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‫‪A Summary of the final exam‬‬

‫تلخيص مهارات االمتحان النهائي‬

‫صيفي ‪2022‬‬

‫المهارات المطلوبة هي‪:‬‬

‫القراءة ‪9/8/5/4/3/2/1‬‬
‫أما القواعد ‪6/7/8/20/21/23 :‬‬
‫)‪Section 2(6-8‬‬
‫القواعد‪ 6 :‬و‪7‬و ‪8‬‬

‫‪Dr. Majd Abushunnar‬‬

‫‪Complex Sentences and connectors‬‬

‫‪Clause= one subject+ one verb‬‬

‫مفهوم "‪ "clause‬هو عبارة عن شبه جملة تتكون من فاعل وفعل‪ .‬فالجملة البسطة تتكون من ‪ clause‬واحد بمعنى‬
‫انها تحتوي على فاعل واحد و فعل واحد‪ .‬اما في الجمل المركبة فانها تتكون أكثر من ‪ clause‬بمعنى انها تحتوي‬
‫على اكثر من فاعل و فعل‪.‬‬

‫‪In Complex sentences:‬‬ ‫‪.‬‬

‫في الجمل المركبة يجب ان تتحقق من أربعة شروط اساسية‪:‬‬

‫)‪1) There are more than one clause (more than one subject and one verb‬‬

‫‪ (1‬يوجد أكثر من ‪ clause‬ويجب ان يكون في كل ‪ clause‬فاعل واحد و فعل واحد‬

‫‪2) There is a connector that links between two clauses (or two connectors when there are three‬‬

‫‪ )2‬يوجد اداة ربط تربط بين ‪ . clauses‬فاذا كان يوجد في الجملة ‪ two clauses‬فحينها نحتاج الى اداة ربط واحدة ‪one‬‬
‫‪ .connector‬اما اذا كان في الجملة ‪ three clauses‬فحينها نحتاج الى اداتين للربط ‪two connectors‬‬

‫‪3) The connector must be used correctly‬‬

‫‪ )3‬يجب ان تكون اداة الربط مربوطة بطريقة صحيحة‪ ,‬وذلك الن لكل نوع من ادواة الربط طريقة استخدام معينة وقاعدة‬
‫خاصة فيها‬

‫‪4) The connector must be appropriate‬‬

‫‪ )4‬يجب ان يكون معنى اداة الربط مناسب لمعنى الجملة بشكل عام‬

‫‪- Examples:‬‬

‫‪-‬‬ ‫)‪The software should be used on a laptop computer, and this computer is a laptop. (C‬‬
Clause (1): subject (the software), verb (should be used)
Clause (2): subject (this computer), verb (is)
Connector: and
‫ يحتوي على فاعل واحد وفعل واحد‬clause ‫) كل‬1 :‫ففي هذه الجملة يجب انا نتحقق ان‬
‫) ان اداة الربط تم استخدامها بطريقة صحيحة من حيث المعنى والقواعد‬3 ‫) ان هناك اداة ربط‬2

- Each type of connectors has its own rules:

‫ وبالمجمل يوجد نوعين من‬.‫ مربوط بطريقة صحيحة من حيث المعنى والقواعد‬connector ‫كما قلنا سابقا يجب أن نتأكد ان‬
:‫ سوف تسأل عنهم باالمتحان‬connectors

(skill 6) Coordinate connectors .1

(skill 7, 8) adverb connectors .2

1) Skill Six: coordinate connectors

They are five connectors: but, and, so, yet, or, and

‫ وهم خمس روابط‬Coordinate connectors ‫اول نوع من ادوات الربط هو‬

1. but (‫ وتفيد التناقض )لكن‬contrast, unexpected result:

Ali is tall, but Ahmad is short
2. and ‫وتستخدم في األفكار المكملة لبعضها أو المتشابهة‬
I went to the market, and I bought some clothes
3. So (‫ ويأتي بعدها نتيجة متوقعة )لذلك‬expected result:
I was tired, so I went to bed
4. Or (‫ وتفيد الخيار )أو‬choice:
Ali will write a letter, or Ahmad will do it
5. Yet (‫ وتفيد نتيجة غير متوقعة )اال ان‬unexpected result:
I was tired, yet I didn’t go to bed
‫ اال ان االولى اذا كانت جملة سبب ونتيجة غير متوقة ان استخدم‬yet ‫ مكان جملة تحتاج‬but ‫ ممكن ان استخدم‬:‫مالحظة‬
I didn’t study,….. I passed the exam. (yet, so, and, or)
but ‫ من ضمن الخيارات فأختار‬yet ‫لكن لو لم يكن هناك‬ -
I didn’t study,….. I passed the exam. (or, so, and, but)
:‫اما اذا كان الخياران مع بعض فنختار االثنان‬ -
I didn’t study,….. I passed the exam. (yet, so, and, but)

Skill 6 ‫قاعدة‬
Coordinate connectors are: 1) always in the middle, 2) always with a comma before
subject 1+ verb1, connector sbject2+verb2
‫ ان مكانهم هو وسط الجملة وان قبلهم نحتاج الى فاصلة وال‬coordinate connectors‫القاعدة االساسية ل‬
‫ يوجد فعل واحد وفاعل واحد‬clause ‫ننسى القاعدة االساسية انه في كل‬
‫ اما ثاني فاعل و ثاني فعل اسمهما‬, verb one ‫ و‬subject one ‫ ان اول فاعل و اول فعل اسمهما‬:‫مالحظة‬
verb two ‫ و‬subject two

‫ وليس عندما نستخدمهم لتربط اسم مع اسم ثاني‬,‫ فقط‬two clauses ‫ هذة القاعدة تطبق على اداة العطف عندما تربط‬:‫مالحظة‬
......‫) او عندما تربط صفة مع صفة او جار ومجرور مع جار ومجر وهكذا‬Ali and Salma went home(

:‫هناك ثالثة انواع اساسية من االسئلة سوف تواجهك باالمتحان‬

:‫ مثال‬,‫اختار اداة الربط المناسبة‬ -

I forgot my coat, ____ I got very cold.

(A) but (C) yet

(B) so (D) because correct answer is B

:‫ مثال‬,‫ اختار معنى الذي تفيدة اداة الربط‬-

Slama bought a house, so she is moving out. The underlined connector means:

(A) unexpected result (C) contrast

(B) expected result (D) manner correct answer is B

:‫ والتي قد تكون واحدة من االتي‬,‫ حدد اذا ماكانت صحيحة او ال وأعطي السبب‬-

1) extra or missing subjects:

-It was raining, so decided not to go camping. (Incorrect: missing subject two)
‫ ال يوجد له فاعل‬decided ‫الحظ ان الفعل الثاني‬
The dress did not cost too much, but the quality it seemed excellent. (Incorrect: extra subject (it))

it ‫ لذلك يجب ان نحذف‬three subjects: the dress, the quality, and it ‫الحظ ان الجملة تحتوي على‬

2) extra or missing verbs:

- The lawn gets water every day, yet it still brown. (Incorrect: missing verb two)

verb ‫ ال يحتوي على‬the second clause ‫ هم عبارة عن ظروف وليست افعال فبالتاي‬quite ‫ و‬still ‫كما قلنا سابقا‬

complex sentence ‫وفي ما يلي أسباب جديدة لم نواجهها في مادة االمتحان االول النه خاص ب‬

3) extra or missing connector )‫ (ال يوجد اداة ربط‬:

‫ يجب أن يكون هناك اداة ربط‬clause ‫عندما يكون في االجملة أكثر من‬

-The material has been cut, the pieces have been sewn together. (Incorrect: missing/ lacking

‫ لذلك من الضروري ان يكون فيها اداة ربط‬two clauses ‫هذه الجملة تحتوى على‬

-Or the mail carrier has already delivered the mail. (Incorrect: extra connector)

‫) اي انه يجب ان ال نستخدم اداة ربط‬simple sentence) ‫اما في هذة الجملة ففيها فاعل واحد وفعل واحد‬

4) missing comma: The bill must be paid immediately or the electricity will be turned off.
(Incorrect: missing comma)

‫بما انه يجب علينا أن نستخدم فاصلة قبل اداة الربط فان عدم وجودها سيؤدي ان تكون الجملة خطأ‬

5) misplaced connector (skill 6 ‫) مكان اداة الربط خطأ وهذا الخيار خاص فقط ب‬:

But my dog enjoys being bathed, he hates getting his nails trimmed. (Incorrect: misplaced

.‫ هو في وسط الكلمة ومن الخطأ أن تأتي في اول الكلمة‬coordinate connector ‫حسب القاعدة موقع‬

