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Mid Term Examination March 2024

MBA-II (Semester –IV)

Indian Ethos & Business Ethics (402)

Max. Marks: 25
Time – 1 Hour

Instructions to Candidates
1) Each question has an internal option
2) Figures to the right indicate marks
3) Support your answers with suitable examples

Q.1) Explain how Indian Ethos and Values has its relevance at workplace [10]


Q.1) Describe the Laws of Karma and its relevance in business settings [10]

Q.2) Explain the Triguna Theory [10]


Q.2) Describe the VEDA Model of Leadership [10]

Q.3) Write short notes (Any 2) [5]

a) Trans-Cultural Human Values,

b) Ethics v/s Ethos
c) Eastern Management v/s Western Management
d) Corporate Rishi Model
e) Indian Heritage in Business-Management


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