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Vocabulary Bank Unit 19

Task 1. Read, write the translation and learn the basic vocabulary terms:

1. black-hat hacker – хакер у чорній шапці;

2. breaking open – розкриття, зламування;
3. cash-dispensing systems – системи видачі готівки, банкомати;
4. computer extortion – комп’ютерне вимагання;
5. console operator – консольний оператор;
6. cracker – зломщик;
7. dark filters – темні фільтри;
8. decryption – розшифровка;
9. distortion – спотворення;
10.duplicate – дублікат;
11.embedded – вбудований;
12.encryption – шифрування;
1. envisage – передбачати;
13.fingerprints – відбитки пальців;
14.firewall – міжмережевий екран;
15.firmware – прошивка;
16.for abusing – за зловживання;
17.fraud – шахрайство;
18.fraudulent use – шахрайське використання;
19.freeware program – безкоштовна програма;
20.harassment - переслідування;
21.ill-intentioned use – зловмисне використання;
22.impose – нав’язування;
23.industrial espionage – промислове шпигунство;
24.innocent-looking file – невинний на вигляд файл;
25.intruder – зловмисник;
26.IP spoofing – підробка IP-адреси;
27.juristically fixed rules – юридично закріплені правила;
28.leak – витік;
29.malicious software – шкідливе програмне забезпечення;
30.massifs – масиви;
31.personal enrichment – особисте збагачення;
32.personal privacy – особиста конфіденційність;
33.positive identification – позитивна ідентифікація;
34.predator – хижак;
35.public cryptosystem – публічна криптосистема;
36.ransom – викуп;
37.restrictions – обмеження;
38.safeguarding – захист; matrix – матриця безпеки;
40.shareware applications – умовно-безкоштовні програми;
41.sneakernet crowd – сникернет-натовп;
42.sniffer program – програма-сніффер;
43.spyware – шпигунське програмне забезпечення;
44.surge protector – мережевий фільтр;
45.theft of data – крадіжка даних;
46.throughput – пропускна здатність; confine – обмежити; forge – підробляти; protect – захищати;
50.unsanctioned – несанкціонований;
51.unscrupulous – недобросовісний;
52.violators – порушники;
53.voiceprints – голосові відбитки;
54.white-collar crime – білокомірцеві злочини, службові злочини;
55.worms – хробаки;
56.write-protect measures – заходи захисту від несанкціонованого доступу.