6) misused or inappropriate connector (‫)خطأ في االستخدام او غير مناسب‬:

The weather is beautiful, so we are not going out today. (Incorrect: misused connector) (The
answer should be yet NOT so)
‫ غير مناسبة لمعنى‬so ‫ ففي الجملة السابقة‬.‫وهذا الخيار نستخدمة عندما يكون معنى اداة الربط غير مناسب لمعنى الجملة‬
.yet ‫الجملة والتي يوجد فيها نتيجة غير متوقعة‬

‫ اال ان السبب قد يكون احى الخياراة‬,‫ ان وجود ادواة العطف الخمسة في بداية الجملة هو دائما خطأ‬:‫مالحظة مهمة‬
two clause ‫ في حال كان في الجملة‬misplaced connector -1
- So I heard a noise, I called the police. Incorrect: misplaced connector
one cluase ‫ في حال كان هناك فاعل واحد وفعل واحد‬extra connector -2
- So I heard a noise last night about 7 o’clock. Incorrect: extra connector

‫تمارين الكتاب‬

EXERCISE 6: 108 ‫صفحة‬

1. The software should be used on a laptop computer, and this computer is a laptop. (C)
2. The rain clouds can be seen in the distance, but no has fallen. (I) there is no SUBJECT in the
second clause.
3. They are trying to sell their house, it has been on the market for two months. (I)
There is no Connector. Lacks/misses connector
4. So the quality of the print was not good, I changed the typewriter ribbon. (I) misplaced
5. The lifeguard will warn you about the riptides, or she may require you to get out of the water.
6. You should have finished the work yesterday, yet is not close to being finished today. (I) the
second clause, is not close to being finished today, It lacks subject 2.

7. The phone rang again and again, so the receptionist was not able to get much work done. (C)
8. The missing wallet was found, but the cash and credit cards had been removed. (C)
9. Or you can drive your car for another 2,000 miles, you can get it fixed. (I)
the connector is misplaced.
10. The chemist was awarded the Nobel Prize, he flew to Europe to accept it. (I) it misses

2) Skill 7, and 8: adverb connectors

‫ لذلك سوف يتم شرحهم مع بعضهم‬skill 8‫ و‬skill 7 ‫مالحظة ال يوجد فرق بين‬

‫ وهم فقط خمسة روابط فقط‬skill 6‫ بعكس ادواة العطف ب‬, adverb connectors ‫اما النوع الثاني من ادوات الربط فهو‬
‫ لذلك يجب ان تحفظ الجدول التالي بدقة‬.‫ ادوات الربط الظرفية كثر وينقسموا الى عدة انواع‬,)or, but, or, yet, and(
:‫ وطريقة كتابة كل واحد منهم كما هو موضح باألمثلة التالية‬,‫ ومعنى‬, ‫شديدة وان تعرف نوع‬
1) their meaning: ‫اسئلة عن المعنى‬

- ………… hurry, you will be late for school.

a) if b) since c) whereas d) unless ANSWER D

2) their class or usage (whether they are time, cause, contrast, …………) ‫اسئلة عن االستخدام‬

- Since he has long hair, he wears a ponytail.

Since is a) time b) cause c) place d) condition ANSWER B

3) their spelling ‫اسثلة عن طريقة الكتابة‬

- ……………..the mobile phone is light to carry, it’s very convenient.

a) inasmuchas b) inas much as c) inasmuch as d) in asmuchas

They are too many connectors that you have to memorize (tables in your book p. 109, 111).
You have to know: 109 ‫ هم نفس الجداول الموجودة بالكتاب بصفحة‬,‫الجداول التالية يجب دراستهم بدقة شديدة جدا‬

- Time connectors

The connector Meaning Usage Example

time After I had my coffee, I went to my

‫بعد‬ work.

time Before I go to my work, I always have

‫قبل‬ my coffee.

time As I was studying , it was raining.


as long as time I will not talk to

‫طالما‬ her as long as she behaves rudely
as soon as time I will tell him about this as soon as I
‫حالما‬ see him.

by the time time By the time I get to New York, he

‫في الوقت‬
will be gone.

time Once the report is typed, it will be

once ‫في الوقت‬
sent immediately.

time I know her since we were in high

‫منذ‬ school

Until ‫حتى‬ time I will wait until you come

When ‫عندما‬ time I was walking when I met a friend

‫متى‬ time  Whenever he leaves the house he

always takes an umbrella.

‫بينما‬ time I don't want you to

drive while you're so tired

- Cause connectors

The connector Meaning Usage Example

‫ ألن‬, ‫بسبب‬ Cause As he was tired , he slept


‫ ألن‬, ‫بسبب‬ Cause because he was tired , he

slept fast.
Inasmuch as ‫ ألن‬, ‫بسبب‬ Cause Inasmuch as he was tired he slept
(spelling) fast.

now that ‫ ألن‬, ‫بسبب‬ Cause Now that all the people are here,
we can start the meeting.

‫ ألن‬, ‫بسبب‬ Cause Since he was tired , he slept


- Condition connectors

The connector Meaning Usage Example

Condition If you study, you will pass.

Condition You will pass in case you
in case ,‫في حال‬
study hard.
(spelling) ‫إذا‬
Condition You will pass provided you
‫إذا‬ study hard.

Condition You will pass providing you

‫إذا‬ study hard.

Condition You will not pass unless you

‫إذا لم‬ study hard.

Condition I will go out to night

‫سواء‬ whether you go or not.
( or not)

- Contrast connectors

the connector Meaning Usage Example

‫بالرغممن‬ Contrast Although he studied hard, he
(Unexpected failed.

even though ‫بالرغم من‬ Contrast Even though he studied hard,

(spelling) (Unexpected he failed.

‫بالرغممن‬ Contrast Though he studied hard, he

(Unexpected failed.

while ‫بينما‬ contrast While Ahmad always comes

late, Ali comes on time.

contrast Whereas Ahmad always

‫بينما‬ comes late, Ali comes on time.

- Manner connectors

The meaning usage example

Manner As I told you , we should pay
‫حسب ما‬, ‫كما‬ the bill immediately.

in that Manner This exam will be more difficult

‫اي ان‬ in that it will contain more
(spelling) chapters.
‫حيث أن‬

- Place connectors

the connector meaning usage example

specific place I will meet you where we

‫حيث‬ first met.

wherever any place you can go wherever
‫حيثما‬ you want.
:‫مالحظة مهمة بخصوص الجداول السابقة‬

‫ وذلك النك سوف تسأل ان تختار اداة الربط المناسبة او تحدد اذا كانت‬connectors ‫يجب ان تعرف معنى كل‬ -
.‫الجملة صحيحية او ال بناءا على معنى اداة الربط‬
‫ خطأ‬as long ‫ صحيحية ولكن‬as long as ‫ فمثال‬, ‫ادواة الربط التي تحتها خط سوف تسأل عن طريقة كتابتها‬ -
in ‫ ولكن‬, ‫ صحيحة‬inasmuch as ‫ مثال اخر‬.‫) مكتوب بطريقة صحيحية‬misspelled connector( ‫والسبب‬
.‫ خطأ‬in asmuch as‫ او‬inas muchas ‫ او‬as much as
‫ (في حال كانت اداة الربط تعود الى اكثر من نوع فيجب ان نعتمد على سياق‬, connectors ‫يجب ان تعرف نوع كل‬ -
:‫النص لنحدد كما هو محدد باالمثلة التالية‬
Since (time or cause)
- Since I was a child, I learned how to ride a bike.
(cause, time, condition, contrast)
- Since I worked hard, I’ve got a promotion.
(cause, time, condition, contrast)
As (time, cause, or manner)
- As the teacher told us, the exam will be next week.
(cause, time, condition, manner)
- As I worked hard, I’ve got a promotion.
(cause, time, manner, contrast)
- As I was playing, I broke the window.
(cause, time, condition, manner)
While (time, or contrast)
- While Ali went to Paris, his brother went to the USA.
(cause, time, manner, contrast)
- While I was walking, I met a friend.
(cause, time, contrast, manner)
‫ والتي‬skill 6 ‫ وهذا عكس‬,‫ فهناك موقعان الداة الربط في بداية الجملة او في منتصفها‬skill 8 and 7 ‫اما بالنسبة لقواعد‬
:‫تكون ادواة الربط فيها دائما في منتصف الجملة مع وجود فاصلة‬
Unlike coordinate connectors (skill 6), adverb connectors can come in the middle or in the
beginning of the sentence.

