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Good afternoon everyone I'm Arafe Mayanga and ill continue the discussion about the type of groups.

Mr. Albeso is already done in discussing what is a FORMAL GROUP and now were moving to informal
group. So what is an INFORMAL GROUP?

Informal group in an organizational context tend to consists of employee centered group. They have
their own intentions and goals that is different from the organizational goals. Their behavior and
norms is derived from the social relationship and this help decide on what is right or wrong for them
and most of the time Informal group is not permanent. Leadership in informal group is not decided
by who holds the power but decided by who is charismatic or who is the most appealing person in
the group.

There are two type of informal groups which is Friendship group and Interest group.

1.(read ppt) then proceed here-> Friendship group is built to through close social relationship. This is
because of the enjoyment that comes from being together.

For example : Your school friends. You have school friends that you enjoy going out , eating together ,
playing video games or a person who you just enjoy accompanying.

2. (read ppt) then proceed here -> Interest group from the name of the group itself the interest group
is bound by common interest. They have specific activities that is not related to the other group
activities . Informal group is formed because of the interest or goal needed to achieve by being

For example is a STUDY GROUP. Its formed by students who come together to form a group to study
for a specific topics. Their only goal is to learn and share their understanding to each other. Another
example of INTEREST GROUP is a “PET OWNER GROUP” this is formed because of mutual interest to
pets without any social relationship.

Take Note that Friendship group could also be an INTEREST GROUP and Interest group can also be a
Friendship group. You can have close social relationship with people while pursuing the same interest

There are 4 main reason why informal group is form.

(read ppt and proceed to each of this)
1. Meaning the continuation of group culture that guides the behavior of the group.
2. The best example for this what we can call “chismis” because we can get information from the
informal group that we cannot get in the organization.
3. In informal group group members who don’t act according to group norms is either ridicule ,
ostracized or violence.
4. and lastly informal group is form because of the enjoyment that comes from being part of it.

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