The computer industry has been extremely vulnerable in the matter of
security. Computer security once meant the physical security of the computer itself
guarded and locked doors. Computer screens were given dark filters so others
could not easily see the data on the screen. But filters and locks by no means
prevented access. More sophisticated security means safeguarding the computer
system against such threats as burglary, vandalism, fire, natural disasters, theft of
data for ransom, industrial espionage, and various forms of white-collar crime.
Комп'ютерна індустрія була надзвичайно вразливою в питанні безпеки.
Колись комп'ютерна безпека означала фізичну безпеку самого комп'ютера
під охороною та замкненими дверима. Екрани комп'ютерів закривали
темними фільтрами, щоб інші не могли легко побачити дані на екрані. Але
фільтри і замки жодним чином не перешкоджали доступу. Більш складна
безпека означає захист комп'ютерної системи від таких загроз, як крадіжка зі
зломом, вандалізм, пожежа, стихійні лиха, крадіжка даних з метою викупу,
промислове шпигунство і різні форми службових злочинів.
Rapid development of automation processes and the penetration of the
computers in all fields of life have lead to appearance of a range of peculiar
problems. One of these problems is the necessity of providing effective protection
to information and means of its processing.
Стрімкий розвиток процесів автоматизації та проникнення комп'ютерів
у всі сфери життя призвели до появи низки специфічних проблем. Однією з
таких проблем є необхідність забезпечення ефективного захисту інформації
та засобів її обробки.
A lot of ways to access information, considerable quantity of qualified
specialists, vast use of special technical equipment in social production make it
possible for violators practically at any moment and in any place carry out the
actions, which represent a threat to information safety.
Безліч способів доступу до інформації, значна кількість кваліфікованих
фахівців, широке використання спеціальних технічних засобів у суспільному
виробництві дають можливість порушникам практично в будь-який момент і
в будь-якому місці здійснювати дії, що становлять загрозу інформаційній
The problem of information security is relatively new. Not all problems,
connected with it have been figured out and solved up to now. The fact of great
number of computer systems users means the definite risk to security because not
all clients will carry out the requirements of its providing.
Проблема інформаційної безпеки є відносно новою. Не всі проблеми,
пов'язані з нею, досі з'ясовані та вирішені. Факт великої кількості
користувачів комп'ютерних систем означає певний ризик для безпеки,
оскільки не всі клієнти будуть виконувати вимоги щодо її забезпечення.
The order of storage mediums should be clearly defined in legal acts and
envisage the complete safety of mediums, control over the work with information,
responsibility for unsanctioned access to medium with a purpose of copying,
changing or destroying them and so on.
Порядок зберігання носіїв інформації має бути чітко визначений у
нормативно-правових актах і передбачати повне збереження носіїв, контроль
за роботою з інформацією, відповідальність за несанкціонований доступ до
носіїв з метою їх копіювання, зміни або знищення тощо.
There are some legal aspects of information protection, which can appear
due to not carefully thought or ill-intentioned use of computer techniques:
· Legal questions of informational massifs form distortions;
· Security of stored information from the unsanctioned access;
· Setting juristically fixed rules and methods of copyrights protection and
priorities of software producers;
· Development of measures for providing the juridical power to the
documents, which are given to the machines;
· Legal protection of the experts’ interests, who pass their knowledge to the
· Setting of legal norms and juridical responsibility for using electronic
computer means in personal interests, which hurt other people and social interests
and can harm them;
· The lack of appropriate registration and control, low level of work and
production personnel discipline, the access of an unauthorized persons to the
computing sources create conditions for abusing and cause difficulties to their
detection. In every computing canter it is usual to set and strictly follow the
regulations of the access to different official rooms for employees of any
Існують деякі правові аспекти захисту інформації, які можуть
виникнути через непродумане або ненавмисне використання комп'ютерної
· Правові питання формування спотворень інформаційних масивів;
· Безпека збереженої інформації від несанкціонованого доступу;
· Встановлення юридично закріплених правил і способів захисту
авторських прав та пріоритетів виробників програмного забезпечення;
· Розробка заходів щодо надання юридичної сили документам, що
передаються на машини;
· Правовий захист інтересів експертів, які передають свої знання до баз
· Встановлення правових норм та юридичної відповідальності за
використання електронно-обчислювальних засобів в особистих інтересах, які
завдають шкоди іншим людям та суспільним інтересам і можуть завдати їм
· Відсутність належної реєстрації і контролю, низький рівень трудової і
виробничої дисципліни персоналу, доступ сторонніх осіб до джерел
обчислювальної техніки створюють умови для зловживань і викликають
труднощі в їх виявленні. У кожному обчислювальному центрі прийнято
встановлювати і суворо дотримуватися регламенту доступу до різних
службових приміщень для співробітників будь-яких категорій.
The main purpose of information protection is preventing from the leak,
theft, distortion, counterfeit of information; preventing the threat to person’s life
and social safety, protection of the constitution and so on. The information is
subjected to protection, when it may cause the harm for its owner, user or other
Основною метою захисту інформації є запобігання витоку, крадіжці,
перекрученню, підробленню інформації; запобігання загрозі життю та
соціальній безпеці особи, захист конституції тощо. Інформація підлягає
захисту, коли вона може завдати шкоди її власнику, користувачеві або іншій
The development of computer technology and its wide use have lead to
appearance and spread of computer crimes. Such situation causes alarm among
those organizations and legislative institution that use computer technologies and,
of course, people, who use new informational services at home.
Розвиток комп'ютерних технологій та їх широке використання
призвели до появи та поширення комп'ютерних злочинів. Така ситуація
викликає занепокоєння у тих організацій та законодавчих установ, які
використовують комп'ютерні технології, і, звичайно ж, у людей, які
користуються новими інформаційними послугами в побуті.
There are following forms of computers criminality: computer
manipulations, economic espionage, sabotage, computer extortion, “hacker”
activity. The main character of committing computer crimes in the business field
becomes highly qualified “white collars” from the suffered organization’s
Існують такі форми комп'ютерної злочинності: комп'ютерні
маніпуляції, економічне шпигунство, саботаж, комп'ютерне вимагання,
"хакерська" діяльність. Головними дійовими особами комп'ютерних злочинів
у сфері бізнесу стають висококваліфіковані "білі комірці" з числа
співробітників потерпілої організації.
There are many causes, when “hackers” get a job with a goal of personal
enrichment. But, the most danger can represent such specialists, who are in
collusion with managers of commercial structures and organized criminal groups;
in these situations causing damage and weight of consequences considerably
Існує багато причин, коли "хакери" влаштовуються на роботу з метою
особистого збагачення. Але найбільшу небезпеку можуть становити такі
фахівці, які перебувають у змові з керівниками комерційних структур та
організованими злочинними угрупованнями; в таких ситуаціях заподіяння
шкоди і тяжкість наслідків значно зростає.
There are two types of unsanctioned access:
· internal “breaking open” – the criminal has access to the terminal, with
information he interested in and can work with it for some time without
somebody’s control;
· external “breaking open” – the criminal doesn’t have indirect access to the
computer system, but has an opportunity of penetration to the protected system by
means of remote access;
Існує два типи несанкціонованого доступу:
· внутрішній "злом" - злочинець має доступ до терміналу з
інформацією, що його цікавить, і може деякий час працювати з нею без
чийогось контролю;
· зовнішній "злом" - злочинець не має опосередкованого доступу до
комп’ютерної системи, але має можливість проникнення в захищену систему
за допомогою віддаленого доступу;
Therefore, the importance of information protection cannot be doubted.
However, not only companies and state institutions need information protection
system but also general home users need information protection system and should
maintain the security of their computers.
Тому важливість захисту інформації не викликає сумнівів. Однак, не
тільки компанії та державні установи потребують системи захисту
інформації, але й звичайні домашні користувачі, які повинні підтримувати
безпеку своїх комп'ютерів.
Positive Identification of Users. A computer system needs a sure way of
identifying the people who are authorized to use it.
The identification procedure has to be quick, simple and convenient. It
should be so thorough that there is little chance of the computer being fooled by a
clever imposter. At the same time, the computer must not reject legitimate users.
Unfortunately, no identification system currently in use meets all these
Позитивна ідентифікація користувачів. Комп'ютерна система потребує
надійного способу ідентифікації людей, які мають право користуватися нею.
Процедура ідентифікації має бути швидкою, простою і зручною. Вона
має бути настільки ретельною, щоб було мало шансів, що комп'ютер
обдурить спритний самозванець. У той же час, комп'ютер не повинен
відхиляти законних користувачів. На жаль, жодна система ідентифікації, що
використовується в даний час, не відповідає всім цим вимогам.
At present, signatures are widely used to identify credit-card holders, but it
takes an expert to detect a good forgery. Sometimes even a human expert is fooled,
and there is no reason to believe that a computer could do any better.
Сьогодні підписи широко використовуються для ідентифікації
власників кредитних карток, але для того, щоб виявити якісну підробку,
потрібен експерт. Іноді навіть людину-експерта можна обдурити, і немає
жодних підстав вважати, що комп'ютер впорається з цим краще.
Photographs are also sometimes used for identification. But, people find it
inconvenient to stop by a bank or credit card company and be photographed.
Companies might lose business if they made the pictures an absolute requirement.
Also, photographs are less useful these days, when people frequently change their
appearance by changing the way they wear their hair. Finally, computer programs
for analyzing photographs are still highly experimental.
Фотографії також іноді використовуються для ідентифікації. Але
людям незручно йти до банку чи компанії, що видає кредитні картки, і
фотографуватися. Компанії можуть втратити бізнес, якщо зроблять
фотографію обов'язковою вимогою. Крім того, фотографії є менш корисними
в наш час, коли люди часто змінюють свою зовнішність, змінюючи зачіску.
Нарешті, комп'ютерні програми для аналізу фотографій все ще дуже
For a long time, fingerprints have provided a method of positive
identification. But they suffer from two problems, one technical and one
The technical problem is that there is no simple system for comparing
fingerprints electronically. Also, most methods of taking fingerprints are messy.
The psychological problem is that fingerprints are strongly associated in the public
mind with police procedures. Because most people associate being fingerprinted
with being arrested, they almost surely would resist being fingerprinted for routine
Протягом тривалого часу відбитки пальців забезпечували метод
позитивної ідентифікації. Але вони страждають від двох проблем - технічної
та психологічної.
Технічна проблема полягає в тому, що не існує простої системи для
порівняння відбитків пальців в електронному вигляді. Крім того, більшість
методів зняття відбитків пальців є безладними. Психологічна проблема
полягає в тому, що відбитки пальців міцно асоціюються в громадській
свідомості з діями поліції. Оскільки більшість людей асоціюють зняття
відбитків пальців із арештом, вони майже напевно не будуть здавати
відбитки пальців для звичайної ідентифікації.
Voiceprints still require more research. It has yet to be proved that the
computer cannot be fooled by mimics. Also, technical difficulties arise when the
voice is subjected to the noise and distortion of a telephone line.
Відбитки голосу все ще потребують додаткових досліджень. Ще
належить довести, що комп'ютер не можна обдурити за допомогою міміки.
Крім того, технічні труднощі виникають, коли голос піддається впливу шуму
і спотворень телефонної лінії.
To date, the most reliable method of positive identification is the card with
the magnetic stripe. If the technical problems can be worked out, however,
voiceprints may prove to be even better.
На сьогоднішній день найнадійнішим методом позитивної
ідентифікації є картка з магнітною смугою. Однак, якщо вдасться вирішити
технічні проблеми, голосовий ідентифікатор може виявитися ще кращим.
Data Encryption. When sensitive data is transmitted to and from remote
terminals, it must be encrypted (translated into a secret code) at one end and
decrypted (translated back into plain text) at the other. Files also can be protected
by encrypting the data before storing it and decrypting it after it has been retrieved.
Шифрування даних. Коли конфіденційні дані передаються на віддалені
термінали та з них, вони повинні бути зашифровані (перетворені в секретний
код) з одного боку і розшифровані (перетворені назад у звичайний текст) з
іншого. Файли також можна захистити, зашифрувавши дані перед
зберіганням і розшифрувавши їх після отримання.
Since it is impractical to keep secret the algorithms that are used to encrypt
and decrypt data, these algorithms are designed so that their operation depends on
a certain data item called the key. It is the key that is kept secret.
Оскільки недоцільно зберігати в таємниці алгоритми, які
використовуються для шифрування та дешифрування даних, ці алгоритми
розроблені таким чином, що їхня робота залежить від певного елемента
даних, який називається ключем. Це ключ, який зберігається в секреті.
Even if you know all the details of the encrypting and decrypting algorithms,
you cannot decrypt any messages unless you know the key that was used when
they were encrypted.
Навіть якщо ви знаєте всі деталі алгоритмів шифрування і
дешифрування, ви не зможете розшифрувати повідомлення, якщо не знаєте
ключ, який був використаний при їх зашифруванні.
Protection through Software. The software of a computer system,
particularly the operating system, can be designed to prevent unauthorized access
to the files stored on the system. The protection scheme uses a special table called
a security matrix.
Захист за допомогою програмного забезпечення. Програмне
забезпечення комп'ютерної системи, зокрема операційна система, може бути
розроблене таким чином, щоб запобігти несанкціонованому доступу до
файлів, що зберігаються в системі. У схемі захисту використовується
спеціальна таблиця, яка називається матрицею безпеки.
Each row of the security matrix corresponds to a data item stored in the
system. Each entry in the table lies at the intersection of a particular row and a
particular column. The entry tells what kind of access the person corresponding to
the row in which the entry lies has to the data item corresponding to the column in
which the entry lies.
Кожен рядок матриці безпеки відповідає елементу даних, що
зберігається в системі. Кожен запис у таблиці знаходиться на перетині
певного рядка та певного стовпця. Запис повідомляє, який вид доступу має
особа, яка відповідає рядку, у якому міститься запис, до елемента даних, що
відповідає стовпцю, у якому міститься запис.
Usually, there are several kinds of access that can be specified. For instance,
a person may be able to read a data item but not change it. Or he may be able to
both read and modify it. If the data is a program, a person may be able to have the
computer execute the program without being able either to read or modify it. Thus,
people can be allowed to use programs without being able to change them or find
out how they work.
Зазвичай можна вказати кілька типів доступу. Наприклад, людина
може прочитати елемент даних, але не змінити його. Або він зможе як
прочитати, так і змінити його. Якщо дані є програмою, людина може змусити
комп’ютер виконати програму, не маючи можливості ні прочитати, ні
змінити її. Таким чином, людям можна дозволити використовувати
програми, не маючи можливості змінювати їх або дізнаватися, як вони

Task 2. Discuss the following questions:

1. What is computer security?

Computer security refers to the measures and practices put in place to protect
computer systems, data, and information from unauthorized access, damage, theft,
or disruption. It encompasses various aspects, including physical security, network
security, data encryption, user authentication, and protection against cyber threats.

