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Koncentrálj arra a szavakra, amit értesz és ezeket húzd alá vagy írd ki a papírodra. Tudtad, hogy nem
kell minden szót értened ahhoz, hogy megérts egy szöveget? Szóval koncentrálj azokra a szavakra, amit
ismersz és próbáld összetenni, hogy miről is szól a szöveg. A véleményed kifejtésekor használj hasonló

Angolul Magyarul Angol példamondat

In my opinion, green is the best colour of all. Véleményem szerint a
In my opinion, Véleményem szerint…
zöld a legjobb szín az összes közül.
From my point From my point of view, it’s a great idea to visit my country.
Az én nézőpontomból…
of view, Véleményem szerint, jó ötlet meglátogatni az országomat.
I think Szerintem… I think she is great.Szerintem ő nagyszerű.
I believe Úgy hiszem, hogy… I believe you’re right.Szerintem igazad van.
It seems to me Úgy tűnik nekem, It seems to me that he made a good decision.Úgy tűnik nekem, hogy
that… hogy… jó döntést hozott.
I suppose Úgy gondolom, hogy… I suppose we’re lost.Úgy gondolom eltévedtünk.
Úgy érzem / gondolom,
I feel I feel you’re lying to me.Úgy érzem Te hazudsz nekem.
I reckon Szerintem… I reckon it’s a good place to be.Szerintem ez egy jó hely.
I mean Úgy értem… I mean it’s ok.Úgy értem ez oké.

Megjegyzés: Sokszor szóismétlésbe botlunk, amikor a „szerintem” magyar kifejezést szeretnénk használni. Az
angolnak erre rengeteg szava, kifejezése van, de középfokon elég, ha ezekből válogatsz: I think / I believe / I
suppose / I feel / I reckon / I mean. Máris hat féle variációt tudsz

Giving examples — példák felsorolása

Angolul Magyarul Angol példamondat

For For example, I’ve been to Egypt, Italy and the USA.Például voltam Egyiptomban,
example, Olaszországa és az USA-ban.
For For instance, I like baseball, but I don’t like basketball.Például szeretem a baseballt,
instance, de nem szeretem a kosárlabdát.
He’s keen on films such as horror and thriller.Ő imádja a filmeket például a horrort
such as például, mint
és a thrillert.
más They are people who teach students at high school – teachers, in other words.Ők
In other
szavakkal azok az emberek, akik tanítják a diákokat a középiskolában, más szavakkal élve
élve tanárok.

Comparing – összehasonlítás

Angolul Magyarul Angol példamondat

similar to hasonló, mint… His hair is similar to mine. – Az ő haja hasonlít az enyémhez.
in common közös valamiben We don’t have much in common. – Nincs sok közös bennünk.
I don’t like either orange or banana. – Nem szeretem sem a narancsot sem a
sem….sem… /
either … or…. banánt.You can contact us either by phone or by e-mail. – Telefonon és e-
mailben is felveheti velünk a kapcsolatot.
neither…nor… sem….sem…. Neither me nor Julia like him.Sem én, sem Julia nem szereti őt.
as…as… olyan….mint…. Peter is as tall as you. – Péter olyan magas, mint te.
also is, szintén We also like travelling. – Mi szeretünk utazni is.
Contrasting – Ellentét

Angolul Magyarul Angol példamondat

We went out. However, it was raining. – Kimentünk. Habár
However, Habár…
Although it was raining, we went out. Habár esett,
Although Habár…
We should hurry up. Otherwise, we’ll miss the bus. –
Otherwise Különben…
Sietnünk kéne. Különben lekéssük a buszt.
On the one hand, On the one hand, I really need a holiday, but on the other
…. on th other Egyrészről….másrészről…. hand, I also need to save money. – Egyrészről nagyon
hand, kellene egy kis nyaralás, de másrészről spórolnom is kéne.
I want to go to the cinema instead. – Inkább moziba akarok
Instead / instead Inkább, helyett… / Valami
menni.I want to go to the cinema instead of the theathre. –
of… helyett…
Inkább moziba akarok menni a színház helyett.

Megjegyzés: Biztosan észrevetted, hogy két különböző angol szót látsz itt a “habár” magyar szóra.
Jelentésükben ugyan nem térnek el, de használatukban eléggé. Ha megnézed a két példamondatot, észreveheted,
hogy az egyik a mondat közepén, a másik pedig a mondat elején van.

Kezdjük az egyszerűbbel:

Although it was raining, we went out. – Habár esett, mi kimentünk.

A tagmondatokat felcserélheted így: We went out although it was raining.

A jelentés nem változik, de ha megnézed, akkor itt már eltűnik a vessző, ugyanis az angol kötőszavak előtt
ritkán teszünk vesszőt. Ez 90%-ban mindegyikre igaz. Most nem térnék ki a maradék 10%-ra, de 90% már elég
magas arány ahhoz, hogy ne hibázz, ha nem teszel vesszőt

Még néhány példamondat, hogy tutira összeálljon a kép.

Although I like chocolate, I can’t eat it. – Habár szeretem a csokit, nem ehetek.

They went on holiday althought they didn’t have too much money. – Elmentek nyaralni, habár nem volt túl sok

Although he loved her, he didn’t propose to her. – Habár szerette, nem kérte meg a kezét.

Beszéljünk most a „however”-ről.

Példa: We went out. However, it was raining. – Kimentünk, habár esett.

A magyarban ezt simán egy mondatba beleírod, az angol viszont külön mondatokba rakja bele. Milyen érdekes,
nem? Ha „althought”-t használsz, akkor mehet egybe, de ha „however”-t akkor külön. Tök ugyanazt jelenti, de
mégsem ugyanúgy működik. Az angol nyelv szépségei… J Ne kövezz meg kérlek J Ráadásul a „however”-rel
kezded az új mondatot és KÖTELEZŐEN VESSZŐT TESZEL UTÁNA.


I was very hungry. However, I didn’t have time to eat. – Nagyon éhes voltam, habár nem volt időm enni.

It was cold. However, we couldn’t switch on the heating. – Hideg volt, habár nem tudtuk bekapcsolni a fűtést.
He quit his job. However, he couldn’t afford it. – Felmondott, habár nem engedhette meg magának.

Generalizing – általánosítás

Angolul Magyarul Angol példamondat

Generally, Általában… Generally, she’s a happy person.Általában ő egy boldog ember.
In general, I like dancing, but not now.Általában szeretek táncolni, de nem
In general, Általában…
All in all, Mindent egybevéve, All in all, it was a great party.Mindent egybevéve, szuper parti volt.
Basically, you should ask me first.Alapvetően engem kell megkérdezned
Basically, Alapvetően

Expressing certainty — Bizonyosság kifejezése

Angolul Magyarul Angol példamondat

certainly Biztosan / feltétlenül I certainly know you’re right.Biztosan tudom, hogy igazad van.
Of course, you can choose your dress.Természetesen kiválaszthatod a
Of course, Természetesen
biztosan / feltétlenül /
definitely He’s definitely the best student.Egyértelműen ő a legjobb diák.
No doubt she’ll tell me everything when she’s ready.Kétségkívül el fog
No doubt kétségkívül
mondani mindent amikor készen áll.

Expressing partial agreement — a részben egyetértés kifejezése

Angolul Magyarul Angol példamondat

You look more or less the same as last year.Többé-kevésbé / nagyjából
More or less, többé kevésbé
ugyanúgy nézel ki, mint tavaly.
To some egy bizonyos fokig, To some extent, I was calm before the exam.Bizonyos fokig nyugodt
extent mértékig voltam a vizsga előtt.
almost majdnem I’m almost ready.Majdnem kész vagyok.

