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Therapist Teaches how to Convince Anyone

of Anything
Therapist Teaches how to Convince Anyone of Anything

Debating does not convince your opponent, it convinces spectators. Convincing your
interlocutor starts with emotional mirroring. Strive for genuine understanding of their view and
ask for clarification when things don’t make sense. Get permission to share your point of view,
ask them how they feel about it, and set boundaries as necessary from a position of mutual

In one sentence, treat the other person’s ideas with respect and attempt to understand them in
good faith.

Debates don’t work

Proving someone else wrong is a bad way to prove that you’re right

● Assumption that winning a debate results in change in beliefs/behaviours

● Go watch a debate
○ They aren’t convincing each other, they’re convincing the audience
● Probably the worst way to do things
○ Other person feels bullied, prosecuted
○ They feel like an idiot, push back even harder

Let go of judgement
Emotional mirroring

● If someone starts yelling at you, yell back

○ Match their emotional level, then deescalate

Strive for genuine understanding

[See video for anti-vaxxer example]

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