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Welcome to the Koala Bear

Hello and welcome to Tender Loving Care, we are so excited
to have your family here! Our names are Miss Callie and
Miss Fayla and we will be your child’s main teachers. We are
excited to get to know you and grow a friendship.

Here is a list of some things we would like for you to keep here at
the daycare:
2-3 extra outfits (season appropriate)
Seasonal Outdoor Gear!
-If the weather is above 20 degrees with windchill
we are going to be going outside!
A blanket for nap time

In this room we have a daily schedule that is followed

consistently. Weather pending we go outside twice a day to
different play yards, and if we can’t we have a designated
large motor time for in the classroom or in the large motor
room! In this classroom we prioritize creating fun lesson
plans that include art, music, stories, and large motor
activities to keep the children engaged during their days at
TLC! Once children reach the age of 5 they are not
required to nap, however they can if they would like!

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