With adverb connectors you have to make sure that:

1) if the connector is in the beginning, there will be a comma in the middle.

connector subject 1+ verb1, sbject2+verb2
Because he has been working so hard, he is tired.
‫اذا كان اداة الربط في بداية الجملة يجب ان تكون هناك فاصلة بالمنتصف واال سوف تكون الجملة خطأ‬

1) If the connector is in the middle, there will be no comma in the middle.

subject 1+ verb1 connector sbject2+ verb2
He is tired because he has been working so hard.
‫) يجب ان ال نستخدم فاصلة بالمنتصف واال سوف تكون الجملة‬cluase1 ‫اذا كان اداة الربط في منتصف الجملة (بعد‬

Remember: Each clause must have one subject and one verb, and that there is a connector
.one subject and one verb ‫ يحتوي على‬clause ‫ويجب ان ال ننسى ان نتأكد ان كل‬
:‫ يجب ان نتأكد ان هناك‬two clauses ‫فاذا كان هناك‬
‫فاعلين وفعلين و اداة ربط‬ -
‫ اما اذا كانت بالبداية يجب ان تكون هناك فاصلة‬, ‫اذا كانت اداة الربط بالمنتصف بدون فاصلة‬ -
‫معنى اداة الربط مناسب للجملة‬ -
: skill 7 and 8 ‫وفي ما يلي االسباب التي تجعل الجملة خطأ في‬

Incorrect sentences may have:

1) missing or Extra comma:

‫ قد تسوجب فاصلة او ال تستوجبها بناءا‬skill 7,8 ‫ فان‬,‫ والتي تكون فيها الفاصلة واجبة دائما‬skill 6 ‫الحظ انه بعكس‬
‫على مكان اداة الربط‬

- Although I wanted to say goodbye to them I didn't have time to do that. (Incorrect:
missing comma)
‫القاعدة تقول اذا كان اداة الربط في بداية الجملة يجب ان نستخدم فاصلة بالمنتصف واال سوف تكون الجملة خطأ والسبب‬
missing or lacking comma

- People will often dance, wherever there is music. (Incorrect: extra comma)

‫القاعدة تقول اذا كان اداة الربط في منتصف الجملة يجب ان ال نستخدم فاصلة بالمنتصف واال سوف تكون الجملة خطأ‬
extra comma ‫والسبب‬

2) misspelled connector (‫)خطأ في كتابة الجملة‬8‫ و‬7 ‫ وهذا خاص ب مهارات‬:

Eventhough you are 13, you can’t go to that movie. (Incorrect: misspelled connector)
even though ‫عبارة عن كلمتين وليس كلمة واحدة‬

3) extra/ missing subjects:

You can buy a new game if save some money. (Incorrect: missing subject (2))

‫ ليس له فاعل‬save ‫الفعل الثاني‬

4) extra/ missing verbs:

Because he has a college degree, he given a great job. (Incorrect: missing verb (2))

‫) ال يكون فعل اال اذا سبقه فعل مساعد‬past participle( given ‫ ليس له فعل وذلك الن التصريف الثالث‬he ‫الفاعل الثاني‬

5) extra or missing connector:

The storm started, she was at the store. (Incorrect: missing connector)

‫هذة جملة مركبة (فيها فاعلين وفعل) ولكن اليوجد اداة ربط لتربط بين شقي الجملة‬

6) misused or inappropriate connector:

Where you like it or not, you have to go.

(Incorrect: misused connector (it should be whether NOT where)

.whether ‫ غير مناسب لمعنى الجملة بشكل عام والتي هي جملة شرطية تحتاج الى‬where ‫معنى اداة الربط‬
‫ وهذا‬,‫ وغيرها هم اواوات ربط دائما‬so, before ‫ وجدت ان بعض الطالب بالخطأ يعتقد ان بعض الكلمات مثل‬:‫مالحظة‬
‫ وايضا‬. two clauses ‫ او اداة ربط اذا جاءت مع‬,‫ ممكن ان تكون حرف جر اذا جاء بعدها اسم‬after ‫ او‬before ‫ ف‬.‫خطأ‬
.‫ ممكن ان تكون اداة ربط بمعنى (لذلك) او ظرف بمعني (كثيرا) وسياق النص هو الذي يحدد‬so

-Ali is so smart. (Adverb)

- Ali is smart, so he solves the problem. (Connector)

)8 ‫و‬7‫حل تمارين الكتاب (مهارات‬

Exercise ( 7): 110 ‫صفحة‬

1. (Since) the bank closes in less than an hour, the deposits need to be tallied immediately. (C)

2. Their backgrounds are thoroughly investigated before are admitted to the organization. (I) it
lacks subject two. It must be before they are admitted to the organization.

3. The citizens are becoming more and more incensed about traffic accidents whenever the
accidents occur at that intersection. (C)
4. The ground had been prepared, the seedlings were carefully planted. (I) it lacks/ misses

5. We can start the conference now that all the participants have arrived. (C)

6. The building quite vulnerable to damage until the storm windows are installed. (I)
it lacks verb one. quite is an adverb. The correct sentence could be The building is quite
vulnerable ........

7. Once the address label for the package is typed, can be sent to the mail room. (I) lacks subject
two. It must be….the package is type, it can be sent ......

8. Because the recent change in work shifts was not posted, several workers missed their shifts.

9. The mother is going to be quite upset with her son as long he misbehaves so much. (I) the
connector is misspelled

10. Inasmuch as all the votes have not yet been counted the outcome of the election cannot be
announced. (I) lacks or misses comma between the two clauses............yet been counted, the
outcome of the election,,,,,

Exercise ( 8): 111 ‫صفحة‬

1. It is impossible to enter that program if you lack experience as teacher. (Correct)

2. The commandant left strict orders about the passes, several soldiers left the post anyway.
(Incorrect) there is no connector.
3. No one is admitted to the academy unless he or she the education requirements.(I) it misses
verb two.
4. While most students turned the assignment in on time, a few asked for the extension.(C)
5. I will take you whenever need to go to complete the registration procedures. (I) it lacks subject
two. It should be"you need to go....
6) I will wait here in the airport with you whether the plane leaves on time or not. C
7) Providing the envelope is postmarked by this Friday, your application still acceptable. I lacks
verb two.
8) As the nurse already explained all visitors must leave the hospital room now. I lacks comma
9) This exam will be more difficult than usual in that it covers two chapters instead of one. C
10) Though snow had been falling all day long, everyone got to the church on time for the
wedding. C
Exercise ( 6-8):

1) Until the registrar makes a decision about your status, you must stay in an unclassified
category. C

2) Or the bills can be paid by mail by the first of the month. I extra connector

3) The parents left a phone number with the baby-sitter in case a problem with the children. I
lacks verb two

4) The furniture will be delivered as soon it is paid for. I misspelled connector

5) Whenever you want to hold tile meeting, we will schedule it. C

6) The government was overthrown in a revolution, the king has not returned to his homeland. I
lacks connector

7) Whereas most of the documents are complete, this form still needs to be notarized. C

8) Trash will be collected in the morning, so you should put the trash cans out tonight. C

9) It is impossible for the airplane to take off while is snowing so hard. (I) missing subject 2

10) We did not go out to dinner tonight eventhough I would have preferred not to cook. I
misspelled connector


Answer the following questions:

1)_____ arrived at the library, he started to work immediately.

(A) The student (C) He

(B) When (D) After the student answer: d

2) The registration took many hours since the lines so long. This sentence is:

(A) correct

(B) incorrect because there is inappropriate connector

(C) incorrect because there is no comma

(D) incorrect because there is one verb answer: d

3) ..................this type of medicine can be helpful, it can also have some bad side effects.

(A) Because (C) Although

(B) In case (D) But answer: c

4) We need to get a new car, whether it is on sale or not. This sentence is:

(A) correct

(B) incorrect because there is inappropriate connector

(C) incorrect because there is a comma

(D) incorrect because there is one subject answer: c

5)........... you have a visa, you can’t go to the USA.

(A) If (C) Although

(B) As (D) Unless answer: d

6) I will help you as long you are nice to me. This sentence is:

(A) correct

(B) incorrect because there is inappropriate connector

(C) incorrect because there is no comma

(D) incorrect because is misspelled. answer: d

7) Whether you stayed or not, I will leave today. Whether means:

(A) contrast (B) manner

(C) condition (D) time answer: c

8) After the plane circled the airport, it landed on the main runway. This sentence is:

(A) correct (B) incorrect there is misused connector

(C) incorrect there is a comma (D) incorrect here is one subject answer: a
9) The waves were amazingly high ………… the coastal town.
a) when b) until c) when the storm d) when the storm hit
answer: d
10) The sun was shining and the sky was blue. This sentence is:

(A) correct (B) incorrect there is an inappropriate connector

(C) incorrect there is no comm. (D) incorrect there is one subject answer: c
11) It was raining outside, yet I took my umbrella.

