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APRIL 10, 2023
1. Lamarck is to "Inheritance of Acquired
Characteristics" as Darwin is to _____
A. divergence of related species
B. homologous structures
C. evolution by natural selection
D. speciation by common descent
2. Which of the following is NOT a component of
the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection?
A. competition for food and space
B. variation among species
C. inheritance of acquired
D. survival and reproduction
3. What does "Survival Of the Fittest" mean?

A. The best adapted organisms

B. The biggest organisms
C. The fastest organisms
D. The smartest organisms
4. Darwin wasn't the first scientist to come up with a theory
of evolution. Which scientific predecessor of Darwin argued
that an organism can pass on beneficial characteristics it
acquires during its lifetime to its offspring?

A. Charles Lyell
B. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
C. Georges Cuvier
D. Joseph Dalton Hooker
5. The finches on the Galapagos island were similar
in form except for variations of their beaks. Darwin
observed that these variations were useful for:

A. attracting a mate
B. defending territory
C. building nests
D. gathering food
6. According to Darwin's theory of natural selection,
individuals who survive are the ones best adapted
for their environment.Their survival is due to the?
A. Possession of inherited adaptations that
maximize fitness
B. Competing with other species
C. Adaptation to their habitat
D. Dawin's theory of natural selection
7. During the Industrial Revolution in Britain, many new
factories were built which released dark clouds of smoke into
the air. Dark gray moths survived attacks by birds more often
than their light gray neighbors. Over time, light gray moths
disappeared from the area.This change in population is an
example of:
A. Selective breeding
B. Natural selection
C. Genetic engineering
D. Cloning
8. There is a slow growth and accumulation of coral
and algal material that over time can build a great
barrier reef. Who developed the theory of evolution
that depicts the situation given?

A. Thomas Maltus
B. James Hutton and Charles Lyell
C. Georges De Buffon
D. Carolus Linnaeus
9. It is believed that the ancestors of birds such as Ostrich were able
to fly. Due to some environmental changes, they had a lot of food
and were well protected. They stopped using their wings and as a
result, the wings became vestigial. What theory of evolution
depicts the situation above?

A. Theory of Need
B. Theory of Use and Disuse
C. Theory of Acquired Characteristics
D. Theory of Natural Selection
10. Rat snakes come in a wide variety of colors, from yellow striped to
black to orange to greenish and are subjected to all types of weather
and terrain. Rat snakes are common in urban areas, but they can also
be found in wooded areas, mountains or coastal regions which they
have to adapt to their local environments in an effort to avoid
detection and hunt more effectively. What theory of evolution depicts
the situation above?
A. Natural Selection
B. Genetic Engineering
C. Speciation
D. Cloning
11. The Earth has been shaped by sudden, often
unpredicted, events that are short-lived but impactful.
Such events are seen responsible for mass extinctions and
other processes. Who developed the theory of evolution
that depicts the situation given?
A. Carolus Linnaeus
B. Georges De Buffon
C. Thomas Maltus
D. Georges Cuvier
12. The universe resembles a large and well-regulated
family, in which all the officers and servants, and even
the domestic animals, are subservient to each other in a
proper subordination; each enjoys the privilege and
perquisites peculiar to his place, and at the same time
contributes, by that just subordination, to the
magnificence and happiness of the whole. What theory
of evolution depicts the situation above?
A. Theory of Need
B. Theory of Acquired Characteristics
C. Uniformitarianism
D. Scala Naturae
13. The deposition of silt from annual floods over millions
of years can build a great river delta complex. What
theory of evolution depicts the situation above?

A. Scala Naturae
B. Theory of Need
C. Uniformitarianism
D. Catastrophism
14. Which of the following could NOT be considered
an example of evolution?
A. The fossil record suggests that the ancestors of whales once walked on
B. The common garter snake has developed a very high level of resistance to
a toxin produced by one of its favorite prey, the rough-skinned newt
C. Galapagos finches have different shaped beaks depending on what island
they're from
D. Pregnant women who survived the Dutch famine of 1944 gave birth to
smaller than normal babies
15. The wings of insects and birds, both perform the same function,
taking a flight, however, structurally they are not similar. The
wings of the birds are structurally similar to human hands
compared to the wings of insects. Who influenced Charles Darwin
from this situation?

A. Thomas Maltus
B. Georges Cuvier
C. Georges De Buffon
D. Jean Baptiste Lamarck

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