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Subject: Application for the Position of Head of SPUN

I am writing to express my enthusiastic interest in the Head of SPUN position at Welspun India Limited,
as discussed. Having recently learned about the opportunity, I am compelled to apply due to my
profound passion for craft and art, coupled with a rich background in the industry.

Although I was always inclined towards sustainability and traditional heritage, my journey into the world
of crafts and arts peaked during my tenure at Fabindia, where I had the privilege of being immersed in
the rich tapestry of India's diverse cultural heritage. Working closely with artisans and craftsmen from
various regions, I gained a profound understanding and appreciation for the intricacies and beauty of
traditional Indian crafts. This experience not only deepened my connection to our cultural roots but also
fuelled my passion for preserving and promoting these invaluable art forms.

The exposure to a myriad of crafts at Fabindia profoundly impacted me, fostering a genuine commitment
to the preservation and promotion of traditional art. Witnessing the dedication and skill of artisans
ignited a desire to contribute actively to the sustenance of these crafts. My time at Fabindia and
subsequently at my own food venture equipped me with a unique perspective on the intersection of art,
culture, traditions and commerce, laying the foundation for my aspiration to lead initiatives that
celebrate craftsmanship while ensuring business success.

Welspun's SPUN represents an exciting opportunity for me to continue this journey. I am particularly
drawn to Welspun's commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability as showcased in the catalogue
and the business plan. I am confident that my passion for craft, coupled with my professional experience,
can contribute significantly to the success of SPUN.

In my previous roles, I successfully led teams in aligning business strategies with core values. As Head of
SPUN, I envision leveraging my experience to ensure that the division not only adheres to its
fundamental values but also flourishes as a successful business entity. My track record includes driving
initiatives that foster collaboration between artisans and commercial success, resulting in mutually
beneficial outcomes for both parties.

I am excited about the prospect of bringing my passion, skills, and experiences to Welspun's SPUN
division. I am confident that my unique blend of a deep appreciation for art, coupled with strategic
business acumen, positions me as an ideal candidate for this role.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing how my vision
aligns with the goals of Welspun and how, together, we can contribute to the continued success of SPUN.

I am attaching my CV for your kind perusal. Thank you!


Saurabh Naithani

+91 9999657907

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