youtube channel watching -integrating grammar and Worksheets with half answered exercises to be completed
vocabulary with receptive and productive skills - Watching real life English videos
Filling in worksheets and Class discussion
Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

16 Speaking and listening 1 x x Speed Debates

Develop quick thinking and persuasion skills. Prompt for debate’s topics
Speed debates where students engage in brief, timed Support from teacher as moderator
debates on various topics. This activity encourages Reflection and critical thinking processes for defining a
on-the-spot speaking and active listening. winning argument


16 Word Association Challenge (Speaking and Listening) 1 x x Quick thinking and verbal association.
Enhance vocabulary and speaking fluidity. Ludic activities that lead to vocabulary practice
Word association challenge where students take turns saying
a word related to the previous one.

16 Comic Strip Creation (Writing and Speaking) 1 x x Combine writing and speaking skills through visual
Comic strip creation where students write and illustrate storytelling.
short stories. They then present their comics to the class,
combining writing and speaking in a creative format.

16 Language Bingo Bonanza (Listening and Speaking) 1 x x Reinforce listening skills and encourage spontaneous
Play Language bingo bonanza where students fill in bingo speaking
cards with words or phrases they hear during a teacher-led
discussion or short listening activity. This activity promotes
attentive listening and immediate speaking responses.

16 Music: phonological work on lyrics by various popular 2 x x Authentic listening material: music by popular artists
artists phonological and semantic analysis
And Youtube channel watching -integrating grammar and Worksheets with half answered exercises to be completed
vocabulary with receptive and productive skills - Watching real life English videos
Filling in worksheets and Class discussion

Total de Horas de la Unidad # 12

9. Planeación de Actividades de la Unidad de Aprendizaje # END OF SEMESTER MULTIMEDIA ACTIVITIES 13

Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

Objetivo de la unidad de Objective for Watching a Film in an ESL Class:

By the end of this film-watching session, students will develop enhanced listening and comprehension skills in English through visual
and auditory stimuli. The objective is to expose students to authentic language use, diverse accents, and colloquial expressions present
in the film. Additionally, students will engage in post-viewing discussions to practice articulating their thoughts, opinions, and
observations in English, fostering both speaking and critical thinking skills. This activity aims to create a dynamic and immersive
language-learning experience, allowing students to apply language skills in a context-rich environment.

Objective for Final Reflection of a 6-Month ESL Course:

Upon completion of this 6-month ESL course, students will have achieved a comprehensive and integrated set of language skills,
including speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The overarching objective for the final reflection is to encourage students to
critically assess their language proficiency growth, identifying areas of improvement and strengths. Students will articulate personal
and academic achievements, reflecting on their evolving linguistic capabilities and cultural awareness. Through this reflective process,
the aim is to instill a sense of accomplishment, self-awareness, and motivation for continued language development beyond the course.

9.1 Tiempo Programado para la Unidad de Aprendizaje # END OF SEMESTER MULTIMEDIA ACTIVITIES 13
Total hrs. de la unidad Total hrs. teóricas Total hrs. prácticas

6 3 3

9.2 Actividades de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje de la Unidad # END OF SEMESTER MULTIMEDIA ACTIVITIES 13

Quién Realiza
Semana Descripción de la actividad Duració Estrategias didácticas, materiales y medios educativos a
n Hrs. Profesor Alumno utilizar

17 Film Watching 2 x x Projection of a film

Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

17 Speaking and listening 1 x x Summarizing skills

Analyzing the film in class discussion Worksheets with half answers and statements
Critical thinking skills development by fostering reflection

17 Reading and Writing 1 x x Diagram and visual information used to convey ideas
Creating an infographic about the film watched

17 Final course reflection 1 x Reflection opportunities for continuous improvement


17 Music discussion and karaoke 1 x x Music appreciation

Students listen to music, sing and reflect on their favorite

Total de Horas de la Unidad # 6

Proceso de Evaluación de la Asignatura

Tipo de Evaluación Portafolio Instrumento de Evaluación
Semana Unidad Producto de Aprendizaje de Criterios de Ponderación
Formativa Sumativa Evidencias* Evaluación
Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

1-5 5, 6 CLASSWORK 50 % X X X Comprehen COURSEBOOK 5 OF 10




1-5 5, 6 X X X Rubric for PARTICIPATION IN 1 DE 10

Times per



6-8 6, 8 CLASSWORK 50 % X X X Comprehen COURSEBOOK 5 OF 10



Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura

6-8 6, 8 X X X Rubric for PARTICIPATION IN 1 DE 10

Times per



9-17 8, 10 CLASSWORK 50 % X X X Comprehen COURSEBOOK 5 OF 10




9-17 8, 10 X X X Rubric for PARTICIPATION IN 1 DE 10

Times per


Planeación Didáctica de Asignatura


● Seleccionar y señalar los productos de aprendizaje que una vez evaluados el alumno deberá generar un portafolio de esos productos para evidenciar los 10
aprendizajes logrados, los cuales servirán de referencia para posteriores evaluaciones.

Develop your voice in English. (2021, September 20). NGL Sites.

Spark Online Platform. (n.d.). Retrieved December 14, 2023, from

Voices intermediate: Student’s book. (2021). Cengage ELT BRE.

Voices intermediate: Teacher’s book. (2022). Cengage ELT BRE.

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