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1. Tensile, compressive, shearing, torsion stress?

2. Hardness, toughness, durability, brittleness, strength of material?

3. Low alloy & high alloy steel: definition, application?
4. Alloy steel ingredient: carbon, manganese, silicon, chromium, sulphur
5. Titanium
6. Aluminum alloy
7. Corrosion: definition, condition of corrosion, rate of corrosion
8. Stress, galvanic, pitting, fretting, microbial corrosion?
9. Naming the element of bolt & nut: pitch, thread, shank …
10. Screw: right hand screw, left hand screw, coarse pitch, fine pitch
11. Name of the screw recess & bolt head
12. Screw & bolt installation method
13. Shelf locking nut?
14. Washer
15. Fastener, blind fastener, rivet, bolt?
16. Aircraft coordinate: x, y, z axis
17. Aircraft plane: BSTA, BBL, BWL?
18. Aircraft zoning
19. Aircraft structure: primary & secondary structure, loads on structure?
20. Safe life, fail safe?
21. Ventilation & drainage of fuselage structure?
22. Monocoque & semi-monocoque?
23. Painting
24. Definition of scratch, gouge, nick, crack, dent, nick, erosion, delamination,
debonding, lightning strike
25. Structural damage assessment process:
a. Step 1?
b. Step 2?
c. Step 3?
d. …
26. Rework?
27. Allowable damage, permanent repair, temporary repair, diaphragm for allowable
28. Replacing a damaged rivet
29. Nominal thickness?
30. Passenger door structure
31. Cockpit window structure: how many layers, layers made of which material, … ?
32. Cabin window structure
33. Wing structure
34. Pylon & nacelle structure: pylon box, fire wall, fan cowl, reverser cowl, fairing?
35. Vertical & horizontal stabilizer structure?

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