(A) correct (B) incorrect there is an inappropriate connector

(C) incorrect there is a comma (D) incorrect there is one subject answer: b

Agreement Skills
23/21/20 ‫المهارات‬

‫قبل البدء اريد ان تعرف ان مادة الفاينال شاملة لكل المهارات التي اخذتها باالمتحان االول والثاني باالضافة الى المهارات‬
Skill 20 (page 144):
,)‫) تتحدث عن توافق الفاعل والفعل من حيث العدد (يجب ان يكون االثنان جمع او االثنان مفرد‬20( ‫مهارة‬
:‫ففي المثال التالي‬
The dog in the neighborhoods barks at night.

The dogs in the neighborhood bark at night.

,‫يجب ان تتأكد انه يوجد توافق بين الفاعل والفعل بفض النظر عن الزوائد التي تأتي بينهما مثل( الصفات‬
‫ وحتى بعض انواع‬, ‫ البدل‬,‫ والجار والمجرور‬,‫الظروف‬clauses ‫ ففي المثال السابق يفصل الجار‬.
(‫والمجرور‬prepositional phrase ‫) بين الفعل والفاعل لذلك يجب ان تتأكد انه يوجد توافق بين الفاعل‬the
dog ‫ بالمثال االول و بين الفعل‬barks ‫ و بين الفاعل‬.the dogs ‫ بالمثال الثاني و بين الفعل‬bark.
( ‫االفعال التي تدل على المفرد‬is, was , has, doesn't +v(1), v+ s/es)
( ‫االفعال التي تدل على الجمع‬are, were , have , don't +, v(1) , v (1) )

( ‫لذلك في المثال التاليين الجمل خظأ والسبب‬lacks/ misses agreement)

1. The food for the guests at the party are on the long tables. (I) lacks/misses agreement between
the subject and the verb/ there is a plural verb (are) while the subject is singular (food)

2. The supplies for the camping trip needs to be packed. (I) lacks/misses agreement between the
subject and the verb/ there is a singular verb (needs) while the subject is plural (The supplies)

3. The chairs under the table in the dining room is quite comfortable. (I) lacks/misses agreement
between the subject and the verb/ there is a singular verb (is) while the subject is plural (The
‫ يجب ان تنتبه ان في اللغة االنجليزية بعض االسماء تكون‬:‫مالحظة‬irregular plural :
‫مثل‬children, women, men, people

‫حل تمارين الكتاب‬

Exercise 20 (page145): Verb Agreement after Prepositional Phrases.

C 1. The climbers on the sheer face of the mountain need to be rescued.
I 2. The interrogation, conducted by three police officers, have lasted for several hours.
(have should be has) lacks/misses agreement between the subject and the verb
C 3. The tenants in the apartment next to mine is giving a party this evening. (is should be
are) lacks/misses agreement
C 4. The president, surrounded by secret service agents, is trying to make his way to the
C 5. The buildings destroyed during the fire are being rebuilt at the taxpayers’ expense.
I 6. Because of the seriousness of the company’s financial problems, the board of directors
have called an emergency meeting. (have should be has) lacks/misses agreement
I 7. Manufacture of the items that you requested have been discontinued because of lack of
profit on those items. (have should be has) lacks/misses agreement
C 8. Further development of any new ideas for future products has to be approved in
I 9. The scheduled departure time of the trams, posted on panels throughout the terminal
buildings, are going to be updated. (are should be is) lacks/misses agreement between the
subject and the verb
C 10. Any houses built in that development before 1970 have to be upgraded to meet
current standards.
SKILL 21: Make verbs agree after expressions of quantity
1. all of
2. most of + object of preposition+ verb
3. some of
4. half of

The subject (all, most, some, half) can be singular or plural, depending on what
follows the preposition of.

‫اذا كانت محددات الكمية هي الفاعل في الجملة يتم تحديد الفعل (مفرد او جمع) حسب االسم المجرور الي يليها‬
)of) ‫مباشرة (االسم المجرور بعد‬
When an expression of quantity is the subject, the verb agrees with the object of the
some, half, most, all

‫لذلك احفظ الكلمات المرقمة باألعلى وعندما ترها حدد ازا ما كانوا مفرد او جمع بناءا على‬
.‫االسم المجرور الذي بعدها‬

ALL(of the book) was interesting. singular
ALL (of the books) were interesting. plural
ALL(of the information)was interesting. singular

‫لذلك الكلمات التالية خطأ لعدم وجود توافق بين الفاعل والفعل‬

- All of the book were interesting. (I) lacks/misses agreement between the subject and the verb/
there is a plural verb (were) while the subject is singular (All of the book)
- Half of the students is late to class. (I) lacks/misses agreement between the subject and the
verb/ there is a singular verb (is) while the subject is plural (Half of the students)

‫حل تمارين الكتاب‬

Exercise 21 (page146): Make verbs agree after expressions of quantity
1. The witnesses saw that most of the fire in the hills was extinguished. C__
2. Some of the animals from the zoo was released into the animal preserve. __I_ lacks/misses
agreement between the subject and the verb/ there is a singular verb (was) while the subject is
plural (Some of the animals)
3. All of the students in the class taught by Professor Roberts is required to turn in their term
papers next Monday. _I_
lacks/misses agreement between the subject and the verb/ there is a singular verb (is) while the
subject is plural (all of the students)
4. Half of the food that we are serving to the guests are still in the refrigerator. _I__
5. We believe that some of the time of the employees is going to be devoted to quality control.
6. All of the witnesses in the jury trial, which lasted more than two weeks, have indicated that
they believed that the defendant was guilty. _C__
7. She did not know where most of the people in the room was from. _I__ lacks/misses
8. In spite of what was decided at the meeting, half of the procedures was not changed. _I__
lacks/misses agreement
9. I was sure that all of the questions on the test were correct. __C_
10. Most of the trouble that the employees discussed at the series of meetings was resolved
within a few weeks. C
SKILL 23: Make verbs agree after certain words

Certain words in English are always grammatically singular, even though they might have a
plural meaning.
.‫بعض المفردات من الناحية القواعدية مفردة ويجب ان تعامل معاملة المفرد مع انها قد تبدو جمع‬

‫جميع المفردات التالية حفظ والفعل الذي يليها يجب ان يكون بصيغة المفرد‬:

Anybody - anything-anyone
nobody- nothing-no one
each of + ‫اسم‬
each+ ‫اسم مفرد‬
every+‫اسم مفرد‬
every + of+‫اسم‬

1. Don't tell them because no one knows.
2. Nothing in this world is going to stop me.
3. Someone was looking through our window.
4. Each student is responsible

 Everybody in the theater are watching the film attentively. (I ) lacks agreement the
subject everyone is singular, while the verb are is plural
 Each of your friends are welcome at the party. (I) (I ) lacks agreement the subject (each
of your friends)is singular, while the verb are is plural
 No one here is afraid of skydiving. (C)

‫حل تمارين الكتاب‬
Exercise 23 (page148): Make verbs agree after certain words

1. It is impossible to believe that somebody actually admire that man. (I ) lacks agreement
2. Each of the doctors in the building needs to have separate reception area. C
3. The president felt that no one were better suited for the position of chief staff advisor. (I )
lacks agreement
4. Everybody participating in the fund-raiser are to turn in the tickets by 8:00. (I ) lacks
5. Because of the low number of orders, nothing has to be done now. C
6. Every time someone take unnecessary breaks, precious moments of production time are lost.
(I ) lacks agreement
7. Anybody who goes to the top of the Empire State Building is impressed with the view. C
8.Every man, woman, and child in this line are required to sign the forms in order to complete
the registration process. (I ) lacks agreement
9.It is nice to believe that anything is possible if a person tries hard enough. C
10. The company reiterated to reports that nobody have been dismissed because of the incident.
(I ) lacks agreement

23/21/20 ‫ورقة عمل قواعد‬

1.Animals like frog ............ waterproof skin that prevents drying out quickly in air or wind

A. have
B. has
C. are
D. is correct answer: A

2. The players on the winning team in the competition ......... very talented.

A. was
B. were
C. it was
D. which were correct answer: b
3. The servers in this restaurant always does their job efficiently. This sentence:
a. correct
b. incorrect because of the missing subject
c. incorrect because it lacks agreement
d. incorrect because of the missing comma correct answer: c

4. All of the followings are correct except:

a. The cost of the clothes was higher than I had expected.
b. The rugs in the front rooms of the house are going to be washed today.
c. The lights in the corner of the room need to be kept on all night.
d. Most of the people in the room is paying attention. correct answer: d

