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Write a personal definition of curriculum. Explain the definition.

 A curriculum is a way of structuring training to specific targets, of knowledge, skills

and attitudes. It can be based on ways of structuring an academic subject, or on
theories of how we learn and connect and build from our learning. It occur for the
development of foundation for understanding and more equitable implementation.
Curriculum also the guide for all educators as to what is essential for teaching and
learning so that every student has access to vigorous academic experiences.

Browse the internet and check some examples of an ideal curriculum suggested by the
professional organization. List down the examples below.

 Building self-confidence
 Creating a fun-filled learning environment
 Learning the relaxation response
 Visualizing success and also
 Using music and rhythm
 Elements ideal Excel has added
 Using stories, poems, art, drama and dance
 Using VAKTO, Visual, Auditory, Kinethetic, Tactile and Olfactory Approaches
 Employing the IDEALS teacher for the ideal class
 The integration of values/character education

Think about this: What are the benefits and possible pitballs of having an official curriculum
prescribed to all schools.

 Apparently, the documenting curriculum improves students outcomes. All advantages

described by sharing the goal for the benefits from to high expectation. Documenting
curriculum improves the teaching process. It gives teachers tangible resources and
goals, stimulates creativity, and enables self-reflection. And, most importantly,
documenting curriculum improves student outcomes. All the advantages described by
respondents culminated in this shared goal.
Discuss the roles of teachers and the other curriculum workers in ensuring the success of the
implemented curriculum.

 The role of the teachers should the curriculum with the high and low context is how to
develop and help the student engaged relationship do process. Active and active a high
increase of learning and focus to the retention of the curriculum. The implementation
curriculum is to guide learning skills of delivering knowledge and strategies.

Provide an example of a null or censcored curriculum.

 Prompting your student, with the goal of having them realize that making the mistakes
and being uncertain is an important part of learning illustrates the implicit curriculum.
This is the one the sample of a null curriculum.

Provide an example of a hidden curriculum.

 Hidden curriculum begins early in a child’s education. Students learn to form opinions
and ideas about their environment and their clasmates. For example, children learn
appropriate ways to act at school, meaning what going to make them popular with
teachers and students.

Examine a philosophy of a particular curriculum. Analyze what the curriculum it is learning

 The educational philosophies focus heavily on what we should teach the curriculum
aspect. They are pragmatic and normally do not decline the specific couses or specific
items of content. Essentialists accept the idea that this core curriculum may change.
Schooling should be practical, preparing students to become valuable members of

Select of school, provide example of the following curriculum intent, and analyze the

 Aims - An Agriculture Research University

 Goals
 Enable transformative and inclusive learning experience
 Generate and utilize new knowledge and technology
 Intensify internationalization and resource generation initiatives
 Establish one in governance system
 Enhance management of university resources

 Objectives – leading innovations, building resilient and sustainable agricultural


Provide examples of curriculum content and learning experiences. Examine their


Social Studies Discovery

Science Experiments

Communication Arts Field Trip

Mathematics Assessment/School Activities

Music Lecture

 Curriculum content refers to the curriculum knowledge and skills are

related to the teaching and learning methods that will be used in the
curriculum, for example the relationship of science and social studies to
learning experience by conducting an experiment or discovery and
providing an assessment to know the student development through their
educational experience.

Analyze examples of curriculum evaluation tools, examine the evaluation instruments
measure the success the curriculum.

1.) What curriculum competencies and performance standards are evaluated?

 The attitudes or behaviors to be applied in the students and all the parents
also teachers to empowered the student’s to be able to fully prepared in
the community service.
2.) What forms of evaluation tools are used?

 Academic performance based strategy and develop their knowledge skills

by personal communication and providing extra curricular activities.

3.) How often does the school evaluate the curriculum?

 Curriculum evaluation in any educational context means checking of the

value of everything in the course, Evaluation also involves all interested
parties such as students, teachers, manager of the course school
governors and parents their views about the school curriculum. The
curriculum will be evaluated formatively in an ongoing ways, checking
what is working and what is not as the course is delivered.

4.) How does the school evaluate its hidden curriculum?

 The school is viewing its hidden curriculum because, the concept is

based on the recognition that students absorb lesson in school that may or
may not be part of the formal course of study for perceived different
races, groups, or classes of people, or what ideas.

5.) What decisions and actions are make after getting the results of the curriculum

 After getting the results of the curriculum evaluation serves two

important firstly, it provides a means of obtaining information that can be
used to improve a course, and secondly, it provides a basis for decisions
about the curriculum adoption and effective use.

Most favorite teacher in elementary and list down his/her the qualities/traits.

 Kind
 Artistic
 Active
 Jolly
 Always prepare
 Intelligent
 Good listener
 Confident
 Knowledgeable

Most hate teacher in elementary and list down his/her the qualities/traits.

 Strict
 Favoritism
 No consideration to others
 Hard to get along well

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