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Newton’s laws of motion are three physical laws that

establish the science of kinematics. These laws describe the
relationship between the motion of an object and the force
acting on it.
It was Isaac Newton who established these laws, and he
used these laws to explain many physical systems and
phenomena. These three laws were first published by Isaac
Newton in his in 1687, which is the basis of classical
mechanics. Newton used these laws to explain and
investigate many physical phenomena.
Think of it like this: if you've ever kicked a ball, ridden a bike,
or wondered why things fall down, Newton's Laws have the
answers. These laws are like the secret code that unlocks the
mysteries of motion in our everyday world.
So, let's get into it! We'll explore Newton's three laws, break
them down into simple terms, and see how they help us
make sense of how things move and why they move the way
they do

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