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Surviving the Quakes: Learners' Experiences in Maharlika National High School

The recent spate of earthquakes that shook some parts of Mindanao has reminded
us of the constant threat of natural disasters in our lives. As the ground rumbled and the
buildings swayed, many people felt fear, panic, and uncertainty. Among them were the
learners of Maharlika National High School who were studying in the 2nd floor of their
building when the quakes occurred. Here are some of their stories:
Janelle, Grade 10: "At first, I thought it was just a drill or a prank, but then I felt
the floor shaking and heard the walls creaking. My classmates and I looked at each other
and realized it was an earthquake. Some of us screamed and ran to the door, but our
teacher told us to stay put and cover our heads. We huddled under the chairs and held
hands, praying that the shaking would stop soon. It felt like forever, but it was only a
minute or so. When it was over, we felt relieved but also scared. We didn't know if there
would be aftershocks or if the building was safe."
Mark, Grade 9: "I was in the comfort room when the quake struck. I heard some of
my classmates shouting outside. I quickly finished my business and went out to see
what was happening. That's when I saw one of my classmates was picked up by the
Bislig 911 and brought to the hospital. I panicked and cried because of fear that might
happen to her. I learned that you should never take your safety for granted, even in
familiar places like your school."
These are just some of the experiences of the learners who faced the earthquakes
in Maharlika National High School. Despite the different reactions and outcomes, they all
share a common lesson: that disasters can happen anytime and anywhere, and that we
should be prepared, vigilant, and resilient. As students, they also realize the importance
of education in helping them understand the causes and effects of earthquakes, as well
as the preventive measures and emergency responses. As citizens, they hope that their
school and their community will also prioritize safety and disaster preparedness, and
that the government will provide adequate resources and support for such initiatives.
The quakes may have shaken the learners' confidence and sense of security, but
they also showed their strength and adaptability. They continue to attend their classes
and pursue their dreams, with a deeper appreciation for life and a stronger resolve to
face the challenges ahead. As one student said, "The earth may tremble, but our spirit
won't crumble”

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