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Practical Research Homework #1

Name: Justine Kira C. Francisco Grade and Section: 11- St. John Bosco STEM

1) The Definition of Research

 the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts
and reach new conclusions.
2) Types of Research
 Descriptive Research: Describing characteristics or behaviors.
 Exploratory Research: Exploring a topic when little is known.
 Explanatory Research: Explaining relationships between variables.
 Experimental Research: Manipulating variables to observe effects.
 Correlational Research: Examining relationships between variables.
 Qualitative Research: Interpreting subjective experiences or behaviors.
 Quantitative Research: Analyzing numerical data for patterns.
 Action Research: Collaboratively addressing practical problems.
3) Difference Between Qualitative and Quantitative
 Quantitative research involves gathering numerical data to test hypotheses and make
statistical inferences, while qualitative research focuses on exploring subjective experiences
and understanding complex phenomena through non-numerical data such as interviews or
4) Five titles for Qualitative and Quantitative
A. Qualitative
 “The Study of Life Experiences of Caregivers”
 “Exploring the dynamics of Workplace Diversity”
 “Exploring the Psychosocial Challenges Met by Caregivers of Individuals with Obsessive-
Compulsive Disorder”
 “Uncovering the Lived experiences of Individuals with Anxiety Disorders”
 “Recognizing the Impact of Stereotypes on Help-Seeking Behaviors among Individuals with
B. Quantitative
 “Determining the Impact of Social Services on Mental Health Outcomes”
 “Statistical Analysis of Stress Levels Among STEM Students and its Impact on Mental Health"
 “A Quantitative Study on the Presence and Treatment of Mental Health Disorders in Rural
 “The Impact of a Flexible Schedule on Student Productivity: A Quantitative Analysis”
 “Measuring the Influence of Cultural Diversity in the Classroom on Team Effectiveness and

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