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Pride Sample

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These three images are what represent what I am most proud of in my life.

● The first image is me and my family. Without my family, I would not be where I am today. They came to America from the
Philippines and started off with nothing. They worked so hard the past 20 years to provide and put a roof over my head for me
and my siblings. I am so proud to be an older brother to my siblings. Although they might not see it, I have learned so much
from them as much as I taught them. They taught me how to be responsible and made me grow up in so many ways. I love
watching and helping them grow up every single day.
● The second image is an award I received from the CIF. I received this award for excellence in academics and athletics. I received
this award for maintaining a 4. 0 gpa all year round. I worked so hard to keep my grades in check while still wrestling for my
● The third image is me and the 2021 El Capitan Gauchos Wrestling Team. That season taught me so many things. I worked
past my limits and achieved great things. We worked so hard we even won the CCC Championship. My team taught me the
importance of my mentality and hardwork.

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