5. one of the followings is correct:

a. Some of the fruit are rotten

b. The meeting of the members of the council begins at 3:00 in the afternoon.
c. Each of the plants in the garden appear healthy and strong.
d. Everybody know the rules, but somebody is not following them. correct answer:b

6. Half of the students in the class .......... early. (C)

A. arrive
B. arrives
C. when it arrives
D. arriving correct answer: a
7. All of the next chapter .......... very important information. (C)

A. contain
B. contains
C. containing
D. contained correct answer: b

8. All of the followings are incorrect except:

A. Part of the soup are left on the stove.
B. Some of the movie were just too violent for me.
C. All of the details in the report needs to be checked.
D. Most of the money is needed to pay the bills. correct answer: d

9. The first half of the class consists of lecture and note taking. This sentence:
A. correct
B. incorrect because of the missing subject
C. incorrect because it lacks agreement
D. incorrect because of the missing comma correct answer: a

10. Some of the questions on-the test was impossible to answer.

A. correct
B. incorrect because of the missing subject
C. incorrect because it lacks agreement
D. incorrect because of the missing comma correct answer: c

11. Everyone in the world ........... love and respect. (need, needs, needing)
12. Someone ......... to clean up the house. (is, are, have, has)
13. You should understand that anything .......... possible. (is, are, have, has)
14. Everything in the salad ........... good for you. (I is, are, have, has)
15. Nobody in the class ............. completed the assignment on time. (is, are, have, has)

16. Everybody know the rules, but somebody is not following them. This sentence:
A. correct
B. incorrect because of the missing subject
C. incorrect because it lacks agreement
D. incorrect because of the missing comma correct answer: c

Skills 9/8/5/4/3/2/1
Skill 1: Main idea questions (page 105)
‫أسئلة حول الفكرة الرئيسية‬


What is the subject/ topic / main idea/ purpose/ primarily

HOW TO IDENTIFY THE concerned/ main point/ title of the passage?
QUESTION ‫نعرف على انه سؤال عن الفكرة الرئيسية اذا رأينا الكلمات التالية في السؤال‬
‫كيف نتعرف على السؤال‬ subject/ topic / main idea/ purpose/ primarily concerned/ main
point/ title


‫اين نجد الجواب‬ in the first sentence of each paragraph
‫الجواب يكون في الجملة االولى لكل فقرة‬

‫نقرأ السطر االول لكل فقرة‬- .1

‫ نربطهم بفكرة مشتركة‬.2
‫ نختار الجواب االفضل من ضمن الخيارات‬.3
‫مالحظة في حال سألك عن فكرة لفقرة معينة فننا نقرأ الجملة االولى لتلك‬
‫ لكن اذا سألك عن القطعة بشكل عام‬,‫الفقرة وال نقرأ كل جملة في كل فقرة‬
‫خطوات اجابة السؤال‬
‫فأننا نقرأ الجملة االولى لكل فقرة ونربطهم بفكرة واحدة ونبحث عن افضل‬

:‫أمثلة الكتاب‬
Example I
In the philosophy of John Dewey a sharp distinction is made between
“intelligence” and “reasoning”. According to Dewey, intelligence is the only absolute way
to achieve a balance between realism and idealism, between practicality and wisdom
of life. Intelligence involves “interacting with other things and knowing them”, while reasoning is
merely the act of an observer, “... a mind that beholds or grasps objects outside the world of
things ...” With reasoning, a level of mental certainty can be achieved, but it is through
intelligence that control
is taken of events that shape one’s life.

The question :
What is the topic of this passage?
(A) The intelligence of John Dewey
(B) Distinctions made by John Dewey
(C)Dewey’s ideas on the ability to reason
(D) How intelligence differs from reasoning in Dewey’s works

In the philosophy of John Dewey a sharp distinction ( ‫في هذا المثال نقرأ الجملة األولى للفقره‬
‫) في هذة الجملة نالحظ انها تتكلم عن الفرق بين الذكاء‬is made between “intelligence” and “reasoning”
. D‫والمنطق لذلك سوف يكون الجواب الصحيح هو‬

Example II
:‫اما في المثال الثاني فالقطعة تتكون من فقرتين فنحتاج الى ان نقرأ الجملة االولى من كل فقرة ونوجد فكرة مشتركة بينهما‬

The passage :

Nitrogen fixation is a process by which nitrogen is continuously fed into

biological circulation. In this process, certain algae and bacteria convert nitrogen into ammonia
(NH3). This newly create d ammonia is then for the most part absorbed by plants.

The opposite process of denitrification returns nitrogen to the air. During the process
of denitrification, bacteria cause some of the nitrates from the soil to convert into
gaseous nitrogen or nitrous oxide (N2O). In this gaseous form the nitrogen returns to the

The questions :
Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?
(A)The Process of Nitrogen Fixation ‫هذة الفكرة الرئسية للفقرة االولى فقط‬
(B)Two Nitrogen Processes ‫هذة الفكرة الرئيسية للقطعة‬
(C) The Return of Nitrogen to the Air ‫هذة الفكرة الرئيسية للفقرة الثانية فقط‬
(D) The Effect of Nitrogen on Plant Life ‫لم تتحدث القطعة عن حياة النبات‬

Nitrogen fixation is a process by which nitrogen is ( ‫بعد قراءة الجملة االولى للفقرة االولى‬
‫ اما الجملة‬.‫ ) نجد انها تتحدث عن عملية تثبيت النيتروجين‬continuously fed into biological circulation.
)The opposite process of denitrification returns nitrogen to the air.( ‫االولى للفقرة الثانية‬
.B ‫ لذلك افضل جواب هو ال الخيارالذي يضم هذة العمليتان‬.‫فتتحدث عن عملية تحرير النيتروجين‬

‫حل تمارين‬

One identifying characteristic of minerals is their relative hardness, which can be

determined by scratching one mineral with another. In this type of test, a harder
mineral can scratch a softer one, but a softer mineral is unable to scratch the
harder one. The Mohs' hardness Line scale is used to rank minerals according to
hardness. Ten minerals are listed in this scale, ranging from talc with a hardness
of 1 to diamond with a hardness of 10. On this scale, quartz is harder than
feldspar and is therefore able to scratch it; however, feldspar is unable to make a
mark on quartz.
Which of the following best states the subject of this passage?
(A) The hardness of diamonds
(B) Identifying minerals by means of a scratch test
(C) Feldspar on the Mohs' scale
(D) Recognizing minerals in their natural state

The main idea of this passage is that:

(A) the hardness of a mineral can be determined by its ability to make a mark
on other minerals
(B) diamonds, with a hardness of 10 on the Mohs' scale, can scratch all other
(C) a softer mineral cannot be scratched by a harder mineral
(D) talc is the first mineral listed on the Mohs' scale

passage 1 (page 253): 1) b 2)c ‫مالحظة هذة القطعة صعبة ولن يأتي بمستواها‬
passage 2 (page 253): 3) b 4)a
passage 3 (page 254): 5) d 6)b
passage 4 (page 254): 7) c 8)a 9)c

Skill 2: Organization of the ideas (page 255)

‫اسئلة حول ترتيب الفقرات وعالقتها ببعضها‬


How is the information in the passage organized?

How is the information in the second paragraph related to

the information in the first paragraph?
‫كيف نتعرف على السؤال‬ /organized ‫نتعرف على انه سؤال عن الفكرة الرئيسية اذا رأينا الكلمات‬
information/ related

HOW TO FIND THE ANSWER in the first sentence of each paragraph

‫اين نجد الجواب‬ ‫الجواب يكون في الجملة االولى لكل فقرة‬

‫نقرأ السطر االول لكل فقرة‬- .1

‫ نجد العالقة بين هذة الجمل‬.2
HOW TO ANSWER THE ‫ نختار الجواب االفضل من ضمن الخيارات‬.3
QUESTION ‫مالحظة في حال سألك عن نوع المعلومات لفقرة معينة فننا نقرأ‬
‫خطوات اجابة السؤال‬ ‫ كما وقد‬.‫الجملة االولى لتلك الفقرة وال نقرأ كل جملة في كل فقرة‬
‫يسألك عن العالقة بين فقرتين فنقرأ الجمل االولى لكل من‬
:organization of the ideas‫ و‬main idea ‫مالحظة الفرق بين‬
‫) يطلب منك ايجاد فكرة مشتركة‬skill one( main idea .a
‫( يطلب منك ان تجد نوع العالقة او طريقة تنظيم‬skill two( organization of the ideas‫ و‬.b


The passage:
If asked who invented the game of baseball, most Americans would probably
reply that it was Abner Doubleday. At the beginning of this century, there was some
disagreement over how the game of baseball had actually originated, so sporting goods
manufacturer Spaulding inaugurated a commission to research the question. In 1908 a
report was published by the commission in which Abner Doubleday, a U.S. Army officer
from Cooperstown, New York, was given credit for the invention of the game. The
National Baseball Hall of Fame was established in Cooperstown in honor of Doubleday.
Today, most sports historians are in agreement that Doubleday really did not
have much to do with the development of baseball. Instead, baseball seems to be a
close relation to the English game of rounders and probably has English rather than
American roots.