Showing cause — Az ok kifejezése

Angolul Magyarul Angol példamondat

Because mert I went home because I was tired.Hazamentem, mert fáradt voltam.
valami miatt It was wet because of the rain.Vizes volt az eső miatt.
valami The flight was cancelled due to weather conditions.-A járatot törölték az
Due to
következtében időjárási körülmények miatt.

Showing effect — Következmény, eredmény kifejezése

Angolul Magyarul Angol példamondat
This is a serious. Therefore, we expect you to take it seriously.Ez
Therefore, ezért, tehát
komoly dolog. Ezért számítunk arra, hogy komolyan veszed.
As a result valaminek As a result of the flooding, many people became homeless.Az árvíz
(of) eredményeképpen eredményeképpen, sokan hajléktalanná váltak.
We were extremely tired, so we went home.Nagyon fáradtak voltunk,
,so tehát, ezért, azért
tehát hazamentünk.
So, nos, tehát So, what are you doing here?Nos, mit csinálsz itt?
The reason The reason why we broke up is that he was always rude to me.Az ok
az ok amiért…
why… amiért szakítottunk az az volt, hogy mindig bunkó volt hozzám.
I was angry since he broke my vase.Mérges voltam, mert eltörte a
Since mivel, mert
I needed to lie down as I was exhausted.Le kellett feküdnöm, mert
as mivel, mert
kimerült voltam.

Megjegyzés: a “so” kötőszónak két féle használata van, ahogy a táblázat is mutatja. VISZONT! A vesszőt nem
mindegy hova teszed! FONTOS kis apróság! A vesszőket sosem véletlen írom bele a táblázatokba

Marking time — az idő kifejezése

Angolul Magyarul Angol példamondat

First of all, I would like to thank you for your help. Mindenek előtt szeretném
First of all mindenek előtt
megköszönni a segítséged.
Firstly először Firstly, I want to mention…. Először is szeretném megemlíteni, hogy ….
Secondly, másodszor Secondly, I need to talk about…Másodszor pedig beszélnem kell a …. –ről.
Thirdly, harmadszor Thirdly, I have to say…Harmadszor, pedig meg kell, hogy mondjam….
Finally, / Finally, it’s worth mentioning…Lastly, it’s worth mentioning… Végül,
Lastly, említésre méltó, hogy….
Then akkor, aztán Then I went back to school.Aztán visszamentem az iskolába.
During During the summer, he was in Paris. A nyár folyamán Párizsban volt.
Before we got married, we had gone out together foryears. Mielőtt
Before előtte
megházasodtak, évekig jártak.
After I had washed my teeth, I left the house. Miután megmostam a fogam,
After utána
elmentem otthonról.
While amíg While I was studying, he was cooking. Amíg tanultam, ő főzött.
After that After that it was ok. – Azután már oké volt.
since óta, azóta I haven’t seen him since last year. Nem láttam tavaly óta.
Do your homework as soon as you get home. – Csináld meg a leckéd, amint
as soon as amint
She was having a shower when the doorbell rang. Épp zuhanyzott, amikor
when amikor

Megjegyzés: magyarul az “aztán, azután” szavakat gyakran összekeverhetjük az “after” angol szóval. Ha azt
szeretnék kifejezni, hogy például: Hazaértem hatkor. Aztán főztem. Aztán tusoltam. Akkor az úgy szól
angolul,hogy: I got home at six. After that I cooked. After that I had a shower.

Ha azt mondod, hogy “I got home at six after I had a shower.”, az TELJESEN mást jelent. Még pedig azt, hogy:
Miután tusoltam, hazaértem hatkor.

VIGYÁZZ, mert TELJESEN mást jelent a kettő!!!

Adding information — további információ hozzáadása

Angolul Magyarul Angol példamondat

ráadásul, My mom is an angel. Furthermore, I can completely trust her.Az anyukám egy
továbbá angyal. Mi több, teljesen megbízhatok benne.
More and more people are dissatisfied with universities. Moreover, the number of
Moreover, university students has dropped.Egyre több és több ember elégedetlen az
egyetemekkel. Ráadásul az egyetemi diákok száma is csökkent.
It’s too late to invite any more people. Besides, you know how Pam hates
Besides, parties.Túl késő, hogy még több embert meghívjunk. Azonkívül tudod, hogy Pam
mennyire utája a bulikat.
I need to go to the bookshop as well as the bank.El kell mennem a könyvesboltba,
As well as valamint
valamint a bankba.
Roses are such beautiful flowers. What’s more they are easy to plant.A rózsák
What’s more sőt mi több
olyan gyönyörű virágok. Sőt mi több, egyszerű őket ültetni.

Expressing condition – a feltételesség kifejezése

Angolul Magyarul Angol példamondat

if ha If the weather is nice, we’ll go out. – Ha jó az idő, kimegyünk.
I won’t help you unless you help me. – Nem segítek Neked, hacsak nem segítesz
Unless ha nem, hacsak nem
abban az esetben,
In case Take an umbrella in case it rains. – Vigyél esernyőt arra az esetre, ha esik.

Concluding – összegzés

Angolul Magyarul Angol példamondat

Finally, /
végül Finally, we found the best house. – Végül megtaláltuk a legjobb házat.
In short, In short, she is in a good shape. – Röviden, ő jó formában van.
In conclusion, I would like to thank everyone who helped me make this event
possible. – Összegezve a mondanivalóm, szeretnék köszönetet mondani
mindenkinek, aki segített, hogy ez az esemény létrejöhessen.

Discussion – Vita

Angolul Magyarul Angol példamondat

Do you agree? Egyetértesz? Do you agree? Do you agree with me?-Egyetértesz velem?
What do you
Mit gondolsz? What do you think?
What do you What do you think about that? What do you think about
Mit gondolsz erről?
think about that? mobile banking?-Mit gondolsz a mobil bankolásról?
How do you feel? Mit gondolsz? How do you feel?
How do you feel Mit gondolsz / hogy érzel How do you feel about that?How do you feel about this
about that? ezzel kapcsolatban? problem?- Hogy érzel ezzel a problémával kapcsolatban?

Clarification – Tisztázás, tisztázni valamit

Angolul Magyarul Angol példamondat
What you said is absolutely true. – Amit
What you said is… Amit mondtál az…
mondtál az abszolút igaz.
If I understand you correctly, you mean wars
If I understand you Ha jól értelek, úgy gondolod
are pointless. – Ha jól értelek, úgy gondolod
correctly, you mean…. hogy…
hogy a háborúk értelmetlenek.
Could you rephrase your Át tudnád fogalmaznia az
Could you rephrase your point? I’m not sure I
point? I’m not sure I álláspontod? Nem vagyok benne
understand. biztos, hogy értem.
Amit próbálok mondani az az, I’m trying to say that he was right. – Amit
I’m trying to say….
hogy… próbálok mondani az az, hogy igaza volt.
I mean we can do it. – Úgy értem meg tudjuk
I mean …. Úgy értem…
What do you mean by that? Mit értesz ez alatt? What do you mean by that?

Interrupting or Redirecting Conversation – Megszakítani vagy elterelni a beszélgetést (ez nagyon hasznos

Angolul Magyarul Angol példamondat

Let me interrupt for
Hadd szakítsalak félbe
Let me interrupt for a minute.
a minute. egy percre.
That reminds me Ez engem a ….-ra That reminds me of our first king. – Ez engem az első királyunkra
of… emlékeztet. emlékeztet.
What you’re saying Amit mondasz What you’re trying to say is related to world peace. – Amit
is related to… kapcsolódik a ….-hez. mondasz kapcsolódik a világ békéhez.
By the way, it’s the best restaurant in Budapest. – Apropó, ez a
By the way…. Apropó…
legjobb étterem Budapesten.
Sorry for interrupting, but I have to tell that I don’t agree with
Sorry for Bocsánat, hogy
you. – Bocsánat, hogy félbeszakítalak, de meg kell mondanom,
interrupting, but… megszakítalak, de….
hogy nem értek veled egyet.

