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Converzum Name:______________________

BMC Given Mark: (50: _____)

Pre-intermediate (Listening) Time: 90 minutes

SECTION 1: Fill in the Gaps (10: _____)

Listen to a podcast about technology. Complete the sentences with the word or number you hear and
decide what the word one refers to in each sentence. P.164

1. Picnic has created one that can make ________ pizzas every hour.

2. Bond has developed one that can hold a __________ and write letters.

3. ICON has produced one that can build a small _________ in less than a day.

4. FBR has one that can build houses with __________ bedrooms in a few days.

5. In _________, one called CloudPainter won a painting competition.

SECTION 2: Listening Comprehension (20 : _____)

Watch the video about communication styles. Answer the questions. P19
1. What does the video say is the number one issue when communicating with people from different
backgrounds and cultures?
2. What do we need to do before thinking about other people's communication styles?
3. Why might it be good to talk to people who have different communication styles from our own?
4. What might happen if a group of people all have passive and cooperative communication styles?
5. What can we do if our communication style is causing problems for us?

SECTION 3: MCQS (20: _____)

1. What is the primary purpose of sharing personal stories about job successes according to the

A) To show off
B) To build trust in work relationships
C) To gain sympathy
D) To boast about achievements

2. According to the listening, how is trust defined in a dictionary?

A) A belief that someone has the ability to do something

B) Being open with personal information
C) Sharing secrets with friends
D) Laughing about past experiences

3. Why does the text mention talking about common interests as a way of building trust?

A) To show off one's knowledge

B) To prove superiority
C) Because people usually like others who are similar to themselves
D) To avoid awkward silence

4. What does the text suggest about building trust in relationships?

A) Sharing only positive information

B) Being secretive about personal achievements
C) Showing openness and honesty
D) Avoiding personal stories

5. What did the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu say about trust?

A) Trust is easily gained

B) Trust depends on similarity
C) Lack of trust leads to mistrust
D) Trust is not essential in relationships


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