The question :

The second paragraph:

(A) provides examples to support the ideas in the first paragraph
(B) precedes the ideas in the first paragraph
(C)outlines the effect of the idea in the first paragraph
(D) refutes the idea in the first paragraph
:‫لنحدد عالقة الفقرة الثانية باألولى‬
If asked who invented the game of baseball, most Americans ( ‫ نقرأ الجملة االولى للفقرة االولى‬-1
‫) ونجد انها تتحدث عن ان‬would probably reply that it was Abner Doubleday
Abner Doubleday invented the game
Today, most sports historians are in agreement that Doubleday ( ‫ نقرأ الجملة االولى للفقرة الثانية‬-2
invent ‫) ونجد انها تتحدث عن ان‬really did not have much to do with the development of baseball.
Abner Doubleday didn’t the game
.D ‫ نجد ان الفقرة الثانية تنفي المعلومة الموجودة في الفقرة االولى لذلك الجواب األفضل هو‬-3

:‫مهم جدا العالقات التالية قد تراها باالمتحان‬

Provide example to support (‫ )تزود بأمثلة داعمة‬/ precede the idea (‫ )تكمل االفكار‬/ outline the idea
(‫)تلخص االفكار‬/ chronological order )‫)ترتيب زمني نختارها في فقرة تتكلم عن حياة انسان او تطور مؤسسه‬/
contrast the ideas (‫ )تناقض او تعارض االفكار‬/ refute the idea (‫)تنفي او تدحض األفكار‬/ comparison
(‫)مقارنة‬/ cause and effect (‫)سبب ونتيجة‬/ definition (‫)تعريف‬/ argument (‫)جدال‬/ opinion (‫)رأي‬/
premise (theory ‫) نظرية‬/ illustration and elaboration (‫)توضيح أوشرح‬/ opposing views ( ‫وجهات‬
‫)نظر معارضة‬
‫حل تمارين الكتاب‬

1 How is the information in the passage organized?

(A) The origin of ideas about conflict is presented.

(B) Contrasting views of conflict are presented.

(C) Two theorists discuss the strengths and weaknesses of their views on conflict.

(D) Examples of conflict within organizations are presented.

2 Click on the paragraph that supports the view that organizational conflict can be beneficial.

passage 1 (page 256): 1) b 2) paragraph 3

passage 2 (page 257): 3) b 4) The third paragraph

passage 3 (page 257): 5) a 6)b

TOFEL exercise 1-2 (page 258): 1)C 2)B 3) C 4)B 5)D 6)A 7) A

Skill 3: page: 259

‫ االجابات مذكورة في النص‬- ‫االسئلة التفصلية‬

A stated detail question asks about one piece of information in the passage rather than the
passage as a whole. The answers to these questions are generally given in order in the passage,
and the correct answer is often a restatement of what is given in the passage. This means that the
correct answer often expresses the same idea as what is written in the passage, but the words are
not exactly the same.

‫ االجابات تكون بالتسلسل خالل المهارة علما انه في‬.‫االسئلة الضمنية تسأل عن معلمة محددة في النص وليس عن النص ككل‬
‫ االجابة عادة اعادة صياغة لما هو‬.‫االمتحان يكون االسئلة حول مختلف المهارات فال داعي للتركيز على موضوع التسلسل‬
‫ بمعنى اخر االجابة الصحيحة هي تعبير عن للفكرة الموجودة بالنص باستخدام مصطلحات ثانية‬.‫موجود في النص‬

If there are stated detail questions, students should identify those questions. The questions of
stated detail questions are as follow

:‫هناك اكثر من صيغة للسؤال يجب التركيز عليها في االمتحان واثناء الدراسة‬How to identify the question

 According to the passage…..

 It is stated in the passage ……..
 The passage indicates that ………
 Which of the following is true ……..

‫ اين تجد االجابة؟‬Where to find the answer‫؟‬

‫ االجابات عادة بالترتيب‬The answer to these questions are found in order in the passage.

‫ما هي خطوات الحل‬ How to answer the question.

 ‫ تحدد كلمة مفتاحية في السؤال‬Choose a key word in the question.

 ‫اقرأ سريعا وحدد مكان الكلمة المفتاحية‬Skim in the appropriate part of the passage for the key word
or idea.
 ‫اقرأ الجملة التي تحتوي على الكلمة المفتاحية بتمعن‬Read the sentence that contains the key word or
idea carefully.
 Eliminate the definitely wrong answers and choose the best answer from the remaining
choices. ‫استبعد اي اجابة انت على ثقة بأنها خاطئة واختر االجابة الصحيحة‬


Choose the best answers to the questions that follow.


Williamsburg is a historic city in Virginia situated on a peninsula between two rivers, the York
and the James. It was settled by English colonists in 1633, twenty-six years after the first
permanent English colony in America was settled at Jamestown. In the beginning the colony at
Williamsburg was named Middle Plantation because of its location in the middle of the
peninsula. The site for Williamsburg had been selected by the colonists because the soil drainage
was better there than at the Jamestown location, and there were fewer mosquitos.

‫مالحظة مهمة‬
‫الكلمات التي تحتها خط في االسئلة هي الكلمات المفتاحية وتم وضع خط تحتها في النص للتركيز على الجمل التي تتضمنها‬
‫ االجابات الصحيحة تم طباعته باللون الغامق‬. ‫الكلمات المفتاحية‬

1. According to the passage, Williamsburg is located

A. on an island
B. in the middle of a river
C. where the York and the James meet
D. on a piece of land with rivers on two sides

2. The passage indicates that Jamestown

A. was settled 1n 1633

B. was settled twenty-six years after Williamsburg
C. was the first permanent English colony in America
D. was originally named Middle Plantation

3. The passage states that the name Middle Plantation

A. is a more recent name than Williamsburg

B. derived from the location of the colony on the peninsula
C. refers to the middle part of England that was home to the colonists
D. was given to the new colony because it was located in the middle of several plantations


 Stated Question

Finally, for a fear to truly be a phobia, it must be recurring. That is, if the man on the plane had
flown before without incident and continued to use planes after this one panic attack without
experiencing further bouts of unreasonable fear, then he would not be said to be suffering from a
phobia. A true aviophobic could never contemplate flying in any form without experiencing
severe symptoms of acute nervousness. In this case, the man’s single onset of severe panic would
most likely be viewed as symptomatic of some other mental disorder, perhaps brought on by
unrelated stresses in his life. Obviously, the fact that phobias are recurring fears, or rather, that
they involve constant fear of the object of the phobia, should not be taken to mean that the fear
can never be overcome. A person who is suffering from a phobia may, either through great effort
of will, or, more likely, through a course of psychiatric treatment, conquer his phobia and cease
to be frightened of whatever it was he was formerly afraid of.


1. According to the author, in paragraph 4, what might be one cause of a single instance of a
phobic-like episode?
A. Seeing plane crashes on the news
B. Watching too much violent television
C. Possessing a desire for public attention
D. Having too much stress in one’s life
Analysis: ‫( توضيح اإلجابة‬D) is the correct answer. It is stated directly in the text. (A) is incorrect.
Seeing plane crashes on the news is mentioned as something that might cause non-phobic
nervousness in airline passengers. (B) and (C) are not mentioned in the passage.


Flutes have been around for quite some time, in all sorts of shapes and sizes and made from a
variety of materials. The oldest known flutes are about 20,000 years old; they were made from
hollowed-out bones with holes cut in them In addition to bone, older flutes were often
constructed from bamboo or hollowed-out wood. Today’s flutes are generally made of metal,
and in addition to the holes they have a complicated system of keys, levers, and pads. The
instrument belonging to well known flautist James Galway is not just made of any metal; it is
made of gold


1. According to the passage, the oldest flutes

A. had holes cut in them

B. were made of metal
C. were made 200,000 years ago
D. had a complicated set of levers and pads

2. The passage indicates that James Gaiway’s flute is made of

A. Bones
B. Bamboo
C. Wood
D. Gold


The answers to the questions are generally found in order in the passage, so you should look for
the answer to the first question near the beginning of the passage. Since the first question asks
about the oldest flutes, you should see that this question is answered in the second sentence. The
passage states that the oldest flutes were bones with holes cut in them, so the best answer is
answer (A). Answers (B) and (D) are true about today’s flutes, but not the oldest flutes, so they
are incorrect. Answer (C) is an incorrect number; the oldest flutes are 20,000 years old, not
200,000 years old.

