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NO, 25 NOTES FROM THE SHOP = $2.50 "Woodsmith TAMBOUR VIDEO. caBiNer | TURNED CANISTER SET OAK COFFEE TABLE TECHNIQUE: STAVE CONSTRUCTION Woodsmith. Sawdust Number 25 van.Feb., 1983 Ester Donald 8. Feschke Dasign O'rector ‘Ted Kralleak Assistant Editor Steve Krohmer Grephic Designers David Kreyling Marcia Simmons ‘Subsoripton Manager ‘Sandy J, Baum Subscription Assistants ‘Christe! Miner Vieky Robinson ‘Kim Melton ‘Jackle Stroud Shirley Feltman Computer Oporatione Ken Miner Administrative Assstart Cheryl Scott ISSN: o764-4114 WOODSMITH is publiched bimonthly WJenuary, Merci, May, July, September, November) by Woodsmith Pubishing Company, 1912 Grand ‘Avo. Doe Moines, lowa 69300. WOODSMITH is a registered trademark of he ‘Woodsmith Publishing Company. Copyright 1983 by Woodsmith Pubishing Company. All Fights Reserved. ‘Subscriptions: One year (6 issues) $10, Two yoare (12iesves) $18, Siglo copy rico, $2.50 (Canaca and Foreign: add $2 per yeas) ‘Change Of Address: Please be sure to include both your ole and now addroae for change of ‘adaress. Malo: Woodsmth, 1912 Grand Ave, ‘Des Moines, lows £0309. Second claes postage paid ct Dea Monee, ona. Postmaster: Send change of adress notice, Form 2579, to Weodamith Putlishing Co, 1012 Grand Ave., Des Moines, lowe 50309, BACK ISSUES ‘Ast othe convents ofall ack issues appears fan the wrapper ofthis Issue. If tho wrappar is inissig, you can send for a booklet deserbing the contents and proes of al back Issues, ‘SAMPLE COPIES Nyowhave a iend who would ike to see a cony ‘fWeodemit, just tend thename ard address, 4nd weil Send a sample (at no cost). ApOET THIS SUR. Thave to admit somes Te always been fascinated with tamboars (oll-ops). Anil it doest't take rauch to talk me into building a project ‘ith one ofthese “moving wood” doors. ‘When we were tniding the video cat rot for this issue, I thought it was a good spportunity to indlude «tambour. But this raised a question of practicality. Would ‘anyone really lowor the tambour to cover- Up the TY. sereent "After we finshed this cabinet, I tonk it home for a fose weeks, and found I eoln't resist closing the tambour every once ina hile It was then I discovered that onee the TLV. was out of sight... well, Icom pletely forgot about Love Boot and Pan- fay Island. (Maybe this tambour is more ractial than I thought.) PHOTOGRAPHS. There's scmething dit ferent about the photographs in this issue. We'vebeon experimenting with anew pho- {ographie process. In pes issues, allot the photographs were printed in a process Imnown as dto-tone, This is basicaly a black-and-white photo that's printed in tho colors (brown and black in our eas) ‘Tho photos inthis iasue are still printed in only two colors Gulch why green leaves lock brown in the photo on the cover), but we've changed the way the Farag are process they havea ttle more life in them. We're stil in the oxporimental stages with this new approach, but [ think its Kind of exeting. It should improve the quality of the photse eo you get a much Detter picture of what the projects really Took like INDEX. Wo're cluding 0 special 4pago section in this issue: an index to the eon- tents of the first 24 issues of Woodsmith, plusa page of sourees for mail-order wood workings catalogs. ‘The index should help locate artieles and projects in past issues. Well up-date it again next yoar in the January issue. ‘The list of catalogs includes almost all of the mail-order sources we've used for the prajects shown in past issues of Wood smith. This list is by no means a complete ‘accounting of allthe eatalogs available, but it dove inciude some of the best soureos for tools and supplies we know of. ‘But why do those catalog companies sake you pay for what is essentially a book. of advertising? Granted, the catalog companies are “selling” an advertisement. But I think they're worth it, (And T didn't even get hai to say that.) I've learned a great deal ‘from these catalogs — just knowing that a certain tool ora piece of hardware is avail- able is worth a buek or two. PUBLISHER'S STATEMENT. Onco cach year we're required (by the Past office) to Include the Publisher's Statement shown, below. Last year, this statement showed a total eireulation of about 20,000. Now we're up to 74,000. But that was as of the Soptembor isaue. With thi issue, the total circulation is 110,000, und growing. ‘Thiskind of growthhaspatafew strains onall of1as here at Woodsmith, And thisis ‘one of the reasons we're behind schedule for getting the issues out on time. NENT MALLING, The next jaaue of Wood gnith (No. 28) willbe inthe mall during the first week in April. Until then, thanks for your patience, STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION, 1. Te Patton: eho aan oH ef Fb Spr, 2, Pry iy, ois a (Ana abn pra 104, Ce ai ive bows eee eee come een ea eat aloe Des onl Esti © Geer fol Pet {Shr thon cag mre of oe tr nome ten eertnomrereherasecaneions bases ey? ‘Arpad ee Average x oie arate ‘echinuedineg” plied saree veedag itn “fing ae (Beer sem sie ae ia ct Bal fas jae ad 2 2 WoopsmITH Tips & Techniques PHYSICS 101 Recently, Lexperienced considerable diff- culty trying to put a sanding sleeve on my

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