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‫ملخص دروس اإلنجليزي‬

-: ‫ التعاريف‬:‫أولا‬
1) Immunization :- is proven tool for controlling and
eliminating life threatening infectious diseases

2) Immune system :- the body's defense against

disease causing organisms , malfunctioning cell , and
foreign particles

3) Pathogens :- disease causing agents – such as –

bacteria , virus and fungi

4) Epidemic :- refers to the occurrence of disease or

health related condition

5) Cholera :- is an intestinal disease caused by the

bacteria ( Vibrio cholerae )

6) Malaria :- is caused by protozoan parasites of the

genus Plasmodium

7) Business Correspondence :- means communication

by post by means of letters

8) Anemia :- is blood discarder . blood is avital liquid

that your heart constantly pumps through your veins and
arteries and all throughout your body

9) Pharmacology :- is the study of drugs including their

scientific properties and clinical applications

10) Pharmacologist :- is an individual who specializer is

pharmacology the science and study of the origin , nature

-: ‫ األسئلة المباشرة‬: ‫ثانيا ا‬
Q1: How the antibodies transferred to another human ?
1) By placenta
2) By breastfeeding a baby
3) By injection
4) By transfusion of blood or blood products

Q2: What are the types of epidemic ?

1) Common source
2) Propagated / progressive epidemic
3) Mixed epidemic
Q3: What are the symptoms of cholera ?
The most common symptom is mild to severe watery diarrhea and
sometimes nausea and vomiting
Q4: What are the treatment for cholera ?
1) Drinking large volumes of water
2) Intravenous fluids
3) Antibiotic

Q5: What are the types of business correspondence ?

1) Request to purchase a product
2) Placing orders
3) Letter of complaint
4) Application for job
5) Claim letter
6) Resume drafting

Q6: What are the types of anemia ?

1) Iron – deficiey
2) Aplastic anemia
3) Pernicious anemia
4) Hemolytic anemia

Q7: What are the types of cell ?

1) White blood cell ( W.B.C )
2) Red blood cell ( R.B.C )

Q8: What are the different between personal letter and business letter ?

Criteria Personal letter Business letter

Always follows a
Formal No definite formal
definite formal

Always subjective in Essentially objective

Nature of letter
nature and factual in nature

To build new To achieve a partier

Objective of letter
relationship business related goal

Q9: What are the signs and symptoms of anemia ?

1) Tiredness or weakness
2) Pale or yellowish skin
3) Faintness or dizziness
4) Increase thirst
5) Sweeting
6) Weak and rapid pules , rapid breathing
7) Shortness of breath
8) Lower leg cramp
9) Heart- related symptoms

Q10: What are the stages of loss weight ?

1) Rapid weight loss
2) Slow weight loss

Q11: What are the ways of loss weight ?

1) Cut the usage of sugars and starches
2) Consume maximum protein , fat and vegetables
3) Workout at least 4 times per week

Q12: What are the types of medicines ?
1) Preparations
2) Tablet
3) Capsules
4) Liquid
5) Suppositories
6) Drops
7) Inhalers
8) Injection

Q13: What are the structure of business letter ?

1) letter head
2) Date
3) Reference number
4) Inside address
5) Subject
6) Attention line
7) Salutation
8) Body of letter
9) Enclosure

-: ‫ بعض المالحظات األسئلة الصح او الخطأ‬: ‫ثالثا ا‬

1) Antibody mediated immunity produced mainly by B lymphocytes
2) Cell – mediated immunity by T lymphocytes
3) Plasmodium falciparum is the most widespread and dangerous

‫باقي مالحظات الصح أو الخطأ بتكون من تعاريف‬

‫القواعد والمعلومات الموجودة معنا من القواعد أو‬
‫ممكن تكون من األسئلة المباشرة‬
‫األسئلة المباشرة في مربع غير مهمه فقط‬
)‫لإلضافة ( يعني األستاذة ما تكلمت عليهن‬


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