The answer to the second question will probably be located in the passage after the answer to the
first question. Since the second question is about James Galway’s flute, you should skim through
the passage to find the part of the passage that discusses this topic. The answer to this question is
found in the statement that the instrument belonging to well-known flautist James Galway is not
just made of any metal; it is made of gold. The best answer to this question is therefore answer

SKILL 4: Page 264


‫ االجابات غير مذكورة في النص‬- ‫االسئلة التفصلية‬
While sometimes you will be asked in the Reading Comprehension section of the TOEFL test to
find an answer that is not stated or not mentioned or not true in the passage. It is called unstated
detail question. This type of questions really means that three of the answers are stated,
mentioned, or true in the passage, while one answer is not. Your actual job is to find the three
correct answers and then choose the letter of the one remaining answer.

You should note that there are two kinds of answers to this type of question: (1) there are three
true answers and one answer that is not discussed in the passage, or (2) there are three true
answers and one that is false according to the passage.

To answer the unstated detail question, you may follow the same steps as to find the stated detail
question. But then you have to come up with the untrue answer.

‫ ما هي صيغ السؤال المستخدمة؟‬How to identify the question

 Which of the following is not stated…?

 Which of the following is not mentioned…?
 Which of the following is not discussed…?
 All of the following are true except.

‫ اين تجد االجابة؟‬Where to find the answer

‫ االجابات عادة بالترتيب‬The answer to these questions are found in order in the passage

‫ خطوات الحل‬How to answer the question

 ‫ حدد كلمة مفتاحية بالسؤال‬Choose a key word in the question.

 ‫اقرأ النص سريعا وابحث عن الكلمة المفتاحية‬Scan the appropriate place in the passage for key
word (or related idea).
 ‫ اقرأـ الجملة التي تحتوي على الكلمة المفتاحية بتمعن‬Read the sentence that contains the key word or
idea carefully.
 Look for answers that are definitely true according to the passage. Eliminate those
answer.‫استبعد االجابات الصحيحة او المذكورة في النص‬
 ‫ اختر االجابة الخاطئة او غير المذكورة‬Choose the answer that is not true or not discussed in the

In English, there are many different kinds of expressions that people use to give a name to
anything whose name is unknown or momentarily forgotten. The word gadget is one such word.
It was first used by British sailors in the 1850s and probably came from the French word
gachette, which was a small hook. In everyday use, the word has a more general meaning. Other
words are also used to give a name to something unnamed or unknown, and these words tend to
be somewhat imaginative. Some of the more commonly used expressions are a what-d’ye-call-it,
a whatsis, a thingamabob, a thingamajig, a doodad, or a doohickey.


1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as an expression for something
that is not known?
A. A what-is-it
B. A gadget
C. A thingamabob
D. A doohickey

This question asks for the one answer that is not mentioned, so three of the answers are listed in
the passage and one is not. You should look for the three answers that are mentioned. Since
gadget, thingamabob, and doohickey are listed in the passage, the second, third, and fourth
answers are incorrect. A what-is-it is not listed in the passage, so the first answer is the best
answer to this question.

EXERCISE: passage one:

The Florida Keys are a beautiful chain of almost 1,000 coral and limestone islands These islands
form an arc that heads first southwest and then west from the mainland. U.S. Highway 1, called
the Overseas Highway connects the main islands in the chain. On this highway, it is necessary to
cross 42 bridges over the ocean to cover the 159 miles from Miami on the mainland, to Key
West the farthest island on the highway and the southernmost city in the United States.

1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the Florida Keys?

A. The Florida Keys are a chain of islands.
B. The Florida Keys contain coral and limestone
C. The Florida Keys are in the shape of an arc.
D. The Florida Keys are not all inhabited.

2. Which of the following is NOT true about U.S. Highway 1?

A. It is also known as the Overseas Highway
B. It joins all of the islands in the Florida Keys.
C. It has more than 40 bridges
D. It connects Miami and Key West
‫مالحظة مهمة‬

‫الكلمات التي تحتها خط في االسئلة هي الكلمات المفتاحية وتم وضع خط تحتها في النص للتركيز على الجمل التي تتضمنها‬
‫ االجابات الصحيحة تم طباعته باللون الغامق‬. ‫الكلمات المفتاحية‬

The first question asks for the one answer that is not mentioned about the Florida Keys. The
passage states that the Florida Keys are a chain (answer A) with coral and limestone (answer B)
in the shape of an arc (answer C), so these answers are not correct. The best answer is therefore
answer (D). The passage does not discuss whether or not the keys are all inhabited.

The second question asks for the answer that is not true about U.S. Highway 1. The passage
states that it is called the Overseas Highway (answer A), that it has 42 bridges (answer C), and
that it cover(s) the 159 miles from Miami. . . to Key West (answer D), so these answers are not
correct. The best answer is answer (B). The passage states that the Overseas Highway connects
the main islands in the chain, so it does not connect all of the islands.
‫)‪Skill 5: The pronoun referent (page 267‬‬
‫سؤال على ماذا يعود الضمير‬



‫………‪the pronoun X in paragraph X refers to‬‬
‫كيف نتعرف على السؤال‬

‫‪Look for nouns that come before the pronoun.‬‬

‫سوف يكون االسم الذي يعود عليه الضمير دائما قبل الضمير‬
‫لذلك عندما نبحث على االسم نقرأ ما قبل الضمير‬
‫اين نجد الجواب‬
‫مالحظة مهمة‪ :‬لن يكون االسم بعد الضمير مطلقا‬

‫‪1.‬‬ ‫نعين الضمير بالقطعة‬

‫‪HOW TO ANSWER THE QUESTION‬‬ ‫‪2.‬‬ ‫نقرأ الجملة التي تقع قبل الضمير‬

‫خطوات اجابة السؤال‬ ‫‪3.‬‬ ‫نبحث عن اسم يعود الضمير عليه في الجملة المقروءة او ما قبل الضمير بما‬
‫يتناسب مع نوع الضمير والمعنى‬
‫) نبحث عن اسم جمع وهكذا‪ )they.....‬نبحث عن اسم مفرد مذكر مع (‪he‬فمثال مع (‬

The passage:

Carnivorous plants, such as the sundew and the Venus-flytrap, are generally found in humid areas where
there is an inadequate supply of nitrogen in the soil. In order to survive, these plants have developed
mechanisms to trap insects within their foliage. They have digestive fluids to obtain the necessary
nitrogen from the insects. These plants trap the insects in a variety of ways. The sundew has sticky hairs
on its leaves; when an insect lands on these leaves, it gets caught up in the sticky hairs, and the leaf
wraps itself around the insect. The leaves of the Venus-flytrap function more like a trap, snapping
suddenly and forcefully shut around an insect.

The question :

1-The underlined pronoun “They” refers to:

a) Humid areas. b) These plants. c) Insects. d) Digestive fluids

In order to survive, these plants have developed mechanisms to trap insects ( ‫بعد ان نقرأ ما قبل الضمير‬
‫ يمكن ان يعود الضمير عليه لكن المعنى يوضح العالقة ونعرف ان‬plural ‫) نجد ان هناك اكثر من اسم‬within their foliage
.)these plants( ‫) يعود على‬They (‫الضمير‬

2-The underlined pronoun “it” refers to:

a) Humid areas. b) These plants. c) Insects. d) Digestive fluids

when an insect lands on these leaves, it gets caught up in the sticky hairs( ‫بعد ان نقرأ ما قبل الضمير‬

.)insects( ‫نجد أن الضمير يعود على‬

Passage 1

The full moon that occurs nearest the equinox of the Sun has become known as the harvest
moon. It is a bright moon which allows farmers to work late into the night for several nights;
they can work when the moon is at its brightest to bring in the fall harvest. The harvest moon, of
Line course, occurs at different times of the year in the northern and southern hemispheres. In the
northern hemisphere, the harvest moon occurs in September at the time of the autumnal equinox.
In the southern hemisphere, the harvest moon occurs in March at the time of the vernal equinox.