Asking for repetition – Ismétlés kérésekor

Angolul Magyarul Angol példamondat

Pardon? Elnézést? Pardon?
Excuse me. Could you Excuse me. Could you
Elnézést. Meg tudnád ismételni?
please repeat that? please repeat that?
Would you mind repeating Megismételnéd a kérdésed?(szó szerint: Bánnád, ha Would you mind repeating
your question? meg kéne ismételned a kérdésed?) your question?

If the speaker is talking too quickly – Ha a beszélő túl gyorsan beszél

Angolul Magyarul Angol példamondat

I’m sorry. Could you please speak Bocsánat, tudnál kicsit lassabban I’m sorry. Could you please speak
more slowly? beszélni? more slowly?
I couldn’t follow what you said. Nem tudtam követni amit
I couldn’t follow what you said.
Could you please speak more mondtál. Tudnál kicsit lassabban
Could you please speak more slowly?
slowly? beszélni?

If the speaker is talking too softly – Ha a beszélő túl halkan beszél

Angolul Magyarul Angol példamondat
Sorry, I didn’t hear you. Bocsánat, nem hallottalak. Sorry, I didn’t hear you.
Sorry, I didn’t hear what Sorry, I didn’t hear what
Bocsánat, nem hallottam, amit mondtál.
you said. you said.
Elnézést. Beszélnél egy kicsit hangosabban?(szó
Excuse me. Would you Excuse me. Would you
szerint: Bánnád, ha kicsit hangosabban kéne
mind speaking up a bit? mind speaking up a bit?

Delaying – Időhúzás (rendkívül hasznos )

Angolul Magyarul Angol példamondat

Well… Nos… Well, it might be true. – Nos, ez lehet, hogy igaz.
That’s a very Ez egy nagyon
That’s a very interesting question.
interesting question. érdekes kérdés.
Well, let me see. This was the first time I had tried snowboarding. –
Well, let me see…. Nos, nézzük….
Nos, nézzük. Az volt a legelső alkalom, hogy snowboardoztam.

If you don’t know the answer – ha nem tudod a választ

Angolul Magyarul Angol példamondat

I’m not really sure. Nem igazán vagyok benne biztos. I’m not really sure.
I can’t answer that one. Nem tudok erre válaszolni. I can’t answer that one.
I’m sorry I really don’t know. Bocsánat, de tényleg nem tudom. I’m sorry I really don’t know.
I’ve got no idea. Fogalmam sincs. I’ve got no idea.
That’s something I’d rather not talk Ez olyasmi, amiről most nem That’s something I’d rather not talk
about right now. szívesen beszélnék. about right now.

Getting more information

Angolul Magyarul Angol példamondat

Could you please Could you please tell me more about your English
Tudnál egy kicsit többet mondani a
tell me more language learning? – Tudnál egy kicsit többet
about…? mondani az angol nyelvtanulásodról?
Would you mind Tudnál egy kicsit többet mondani a
Would you mind telling me more about your family?
telling me more ….-ról?(szó szerint: Bánnád, ha
– Tudnál egy kicsit többet mondani a családodról?
about….? többet mondanál a …-ról?)
I’d like to know Szeretnék egy kicsit többet I’d like to know more about your hobbies. –
more about…. megtudni a ….ről. Szeretnék egy kicsit többet megtudni a hobbyjaidról.

Task 1

Read the following text from the net. Discuss the content of the text with your partner.

Tell her/him your opinions, give reasons and personal examples to support your ideas. Talk about your own
experience with the problems mentioned and possible solutions.

Game Over for Limits on Violent Video Games

America’s video game industry was the winner in a decision last week by the United States Supreme Court.
The justices rejected a law in California that banned the sale or rental of violent video games to people under
eighteen. They said the two thousand five law violated the free speech guarantee in the First Amendment to the
Constitution. The vote was seven to two.

The court decided that video games are a protected form of creative expression like books, plays and movies.
Paul McGreal, dean of the University of Dayton law school in Ohio, says California did not see gaming that

PAUL McGREAL: “The state of California tried to argue that this was not speech, it was more of an activity
because children interact and play with the video games, and so it’s not traditional speech like a book or like a

California lawmakers argued that violent games were especially harmful to children. But the court said they were
no more harmful than the violence in other forms of media.Justice Antonin Scalia wrote the majority opinion. He
pointed to the violence in fairy tales like “Snow White” and “Cinderella” and in cartoons.

Professor McGreal says the court sees its job as only to decide what is and is not legally protected speech.

PAUL McGREAL: “The Supreme Court said we’re going to decide what counts as speech and then leave it up
to private individuals, not the government, to decide what speech they want to see and want to view. We don’t
want to get the Supreme Court into making fine distinctions about what is better than others, because that will
lead us down a slippery slope. Once you start deciding that, what’s to stop the government from saying that, for
example, Grimm’s fairy tales themselves are too violent, or that particular books should be banned?”

Ideas and expressions:

I would definitely ban them. – Én mindenképp betiltanám.

Children get false pictures of life. – A gyerekeknek hamis, torz képet kapnak az életről.

Video games make people aggressive. – A videó játékok agresszivvá teszik az embereket.

You can believe you’re immortal. – Elhiheted, hogy halhatatlan vagy.

The time you spend playing video games seems less than reality. – Az idő, amit eltöltesz ezekkel a játékokkal,
sokkal kevesebbnek tűnik, mint a valóság.

It destroys relationships. – Kapcsolatokat tesz tönkre.

It causes total addiction. – Totális függőséget okoz.

It’s unhealthy sitting in front of the screen all day. – Egészségtelen egész nap a gép előtt ülni.

There have been fatal accidents and victims. – Voltak már halálos balesetek és áldozatok is.

Children can consider video games to be the reality. – A gyerekek a videó játékokat gondolhatják a valóságnak.

Task 2

Read the following text from the net. Discuss the content of the text with your partner.

Tell her/him your opinions, give reasons and personal examples to support your ideas. Talk about your own
experience with the problems mentioned and possible solutions.
Ethiopia Permits Mobile Banking and Money Services

Ethiopia is one of the last countries in Africa to permit mobile banking. Mobile banking has proved to be
profitable in the developing world,where many people still do not use banks. Earlier this year, the World Bank
reported that seventy-five percent of the world’s poor are “unbanked.” That is about two point five billion
people. Banking through mobile telephones lets people take part in financial services even if they are not near a
bank office. In Africa, only Ethiopia and Zimbabwe do not provide mobile money services. Now, that will
change for Ethiopia.

BelCash and M-Birr are mobile banking technology providers. They have been setting up mobile banking and
mobile money services in Ethiopia for the past three years.

Dutch company BelCash is working in partnership with banks to provide easier access to financing through bank
accounts. Ireland-based M-Birr is a mobile money service that works with micro finance groups where no
registration at a bank is needed.

Ethiopia’s mobile industry is young. And wireless service coverage in the country is not well developed. The
pressure on the wireless network is expected to increase.

In the past four years, the number of mobile users grew from three to seventeen million. And Ethiopia’s
telecommunications provider, Ethio Telecom, expects that number to grow to forty million in the next three

The government closely controls Ethiopia’s telecommunications market. That means there is only one provider.
Competition is not permitted.

M-Birr General Manager Thierry Artaud says Ethiopia’s neighbors have several mobile providers.

“If you look at your neighbors, Kenya, Tanzania Uganda, they all have multiple mobile operators and they all
have mobile money services and even multiple mobile money services.”

He says, if Ethiopia had no restrictions, his company would have to compete with larger companies.

