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Term 8 of 55

A substance is only able to be transported by a carrier if

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The gate on the carrier is open far enough to admit the substance.

The concentration gradient is high enough to draw the substance into the carrier.

The electrical gradient is strong enough to push the substances into the carrier.

The binding sites in the carrier are the appropriate shape for the substance to

Term 9 of 55
The transport of amino acids into the cell results when sodium ions move
down their electrical gradient and cause amino acids to move into the cell
against their electrochemical gradient. This is an example of

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vesicular transport

secondary active transport

simple diffusion

primary active transport

Term 10 of 55

Organelles are replicated during which phase of the Cell Cycle?

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All of the answer choices are correct

Term 11 of 55

An orderly, genetically programmed cell death is referred to as ________,

while disorganized pathological cell death is referred to as ________.

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apoptosis; synapsis

apoptosis; necrosis

necrosis; apoptosis

synapsis; necrosis

necrosis; synapsis

Term 12 of 55

What type of endocytosis allows cells to "drink" (take up tiny droplets of

extracellular fluid)?
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by means of clathrin-coated pits


Term 13 of 55

The force which draws water into a concentrated substance in an attempt

to equalize the solute is referred to as

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electrochemical tension

osmotic pressure

biochemical differential
aquaporin distribution

Term 14 of 55

Which of the following organelles plays an important role in phagocytosis

(a type of endocytosis), contains a variety of digestive enzymes, and has
transport pumps that maintain an acidic pH inside the organelle?

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Golgi complex




Term 15 of 55

Immune cells, like Plasma B-cells, are activated by binding to

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