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 what is the meaning of succes interprenership? it means when we could

create a longterm project, create a longterm income, and sustain the
brotherhood base on human relationship, don't forget that everything we
do is a blessing from god

 what is the background of a succes interpreneurship? we should hone our

skills n abilities by:
1. learning by doing
2. target oriented
3. testing abilities
4. become a specialist/expert
5. more (mutual) work experience

Tanya Jawab:

1. based on pak antonius experience, how do you build a trust to the

Answer: make a good relationship, what is it? it is means keep commitment (with
the owner of the stakeholder?), also maintain communication.

2. what is the best way to start to get involve in project, and how to start a
career in civil engineering? One of the important thing we should keep in mind,
everything came form god’s blessing. Everyone will have a different part, and
can’t be compared. Everything is started by process,,,
3. how did u maintain the spirit of not surrendering if by any chance you failed?
we should keep a good spirit, and spirit comes with gratitude. we should believe
that god will give blessings to everyone. As we do our best, then we will bring a

4. what can we have to record to apply to companies? We should have a good

record during a meeting, while doing the job as given the director. There are
many regulation mandatory requirement we should prepare. Same goes when
we learning in university, when we white the formula, we should look for some
reference about where is the formula came from (the source of the formula).

5. how keep a good mindset in the industrial company? By keeping a good

mindset, we will have a good solution. We should keep positive thinking. If we
don’t keep our positive thinking, the negative would come and would be a
disaster to our mind.

6. I've done practical work at one of the companies this semester.

I had a high willingness to learn at that time. But the company did not respond
well to my wishes and ignored me so that I could not learn optimally. Regarding
this matter, how do we develop ourselves if we continue to face this 'unlucky'
condition in the future? pls keep in mind to do the best dan back up report of
your duty because later on this activituies report will asked by the Director

7. How to survive from the down situation?

Make more experience so we can handle the problem we face from the project.

8. *Not being able to hear the question caused by the unstable connection*
During the unlucky position, make sure that we have a good record before we
finally report the problem from the boss or from someone from the upper position
than us.

9. What should the student prepare to future career?

To face the complex situation from the IKN plan as a future project, student must
gather the information.

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