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BSED ASSESS 3 – Competency-Based Assessment 3

Chapter 1.9 – Biochemistry GROUP 3

_____ / _____ / _____
(Last Name) (First Name) (MI) Date / Month / Year

I. Write the letter of your answer on the blank space provided. (1 point each)

1.) All of the following carbohydrates are considered to be polysaccharide, EXCEPT ___________.
a. glycogen
b. heparin
c. maltose
d. starch

2.) Reverse transcription takes place in _________.

a. algae
b. bacteria
c. molds
d. virus

3.) It is a type of RNA which serves as a template for the amino acids sequence being synthesized.
a. mRNA
b. rRNA
c. sRNA
d. tRNA

4.) General term for a group of polysaccharides present on the primary cell wall.
a. carrageenan
b. mucilage
c. pectin
d. xanthan

5.) It is the parent compound of phospholipids.

a. ethanolamine
b. glycerol
c. phosphatidic acid
d. none of the above

6.) The state of high serum levels of acetoacetic acid and beta-hydroxybutyric acid is called ________.
a. ketoacidosis
b. ketonemia
c. ketonuria
d. ketosis

7.) Gangliosides, cerebrosides and cytolipins are collectively called __________.

a. glycolipids
b. lipoproteins
c. phospholipids or phosphatide
d. sulfolipids

8.) Which of the following is true when fats and fixed oils are heated strongly?
a. decomposition occurs
b. fats liquefy
c. oils become less viscous
d. none of the above

9.) The citric acid cycle is an example of a/an ____________ metabolism.

a. amphibolic
b. anabolic
c. catabolic
d. none of the above
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10.) Among the different cells in the body, only these lack mitochondria which renders them incapable of
a. brain cells
b. erythrocytes
c. leukocytes
d. platelets

11.) Which of the following enzyme is responsible for catalyzing the reaction of glucose to glucose-6-
a. glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase
b. hexokinase
c. PFK
d. pyruvate kinase

12.) What do you call the differentiating test for aldose and ketose sugars?
a. Barfoed’s test
b. Fehling;s test
c. Seliwanoff’s test
d. Schleiden’s test

13.) Which of the following blood types is considered as the universal donor?
a. A
b. B
c. AB
d. O

14.) The deficiency of which of the following enzymes predisposes persons taking some therapeutic agents
(e.g. 4-aminoquinolone, sulfinamides, and propantheline) to hemolytic anemia?
a. Glucose-1-phosphate
b. Glucose-6-phosphate
c. Pyruvate dehydrogenase
d. Thymidylate synthase

15.) Mutarotation is a process of interconversion between the alpha and beta forms, using the open-chain
structure as an intermediate. Which of the following undergoes mutarotation?
a. amino acids
b. disaccharides
c. monosaccharides
d. polysaccharides

16.) Which of the following enzymes is an example of hydrolases?

a. aminotransferase
b. esterase
c. decarboxylase
d. racemase

17.) Pepsinogen is an example of _________.

a. apoenzyme
b. cofactor
c. holoenzyme
d. zymogen

18.) Cheilosis, glossitis, seborrhea and photophobia are manifestations of what deficiency state?
a. niacin
b. pyridoxine
c. riboflavin
d. thiamine

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19.) Which of the following enzymes adds an inorganic phosphate to break a bond?
a. kinase
b. ligase
c. phosphatase
d. phosphorylase

20.) Which of the following are the branched-chain amino acids responsible for the characteristic sweet
smell of the urine of patients with “Maple syrup urine disease”?
a. Leucine, alanine and valine
b. Leucine, isoleucine and valine
c. Lysine, alanine and valine
d. Lysine, isoleucine and valine

21.) What diet would you advice the child’s mother with PKU to give to her baby?
a. Equal quantities of tyrosine and phenylalanine.
b. Regular infant formula.
c. Rich in phenylalanine, lacks tyrosine.
d. Rich in tyrosine, lacks phenylalanine.

22.) It is the process of converting liver glycogen into blood glucose.

a. glucogenesis
b. glycogenesis
c. glycogenolysis
d. glycolysis

23.) Pauly Diazo test indicates the presence of ____________.

a. histidine
b. tyrosine
c. tryptophan
d. both a and b

24.) What is the positive visible result for xanthoproteic test?

a. bluish green
b. old rose
c. violet color
d. yellow color deepening into orange

25.) Ninhydrin is widely used for detecting amino acids. What is the visible result for ninhydrin test in the
presence of proline and hydroxyproline?
a. green
b. purple
c. red
d. yellow

26.) The coenzyme FMN and FAD is responsible for the oxidative deamination of amino acids. Which of the
following vitamins is related to these coenzymes?
a. B1
b. B2
c. B3
d. B5

27.) Histamine, a chemical messenger mediates allergic and inflammatory reactions, gastric acid secretion
and neurotransmission of the brain. Which of the following amino acids, which when decarboxylated
yields histamine?
a. histidine
b. tryptophan
c. tyrosine
d. keratin

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28.) Which of the following statements is/are true?
a. The carbonyl carbon in aldoses is carbon 1.
b. The carbonyl carbon in aldoses is carbon 2.
c. Both statements are correct.
d. Both statements are false.

