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I don’t know man

Part 1
Productive, at some point in this Quarantine
probably some people is thinking to do something
productive but like if u r like me, than u r probably
just thinking about it and continues playing ur phone
while lying down on ur bed or sofa or the floor or
somewhere random but comfortable and at the same
time i’m out of things to do and tried to do all those
productive stuff. Some ideas are very stupid but like
some is kinda good too, but like me being me
procrastinating is always around when I have the
will to do something productive and end up playing
my phone again. I’m really out of things to do;-;
that’s why I’m being productive now and like try to
make something from my brain and end up typing
this stuff I and u are reading right now, I know this
ain’t usefull or anything, but like I’m bored and I’m
trying to make myself busy with doing this.
I’m out of things to type, so while I’m in the
topic of productive, might else well tell all the ideas
of me being productive. First I want to make a comic
or a book, I actually have some sketches? or
something like that about the stories I want to finish
but yet again procrastinating end up making not
finishing it and just left me with drafts of unfinish
works. I’ll stop herecuz I want to continue
procrastinating , bye<3

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