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Richard Langenfeld

Rally Commissioner

May 7th, 2024

Position assessment: The past months have been really empty. I have worked on helping with a

lot of social media, such as a lot of tiktoks and instagram videos within the past few months as

well as helping with the paperwork for the gift to staff section of the challenge. I am also

brainstorming Ideas of some new things we can do at rallies for next year so that we can improve

them and make them more engaging as we have no more rallies to plan for the rest of this school

year besides the End of the Year Rally. I have obtained the paperwork from Jenna which is

already halfway complete. We have also completed a script and begun practicing.

Standing committee: The first standing committee that I am a part of is the link crew committee.

With this committee I have begun to prepare myself to help at study buddy night by clearing up

my schedule ensuring I have no prior conflicts.

The second standing committee I am a part of is the Tiktok committee. On the tiktok committee

we have created multiple tik toks for the enjoyment of the student body as well as to inform them

about upcoming events that will be happening at RHS such as the media we made for the student

staff basketball game.

I am also in the Mental health advocates committee. We have been creating a mental health

journal that we published. Now I am doing the book to see how it works and they are able to be

purchased through amazon. We are also setting up a time to take a photo of all the authors.
Special Committee: I am on Spencer's committee where we make changes to the Weekly

accomplishments sheet. We have been using the new Weekly accomplish sheets which we have

been using for a while but people are talking about it being better.

Mentorship Evaluation/Completion at time of meeting: I believe the mentorship idea is working

very well. I believe that me and Gideon have been getting closer throughout the year and we

continue to do so. As part of this, Gideon and I spent lunch together in Ms.VanVurens room. We

also had a great conversation about the new sensation jorts mondays.

Concerns/Change: Since the last ASB meetingI can see that I am making my place within the

class. I have also created a good bond with Morty and a lot more kids in the leadership class so

as of right now I have no Concerns.

Positive Comment: This month I would like to shout out Eric Gurverra. I would like to thank him

for just being such a nice individual within the program always offering help as well as just

being the nicest person outside of the class as well. I am really glad we have grown closer

through track and math.

Core Principles: The core principle that I feel I have best and most widely embodied this past

month is that your puzzle piece matters. I keep seeing where I fit in the puzzle and I guess just

make my piece more widely seen and usable so I can fill up more of the puzzle so I’ve gotten

better at paperwork, learning how to make posts, how to make videos, how to write a better rally

script. The one that was the least prevalent was Evolve and Grow with change because I haven't

really hit a place where change is necessary still in this month. I know this is a similar theme to

the rest of the year but it didn’t change much.

My Impact: I believe that my positive energy and attitude has applied to the rest of my

classmates as well. This is something I have tried to do throughout the year. This is important as

it just lifts up the spirits if there is a rough day. It also has helped me get to the place where the

freshmen all feel comfortable asking me questions not only about leadership but life in general

even when it may be a weird question.

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