29.) What is the visible result for aminoguanidine reaction?

a. bright reddish purple
b. brownish black precipitate
c. green
d. purple ring at the junction

30.) The overall arrangement and interrelationship of various regions or domains, and individual amino acid
residues of a single polypeptide chain is ___________.
a. primary
b. secondary
c. tertiary
d. quaternary

31.) Which fibrous protein is an important structural component of arterial blood vessels and ligaments?
a. collagen
b. elastin
c. fibronectin
d. keratin

32.) This type of mutation occurs when the codon containing the changed base may become a termination
a. Missense mutation
b. Nonsense mutation
c. Silent mutation
d. Transitional mutation

33.) One way of classifying proteins through their physical properties. Which of the following is soluble in
water and salt solutions, and has no distinctive amino acids?
a. albumin
b. globulin
c. histones
d. prolamin

34.) The site of citric acid cycle is in the ___________.

a. cytoplasm
b. cytosol
c. mitochondria
d. ribosomes

35.) How many ATPs are produced in the reduction of one mole of NAD to NADH?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 12

36.) This immunoglobulin is responsible for mediating hypersensitivity by causing the release of mediators
from mast cells and basophils upon exposure to antigens or allergens.
a. lgA
b. IgD
c. IgE
d. IgG

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37.) How many hydrogen bond is formed between cytosine and guanine?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. none

38.) The total net ATP produced in aerobic glycolysis is _____ ATPs per mole of hexose, depending on which
shuttle predominates in the transport NAD/NADH.
a. 4 to 6
b. 4 to 8
c. 6 to 8
d. 8 to 10

39.) Viruses are not cellular, but are rather termed as “biological entities”. The main reason why viruses are
considered acellular entities is because _______________.
a. a virus contains only one type of nucleic acid, either DNA or RNA.
b. a virus is pathogenic.
c. a virus is very small compared to bacteria.
d. Scientist cannot classify viruses under the 5 kingdom Whittaker.

40.) Which of the following sugars form insoluble phenylhydrazone readily?

a. arabinose
b. galactose
c. mannose
d. sucrose

41.) What is wobble?

a. An error in translation induced by streptomycin.
b. Mechanism that allows for a peptide extension in the 50s subunit of the ribosome.
c. The ability of certain anticodons to pair with codons that differ at the third base.
d. Thermal motions leading to a local denaturation of the DNA double helix.

42.) Lard is an example of what chemical class of lipid?

a. fixed oils and fats
b. phospholipids
c. sterols
d. Waxes

43.) Actinomycin D, an antineoplastic drug, intercalates between two GC pairs in DNA. Which of the
following processes does it inhibit?
a. DNA repair
b. replication
c. transcription
d. translation

44.) In all phosphorylation reaction, this metal is an essential cofactor.

a. Al
b. Cu
c. Fe
d. Mg

45.) These are esters of high molecular weight, monohydric alcohols and high molecular weight fatty acids.
a. fixed oils and fats
b. phospholipids
c. sterols
d. waxes

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46.) The reagent present in Molisch test which is responsible for the dehydration reaction.
a. magnesium stearate
b. NaOH
c. sodium carbonate
d. sulfuric acid

47.) What do you call the principal digestive constituent of the gastric juice?
a. enterokinase
b. gastrin
c. pepsin
d. trypsin

48.) The cholesterol molecule is called ___________.

a. an aromatic ring
b. a straight chain acid
c. a steroid
d. a tocopherol

49.) This is caused by the inadequate intake of protein in the presence of adequate intake of calories.
a. Kwashiorkor
b. hemochromatosis
c. Marasmus
d. obesity

50.) What do you call the substance that accumulates in the muscles as a result of vigorous exercise?
a. amino acids
b. glucose
c. lactic acid
d. muscle glycogen

51.) This DNA mutation occurs when a purine replaces a pyrimidine or vice versa.
a. frame-shift
b. insertion
c. transitional
d. transversional

52.) Fruity odor of the urine is indicative of ketone bodies, a diagnostic value in case of acidosis in
a. cretinism
b. diabetes insipidus
c. diabetes mellitus
d. porphyria

53.) Which carbon in the sugars is responsible for the difference between the two nucleic acids?
a. Carbon-1
b. Carbon-2
c. Carbon-3
d. Carbon-4

54.) Dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine are collectively called catecholamines. Which of the
following amino acids serves as a precursor in the synthesis of these catecholamines?
a. alanine
b. threonine
c. tryptophan
d. tyrosine

55.) These stereoisomers are nonsuperimposable mirror image of each other. They are also called optical
isomers because they rotate polarized light in opposite directions.
a. anomers
b. diastereomers

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c. enantiomers
d. both a and b

56.) What is the positive result for Fehling’s test?

a. amorphous crystals
b. brick red precipitate
c. green precipitate
d. violet precipitate

57.) Which of hydrolysis product of starch is responsible for forming a dark blue complex with iodine?
a. amylase
b. amylopectin
c. maltose
d. all of the above

58.) This test is used to confirm the presence of the phenolic ring of tyrosine.
a. Anthrone test
b. Millon-Nasse
c. Ninhydrin test
d. Schiff’s test

59.) A reddish solution results after the addition to iodine TS to an unknown solution. Subsequent addition
of ammoniacal basic lead acetate to a portion of the unknown solution results to the formation of a
precipitate. The results of the tests confirm the presence of ___________.
a. dextrin
b. glycogen
c. lactose
d. starch

60.) Which of the following is considered protein deficient malnutrition?

I. Kwashiorkor II. Marasmus III. Steatorrhea
a. I only
b. I & II only
c. II & III only
d. I, II & III

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