Ethiopia has looked at other developing countries with mobile banking. National Bank of Ethiopia officials
visited Kenya, Pakistan and Brazil.

Frezer Ayalew is with the National Bank of Ethiopia. He says mobile banking services will help the country.
“For the economy it has great contribution in terms of mobilizing domestic savings with these services.”

The National Bank of Ethiopia recently finished a draft order on how mobile banking services should be
structured. This comes as more companies have shown interest in starting mobile banking services.

Ideas and expressions:

It can be a new opportunity for hackers. – Újabb lehetőség a hekkerek számára.

Internet banking can be checked and supervised better. – Az internet bankolás jobban ellenőrizhető.

You can instantly get to check your balance. – Azonnal megtudod / megnézheted az egyenleged.

It makes payments easier. – Megkönnyíti a fizetést.

It can keep your expenses and spending money under control. – Féken tarthatja a költségeidet és a költekezésed.
You’re kept informed at all times. – Időben értesülsz / időben vagy értesítve.

You can make purchases abroad, too. – Külföldön is vásárolhatsz.

You can schedule your payments in advance. – Előre beállíthatod az utalásaidat.

Task 3

Read the following text from the net. Discuss the content of the text with your partner.

Tell her/him your opinions, give reasons and personal examples to support your ideas. Talk about your own
experience with the problems mentioned and possible solutions.

Is Air Travel Safe?

It has been a bad two weeks for air travel.

Last week, Malaysia Airline flight MH17

was shotdownover eastern Ukraine killing all 298 passengers andcrew.
On Wednesday, July 23, two Ukrainian militaryplanes were shot down in the same airspace.

On the same day a TransAsia Airways plane crashed in bad weather on

the island of Penghu, Taiwan, killingalmost 50 people.

On Thursday, an Air Algeria plane was missing on

aflight from Burkina Faso to Algeria with 116 people onboard. Mali’s President Ibrahim Boubacar Keitaannoun
ced later in the day that searchers had spottedthe wreckage.

These tragedies all followed the mysterious disappearance earlier this year of Malaysian Airline370.
The plane was flying from Kuala Lumpur toBeijing. Investigators have found no sign of the plane or its
239 passengers. Whether a crash is the results of bad weather, brokenequipment, pilot mistake or surface-to-
air missiles, thequestion remains – is air travel safe?

Ideas and expressions:

Less people die in airplane crashes than in car crashes. – Kevesebb ember hal meg repülőbalesetben, mint az

Airport security checks are more precise and safer than on any other means of transport. – A reptéri ellenőrzések
precízebbek és biztonságosabbak, mint bármilyen más közelekedési járművön.

In case of emergency / a problem it’s more difficult to correct. – Vészhelyzet, probléma esetén nehezebb

Its labour force is very well-trained. – A munkaereje nagyon jól képzett.

It’s scarier than any other means of transport. – Félelmetesebb, mint más járművek.

It’s responsible for lots of people’s safety. – Sok ember biztonságáért felel.

Apart from turbulence, I don’t have bad experiences of flying. – A turbulenciától eltekintve, nincsenek rossz

There’s a lot of films dealing with this topic. – Sok film foglalkozik ezzel a témával.
It must feel horrible to crash into the ocean. – Szörnyű érzés lehet az óceánba zuhanni.

Unfortunately there have been planes hijacked. – Sajnos már voltak eltérítve repülőgépek.

Task 4

Read the following text from the net. Discuss the content of the text with your partner.

Tell her/him your opinions, give reasons and personal examples to support your ideas. Talk about your own
experience with the problems mentioned and possible solutions.

Does ‘Star Trek’ Really Influence Science and Technology?

A new “Star Trek” movie is out! Today, we talk about the influence of the popular television and movieseries.

The Power of “Star Trek”

Another movie based on the television show “Star Trek” recently opened in theaters. “Star Trek IntoDarkness”
has led to new discussion about the show’s influence on science, technology and society. Christopher Cruise has

Star Trek’s spaceship is well-known to people who have watched the TV series.
And those who did not can still see the firstmodel of the Enterprise. It can be seen at
the Smithsonian Institution’s National Air and Space Museum in Washington.

The imaginary spacecraft led to the name of

the American space agency’s first space shuttle,says museum official MargaretWeitekamp.“Well,
the very first space shuttle was actually named Enterprise as a result of a write-
in campaign organized by Star Trek fansof the 1970s.”That
is just one sign of Star Trek’s influence.Ms. Weitekamp recently spoke about the subject in a group discussion at
themuseum. She notes that the series was first broadcast in
the late 1960s, when women and minorities were pressing for equalrights.“Star Trek has been
a really important vision not only of what future space flight could look like,
but also a reflection of what thehopes were, especially in the 1960s,
for what human society could look like. So, very importantly in 1966, it’s
a mixed sex,racially integrated, multinational space crew that even includes an alien.”

The first Star Trek series also showed technologies that have become reality, says Pace University Professor Nan
cy Reagin. She served as editor of the book “Star Trek and History.”

“You see the first depiction ofa plasma screen TV; you see the first depiction of what would call a cell phone.I m
ean thecommunicators – they sort of flip open just like the first cell phone that
I ever had. You see the first example of Bluetooth
technology,where Uhura is wearing the little Bluetooth in her ear.

You see the first use of tablets,you know, where they’reusing the multi-touch pads.”

Star Trek still excites engineers, says Mike Gold of Bigelow Aerospace. The company is developing next-

“I’d like to think that our entire program is again very much in keeping with the spirit of Star trek, which is
to push the boundariesfor human exploration.”

Ideas and expressions:

Ideas in sci-fi movies often become reality. – A sci-fi filmben lévő ötletek gyakran megvalósulnak.

We can dream big. – Álmodhatunk nagyot

Lots of things seen in sci-fi movies are in use today. – Nagyon sok sci-fikben látott dolog van ma már

My favourite is the hoverboard in Back to the Future. – A kedvencem a Vissza a jövőbe légdeszkája.

The most widely used object might be the laser. – A leggyakrabban használt dolog talán a lézer.

The power of computers can be scary. – A számítógépek hatalma félelmetes lehet.

It’s an excellent invention. – Kiváló találmány.

Task 5

Read the following text from the net. Discuss the content of the text with your partner.

Tell her/him your opinions, give reasons and personal examples to support your ideas. Talk about your own
experience with the problems mentioned and possible solutions.

Rosetta Project Aims to Save Languages for Future Generations

But first, we learn about a project to protect endangered languages.

Rosetta Project

There are about 7,000 languages in the world. Experts say half could disappear by the end of the century.

But an effort called the Rosetta Project is working to protect them for future generations.

Kelly Jean Kelly reports.

These two American linguistics students can speak several languages, including French. They are among 12 stud
ents takingpart in
a summer internship program with the Rosetta Project in San Francisco, California. They are working with traine
dlinguists to expand a digital record of endangered languages.

The project’s name comes from the Rosetta Stone, the ancient stone marker kept at
the British Museum in London.
Themarker has examples of writing in two different Egyptian writing systems and an early form of Greek.
It helped experts understand Egyptian hieroglyphs.

Rosetta Project is creating an online collection and an optical disc of writings in different languages.
The disc version can beheld in the palm of a hand. But
it contains 13,000 pages representing 1,500 languages.The Long Now Foundation, a non-
profitgroup, launched the Rosetta Project. Alexander Rose is the Executive Director.

“A single parallel text, a description, a map of where it’s

from, these types of things that just give you enough that you can
compare to another language that you know or have studied or scholars have figured out, you can start pulling pa
rallels between the two and reconstruct the basics of a language.”
The Smithsonian Institution recently organized a demonstration of endangered languages at
the Smithsonian Folklife Festival inWashington. Crowds heard examples of Hawaiian and other disappearing lan
guages like Tuvan, which can still be heard in southern Siberia.