2. What is the most serious problem: the loss of hardware, software, or the
loss of data?
The most serious problem in computer security is often the loss of data.
While the loss of hardware and software can be inconvenient and costly, data is
often the most valuable asset for individuals and organizations. Data can include
sensitive information, intellectual property, financial records, and more. Losing
data due to breaches, theft, or corruption can have severe consequences, including
financial losses, legal liabilities, and damage to reputation.

3. How does a computer system detect whether you are the person who
should be granted access to it?
A computer system can detect whether a person should be granted access
through identification procedures. These procedures may include methods like
signatures, photographs, fingerprints, voiceprints, or magnetic stripe cards.
However, the text also mentions that no identification system currently meets all

4. What are the shortcomings of each biometric means?

The shortcomings of each biometric means are as follows:
Signatures: Skilled forgers can create convincing forgeries.
Photographs: Inconvenient for users and less reliable due to changes in
Fingerprints: No simple electronic comparison system; messy to obtain;
psychological resistance due to association with police procedures.
Voiceprints: Uncertain reliability against mimics; technical difficulties with
noise and distortion on telephone lines.

5. What is to prevent any user from copying PC software onto diskettes?

To prevent users from copying PC software onto diskettes, software can be
protected through methods like encryption and the use of license keys.
Additionally, strict licensing agreements and legal measures can deter
unauthorized copying and distribution.

6. What steps can be taken to prevent theft or alteration of data?

To prevent theft or alteration of data, various measures can be taken,
including data encryption during transmission and storage, access controls using
security matrices, regular data backups, and monitoring for suspicious activities.

7. What is the weakest link in any computer system?

The weakest link in any computer system is often human behavior and
practices. Users who do not follow security best practices, such as using weak
passwords or falling for phishing scams, can inadvertently compromise the
security of a system.

8. Should a programmer also be a computer operator?

Whether a programmer should also be a computer operator depends on the
specific role and responsibilities within an organization. In some cases,
programmers may also be responsible for operating the systems they develop,
while in others, these roles may be separate to enhance security and reduce
potential conflicts of interest.

9. What is a security matrix?

A security matrix is a special table used in computer security that defines the
access rights and permissions of users or groups to specific data items or resources.
Each row corresponds to a data item, and each column corresponds to a user or
group, and the entries in the matrix specify the level of access each user or group
has to each data item.

10. Can the computer industry risk being without safeguards for security and
No, the computer industry cannot risk being without safeguards for security
and privacy. With the increasing reliance on computers and the internet, the
potential risks and threats to data and systems have also grown. Neglecting
security and privacy safeguards can lead to significant consequences, including
data breaches, financial losses, and damage to trust in technology. Therefore, it is
essential for the industry to continue developing and implementing robust security
measures to protect both individuals and organizations.

Task 3. Find the English equivalents to the following words:

Забезпечити надійний захист інформації – to provide effective protection to
загроза інформаційній безпеці – a threat to information safety,
несанкціонований доступ – unsanctioned access,
база даних – database,
юридична відповідальність – juridical responsibility,
протиправний акт – unlawful act,
економічне шпигунство – economic espionage,
зломник – hacker,
шкідливе програмне забезпечення – malicious software;
шифрування і розшифровка – encryption and decryption;
крадіжка даних – theft of data;
порушник – violator;
незаконне використання – unauthorized use;
безкоштовна програма – freeware program.

Task 4. Complete the sentences as in the text:

1. One of the most important problems for computer science is the providing of
effective protection to information and means of its processing.
2. There are some legal aspects of computer protection.
3. Security of stored information from any unsanctioned access.
4. The main purpose of information protection is preventing from leak, theft,
distortion of information.
5. Sometimes “hackers” get a job with a goal of personal enrichment.
6. A computer system needs a sure way of identifying the people who are
authorized to use it.
7. Photographs are also used for identification.

Task 5. Give synonyms to:

To encrypt – To encode, to cipher, to scramble;
To secure – To protect, to safeguard, to fortify;
Confidential – Private, classified, secretive;
Biometric – Biomarker, physiological, fingerprint-based;
Recognition – Identification, acknowledgment, validation;
An imposter – A fraud, a impersonator, a counterfeit;
To meet requirements – To fulfill criteria, to satisfy conditions, to adhere to
To detect – To identify, to spot, to uncover;
To lose business – To miss out on customers, to suffer a business decline;
An appearance – A look, a semblance, an aspect;
To incorporate – To include, to integrate, to combine;
Unless – Except if, except when, provided that not;
To circumvent – To bypass, to evade, to sidestep;
Give antonyms to:
Convenient – Inconvenient;
An advocate – An opponent, a critic, a detractor;
To reject – To accept, to approve, to embrace;
To encrypt – To decrypt;
Legitimate – Illegitimate, unlawful, unauthorized;
Messy – Neat, tidy, organized;
Authorized – Unauthorized, prohibited, illegal;
White-collar crime – Blue-collar crime;
To safeguard info – To jeopardize info, to expose info;
Sensitive – Insensitive, unfeeling, callous;
To retrieve data – To delete data, to erase data;
Practical – Impractical, unrealistic, unfeasible;
By chance – By design, deliberately, intentionally;
Private – Public, shared, open.
Task 6. Put the proper words into sentences:

foolproof, complicated, virus, unauthorized, crime, fingerprint, altering, messages.

1. Computer security is more complicated today than it was in the past.
2. International literature tells lurid stories about computer viruses crime — about
bank swindles, espionage, sent from one computer to destroy the contents of
3. Movies like War Games have dramatized the dangers from unauthorized entry
to the computer systems that control nuclear weapons.
4. Methods used in computer-based criminal activity range from switching or
altering data as they enter the computer, to pulling self-concealing instruction into
the software.
5. The person who develops a foolproof lock for the computer data will make a
6. Virus is the name generally given to software that causes altering of computer
7. People must be taught that some kinds of help, such as assisting unauthorized
users with passwords are inappropriate.
8. According to a published article, the Mafia has kidnapped an IBM executive and
cut off his finger because it needed his fingerprint to breach a computer security
9. Data sent over communication lines can be protected by encryption, the process
of scrambling messages.
10. Firewall is security measures taken to block unauthorized access to an Internet

Task 7. Mark the true sentences (T) and the false ones (F), according to the text.

1. The importance of information protection can be doubted. (F)

2. “Hackers” are not so dangerous as ‘crackers”. (F)
3. Poverty of “hackers” is the main reason of their computer crimes. (F)
4. The problem of information security is not so old. (T)
5. Every organization should set protection system. (T)

Task 8. Define the function of that (those) in the following sentences and
translate them.

1. This system of information security is more efficient than that described in that
journal. (Ця система інформаційної безпеки є більш ефективною, ніж та, що
описана в тому журналі.)
The first "that" is used as a determiner to refer to "the system of information
security described in that journal" (determiner). The second "that" refers to "the
journal" and introduces a relative clause that specifies which journal is being
referred to.

2. Computers are devices that are capable of very rapid and accurate calculation.
(Комп'ютери - це пристрої, які здатні до дуже швидких і точних обчислень.)
"that" is used as a pronoun to refer to "devices" (pronoun).

3. We know that the term “computer crime” was first used in the early 70-s. (Ми
знаємо, що термін "комп'ютерна злочинність" вперше був використаний на
початку 70-х років.)
"that" is used as a conjunction and pronoun to refer to "the term 'computer crime'"
(conjunction and pronoun).

4. On that day the main character of committing computer crimes was found. (В
цей день був знайдений головний герой комп'ютерних злочинів.)
"that" is used as a pronoun to refer to "the day" (pronoun).

5. Some think that computer crimes can be defined as unlawful actions. (Дехто
вважає, що комп'ютерні злочини можна визначити як протиправні дії.)
"that" is used as a conjunction and pronoun to refer to "computer crimes"
(conjunction and pronoun).

6. The information protection system was similar to that described previously.

(Система захисту інформації була схожа на описану раніше.)
"that" is used as a pronoun to refer to "the information protection system
described previously" (pronoun).

7. There are computers that can do many jobs. (Є комп'ютери, які можуть
виконувати багато завдань.)
"that" is used as a conjunction and pronoun to refer to "computers" (conjunction
and pronoun).

8. That Ch. Babbage invented the first computer is well known. (Те, що Ч.
Беббідж винайшов перший комп'ютер, добре відомо.)
"That" is used as a conjunction and pronoun to refer to "Ch. Babbage invented the
first computer" (conjunction and pronoun).

