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The first image is my 2023-2024 trumpet section that I'm very proud of this year. We all went
through so many challenges but together we overcame them. I'm extremely proud of the effort
they put in this season by not giving up and I'm glad I was able to be their section leader this
year. I hope that in the future they will keep working hard for their dreams and I hope they never
give up on what they want the most in life. My trumpet section is Respectful, generous, hard
working, kind and talented. I'm very proud of them.
Second picture is a picture of my brother and I at his first CCBR and my last CCBR wearing our
first and last uniforms and playing the same instrument. I'm extremely proud of my little brother
for following into my footsteps and very glad he didnt give up on band when he lost interest.
Words can't express how proud Iam of him, He worked very hard this season and watching him
march on the same streets I marched my first CCBR on 5 years ago made me feel like a very
proud sister.I'm very proud of him for not giving up on his dreams and finding a great passion for
music. I will never forget the feeling of marching on the same streets for the first and last time.

The third and final picture is a picture of this year's marching band. I'm very proud of every
single band member for their hard work durig marching season. Out of all the years that Ive
been in El Cap this has been the best year. We scored very high and got a lot of first place
trophies. I'm very proud of everyone for being able to beat the 90 record together that hasnt
been beaten in a very long time. I'm proud of how far weve all come together by not giving up
and working hard as a team because that's what band is really about, working as a team and
trusting each other in order to get a great outcome. I'm also very proud of every member who
was new to the band for no giving up since it was new to them.

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