Many languages are spoken by small groups, says Rosetta Project director Laura Welcher.

“They’re spoken by thousands of people or even smaller-sized groups and a lot of those languages are
in remote parts of the world. They haven’t been well documented.”

Linguists at universities and research centers are in

a race against time to record these languages before all speakers aregone.

“The idea is to purposely create a massively parallel collection that

is broadly representative of all our human languages, thatcan be
that kind of secret decoder ring for human languages and what we leave for the future.”

And, Ms. Welcher says linguists and student interns at the Rosetta Project are doing their part.

Ideas and expressions:

It’s pretty useful. – Nagyon hasznos.

It’s complex; reading, writing, listening. – Sokrétű; olvasás, írás, hallgatás.

Since it’s like a game, it’s enjoyable. – Mivel olyan, mint egy játék, nagyon élvezetes.

It can be understood in every language. – Bármilyen nyelven megérthető.

Its syllabus is great. – Jól felépített tematikája van.

It contains exciting stories. – Izgalmas történeteket tartalmaz.

Expressions and words used in everyday life can be found in it. – A mindennapi életben használatos kifejezések
és szavak megtalálhatóak benne.

It makes you love learning languages. – Megszeretteti a nyelvtanulást veled.

It’s quite expensive, but absolutely worth it. – Elég drága, de teljesen megéri.

Task 6

Read the following text from the net. Discuss the content of the text with your partner.

Tell her/him your opinions, give reasons and personal examples to support your ideas. Talk about your own
experience with the problems mentioned and possible solutions.

Tobacco Plant to Make Jet Fuel

An airplane maker, an airline and

a biofuel company areworking together to make fuel from tobacco plant seedoil.
The companies are Boeing, South African Airways andSkyNRG. They are using a new tobacco plant known as
“Solaris.” The Dutch biofuel company SkyNRGdeveloped the plant. It contains less of
the drug nicotinethan traditional tobacco.

Julie Felgar works on environmental issues for Boeing.

She said the plant also has many more seeds thantraditional tobacco plants do. She said only the oil from
the seeds will
be used to make biofuel now.Butresearchers are trying to develop ways to use the entireplant to make fuel.

Ian Cruickshank is an environmental issues specialistfor South African Airways Group.

He said the specialtobacco permits growth of a marketable biofuel crop without supporting smoking.

The companies expect the tobacco seed biofuel to beproduced in the next few years. Boeing said test-farming of
the plants is happening in South Africa now. The company said both small and large farms areinvolved.

There are two major reasons companies aredeveloping biofuels. The first is
the growing price ofaviation fuel over the past ten years. Boeing’s JulieFelgar said the high prices make it difficu
lt for airlines to operate.She said fuelrepresents 35 to
40 percent of airline operating costs.Second, airlines want to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide they release in
tothe air. The gas is linked to rises in atmospheric temperature.TheInternational Air Transport Association is
a trade group that represents 240airlines. It said the airline industry is responsible for two percent of global,man-
made carbon releases.Boeing said biofuels could reduce carbon releases from planes by 50 to 80 percent.
The company said by 2016 it wants biofuel to meet the demand forone percent of worldwide airplane fuel. That
is more than 2.2 billion liters.So, tobacco will not meet much of the fuel demand. But experts believe it will
help to increase the use of biofuels in the industry.Today, biofuels are used on a very small number of flights.

Ideas and expressions:

It causes wars and conflicts in politics. – Háborúkat és összetűzéseket okoz a politikában.

I would rather fill it into my car than smoke it. – Inkább a kocsimba tankolom, mint elszívjam.

I hope it doesn’t smell like a cigarette. – Remélem nem cigi szagú.

When we are low on oil, it’ll be useful. – Mikor már fogytán vagyunk a kőolajból, hasznos lesz.

Hopefully it’s environmentally friendly. – Remélhetőleg környezetbarát.

It’s cheap. – Olcsó.

I have heard it does harm to the pipes in the car. – Úgy hallottam, hogy rongálja a csöveket a kocsiban.

The car uses more biofuel than petrol. – A kocsi többet használ belőle, mint benzinből.

It can be easily produced. – Könnyen előállítható.

As tobacco can be grown, we’ll never run out of it. – Mivel a dohány termeszthető, ezért sosem fogunk kifogyni

It might keep prices under control. – Talán féken tartja az árakat.

Task 7

Read the following text from the net. Discuss the content of the text with your partner.
Tell her/him your opinions, give reasons and personal examples to support your ideas. Talk about your own
experience with the problems mentioned and possible solutions.

A Big Step Forward in Artificial Intelligence Research

The American computer company IBM says it hasdeveloped a microprocessor — a computer chip —
thatworks much like the human brain.

IBM calls the chip TrueNorth. It is the size of a postage stamp. The chip has
5.4 billion tiny parts that work like the human brain’sneurons and synapses.Neurons and synapses are
the cells and electric forces that carry messagesto and from the brain.

TrueNorth has 1 million neurons and 256 million synapses. The human brainhas 100 billion neurons and up to
150 trillion synapses. IBM says it canprogram the new chip to understand difficult problems and then solve them
ashumans would.

The company says the TrueNorth chip could be used as a brain for search-and-rescue robots.
It can also be used for controlling new kinds ofwheelchairs or
for recording conversations involving several people and thenmaking a printed record of those conversations.

TrueNorth is still being tested.But IBM says it could be available for public usein two to three years.

The chip is just one example of machines becoming more and more like humans.This field of study
is called artificial intelligence,
or AI. Some expertsbelieve computers will someday become more intelligent than humans.

Researchers are trying to develop ways for humans and computers to worktogether more closely. Someday, hum
ans and computers may be joined. The combination of a human and a computer is called a cyborg.

Ideas and expressions:

It helps a lot in everyday life. – Sokat segít a mindennapokban.

It solves problems. – Problémákat old meg.

It causes problems. – Problémákat okoz.

If it’s advanced, it can be dangerous. – Magas szinten veszélyes lehet.

In time it will become uncontrollable. – Idővel irányíthatatlanná válik.

It makes humans lazy. – Ellustítja az emberiséget.

There’s a possibilty of mistakes. – Van hibalehetőség.

Without human supervision it’s unreliable. – Emberi ellenőrzés nélkül megbízhatatlan.

It can help a lot in medicine. – Sokat segíthet a gyógyászatban, orvostudományban.

The number of opportunities are endless. – A lehetőségek száma végtelen.

Task 8
Read the following text from the net. Discuss the content of the text with your partner.

Tell her/him your opinions, give reasons and personal examples to support your ideas. Talk about your own
experience with the problems mentioned and possible solutions.

Smart Toilet Prevents Water Pollution in Disaster Areas

War or natural disasters often destroy or cause majordamage to sanitary systems.The destruction of waste treatm
ent systemscan increase the risk of disease and even death among disaster survivors.

Some people dig holes in the ground that serve as individual toilets. However,micro-
organisms from human waste can reach water supplies and causecholera or other diseases.

A United Nations team is now developing a toilet for disaster areas.Theexperimental project is called eSOS —
for the Emergency Sanitation Operation System. The system is lightweight and operates on sunlight power.

Scientists are working on the toilet at the UN’s Institute for Water Education in
the Netherlands. Damir Brdjanovic is heading the project.
He says his teamhopes to bring disaster assistance into the 21st century.

The eSOS system has several ‘smart’ features, such as a self-containedenergy supply unit. Another is
a global positioning system sensor, very muchlike the GPS equipment in some vehicles.
There is also equipment thatmeasures waste buildup. All of the information from
the toilet system can beshared with an emergency organization center. Officials at
the center canthen identify the needs of
an affected disaster area. The eSOS system canalso recycle liquid wastes into water that can be used for farming.
Thisinvolves treating the urine with the help of a membrane bioreactor system.The smart toilet is being tested.
Damir Brdjanovic and his team plan to testthe toilet at refugee camp in the Philippines later this year.
The developers hope this disaster relief will save the lives of many refugees.