9. Since that time it represents a threat to information safety. (З того часу він
становить загрозу інформаційній безпеці.)
"that" is used as a pronoun to refer to "the time" (pronoun).

10. Different forms of computer criminality were found in their company similar to
those used in Vidtec. (У їхній компанії були виявлені різні форми
комп'ютерної злочинності, схожі на ті, що використовувалися у Vidtec.)
"those" is used as a conjunction and pronoun to refer to "different forms of
computer criminality" (conjunction and pronoun).

Task 9. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. Web browsers warn you if the connection is not secure; they display a message
when you try to send personal information to a server.
Веб-браузери попереджають вас, якщо з'єднання не є безпечним; вони
відображають повідомлення, коли ви намагаєтеся відправити особисту
інформацію на сервер.
2. Private networks use a software and hardware mechanism, called a 'firewall', to
block unauthorized traffic from the Internet.
Приватні мережі використовують програмно-апаратний механізм, який
називається "міжмережевий екран", для блокування несанкціонованого
трафіку з Інтернету.

3. You have to type your user name and password to access a locked computer
system or network.
Щоб отримати доступ до заблокованої комп'ютерної системи або мережі,
потрібно ввести ім'я користувача та пароль.

4. An open padlock in Netscape Communicator indicates the page is not secure; a

closed padlock indicates the page is encrypted (secure).
Відкритий замок у Netscape Communicator означає, що сторінка не захищена;
закритий замок означає, що сторінка зашифрована (захищена).

Task 10. Discuss the following questions:

1. What is the main problem of information protection?

The main problem of information protection is safeguarding sensitive and
valuable data, preventing unauthorized access, theft, alteration, or destruction of
information. It also involves protecting against various threats like hacking,
cyberattacks, and data breaches.

2. When was the term “computer crime “used?

The term "computer crime" was first used in the early 1970s.

3. What is security concerned with?

Security is concerned with protecting computer systems and networks from
threats and vulnerabilities. It includes physical security, data security, network
security, and user access control.

4. Why have computer crimes spread so quickly?

Computer crimes have spread quickly due to the rapid development and
widespread use of computer technology, increased connectivity through the
internet, and the availability of tools and techniques for cyberattacks. The potential
for financial gain and anonymity in committing such crimes has also contributed to
their rapid spread.

5. What is the difference between “hackers” and “crackers?

"Hackers" are typically individuals with advanced technical skills who may
engage in ethical hacking (penetration testing and security improvement) or
malicious hacking (unauthorized access for personal gain or disruption).
"Crackers," on the other hand, are individuals who engage in illegal activities like
breaking software copy protection, spreading malware, or conducting cyberattacks.

6. How can the main purpose of information protection be achieved?

The main purpose of information protection can be achieved through a
combination of measures, including strong user authentication, encryption of
sensitive data, regular security audits, employee training, and the implementation
of security policies and procedures.

7. What unlawful actions are implied by computer crimes?

Unlawful actions implied by computer crimes include unauthorized access to
computer systems, data theft, spreading malware (viruses, ransomware, etc.),
identity theft, financial fraud, and cyberattacks on organizations and individuals.

8. What does statistics say about computer crimes?

Statistics on computer crimes may vary, but they generally show an
increasing trend in the number and complexity of cybercrimes. The exact statistics
would depend on the specific timeframe and region in question.

9. Why are so many computer crimes committed?

Many computer crimes are committed for financial gain, personal
satisfaction, or to gain unauthorized access to valuable information. Some
individuals may also be motivated by ideological reasons or revenge.

10. Can you suggest the appropriate solution of the information protection?
Appropriate solutions for information protection include implementing
robust cybersecurity measures, regular software and system updates, user
education and awareness programs, data encryption, multi-factor authentication,
and collaboration between government agencies, businesses, and cybersecurity
experts to combat cyber threats effectively. Developing and enforcing strict laws
and regulations related to computer crimes can also deter potential offenders.

Task 11. Read the text and do the exercises below.


There are a lot of benefits from an open system like the Internet, but we are
also exposed to hackers who break into computer systems just for fun, as well as to
steal information or propagate viruses. So how do you go about making online
transactions secure?
Відкрита система, така як Інтернет, має багато переваг, але ми також
піддаємося впливу хакерів, які зламують комп'ютерні системи просто заради
розваги, а також з метою крадіжки інформації або розповсюдження вірусів.
Тож як зробити онлайн-транзакції безпечними?
Security on the Web
The question of security is crucial when sending confidential information
such as credit card numbers. For example, consider the process of buying a book
on the Web. You have to type your credit card number into an order form which
passes from computer to computer on its way to the online bookstore. If one of the
intermediary computers is infiltrated by hackers, your data can be copied. It is
difficult to say how often this happens, but it's technically possible.
Безпека в Інтернеті
Питання безпеки має вирішальне значення при надсиланні
конфіденційної інформації, наприклад, номерів кредитних карток.
Наприклад, розглянемо процес купівлі книги в Інтернеті. Ви маєте ввести
номер своєї кредитної картки у форму замовлення, яка переходить з
комп'ютера на комп'ютер на шляху до книжкового інтернет-магазину. Якщо
на один з комп'ютерів-посередників проникнуть хакери, ваші дані можуть
бути скопійовані. Важко сказати, як часто це трапляється, але технічно це
To avoid risks, you should set mail security alerts to high on your Web
browser. Netscape Communicator and Internet Explorer display a lock when the
Web page is secure and allow you to disable or delete “cookies”.
If you use online bank services, make sure your bank uses digital
certificates. A popular security standard is SET (secure electronic transactions).
Щоб уникнути ризиків, вам слід встановити високий рівень сповіщень
про безпеку пошти у вашому веб-браузері. Netscape Communicator та Internet
Explorer відображають блокування, коли веб-сторінка є безпечною, і
дозволяють відключити або видалити "cookies".
Якщо ви користуєтеся послугами онлайн-банку, переконайтеся, що ваш
банк використовує цифрові сертифікати. Популярним стандартом безпеки є
SET (безпечні електронні транзакції).
E-mail privacy
Similarly, as your e-mail message travels across the net, it is copied
temporarily on many computers in between. This means it can be read, by
unscrupulous people who illegally enter computer systems.
The only way to protect a message is to put it in a sort of 'envelope', that is,
to encode it with some form of encryption. A system designed to send e-mail
privately is Pretty Good Privacy, a freeware program written by Phil Zimmerman.
Конфіденційність електронної пошти
Так само, коли ваше електронне повідомлення подорожує мережею,
воно тимчасово копіюється на багатьох комп'ютерах у проміжках між ними.
Це означає, що його можуть прочитати недобросовісні люди, які незаконно
проникли в комп'ютерні системи.
Єдиний спосіб захистити повідомлення - це помістити його у
своєрідний "конверт", тобто зашифрувати його за допомогою певної форми
шифрування. Система, призначена для приватного надсилання електронної
пошти, - це Pretty Good Privacy, безкоштовна програма, написана Філом
Network security
Private networks connected to the Internet can be attacked by intruders who
attempt to take valuable information such as Social Security numbers, bank
accounts or research and business reports.
To protect crucial data, companies hire security consultants who analyze the
risks and provide security solutions. The most common methods of protection are
passwords for access control, encryption and decryption systems, and firewalls.
Мережева безпека
Приватні мережі, підключені до Інтернету, можуть бути атаковані
зловмисниками, які намагаються заволодіти цінною інформацією, наприклад,
номерами соціального страхування, банківськими рахунками або
дослідницькими та бізнес-звітами.
Щоб захистити важливі дані, компанії наймають консультантів з
безпеки, які аналізують ризики та пропонують рішення для захисту.
Найпоширенішими методами захисту є паролі для контролю доступу,
системи шифрування та дешифрування, а також міжмережеві екрани.
Virus protection
Viruses can enter a PC through files from disks, the Internet or bulletin
board systems. If you want to protect your system, don't open e-mail attachments
from strangers and take care when downloading files from the Web. (Plain text e-
mail alone can't pass a virus.)
Remember also to update your anti-virus software as often as possible, since
new viruses are being created all the time.
Захист від вірусів
Віруси можуть потрапляти на комп'ютер через файли з дисків, Інтернет
або дошки оголошень. Якщо ви хочете захистити свою систему, не
відкривайте вкладення електронної пошти від незнайомців і будьте обережні,
завантажуючи файли з Інтернету. (Простий текстовий електронний лист сам
по собі не може передати вірус).
Не забувайте також оновлювати антивірусне програмне забезпечення
якомога частіше, оскільки нові віруси створюються постійно.
Preventative tips
Don’t open email attachments from unknown people; always take note of the
file extension.
Run and update antivirus programs, e.g. virus scanners.
Install a firewall, a program designed to prevent spyware from gaining
access to the internal network.
Make backup copies of your files regularly.
Don’t accept files from high-risk sources.
Use a digital certificate, an electronic way of proving your identity, when
you are doing business on the Internet. Avoid giving credit card numbers.
Don’t believe everything you read on the Net. Have a suspicious attitude
toward its contents.
Профілактичні поради
Не відкривайте вкладення електронної пошти від невідомих людей;
завжди звертайте увагу на розширення файлів.
Запускайте та оновлюйте антивірусні програми, наприклад, антивірусні
Встановіть міжмережевий екран - програму, призначену для
запобігання доступу шпигунських програм до внутрішньої мережі.
Регулярно робіть резервні копії своїх файлів.
Не приймайте файли з джерел з високим рівнем ризику.
Використовуйте цифровий сертифікат, електронний спосіб
підтвердження вашої особи, коли ви ведете бізнес в Інтернеті. Уникайте
надання номерів кредитних карток.
Не вірте всьому, що читаєте в мережі. Ставтеся з підозрою до його

Task 12. Find the answers to these questions.

