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Interview Questions:

The interview is (semi)open-end, questions can be followed by follow-ups or some questions

can be retreated depending on the interviewee answers.

Section 1: Social media use, connection of online and offline (hybridity):

1. Let’s start with your social media use. Can you tell me a bit about how you use social
media, more specifically Twitter, what you are communicating and with whom?
2. Would you say that you use social media, more specifically Twitter, politically/for
political purposes?
3. Do you think your social media use looks different depending on what you
communicate and with whom? Do you have this separation as political or public
communication vs personal? -> Depending on timing
4. What is your expectation from using social media? As I said before, I came across
some of your tweets while looking at usage of activist hashtags. Do you describe
your social media use as a form of activism?
5. Do you join protests or demonstrations on the street or offline? What kind of issues are
the protests about, if you do?
6. Do you talk about these protests on social media? How do you see the connection
between your social media communication and offline engagement?

Section 2: Issue space, offline and online.

In case, they answer some of the questions above positively (yes, I join protests. I promote my
cause on social media. Etc.) the follow-up question will be:

7. How do you decide what you want to engage in among tens of issues/grievances?

8. Why do you think, these issues interest you more than others?

9. Do you see problems you’re protesting or solutions you’re suggesting as somehow

connected or separate problems and spheres? -> From this we can move to tweets
where connections are obviously made, which can help contrasting what they have in
mind and what we see.
Section 3: Online connections, scale shift
Now, I want to show some of your tweets that I’ve come across during my research.
10. Can you tell me a bit about this tweet? What was your aim in posting this, if you
remember? Why do you think …. is an important place/problem to talk about?
11. But you also made this connection between … and … Can you tell a bit more about
12. I want to show you two maps: First, I would like you to, mark the places that you
consider important for your life trajectory, in any ways, related to your family history,
your own engagements, by any means places that you consider important for being
who you are. Can you talk about why these places are important for you?

13. On the second map, I would like you to mark places that are crucial for and in your
activism. And I would like to talk about why and how a bit. What you can also do, if
you want, is that you can draw connections between them, if you see any. And then
maybe tell me what kind of connections you see.

Lastly, I am wondering if you can tell me, which issues, problems, grievances these
places are related to. So, basically, if any connection between separate sites and
between sites and issues.

Section 4: Discussion the results

I want to also talk to you about my own research. You know, I told you, I got in touch with
you because your tweets appeared for the research, I do on how people connect issues and
places on social media. I was starting with the Hambach Forest, which hosted several protests
and forest occupation between 2018-2020 and looked at the other protest movements people
related to Hambach or to each other. One of the things I found surprising is that since I started
from Germany, many other movements were also in Germany. Also, most of them were
environmental protest. Although there were many other issues and places emerged, too, one
might somehow expect different results because we tend to think social media connect people
across border.
14. I guess, my question is first, what do you think of these results? Are they in line with
your own observations as an activist and a social media user?

Thank you so much for your time, and this very interesting, thought-provoking interview. Is
there any thing you’d like to add?

I would like to make a payment for your time, in the form of a gift card. I can send it to you
via email if that is ok. Thank you again for your time!

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