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Unit 9, p.90.

Additional exercises

These words/word families/collocations are taken from pg.90 from your textbook. Your task is to match the
words with their definitions.

Foreign Consumer goods Labour force Mass production To cut prices

Free –market economy Industrialised economy Rapid Contract Forecast

Growth Management skills Income Property development To be in favour of

Goods things you buy for personal or home use, such as food and clothing
Consumer someone who buys and uses goods and services
Contract a written legal agreement between two people or businesses
Low – income countries countries that are poor and do not have much industrial development
Forecast a statement about what is likely to happen, based on available information
Foreign from another country, or in another country
Free – market economy a market economy in which the prices for goods and services are
determined by the open market and are not controlled by a government
Growth an increase in the number, size, or importance of something
Income money that someone gets from working or from investing money
Industrialised economy an economy that involves the extensive re-organisation of an economy for
the purpose of manufacturing.
Labour force all the people who work in a particular industry or country
Menagement skills the ability to interact and motivate, to understand concepts, develop ideas
and implement strategies
Mass production the process of producing large quantities of goods by using machines
Property development the business of buying land and buildings and then making improvements to
them so that their selling price exceeds the price paid for them
Rapid happening, moving, or acting quickly
To be in favour of supporting a person or an idea, proposal etc. that you believe is right
To cut prices to reduce the price of a good or service

1. It’s a good time to buy a new car, beacuse it is a big competition on the market, so companies have to
cut their prices.
2. Yes, people spend more money nowadays, because they have possibility to buy everything on credit.
3. No, employment has risen, according to bussines headlines.
4. Finance minister forecasts 2% growth in economy, so it is good.
5. Production has stopeed, because of the strike.
a. Invest
b. Forecast
c. Industrialists
d. Consumers
e. Strike
f. Rapid industrialization
g. Wins

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