1. Why is security so important on the Internet?

Security is important on the Internet because there are hackers who may
break into computer systems for various reasons, including stealing information,
propagating viruses, or causing disruptions. Online transactions often involve the
exchange of confidential information, such as credit card numbers, making security
a critical concern.

2. What security features are offered by Netscape Communicator and

Internet Explorer?
Netscape Communicator and Internet Explorer display a lock when the Web
page is secure, indicating that the connection is encrypted. They also allow users to
set mail security alerts to a high level and enable them to disable or delete
"cookies" to enhance security.

3. What security standard is used by most banks to make online transactions

Most banks use the security standard SET (secure electronic transactions) to
make online transactions secure.

4. How can we protect and keep our e-mail private?

To keep e-mail private, it is recommended to encrypt messages using
encryption software like Pretty Good Privacy (PGP). This encoding protects the
content of the message from being read by unauthorized individuals as it travels
across the Internet.

5. What methods are used by companies to make internal networks secure?

Companies use various methods to make internal networks secure, including
password-based access control, encryption and decryption systems, and firewalls.
They may also consult security consultants to assess risks and implement security

6. Which ways can a virus enter a computer system?

Viruses can enter a computer system through files from disks, the Internet,
or bulletin board systems. To protect against viruses, users should avoid opening
email attachments from unknown sources, be cautious when downloading files
from the Internet, and regularly update their antivirus software.

Task 13. Fill in the gaps in these security tips with words from the box.

digital, certificate, malware, virus, scanner, spyware, firewall, antivirus

1. Malicious software, malware , can be avoided by following some basic rules.
2. Internet users who like cybershopping should get a digital certificate , an
electronic identity card.
3. To prevent crackers from breaking into your internal network and obtaining your
data, install a firewall . It will protect you from spyware .
4. If you have been hit by a virus , don’t panic! Download a clean-up utility and
always remember to use on antivirus program, for example, a virus scanner.

Internet crime
The Internet provides a wide variety of opportunities for communication and
development, but unfortunately it also has its dark side.
Crackers, or black-hat hackers, are computer criminals who use technology
to perform a variety of crimes: virus propagation, fraud, intellectual property theft,
Інтернет надає широкий спектр можливостей для спілкування та
розвитку, але, на жаль, він також має свою темну сторону.
Зломщики, або хакери в чорних капелюхах, - це комп'ютерні злочинці,
які використовують технології для вчинення різноманітних злочинів:
розповсюдження вірусів, шахрайства, крадіжки інтелектуальної власності
Internet-based crimes include scam, email fraud to obtain money or
valuables, and phishing, bank fraud, to get banking information such as passwords
of Internet bank accounts or credit card details. Both crimes use emails of
websites that look like those of real organizations.
Інтернет-злочини включають шахрайство, шахрайство з електронною
поштою з метою отримання грошей або цінностей, а також фішинг,
банківське шахрайство з метою отримання банківської інформації,
наприклад, паролів до банківських рахунків в Інтернеті або реквізитів
кредитних карток. Обидва злочини використовують електронні адреси веб-
сайтів, які виглядають як адреси реальних організацій.
Due to its anonymity, the Internet also provides the right environment for
cyberstalking, online harassment or abuse, mainly in chat rooms or newsgroups.
Piracy, the illegal copying and distribution of copyrighted software,
information, music and video files, is widespread.
But by far the most common type of crime involves malware.
Завдяки своїй анонімності Інтернет також створює сприятливе
середовище для кіберпереслідування, онлайн-переслідувань або насильства,
переважно в чатах або групах новин.
Піратство, незаконне копіювання та розповсюдження захищеного
авторським правом програмного забезпечення, інформації, музики та
відеофайлів, є широко розповсюдженим явищем.
Але, безумовно, найпоширенішим видом злочинів є шкідливе
програмне забезпечення.
Malware: viruses, worms, trojans and spyware

Malware (malicious software) is software created to damage or alter the

computer data or its operations. These are the main types.
· Viruses arc programs that spread by attaching themselves to executable files or
documents. When the infected program is run, the virus propagates to other files or
programs on the computer. Some viruses are designed to work at a particular time
or on a specific date, e.g. on Friday 13th. An email virus spreads by sending a copy
of itself to everyone in an email address book.
Шкідливе програмне забезпечення (ПЗ) - це програмне забезпечення,
створене для пошкодження або зміни даних на комп'ютері чи його роботи.
Існують такі основні типи.
· Віруси - це програми, які поширюються, приєднуючись до виконуваних
файлів або документів. Коли заражена програма запускається, вірус
поширюється на інші файли або програми на комп'ютері. Деякі віруси
призначені для роботи в певний час або в певну дату, наприклад, у п'ятницю
13-го. Вірус електронної пошти поширюється, надсилаючи свою копію всім,
хто є в адресній книзі електронної пошти.
· Worms are self-copying programs that have the capacity to move from one
computer to another without human help, by exploiting security flaws in computer
networks. Worms are self-contained and don't need to be attached to a document or
program the way viruses do.
· Хробаки - це самокопіювальні програми, які здатні переміщатися з одного
комп'ютера на інший без допомоги людини, використовуючи недоліки
безпеки в комп'ютерних мережах. Черв'яки є автономними і не потребують
приєднання до документа чи програми, як це роблять віруси.
· Trojan horses are malicious programs disguised as innocent-looking files or
embedded within legitimate software. Once they are activated, they may affect the
computer in a variety of ways: some are just annoying, others are more ominous,
creating a backdoor to the computer which can be used to collect stored data. They
don't copy themselves or reproduce by infecting other files.
· Троянські коні - це шкідливі програми, замасковані під невинні на вигляд
файли або вбудовані в легальне програмне забезпечення. Після активації
вони можуть впливати на комп'ютер по-різному: деякі з них просто
дратують, інші - більш зловісні, створюючи чорний хід до комп'ютера, який
можна використовувати для збору збережених даних. Вони не копіюють себе
і не розмножуються, заражаючи інші файли.
· Spyware, software designed to collect information from computers for
commercial or criminal purposes, is another example of malicious software. It
usually comes hidden in fake freeware or shareware applications downloadable
from the Internet.
· Шпигунське програмне забезпечення, призначене для збору інформації з
комп'ютерів у комерційних або злочинних цілях, є ще одним прикладом
шкідливого програмного забезпечення. Зазвичай воно ховається у фальшивих
безкоштовних або умовно-безкоштовних програмах, які можна завантажити з

Task 14. Identify the Internet crimes sentences (1-6) refer to. Then match them
with the advice below (a-f).

1. Crackers try to find a way to copy the latest game or computer program. A
2. A study has revealed that half a million people will automatically open an email
they believe to be from their bank and happily send off all their security details. F
3. This software's danger is hidden behind an attractive appearance. That's why it is
often wrapped in attractive packages promising photos of celebrities like Anna
Kournikova or Jennifer Lopez. D
4. There is a particular danger in Internet commerce and emails. Many people
believe they have been offered a special gift only to find out later they have been
deceived. B
5. 'Nimda' spreads by sending infected emails and is also able to infect websites, so
when a user visits a compromised website, the browser can infect the computer. E
6. Every day, millions of children spend time in Internet chat rooms talking to
strangers. But what many of them don't realize is that some of the surfers chatting
with them may be sexual predators. C
a) People shouldn't buy cracked software or download music illegally from the
b) Be suspicious of wonderful offers. Don't buy if you aren't sure.
c) It's dangerous to give personal information to people you contact in chat rooms.
d) Don’t open attachments from people you don't know even if the subject looks
e) Scan your email and be careful about which websites you visit.
f) Check with your bank before sending information.