Ideas and expressions:

Infection can be prevented. – A fertőzések megelőzhetőek.

Cleaner and healthier environment – tisztább, egészségesebb környezet

They can learn and introduce hygiene. – Megtanulhatják és bevezethetik a higiéniát.

Unbearable smells and grim sight disappear. – Az elviselhetetlen szagok és nyomasztó látvány eltűnik.

Not only poor countries need more of this kind of toilet. – Nemcsak a szegény országoknak van szükségük több
ilyen wcre.

It’s self-sufficient and easy to maintain. – Önellátó és könnyen fenntartható.

It’s environmentally friendly. – Környezetbarát.

It creates workplaces. – Munkahelyeket teremt.

Cleaning can be a disgusting experience. – A tisztítás undorító élmény lehet.

They’re very useful at festivals. – Fesztiválokon is nagyon hasznos.

Task 9
Read the following text from the net. Discuss the content of the text with your partner.

Tell her/him your opinions, give reasons and personal examples to support your ideas. Talk about your own
experience with the problems mentioned and possible solutions.

Hollywood Paparazzi

Wherever there are famous people, there are “paparazzi.” That is the Italian name for photographers who chase
famous people in an effort to take their picture. Their photographs and video recordings can be worth a lot of

Paparazzi sometimes wait outside the homes of actors, sports stars and other famous people. The photographers
may follow them as they go eat, go for a walk and even fight among themselves. These pictures are often found
later in newspapers and magazines.

Giles Harrison owns the London Entertainment Group, a business based in Los Angeles. He sells pictures of
famous people to all kinds of media organizations.

“I used to see ‘celebs’ all the time, but it never really occurred to me that I could make money off of taking
photos of them. And now I know I can. I do. So…”

Giles Harrison likes to look for celebrities when he drives around Los Angeles. He does not like to wait near the
home of a famous person.

David Faustino has been an actor since he was a boy. He is best known for his work in the television series
“Married With Children.”

David Faustino has been a target of photographers. He does not like them, but he knows he cannot escape them.
He says at least they do not follow him like they do other celebrities.“They’re a necessary evil. I don’t mind
them. I’ve been dealing with them since I was a little kid on ‘Married With Children.’ And, you know, it gets a
little crazy. I also don’t have them chasing me around like, say, I don’t know, Justin Bieber. It’s all good. We’re
in Hollywood.”

Michael Burgeno is not a Hollywood actor. But he does like to read news about celebrities and watch videos
online. He believes it is wrong for the paparazzi to photograph celebrities when they are with their children.

“If they, if they’re with their family — yes, I think it should be, you know, that line right there, where they
shouldn’t kind of try to interact with them yet.” Giles Harrison says he understands this concern. But he says
many famous people cannot demand privacy and, at the same time, seek publicity.

“When you have people like the Kardashians doing photo shoots with their children, and, you know, selling
access to magazines. Once they open that door you just can’t switch it off.”

Ideas and expressions:

Celebrities have to expect them. – A celebeknek számítania kell rájuk.

They’re the best way of promotion. – Ők a legjobb módja a reklámnak.

Somebody loves them, others hate them. – Valaki imádja, valaki utálja.

They put Diana’s life in danger. – Ők sodorták veszélybe Diana életét.

I would like to keep my privacy. – Szeretném megtartani a magánéletem.

Some paparazzi are capable of anything. – Néhány paparazzi mindenre képes.

It can feel bad to be followed. – Szörnyű érzés lehet, ha követnek.

At least they should leave out the celebrities’ kids from this. – Legalább a celebek gyerekeit kellene ebből

Many of them have been beaten. – Sokat megvertek már

Task 10

Read the following text from the net. Discuss the content of the text with your partner.

Tell her/him your opinions, give reasons and personal examples to support your ideas. Talk about your own
experience with the problems mentioned and possible solutions.

Research Examines the Influence of Facebook on Relationships

With its status updates, photo uploads, event invitations, groups, games, messaging, and more, Facebook
provides users with several means of social interaction, however virtual they may be. In fact, it is rare these days
to befriend someone in the real world without soon becoming that person’s Facebook friend. Naturally, it
follows that communications experts are interested in how our interactions on the site influence the intimacy felt
between friends and romantic partners.

A recent study published in Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking and conducted by assistant
professor Bree McEwan of Western Illinois University (WIU)’s Department of Communication examined the
effects of how someone handles their Facebook relationships on the quality of his or her actual friendships.
Using a statistical technique called the Actor Partner Interdependence Model (APIM), McEwan analyzed
relevant relational data.

Not surprisingly, the results revealed that such actions as liking a friend’s status update or posting on his or her
wall to express feelings of love, support, or congratulations boost the closeness and intimacy felt within that
relationship. However, posting mass “broadcast-style” status updates tends to evoke “negative relational
outcomes,” especially concerning Facebook friends who aren’t in the habit of posting their own mass status

McEwan reported that overall, Facebook usage itself has little impact on friendships; it’s the way in which we
communicate on Facebook that is either beneficial or detrimental to relationships. Most people prefer thoughtful,
personalized interactions as opposed to being acknowledged in group updates. In other words, showing
personalized Facebook love leads to increased intimacy, while broadcasting personal business in an impersonal
way may hinder feelings of closeness.

Ideas and expressions:

You can get to know lots of new information about your acquaintances. – Sok új információt tudhatsz meg az

Lots of information is fake or distorted. – Sok információ kamu vagy el van torzítva.

You can judge people falsely. – Hamisan ítélhetsz meg embereket.

Facebook can get people together or can make them drift apart. – A Facebook összehozhatja az embereket vagy
elsodorja egymástól a kapcsolatokat.

Facebook can destroy relationships. – A Facebook kapcsolatokat tehet tönkre.

It’s impersonal. – Személytelen.

It’s an excellent way of advertising. – Kiváló módja a reklámnak.

We spend too much time uselessly. – Túl sok időt töltünk rajta haszontalanul.

It causes addiction. – Függőséget okoz.

You can meet people from all around the world. – Embereket ismerhetsz meg a világ minden tájáról.

TASK 11 – The individual

The British are said to be reserved and say ’My home is my castle’, on the other hand Mediterranean nations
are open to people around them.

Discuss the pros and cons of these behavioural patterns with your partner. Who are you more like?


The climate and culture can affect these patterns.

Reserved people tend to make fewer but closer friends.

Few relationships can make people narrow-minded.

Also, intoverts, having fewer contants, may miss job opportunities.

Extoverts are more superficial.

However, it is proved that sociable people live longer.

Being hospitable and choosing my friends is the best way (for me).

Partying can be age-related. Children in their late-teens prefer going to lots of parties, and making lots of friends.

Talking to strangers in the street and on the tram is more typical for elderly people. They are more talkative.

I’m a bit of both, sometimes I enjoy being by myself in a quiet place, and other times I have parties or go out
with friends.


elderly people idős emberek

middle-aged középkorú

adolescent kamasz

new born baby újszülött

youngster fiatal ember

young adult fiatal ember

in one’s late teens 17-18-19 éves

reserved visszahúzódó

sociable társasági

talkative beszédes

an extovert kifelé forduló ember

an introvert befele forduló

independent független, önálló

insecure bizonytalan

hospitable vendégszerető

appearance megjelenés

slim karcsú, jó alakú (ffi. is)

skinny sovány

curvy telt(karcsú)

overweight túlsúlyos

fashion conscious divat követő

casual clothes hétköznapi viselet

well-behaved jó magatartású

a rebel lázadó

TASK 12 – Partnership

Some people say that marriage is an outdated institution. Others take the opposite view and say that marriage
helps protect a relationship.

