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Time : 2 Hours + 15 mlns. reading time Full Marks-SO

This paper consists of HOil printed pages & one blank page,.

fABI..1 (30 marks)

(Attempt all questions from this part)

/ .Study the extract of Survey of lndla Map sheet No. G43S10 (Eastlngs 47 to 57,
Northlnga 29 to 39) and answer the followlng questions:
Y _y!=ind out four figure grid reference of settlement Oadarla.
/Find out the six-figure grid reference of the post office in Dantral settlement.
• (2)

)Y."Ga11tam had spent his childhood days In Dantral.He feels that over the years,
Dantrai has become the largest settlement among the. other settlements in that
area. Do you think so? Give reason for your answer.
,,-if. The post man travels at the rate of 19 Km/hour from Dantrai to settlement to
Dhann settlement.Find out the time taken by him if he takes the metalled road
connecting two settlements. (2)

)ii( ¥."Find out the area in sq km enclosed between eastings 51-55, northings 33-
..c<what is the nature of streams In the given map extract? (2)

,.z."What do you mean by 14 r in grid square 5333?

b. Define Rocky knob (2)

re~son for the following:

r,roken grounds are present along the banks of the streams.
~lh1E1re are a number of causeways in the given map extract. (2)

(Tum Over J
X GE0-1 (lMG)
/ o n the outline map of India provided:
JI'.Mark and name Kanchenjunga.
J)f( Shade and label Deccan Plateau
{!JiYShade and mark Thar desert
Ji(' Shade and label Gull of Khambat •
)(Ma rk and name river Cauvery
)'fl Mark and name the winds that bring winter rainfall to Punjab
and Haryana.
pii'(Mark and name Karakoram pass.
~Ma rk and name Singhbhu~.
(ix) Shade and name alluvial soil In India.
, {Mark and name the city of Chennai.
j. y/During summer,season, the tropical depressions originate in:
a. Mediterranean sea
b. Red sea
c. Bay of Bengal
d. Caspian sea
o;{This soil is Ideal for Ju/e cultivation in West Bengal:
a Alluvial soil ••
b. Black soii
' 'J
c. _Laterite soil
cl. Red son
Jl5 You may find this tree in the western ~lopes of Western Ghats
• a. Rosewood
b. Hintal
c. Chir
d. Oeodar
'/Ca nal irrigation Is more ~ e In the.northern plains beca ~.of:
a. Presence of rugged topography. • , 1
b. Presence of perennial rivers.
c. Presence of natural rivers. \
d. Undulating topography.

r The main raw r\iaterial for generation of ~uclear power are :
a. Iron-ore, Bauxite.
b. Uranium, Thorium
c. Copper, Manganese
d. Bauxite, Coal

~ I s mode .oUransport Is suitable for .tr~nsportlng coal from the coal mines over
a distance at a cheaper rate:
a. Roadways
b. Railways
c. Waterways
d. Airways

r(The process of obtaining young shoots consisting of two leaves and a bud is
I• , a. Ginning
b. Retting
c. Clonal Planting
d. Plucking

Pressmud is used f~r:

a. Making wax
b. Paint
c. Paper
d. Fertilizer

J(\ This steel plant was set up in collaboration with west German firm Krupps and
a. Tata iron and steel company
b. Rourkela steel plant
c. Bhilai iron and steel plant.
d. Vishakhapatnam steel plant

(Tum Over}
X GEQ.3 (1.MG)

btPt> if
I Refer to the Image below and identify the method of waste management Is practiced

a. Dumping
b. Segregation
c. Composting
d. Landfill

fABIJ! (50 Marks)

/ (Attempt any five questions from this part)
/ / What type of wind is monsoon wind? State one characteristic feature oi Indian
monsoon. (2)
}f6 Name the local winds that influence the weather of Kerala and Assam. State the
economic benefit derived from it. (2)
r i v e reason for the following:
/ Jaipur has higher annual range of temperature than Mumbai.
Y,Goa· receives heavier rainfall than Puducherry.
_;.,"'he summer Monsoon winds blows over the Arabian sea from the South west.

;tJ Study the cllm!Jtlc data and answer the foHowlng questions: (3)

Months Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Temp.{) 10 11 23 35 39 42 40 33 30 25 13 11
Rainfall (ems) '-Z' ¥ § .JI' is v62 /71 81 ''59 v<l
/ i s this station In the coastal area or In the interior of the country?
.;,... fCalculate the total annual rainfall of this station.
Name the wind that brings most of the rainfall to this station.