Exercise 1. Put each verb into the correct form.

1. He was having a bath when the phone rang.

2. He suddenly realized that he was traveling in the wrong direction.
3. He was talking to people over the Internet at 8 o’clock yesterday.
4. You looked very busy when I saw you last night. What were you doing?
5. The boys were playing computer games when they heard their father’s steps.
They immediately switched off the computer and took out their text-books.
6. When I heard the knock I went to the door and opened it, but I didn`t
recognize him at first because he was wearing dark glasses.
7. A private e-mail account cost $10 a month last year.
8. They visited cafe very often last week.

Exercise 2. Choose the right variant.

1. There______too much bad news on TV yesterday.

a) was b) are c) is d) has been
2. Could you give me______glass of______milk with______sandwich?
a) a, -, a b) the, the, c) a, the, - d) -, the, -
3. On our trip to______Australia we crossed______Pacific Ocean.
a) the, - b) an, the c) -, the d) -, -
4.______you introduce me to your friend as soon as she_____?
a) do, comes b) will, come c) will, comes d) are, comes
5. There is no school uniform. The pupils can wear______they like.
a) whoever b) however c) whenever d) whatever
6. I'm going on a diet tomorrow. I need______some weight.
a) to lose b) lose c) to have lost d) losing
7. I spent______money last month that I had to go to the bank.
a) much b) little c) so much d) so many
8. When I was a child I______play football everyday.
a) use b) am used c) was use d) used to
9. I didn't need any help. I did it______my own.
a) for b) with c) on d) by
10. The party______by the time I______there.
a) had finished, get b) finished, got c) had finished, got d) finished, had got
11. We are thinking seriously______here if we can find a job.
a) move b) of moving c) moving d) to move
12. She______the key so I climbed through a window.
a) didn't leave b) hasn't left c) had left d) hadn't left
13. The landlord was not______about all the repairs.
a) satisfied b) worried c) think d) prepared
14. By the time I retire I______here for twenty years.
a) '11 be working b) '11 work c) '11 have worked d) work
15. I'll cook______that you wash up.
a) if b) provided c) even if d) if only
16. The plane is expected______an hour ago.
a) to land b) to have landed c) landing d) land
17. I'm looking______passing all my exams.
a) forward b) to c) forward to d) into
18. I'd rather you______anyone what I said.
a) not tell b) didn't tell c) not to tell d) don't tell
19. We live in______small flat near______center of______city.
a) a, the, the b) the, a, the c) a, the, a d) a, a, a
20. She is very secretive. She never tells_____________.
a) somebody anything b) anybody something c) nobody nothing d) anybody
21. My salary isn't______yours.
a) as high b) as high as c) so high d) so high as
22. Finally they managed to______him to change his mind.
a) advise b) insist c) make d) persuade
23. I could arrive on time______of the traffic jam.
a) despite b) in spite c) although d) however
24. Her father wouldn't let me______to her.
a) speak b) speaking c) to speak d) to have spoken

Exercise 3. Translate into English:

1. Ще в школі Білл Гейтс зумів підібрати ключ до системи захисту і постійно
крав час експлуатації машини.
While still at school, Bill Gates managed to pick up the key to the security system
and constantly stole the operating time of the machine.

2. Порушення авторського права – незаконне копіювання, зокрема, програми.

Copyright infringement is illegal copying, in particular, of a program.

3. Пароль – це набір символів, що використовуються в якості коду до

обчислювальної системи або бази даних. Комп'ютерні хулігани можуть легко
підібрати пароль, якщо він являє собою ініціали або послідовні ряди чисел.
A password is a set of characters used as a code for a computer system or database.
Computer vandals can easily guess a password if it consists of initials or sequential
4. Тягнуть все: особисті коди кредитних карток, авторські музичні твори,
останні комп'ютерні ігри. Хакери називають це дільбою, решта - відвертим
They steal everything: personal credit card codes, copyrighted music, the latest
computer games. Hackers call it sharing, the rest of us call it outright theft.

5. Якщо ви використовуєте комп'ютер в своєму бізнесі, то ви повинні мати

антивірусні програми і оновлювати їх постійно.
If you use a computer in your business, then you must have anti-virus programs
and update them constantly.

6. Є два способи уникнути зараження комп'ютерними вірусами: не

встановлювати нове програмне забезпечення без перевірки і не
завантажувати безкоштовну інформацію з мережі.
There are two ways to avoid getting infected with computer viruses: don't install
new software without checking it and don't download free information from the
7. Найшвидшими способами нелегального розповсюдження програмного
забезпечення зараз є: крадіжка, злом і торгівля краденим.
The fastest ways to illegally distribute software today are theft, hacking, and
trading in stolen goods.

Exercise 4.Choose the correct item.

1. How long ....... here?

a) you live b) do you live c) have you lived d) are you living
2. ................. I help you with the cooking?
a) Will b) Am c) Shall d) Have
3. He denied ........... the money.
a) to take b) to have taken c) take d) having taken
4. She ............ for 12 hours before she finished everything.
a) had been working b) has been working c) is working d) has worked
5. When I was a child I ......... running every day.
a) have gone b) used to go c) was going d) had gone
6.What ................. at 10 o’clock last night?
a) have you done b) were you doing c) have you been doing d) had you done
7. He hasn’t left the office ........ .
a) yet b) before c) just d) already
8. They will have finished ......... 8 o’clock.
a) until b) won’t c) since d) by
9. I’m afraid I ......... to come to the party.
a) don’t go b) won’t c) won’t be able d) can’t
10. We went into town ...... some new clothes.
a) to buy b) for buying c) to have bought d) buying
11. We’d rather .......... to bed early last night.
a) to have gone b) to go c) going d) have gone
12. Remember ........... the door when you leave.
a) to lock b) lock c) going d) have locked
13. “You look slimmer .” “Yes I ....... 12 kilos.”
a) had lost b) lost c) have been losing d) have lost
14. ”I’m having trouble with this exercise.”
“Don’t worry. I ............ you.”
a) have helped b) am going to help c) helped d) ‘ll help
15. “have you ever been to China?”
“Yes, I … to China.”
a) have gone b) went c) have been going d) nave been
16. “How long have you worked here?”
“By the end of the month I ....... here for three years.”
a) ‘ll work b) ‘m going to work c) ‘ll have been working d) ‘ll be working
17. “We’ll need some Coke for the party.”
“I ... bought some Coke.”
a) buy b) will have bought c) ‘ve already d) had bought
18. “I need to give a message to Susan.”
“I .............. her at the office this afternoon”
a) see b) have seen c) ‘ll have seen d) ‘ll be seeing
19. “Have you ever met a famous person?”
“Yes, I ............ Maria Callas once.”
a) have met b) met c) meet d) have been meeting
20. “These shoes aren’t at all comfortable.”
“You shouldn’t .................... them.”
a) have bought b) to buy c) bought d) buying
21. “What’s wrong with Lynda?”
“She ....................... problems at work lately.”
a) has been having b) will have c) was having d) ‘ll be having
22. “What’s Pam doing?”
“She seems ........ .”
a) has be working b) working c) to have worked d) to work
23. “How long have you been working here?”
“............ 6 months.”
a) Since b) For c) From d) Ago
24. “I can’t stand this any longer!”
“Calm down. There’s no point ............... upset.”
a) to get b) get c) in getting d) to getting
25. “how long does it take you to write a novel?”
“ By December I .............. on this one for 3 years.”
a) will work b) will have been working c) will be working d) am going to work

Exercise 5. Choose the correct item.