1. The pronoun "It" in line 2 refers to:

(A) the equinox
(B) the Sun
(C) the harvest moon
(D) the night
2. The pronoun "they" in line 3 refers to:
(A) farmers
(B) nights
(C) times
(D) hemispheres

Mardi Gras, which means "Fat Tuesday" in French, was introduced to America by French
colonists in the early eighteenth century. From that time, it has grown in popularity, particularly
in New Orleans, and today it is actually a legal holiday in several southern states. The Mardi
Gras Line celebration in New Orleans begins well before the actual Mardi Gras Day. Parades,
parties, balls, and numerous festivities take place throughout the week before Mardi Gras Day;
tourists from various countries throughout the world flock to New Orleans for the celebration
where they take part in a week of nonstop activities before returning home for some much-
needed rest.

3. The pronoun "it" in line 3 refers to:

(A) Mardi Gras
(B) French
(C) that time
(D) New Orleans

4.The pronoun "they’’ refers to:

(A) parades
(B) tourists
(C) activities
(D) New Orleans

Skill 8: Structural clues / vocabulary question (page

‫ والجواب يكون بعد الداللة التركيبية‬/‫أسئلة حول معاني الكلمات‬



‫كيف نتعرف على السؤال‬ what is the meaning of...?
what is true about...?

Structural clues 1- punctuation: commas, parentheses, dashes

‫نوع الدالالت التركيبية‬ ‫ عالمات الترقيم‬,‫ الفواصل‬, ‫ االقواس‬,‫الشرطات‬
2-restatement: or, that is, in other words, i.e
‫مالحظة مهمة (يجد ان تعرف هذة الدالالت‬
)‫وتحفظها‬ ‫كلمات عادة صياغة الفكرة‬
examples: such as, for example, e.g.

‫كلمات تدل على األمثلة‬

will generally be found after the punctuation clue, the restatement

clue, or the example clue.
(‫الجواب سوف يكون بعد هذة الدالالت التركيبية فمثال بعد كلمة‬or) (‫او بعد‬such as ‫)او بعد‬
‫اين نجد الجواب‬
‫او محصور بفواصل او شرطات او اقواس وهكذا‬

1. ‫نحدد الكلمة في القطعة‬

HOW TO ANSWER THE QUESTION 2. ‫نبحث على داللة تركبية والتي تكون بعد الكلمة مباشرة‬

‫خطوات اجابة السؤال‬ 3. ‫بعد تعيين الداللة التركيبية تقرأ ما بعدها ونحاول ان نجد كلمة مماثلة لها في‬
‫المعنى موجودة بالخيارات‬


The passage:

One of the leading schools of psychological thought in the twentieth century is behaviorism-the belief
that the role of the psychologist is to study behavior, which is observable, rather than conscious or
unconscious thought, which is not. Probably the best-known proponent of behaviorism is B.F. Skinner,
who is famous for his research on how positive and negative reinforcement influence behavior. He came
to believe that positive reinforcement such as praise, food, or money were more effective in promoting
good behavior than negative reinforcement, or punishment.

1- what is the meaning of behaviorism?

a) conscious thought patterns b) unconscious thought patterns

c) observable actions d) unobservable actions

the belief that the role of the ( ‫ نجد ان بعدها شرطة ) _( فنقرأ الذي بعد الشرطة‬behaviorism ‫بعد ان نعين كلمة‬
psychologist is to study behavior, which is observable, rather than conscious or unconscious thought,
‫ لذلك‬conscious or unconscious thought ‫ وليس‬observable action ‫ عبارة عن‬behaviorism ‫) فنجد ان‬which is not
. observable actions ‫فالجواب الصحيح‬

2- positive reinforcement means:

a) gift b) reward c) penalty d) bribe

praise, food, or ( ‫ فنقرأ الذي بعد هذة الكلمة‬such as ‫ نجد ان بعدها كلمة‬positive reinforcement ‫بعد ان نعين كلمة‬
‫) فنجد هذة امثلة على اشياء تعطى كمكافئة لذلك فالجواب‬money were more effective in promoting good behavior
. reward ‫الصحيح‬

3- - positive reinforcement means:

a) punishment b) reward c) promotion d) bribe

‫بعد ان نعين كلمة‬negative reinforcement ‫ نجد ان بعدها كلمة‬or ‫ فنقرأ الذي بعد هذة‬or( punishment) ‫فجد ان الجواب‬

‫حل تمارين الكتاب‬

The teddy bear is a child's toy, a nice soft stuffed animal suitable for cuddling. It is, however, a toy with
an interesting history behind it.

Theodore Roosevelt, or Teddy as he was commonly called, was president of the United Line States from
1901 to 1909. He was an unusually active man with varied pastimes, one of which was hunting. One day
the president was invited to take part in a bear hunt; and inasmuch as Teddy was president, his hosts
wanted to ensure that he caught a bear. A bear was captured, clanked over the head to knock it out, and
tied to a tree; however, Teddy, who really wanted to hunt a bear, refused to shoot the bear and, in fact,
demanded that the bear be extricated from the ropes; that is, he demanded that the bear be set free.

The incident attracted a lot of attention among journalists. First a cartoon—drawn by Clifford K
Berryman to make fun of this situation—appeared in the Washington Post, and the cartoon was widely
distributed and reprinted throughout the country. Then toy manufacturers began producing a toy bear
which they called a "teddy bear." The teddy bear became the most widely recognized symbol of
Roosevelt's presidency.

1. According to line 1 of the passage, what is a "teddy bear"?

(A) A ferocious animal

(B) The president of the United States

(C) A famous hunter

(D) A plaything

2. Look at the word pastimes in paragraph 2. This word could best be replaced by

A. past occurrences
B. previous jobs
C. hunting trips
D. leisure activities

3. Choose the word or phrase that is close in meaning to ‘extricated’ in paragraph 2.

A. Release
B. Tied up

4. In line 10, a "cartoon" could best be described as:

(A) a newspaper

(B) a type of teddy bear

(C) a drawing with a message

(D) a newspaper article

SKILL 9: page 292

Determine Meanings from word parts.
When you are asked to determine the meaning of a long word you do not know in the
reading section, it is sometimes possible to determine the meaning of the word by
studying the word parts.
‫احيانا تستطيع ان تحدد معنى كلمة طويلة من خالل معرفة معنى جزء معين فيها‬
)part( ‫ يجب ان تحفظ المقطع‬:‫ مطلوب حفظ معنى المقاطع وهو موضح في االسفل‬: ‫ يوجد جدول‬293 ‫في الدوسية صفحة‬
:)meaning( ‫والمعنى‬



CONTRA Contrast‫تناقض‬
COUNTER (against) ‫ضد‬ Counteract‫مواجهه‬ DIC (say) ‫يقول‬ Dictate ‫يملي‬

Malcontent ‫سخط‬
MAL (bad) ‫سيئ‬ ‫ناقم‬ DOMIN (master)‫سيد‬ Dominant ‫مسيطر‬

(judge) ‫يحكم‬
MIS (error)‫خطأ‬ Mistake ‫خطأ‬ JUD ‫قضائيا‬ Judgment‫حكم‬

SUB (under)‫تحت‬ Subway‫نفق‬ MOR (death)‫موت‬ Mortal ‫فاني‬

DEC (ten) ‫عشرة‬ Decade ‫سنوات‬10 SPEC (see)‫يرى‬ spectator ‫مشاهد‬

(many) ‫كثير‬ (earth) ‫ارض‬ Territory ‫منطقة‬
MULTI ‫ متنوع‬,‫متعدد‬, Multiple ‫متعدد‬ TERR ‫او تراب‬ ‫او ارض‬

SOL (one)‫ واحد‬, solo‫وحيد‬ VER ‫ينعطف‬ Divert ‫ينحرف‬

TRI (three)‫ثالثة‬ Triple‫ثالثي‬ VIV (live) ‫يعيش‬ Revive‫يعيش‬


the passage is in your books page 292
the questions:
1. the word (vividly) in line 6 is closet in meaning to :
A. in a cultured way
B. in a correct way
C. in a lifelike way ‫المقطع الذي تحته خط معناه يعيش‬
D. in a brief way
2. the word (misspelled ) in line 7 is closest in meaning to
A. highly improper
B. vulgar
C. incorrectly written‫المقطع الذي تحته خط معناه خطأ‬
D. slang
3. the word (diction) in line 8 is closest in meaning to
A. writing
B. sentence structure
D. speech ‫المقطع الذي تحته خط معناه يقول‬
‫مالحظة مهمة جدا تم حل االسئلة بناء على معاني المقاطع في الجدول المشار اليه سابقا دون الحاجة الى‬
‫ كل ما عليك عمله عزيزي الطالب ان تحدد المقطع في الكلمة وتعود لمعناه‬.‫قراءة النص او الجملة كاملة‬
‫في الجدول لتحديد االجابة الصحيحة‬

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