X GEO-. {lMG)

~-· .•.
/ ~ate two similarities between Red soil and Laterite soil. (2)
peflne ·the following tenns: (3)

/2heet erosion
}If. Soil conservation .
/ .Residual soil .
yr( Vast areas of Maharashtra and other parts of Deccan were flooded~ lava due
to Intensive volcanic activity towards the end of the Mesozoic e°ra. (3)
,,£. Name the Indian soil found abundantly in this area.
)¥Mention one physical property and one chemical property of this soil.
J', Give a geographical tenn for the following: (2)
/ The process by which soluble minerals dissolve in rain water and percolate
to the bottom leaving the top soil infertile-
/ When rainwater flowing In a definite path removes top s~il causing vigorous
downcutting and fonnation of deep grooves-

/ ~aydev Payeng, a_native of Majuli island in Assam, started planting saplings since
1979 and single handedly created the entire Molal forest. The forest is a sanctuary
for Tigers, Elephants, Deer and myriad wildlife today.
Explain how do forests have a favorable effect on climate of a region and how they
act as a flood·control measure? (2)
ffe) Name the type of vegetation found in the following regions: (2)
The Nilgiris
y'westem Rajasthan
,0 Shreya went to Sundarbans for a field trip from her school. (3)
/ .Name any two trees she will find during the trip.
j'Mention o~e importan~ of the trees found over here.
/ . State one characteristic feature of these trees.
J?Y'Give reason for the following: (3)

J1 The trees in Tropical desert regions have stunted growth.

phere is gradual ir:icrease in forest cover in recent times.
Y,-he trees in monsoon deciduous forest shed their leaves for 6 to B weeks
during dry season. {Tum Over J

y of Klshan Is a farmer and lives In western Rajasthan. The government la . •

/ ' provide him with money. Which type of irrigation should he select? Why?
y(_ Distinguish between well Irrigation and tube well irrigation.
jP" Give reasons:
} ' (Canal Irrigation Is suitable over the Ganga plains.

ps(Tank Irrigation Is Important In areas of Impervious layers of rocks.

,Js>t Rainwater harvesting reduces soil erosion,
~¤xp1 a1n the reasons for the need to conserve water.

8. {I) Which variety of Iron ore has magnetic property? Which type of lro~ ore Is generally
found In India? ' •

(II) Name the minerals associated with these products: . ' ..

'{a) Bleachi ng powder (b) Bronze (c) Aluminium (d) Ce~n t' • (2)

(Ill) How Is Tidal energy generated? What advantages does India have, to develop
tidal energy? (3)

(Iv) What are.the advantages of nuclear energy? State three advantages. (3)

jY. ~ami ta, from Wes.. Bengal, owns a small farm in the district of Medinipur. She
harvest s three crops of Rice, annually. Which sowing method do you think she
uses to maximiz e production? Why? (2)

pam e the oilseed popularly cultivated in Uttar Pradesh . State the

~n~on s under which this crop is cultivated. -,

y,. hy is shifting agriculture unproductive In the long run?

·,;$) 65 ',"-.
. Explain two problems faced by ihe Farmers in India. \, •

With which crop is ratooning associated with? What are the reaso~ for Fi
in Mahara shtra, cultivating the crop you have named, in large quantity?

10. (i) The first cotton mill was established in Mumbai in 1851. Discu ss~
factors for develop ment of cotton ·textile industry in Mumba i.

(Ii) State two problem s faced by the silk industry of India.

(IH) Name the biggest steel plant of India. Where does it procure the
• materia ls?
(a) Coal (b) Power (c) Limestone.

X GEO-e (I.MG)
(ill) What_ are petrochemicals? State why petrochemical plants are located (a) close
to refineries and (b) close to ports. (:3)

11. (i) What are the advantages of a well developed transport system? (2)
(ii) Which government department has constructed the Golden Quadrilateral? State
two advantages of this system. (2)
(iii) Give reasons for the following (3)
(a) Himalayan rivers are suitable for navigation.
(b) N.E. India lacks in railways.
(c) Water transport is cheapest.
(iv) (a) Name the international airport of Delhi.
(b) State two advantages of air transport. (3)

12. (i) Name two chief gaseous pollutants. What environmental problems do they
generate? (2)
(ii) Explain the terms: Eutrophication and Biornagnification. (2)
(iii) What is waste management? Explain two causes for the need for waste
management. (3)
(iv) What measures can you incorporate in" your daily lifestyle to protect the
~nvironment.? Discuss three measures. (3)


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