1. This factory ........... mare cars this year than ever before.
a) produces b) produced c) has produced d) producing
2. ............................. helpful man he is!
a) How b) What a c) What d) Such
3. We.......... be going to France this summer, but we’re not sure yet.
a) can b) must c) would d) might
4) This car ........... to use less petrol than any other.
a) designs b) was designed c) has designed d) was designing
5. That boy ............ father is a footballer, is very good at sports.
a) the b) who’s c) whose d) which
6. I wish I ................ the answer.
a) was knowing b) know c) knew d) would know
7. I’m glad you remembered ................. some tea because I haven’t got any.
a) to bring b) bringing c) to have brought d) bring
8. By the end of the month the estate agent ............... twenty houses.
a) will sell b) will have sold c) will be selling d) is going to sell
9. Swansea, .................. my father was brought up, is a beautiful town.
a) who b) where c) that d) which
10. “Why hasn’t your company moved yet?”
"The company hasn't moved yet because we have been trying to find the right
opportunity and location."
a) have tried b) had tried c) have been trying d) were trying
11. She was .................... tired that she fell asleep.
a) so b) such c) enough d) too
12. You mustn’t leave the office .......... the manager returns.
a) while b) until c) by the time d) during
13. “Have they found out who stole the money?”
“Yes, a clerk pretended ................. it when in fact he was hiding it.”
a) to have lost b) having lost c) losing d) have lost
14. “Everything in this room is wet from the rain.”
“I ............... the windows!”
a) mustn’t have shut b) must have shut c) would have shut d) should have shut
15. “why aren’t you writing the test?”
“I can’t remember what the teacher said. I wish I ......... more attention.”
a) had paid b) am paying c) would pay d) pay
16. “Can you lend me some money?”
“I’ll give you some ........ I get paid.”
a) while b) as soon as c) whenever d) until
17. Take some money in case you ....................... to do some shopping.
a) will want b) had wanted c) wanted d) want
18. “Why didn’t you ring me?”
“I would have rung you if I ........ the time.”
a) have had b) had had c) have d) had
19. He .......... the best pianist alive.
a) thinks b) is thought being c) is thought be d) is thought to be
20. Do you know ........... that man standing near Tom is?
a) who b) whom c) whose d) who’s
21. “Did you play football yesterday?”
“Yes, we did, ........... the snow.”
a) although b) despite c) in spite d) even though
22. ...................... Big ears he’s got!
a) What b) What a c) How d) Such
23. If I ............ her before, I would have recognized her.
a) saw b) would see c) see d) had seen
24. Will you taste this milk? It ........ have gone off.
a) will b) can c) may d) would

Exercise 6. Choose the correct item.

1. Jane ............... Spanish for five years now.

a) teaches b) is teaching c) taught d) has been teaching
2. “Did you speak to John?”
“Yes, he ......... his homework when I phoned him”
a) did b) has done c) was doing d) does
3. “Are you coming out with us?”
“I can’t, I ............. late tonight.”
a) will work b) am working c) have worked d) had worked
4. She is the smartest model .............. the world.
a) in b) of c) than d) from
5. I ought ............... her this morning-now it’s too late.
a) to have phoned b) phone c) phoning d) to be phoning
6. Would you mind .............. the TV down?
a) to turn b) turn c) have d) turning
7. “Did you grow up in the city?”
“No. When we were children we ....... in the country.”
a) would live b) have lived c) had lived d) used to live
8. I think that Dave .............. a new car this year.
a) had bought b) will buy c) buys d) have bought
9. She’s looking everywhere-she seems ........ something.
a) to have lost b) to lose c) to be losing d) to have been lost
10. She said that she ........... the actor several times.
a) met b) was meeting c) meets d) had met
11. My boss dislikes people .............. late.
a) be b) to have been c) being d) having been
12. After we ............ , we can go to the cinema.
a) eat b) will eat c) ate d) had eaten
13. He’ll have sent in his application ................. the end of May.
a) by b) when c) until d) yet
14. This is the village .................... I was born.
a) that b) which c) where d) who
15. This room really ought .......... soon.
a) to paint b) be painted c) to be painted d) to have been painted
16. If only I ....................... them my secret!
a) wouldn`t b) shouldn’t c) don’t tell d) hadn’t told
17. Despite ........ a lot money, she’s always broke.
a) she earns b) of earning c) earn d) earning
18. That boy, ............ father is a violinist, is very musical.
a) who b) whose c) which d) who’s
19. “What did you think of her new novel?”
“I think it is the .................... book she’s ever written.”
a) most interested b) most interesting c) more interesting d) interested
20. The money .......................... not enough to pay the bill.
a) are b) were c) has d) was
21. That is the ..................... incredible news I’ve ever heard.
a) most b) more c) very d) far
22. He works ................... then anyone else in the company.
a) slower b) slowest c) slowly d) more slow
23. “Can I help you?”
“ I’d like a glass of milk, please.”
a) b) c) d)
24. Paul asked Sally when .............. go out with him.
a) would she b) will she c) she would d) she will
25.David ................. to be the best player on the team.
a) says b) is said c) said d) is saying

Exercise 7. Use an appropriate introductory verb to report the following.

1. "It wasn't me who stole the car," said Henry.

Henry denied stealing the car.

2. "May I have a piece of cake please?" she said.

She politely requested a piece of cake.

3. "Yes, okay. I'll tell him about the accident," he said.

He agreed to inform him about the accident.

4. "I must have the report by tomorrow," the boss said.

The boss insisted on having the report by tomorrow.

5. "Please, please let me go to the party," Sue asked her mother.

Sue pleaded with her mother to let her go to the party.

6. "I'll never be naughty again," Ted said to his father.

Ted promised his father that he would never be naughty again.

7. "Stand up straight!" said the sergeant to the soldier.

The sergeant ordered the soldier to stand up straight.

8. "Yes, it was me who robbed the bank," he said.

He admitted to robbing the bank.

9. "I didn't come to work because I was ill," she said to her boss.
She explained to her boss that she didn't come to work because she was ill.

10. "Let's play chess," he said.

He suggested playing chess.

11. "I'm sorry I forgot to phone you," he said to her.

He apologized for forgetting to phone her.

12. "Don't forget to go to the bank," she said to him.

She reminded him not to forget to go to the bank.

13. "You should relax more," the doctor said to him.

The doctor advised him to relax more.

14. "Mark is always shouting at me," she said.

She complained that Mark is always shouting at her.

15. “Yes, it is a nice dress,” he said.

He acknowledged that it was a nice dress.

16. "Shall I carry your bag, Tracy?" he said.

He offered to carry Tracy's bag.

17. "No, I certainly won't do your homework Graham," said Bill.

Bill refused to do Graham's homework.

18. "You scratched my record," he said to her.

He accused her of scratching his record.

19. "Leave now or I'll phone the police," she said to the salesman.
She threatened to call the police if the salesman didn't leave.

20. "Oh alright, I'll lend you my car, Tom," she said.
She agreed to lend her car to Tom.

21. "It's true, I broke the window," he said.

He admitted to breaking the window.

22. "I'll phone you as soon as I arrive," she said to me.

She promised to call me as soon as she arrived.

23. "You're right, she is beautiful," she said.

She agreed that the person in question was beautiful.

24. "No, I won't marry you, John," she said.

She refused to marry John.

25. "If you try to escape, I'll shoot you," he said to the prisoner.
He threatened to shoot the prisoner if they tried to escape.

26. "Why don't we have chicken for dinner?" he said.

He suggested having chicken for dinner.

27. "You must sign the contract, Mr. Harrison," she said.
She insisted that Mr. Harrison must sign the contract.

28. "I'll punish you if you do that again!" he said to the boy.
He warned the boy that he would be punished if he repeated the behavior.

29. "Would you like me to show you how to use this computer?" she said to me.
She offered to show me how to use the computer.

30. "Yes, it is a good idea," he said.

He agreed that it was a good idea.

Exercise 8. Report the following using an appropriate introductory verb from the
list below:
complain advise refuse warn beg suggest agree exclaim
deny offer insist apologise threaten accuse prefer
1. "You should take more exercise,” the doctor said.
The doctor advised me to take more exercize.

2. “This film is so boring." he said to his mother.

He complained to his mother that the film was boring.

3."Please, please let me go out to play. Mum." she said.

She begged her mother to let her go out to play.

4."Shall I carry your shopping for you?" he said to her.

He offered to carry her shopping for her.

5."Don’t get dirty in the garden." she said to Jane.

She warned Jane not to get dirty in the garden.

6. “I’m not going to tidy Holen’s bedroom," Tim said.

Tim refused to tidy Holen's bedroom.

7."I didn't eat the cake,” he said to her.

He denied eating the cake.

8."What a silly thing to say!" she said.

She exclaimed that it was a silly thing to say.

9."You really must get your hair cut." she said to him.
She insisted that he must get his hair cut.

10."You broke my record player," she said to him.

She accused him of breaking her record player.
11. “I’m sorry l didn’t write to you," she said to him.
She apologized for not writing to him.

12."Let’s go to Jamaica for our holiday," he sad to her.

He suggested going to Jamaica for their holiday.

13."Yes, that is a nice colour," the sales assistant said to her.

The sales assistant agreed that it was a nice color.

14. “I’d rather watch a film than the news," she said to her.
She preferred to watch a film over the news.

15."How rude he is!" she said to me.

She complained to me about his rudeness.

16."I think you should go on a diet," she said to him.

She advised him to go on a diet.

17."I didn't take your dress," she said to her sister.