Discuss these views with your partner using specific examples of both. Say which one you agree with and why.


Society supports married couples.

An allience should be kept in hard times too.

Mostly women need the protection of marriage. Why not give it to them?
It is nice to celebrate with friends and family when we take vow.

The wedding is very expensive.

You can’t avoid insulting people by not inviting them.

Why should we register our partner. We don’ register our friends.

A piece of paper can’t keep a relationship alive.

Co-habiting has no disadvantages.

There are a lot of advantages to living by yourself: you don’t need to adapt to other people.

Independency is very important in my life.

Half of the marriages break up.


date randevú, randevúzni

a steady állandó partner

co-habit együtt lakik

live by yourself egyedül lakik

marriage councellor pár terapeuta

allience szövetség

out-dated idejét múlta

insult megsért

make out kibékül

disagree nem ért egyet

get on well jól kijön

have rows veszekedik

argue vitatkozik

break up felbomlik (házasság)

take a vow fogadalmat tesz

celebrate ünnepel

independency függetlenség/önállóság
make a compliment bókolni

adapt to alkalmazkodni

register regisztrál

registry office wedding önkormányzati esküvő

church wedding templomi esküvő

Task 13 – Family

Some people say that in the good old times it was good that generations lived together. Others think it is a bad

Discuss these positions using specific examples of both. Say which one you agree with and why.


You need to adapt to more people if the extended family live together.

The generation gap makes it difficult to understand each other.

Teenagers and young adult prefer not to be controlled.

Lack of privacy – no peace and quiet – is irritating.

Grandparents have time to look after the children – no need for creche.

Doing household chores, and gardening make elderly people feel needed.

Parents don’t have to go somewhere else to help their parents/in-laws when they fall ill.

It is easier to make ends meet if you share the bills of public utilities.

Children feel more protected in a large family.

Young adults and newly married couples prefer independency.

Single-parent families need the support of other family members.


extended family a nagy család rokonokkal

nuclear family a szűk család

single-parent family egyedül álló szülő családja

adapt to alkalmazkodik

share costs kiadásokat megoszt

toddler totyogó gyerek

adolescents kamaszok

newly married couple friss házaspár

creche bölcsöde

play school/kindergarten/pre-school óvoda

brothers and sisters testvérek

great-grandparents dédszülők

relatives rokonok

retired nyugdíjas

school children iskolások

show respect tiszteletet mutat

untidy/messy rendetlen

be controlled ellenőrzés/irányítás alatt van

generation gap generációs szakadék

field of interest érdeklődési kör

bring up felnevel

obey engedelmeskedik

run away from home megszökik otthonról

mature érett

be in a good relationship jó kapcsolatban van

Task 14 – Place of living

Living in a house is generally considered the best option for housing. But is it really better than living in a flat?

Discuss the pros and cons with your partner using specific examples. Say which position you agree with and


There are more jobs to do around a house. (cleaning, gardening, fixing things)

Detached houses are usually on the outskirts of a town or in a village. You need to commute to work.
Teenagers prefer city centres and excitement – not country life.

However, young children like to be outdoors and play in the garden.

Buying a house in a nice neighbourhood is expensive.

Buying a property on credit is risky – the monthly instalments are high.

Getting a mortgage for a flat is easier. The government has a scheme to help young couples. (Fundamenta)

You can rent a flat for a reasonable price. Even young adults can afford it if they share the rent.

The bills are lower and refurbishing is cheaper in a flat.

Entertainment and shopping facilities are closer to a block of flats in town.


city life városi élet

block of flats/apartment block társasház/bérház

detached house különálló, családi ház

semi-detached house ikerház

one’s own flat saját lakás

condo (US) saját lakás

neighbourhood környék

on the outskirts város szélén

in a suburb külvárosban

bills számlák/rezsi

refurbish felújít

get a mortgage jelzálog kölcsönt kap

get a loan kölcsönt vesz fel

pay instalments (havi) részleteket fizet

quiet area csendes környék

isolated elszigetelt

live in lodgings szobát bérel

overcrowded túlzsúfolt
entertainment facilities szórakozási lehetőségek

mansion kúria

Task 15 – Travel / Transport

Some people believe that the most practical way of travelling abroad is by car, others prefer flying and using
public transport on their holiday abroad.

Discuss your point of view with your partner and give reasons.


The car is more comfortable than a small seat on the plane

The car takes you from door to door. You don’t need to carry your stuff.

If the destination is a neighbouring country, the car is faster. Early check-in times and transport to and from an
airport take very long. There are delays.

When travelling with a family the petrol costs much less than air tickets.

However, bored children can make the journey annoying and tiring.

Travelling by yourself is cheaper by plane.

Flying is more exciting for some, although others can be frightened of it.

Air sickness is more frequent than car sickness.

You need to book a plane ticket very early to get a good price.

It is easier to get around by public transport in a foreign city and most airports have a train connection to the city

A city break is more convenient (faster, cheaper, more relaxing) by plane, but a long holiday by the sea with
your family lends itself to driving.


travel utazik

set off nyaralásra indul

journey út, utazás

means of transport közlekedési eszköz

holidaymakers nyaralók

check-in time bejelentkezési időpont

annoy/irritate idegesít
seat ülés

leg-room hely a lábnak

get around városon belül utazik

train connection vonat csatlakozás

book/reserve foglal

travel pass bérlet

air sickness rosszul lét a repülőn (hányással)

frightened of fél vmitől

delay késés

be delayed késik

flight repülő járat

security check biztonsági ellenőrzés

break down elromlik

have an accident balesetet szenved

speed-driving gyorsan hajt

fine megbüntet, büntetés

Task 16 – Hobby

Taking some time off from busy schedules to indulge in your favourite hobby is a great way to relieve stress and
take your mind off your worries. World over, experts are now emphasising on the need to include hobbies in
stress management techniques. People suffering from stress are encouraged to pursue their favourite activities,
but the task requires effective time management and patience to balance the two.


 Hobbies and pursuing passions help those in later life enjoy and live life to the max
 Many people over 60 years of age in the UK are embracing their later years by taking up new hobbies
and activities, according to research from Age UK.
 Some or all of these activities can be made into passion and passion into business/source of income.
 Some people looking to choose a hobby or engage yourselves in art creation, otrhers want to make their
lifestyle mote sustainable, enjoy DIY projects and hand-made items: be it pottery, painting, music or
dance, gardening, creative writting, drama, electronics, gaming, yoga, etc.
 you can be emotionally and intellectually motivated
 People who had lost interest in life choose new adventures in hobbies.
 People find their lifestyle tol be interesting, varied, fun and rewarding pursuing hobbies.
 If you are passionate about your hobby, you can easily maintain a balance between your career and

to pursue a hobby – hobbit űzni

to indulge – kedvébe jár, elkényeztet

relieve stress – stressz enyhítés

stress management techniques – stressz kezelési technikák

take your mind off – eltereli a gondolatot valamiről

positive impact – popzitív hatás

to engage – leköt

positive attitudes – pozitív hozzáállás

tackling new challenges megragadni az új kihívásokat

getting the adrenaline pumping – megnöveli az adrenalin szintet

feel more comfortable in ones own skin – kellemesebben érzi magát a bőrében

confidence – magabiztosság

drive – energia

to be passionate about – vmi a szenvedélye

balance – egyensúly

utilise holiday – kiaknázza a szabadidejét

residential sessions – otthoni elfoglaltságok

increase your serotonin levels – emeli a serotonin szintet

stimulates brain – stimulálja az agyat

gain of knowledge – tudás nyelrés (valamiből/valami által)

help you unwind – kiszellőzteti a fejet

Task 17 – Health

Some people say that best prevention of general visits of outpatient departments, specialists, hospital treatments
is eating healthy food, doing sports as a daily routine and using rather homeopathic remedies instead of

 nowadays obesity is a general disease
 treatment of illnesses caused by obesity
 regular self monitoring as a prevention
 treatments of obesity caused illnesses are very expensive for the society
 preventions can be doing sport every day
 eating healthy food changes your lifestyle
 your mental health get in balance
 doing sports is a very important point of our healty lifestyle
 visiting gym running 2-4 times a day
 income of pharmaceutical companies are increasing
 drinking enough water
 some 30 minutes of sports makes you fit and you also get in the right mood
 your family connection getting better as you are fit, healthy both physically and mentally


outpatient departments – ambuláns betegellátás

gastroenerologie – gasztroenterológia

cardiology ward of hospitals – a kórházak kardiológiai osztálya

bad example for the future generation – rossz példa a jövő generációnak

generalself monitoring – rendszeres önvizsgálat

homeopoatic remedies – homeopátiás szerek

obesity – elhízás

energy loss – energia veszteség

mental desaese – mentális betegségek

mental health – egészséges lelki állapot

weight loss – súlycsökkenés, fogyás

high blood pressure – magas vérnyomás

diabetes – cukorbetegség

heart desease – szív- és érrendszerei megbetegedések

death in early age – korai halálozás

death rate – ráta, százalék

pharmaceutical factories – gyógyszer gyárak

chemicals – vegyszerek

chronic diseases – ckrónikus megbetegedés

pain killer – fajdalom csillapító

increase – nő

decrease – csökken

active leasure – aktív pihenés

self-awereness – önbecsülés

pathologyc symptoms – patológiás tünetek

suffering from – valamiben szenvedni

Task 18 – Media

It is said that the bias of the mainstream media is toward sensationalism, conflict and laziness, and the
disappointment that the public has in what the news media does. But is sensationalism really so horrible? And do
people really dislike it as much as it said to be? What is preferred nowadays printed press or electronic media?


 Media refer to different channels that are used to transmit.

 The need for media rose from the fact that by nature human being loves to communicate themselves.
 Print media contain materials that are available to us in printed form and which we can carry with
ourselves or we can simply say they are portable.
 Books are the oldest medium they are still one of the most widely used among all.
 The advent of newspapers and magazines greatly helped in the communication at the local, national as
well as global levels during the last two centuries.
 news and media acted as agents of globalization to a large extent
 The news media is rife with sensationalism
 coverage of a scandal
 exchange of news
 news race up and down
 the media titans of early days, were accused of sensationalizing the news in were ordered to sell more


mass media – sajtó

news media – hírekkel foglalkozó média

nature human being – átlag emberek

contain – tartalmaz

available – elérhető

significance – meghatározó

in printett form – nyomtatott formában

portable – hordozható
gained popularity – népszerűvé vált

greatly helped – nagymértékben elősegítette

actas agents – közvetítő közeg

to a large extent nagymértékben

sources of entertainment – szórakoztatási eszköz, forrás

transmit messages – üzeneteket közvetít

rife with – tele van valamivel

bias – előítélet

mainstream – – főáramlat, fő téma

dissapointment – csalódottság

coverage of a scandal – egy botrány közreadása

Task 19 – Sports

It is said that healthy or to improve health, adults need to do two types of physical activity each week: aerobic
and muscle-strengthening activity. While water sports and ball gamey can be done any time of the year, winter
spors also can be a nice family holaday, that makes your life happier as well.

How much physical activity do you need to do each week depends on your age.


 there’s strong scientific evidence that being physically active can help you lead a healthier and even
happier life
 sports in early childhood
 reduce your risk of major illnesses
 your mental health get in balance
 lower your risk of early death by up to 30%.
 advantages of advantages: makes you happier
 your work performance getting better
 visiting gym running 2-4 times a day
 advantages of playing ball games
o makes you more sociable
o you can have a good company/friend for your life
o keeps you fit
 water sports are very healthy for your spine
 they also can be done in winter
 winter spors can be connected with holiday
 some loves winter and winter sports others hate cold
 some finds ski, ice -skating dangerous

reduce risk – csökkenti a kockázatot

work performance – munkahelyi teljesítmény

spine – gerinc

moderate-intensity aerobic activity [your elderly ages]- aerobic gyakorlatok korlátozott intenzitása (idős korban)

vigorous-intensity sport activity – erőteljes, erőltetett sport teljesítmény

breathing hard and fast – erőteljesen és gyorsan lélegezni

movement – mozdulat

muscle-strengthening activities – izom nyújtó gyakorlatok

work all major muscle groups – minden fontosabb izomzatot megmozgat

water aerobics vízi aerobic

health benefits előnyök az egészség elérése érdekében

disadvantages – hátrányok

early childhood – korai gyermekkor

suffering from – valamiben szenvedni

active leisure – aktív pihenés

self-awerness – önbecsülés

less chance for getting ill – kevesebb esély a megbetegedésre

scientific evidence – tudományos magyarázat

lead helathier lifestyle – -egészségesebb életmódot folytatni

physical activity – fizikai erőkifejtés

lower risk of – alacsonyabb kockázat

many chronic diseases – krónikus megbetegedés

Task 20 – Language, studying, job, career

Job seekers with bilingual skills could look forward to a profusion of opportunities in the coming year, according
to various reports and company hiring plans. With the globalization of businesses and populations growing
increasingly cosmopolitan, the need for transactional knowledge of languages has become very important in both
private and government sectors.
To attended to an exchange programme can provide you with the opportunity to experience new cultures, meet
new people, see more of the world – all while enhancing your studies and expanding your horizons in fileld of
your career as well.


 Knowing a second language can pay off more than you think
 While it’s a definite perk in many career fields, in a tough economic climate, knowing another language
is especially important.
 the need for bilingual executives will be even greater in 10 years.
 there are a lot of fields where being bilingual can have a real impact on your candidacy.
 Anyone from marketers to software developers can find it beneficial to have another language on the
 For example in field of IT those who possess foreign language skills have a leg up when managing
large projects that often have an international workforce
 exchange programmes: to learn about a new culture, see the world from a different perspective and
make friends that will last a lifetime.
 You will benefit academically by experiencing a different academic system, studying subjects which
are not offered at your home university and gaining an international perspective on your discipline.
 You may have the opportunity to learn or develop your proficiency in another language.
 Personally, you will become more independent, grow in self-confidence, develop greater cross-cultural
communication skills and gain a broader outlook on life.
 Increasingly employers are looking for key transferable skills from university graduates.


bilingual skills – két nyelv tudása

possess foreign language skills – idegen nyelv tudása

profusion of opportunities – lehetőségek tárháza

require time – időt vesz igénybe

impact – előny

candidacy – jelentkezés

benefit academically – előnyök tudományos szempontból

gaining an international perspective – nemzetközi rálátást nyerni vmire

discipline – tudomány terület

develop – fejleszt, fejlődik

grow in self-confidence – nő saz öbbizalma

cross-cultural communication – kultúrák közötti kommunikáció

broader outlook on life – szélesebb perspektívából szemlélni az életet

become competitive – -versenyképessé válni

independence – függetlenség
employability – alkalmazhatóság

transferable skills – ’áthelyezhető’, bárhol alkalmazható tudás, ismeret

university graduates – egyetemet végzettek

overseas study experience – külföldi tanulmányi tapasztalatok

international dimension – nemzetközi dimenziók

international competencies – nezetközi kompetenciák

internationalising – nemzetközivé válás

international study experience – nemzetközi tanulmányi tapasztalat

skills demanded in jobs – keszségekre való kereslet a munkavállalás során

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