She denied taking her sister's dress.

18."What a nice gift!" he said.

He exclaimed that it was a nice gift.

19. “I’ll kill you if you try to escape," the kidnapper said to her.
The kidnapper threatened to kill her if she tried to escape.

20. “I’m sorry I spoke to you like that," he said to his mother.
He apologized to his mother for speaking to her like that.
Exercise 9. Rewrite the following sentences in Reported speech.

1. "What time does the next bus leave?" he said. "I need to get to the station."
He asked what time the next bus left because he needed to get to the station.

2. "Don't go swimming in the lake," she said. "The water is filthy."

She said not to go swimming in the lake because the water was filthy.

3. "Let's go shopping tomorrow," she said. "The sales have started."

She suggested that we go shopping the next day because the sales had started.

4. "Stand up," the teacher said to the pupils. "The headmaster is coming."
The teacher told the pupils to stand up because the headmaster was coming.

5. "Please don't take my ring," she said to him. "It was a present."
She asked him not to take her ring because it was a present.

6. "It's very late, Martin," his mother said. "Where have you been?"
His mother remarked that it was very late and asked Martin where he had been.

7. "Shall I cook the dinner?" he said to her. "You look very tired."
He offered to cook dinner, noticing that she looked very tired.

8. "Please stop making that noise!" she said to him. "I can't concentrate."
She requested him to stop making that noise, explaining that she couldn't

9. "Yes, I dropped your vase," she said. "I was cleaning the shelf."
She admitted that she had dropped his vase while cleaning the shelf.
10. "Can I use the car, please?" she said. "I need to run some errands."
She asked if she could use the car because she needed to run some errands.

11. "I'm sorry I'm late," he said. "The car wouldn't start."
He apologized for being late and explained that the car wouldn't start.

12. "Why are you teasing your sister?" she asked him. "You know it makes her
She questioned him about why he was teasing his sister, reminding him that it
made her unhappy.

13. "Why won't you come to the party?" he said to her. "Everyone would love to
see you."
He asked her why she wouldn't come to the party, pointing out that everyone
would love to see her.

14. "It was Rob who broke the window," he said to her. "He was kicking the
He revealed that it was Rob who broke the window while kicking the football.

Exercise 10. Fill in “the” where necessary.

Dear Sue,
Well, I've been here in X New York for two months now. I'm having the time of
my life. I'm staying with my father's friend, the Bronsons. So far, I'm not missing
home at all. Americans are very different from the English. I noticed this moment.
I arrived at Kennedy Airport, where most people were very friendly. I've done a lot
of sightseeing since I arrived. I think I've seen all the famous sights. The ones I
liked best were the Statue of Liberty and Times Square. We are going to
Washington next week. I'm looking forward to visiting the President's home, the
White House. Mr. Bronson won't be able to come with us as planned, though,
because he has the flu. He was going to drive us there, but now we are going by
bus instead. Well, I'll have to sign off now as we are going to the cinema tonight,
and then we are going for dinner at Delaney's restaurant. Give my love to Mother
and Father and the family. I'll be home for Christmas.
Write soon.

Exercise 11. Underline the correct item.

1. All of his belongings was / were in one small suitcase.

2. Soccer is / are a popular game in England.
3. Aerobics do / does you a lot of good.
4. Chocolate makes / make you a lot of good.
5. Most people enjoy / enjoys Christmas.
6. The money he makes is / are enough to live on.
7.The police is looking / are looking for the murderer.
8. Her good looks gets / get her what she wants.
9.The young couple is getting / are getting married net year.
10. My advice is / are to stop smoking immediately.
11. Measles, which is / are a children’s disease, is/ are dangerous for adults.
12. The audience was / were given free tickets to the next show.
13. The economics I learnt at school is / are out of date now.
14. Her grandparent’s death in a car accident was / were a great shock.
15. Fish is / are easy to look after as pets.
16. Television news gives / give you more information than radio news.
17. The stairs to the first floor is / are over there.
18. The information I got was / were very helpful.

Exercise 12. Fill in “the” where necessary.

The Larkins are a very interesting family. Mr Larkin is a travel-writer who has
been all over the world and written books about China and the Chinese. He has
also published articles in newspapers such as the Times and the Observer. His
wife, Sylvia, is a journalist who has interviewed people like the Prince of Wales
and the President Reagan. At the moment, she is writing an article about the
homeless. Their son, Jack, is a professional footballer who plays in the USA. He
has been playing football since he was a child. Jack met his wife, Sally, at Chicago
Airport the morning after he had left home to live in the Stales. She is a musician
who plays the drums in a rock band. In the summer the whole family meet at
Maxim's in Paris, then travel by car around Europe for a month. Last year they
spent the whole month of July in Portugal before going back to work.


Look at the list of cybercrimes. Discuss these questions in small groups.

Crimes on the Internet

· Virus propagation
· Software piracy
· Stealing data and passwords by using a sniffer program
· IP spoofing (making one computer look like another to gain unauthorized access)
· Fraudulent use of credit card numbers
· Child pornography
· Violence and racist propaganda

Discuss these questions in small groups.

1. What type of crime is more dangerous?

The type of cybercrime that is more dangerous can vary depending on the
context and its potential consequences. For example, crimes like child pornography
and violence and racist propaganda can have severe societal and ethical
implications. On the other hand, crimes like stealing data and passwords or
fraudulent use of credit card numbers can have immediate financial and personal
consequences for individuals. Virus propagation and software piracy can also
disrupt businesses and individuals. Therefore, it's difficult to generalize which type
of cybercrime is more dangerous, as they all pose different risks.

2. What measures can be taken by governments against computer crimes?

Governments can take several measures against computer crimes, including:
a) Enacting and enforcing strict cybersecurity laws and regulations.
b) Collaborating with international law enforcement agencies to combat
cybercrime across borders.
c) Establishing cybersecurity agencies and task forces dedicated to
preventing and investigating cybercrimes.
d) Promoting cybersecurity awareness and education to individuals and
e) Implementing robust cybersecurity measures for critical infrastructure.
3. Personal information - address, salary, civil and criminal records - is
usually kept or sold by governments and industries in electronic databases. Is
personal privacy in danger?
While many governments and industries have strict data protection
regulations and security measures in place, breaches and mishandling of data can
still occur. This can put personal privacy in danger, as exposed personal
information can lead to identity theft, fraud, harassment, and other forms of
privacy violations. To mitigate these risks, governments and industries should
prioritize data security, implement strong encryption, establish robust access
controls, and adhere to data protection laws. Additionally, individuals should be
aware of their rights and take steps to protect their own privacy, such as using
strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and being cautious about
sharing personal information online.

4. Is it right to put restrictions on the contents of the Internet?

Putting restrictions on the contents of the Internet is a complex issue that
involves balancing freedom of speech and expression with the need to prevent
harmful and illegal content. It's essential to strike a balance that protects
individuals and society from cybercrimes, hate speech, and illegal activities while
respecting the principles of free expression. Any restrictions should be carefully
considered, transparent, and subject to oversight to avoid overreach and

· Write a report “The best protection of information system”.

In today's digital age, information systems are the backbone of businesses,

organizations, and governments worldwide. These systems store, process, and
transmit sensitive data, making them attractive targets for cybercriminals.
Protecting information systems has never been more critical. This report explores
the best practices and strategies for ensuring the security and protection of
information systems.
Authentication is the first line of defense of information systems. Strong
authentication mechanisms, such as multi-factor authentication and the use of
strong, unique passwords, are vital to preventing unauthorized access. Outdated
software is highly vulnerable to many security risks. Therefore, regular updates of
all software components are essential. Firewalls and intrusion detection systems
provide a critical level of security. Firewalls regulate inbound and outbound traffic,
and intrusion detection systems help identify and respond to suspicious activity.
Data encryption guarantees its integrity and increases user trust. Implementing
effective role-based access controls ensures that only authorized personnel can
access sensitive information. Regular training programs educate employees on
security best practices and how to recognize and thwart phishing attempts.
Continuous security audits and penetration tests reveal vulnerabilities, allowing
organizations to quickly remediate flaws. Because data loss can be catastrophic,
you need to ensure reliable backup procedures and comprehensive disaster
recovery plans. Real-time monitoring and logging of system actions allow you to
understand potential threats. Log analysis helps quickly identify and respond to
security incidents.
In summary, protecting information systems is an important job that
requires a combination of technical solutions, procedural protocols, and a security-
conscious workforce. By adopting these strategies, organizations can significantly
improve the security of their information systems. Ultimately, these efforts are
vital not only to protecting sensitive data, but also to maintaining the trust and
integrity of the organizations that rely on these systems.

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