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 It is the actual distance covered.
 It cannot be -ve.
 It has only magnitude.
 It is ‘how much length is covered’.
 A special type of distance with proper direction.
 It is the Shortest path.
 Can be +ve, -ve (or) 0.
 It is always a straight line.
 Has both magnitude & direction. (Vector)
 It is ‘how the particle has displaced properly’.

Observer is ‘wrt what we are talking about’.

X3 X2 X1 + X2  Distance
X3  Displacement

1. Average Velocity
 Total displacement travelled(S) / Total time taken(t) = Delta S / Delta t
 It is ‘how much faster you are moving’.
 Vector

2. Instantaneous Velocity
 It is the velocity at that particular instant.
 ds/dt
 Vector
 If velocity is +ve, car is moving right &
If velocity is -ve, car is moving left.

V = -ve V = +ve
 It is ‘how fast the velocity is changing’.
 Change in Velocity(v) / Change in time(t) = Delta v / Delta t
 Velocity inc.  +ve acc. (or) Acceleration,
Velocity dec.  -ve acc. (or) Deceleration
 If acceleration is +ve, doesn’t mean car is moving to right
If acceleration is -ve, doesn’t mean car is moving to left.
1. Average Acceleration
 Means, acc. b/w 2 points.
 Delta v / Delta t

2. Instantaneous Acceleration
 Means, acc. at 1 particular point.
 dv/dt

Acceleration in terms of displacement,

a = dv/dt x ds/ds
interchanging the positions,
a = dv/ds x ds/dt
a = v. dv/ds

 Means ‘Slowing down’.
 -ve acc. doesn’t mean retardation.

Remember this format:-

1. If displacement(s) is given and velocity(v) is asked, we will ds/dt
2. If velocity(v) is given and displacement(s) is asked, we will Integral vdt
3. If velocity(v) is given and acceleration(a) is asked, we will dv/dt
4. If acceleration(a) is given and velocity(v) is asked, we will Integral adt
Equations of motion:-
Applicable only when acceleration is CONSTANT.
1. Velocity asked & time given  v = u + at
2. Displacement asked & time given  S = ut + ½ at2
3. Velocity asked & Displacement given  v2 = u2 + 2as
4. Displacement in nth second  S n th = u + a/2 (2n-1)

Ratio of Total Displacement in 1s, 2s, 3s, etc..

S1s : S2s : S3s : S4s = 1x : 4x : 9x : 16x = 1 : 4 : 9 : 16
Ratio of Total Height in 1s, 2s, 3s, etc..
h1s : h2s : h3s : h4s : h5s = 1x : 3x : 5x : 7x : 9x = 1 : 3 : 5 : 7 : 9

Stopping Distance:-
 The object is moving with ‘u’ velocity & stops after sometime after
applying break.
 To find the stopping distance,
v2 – u2 = 2as
when the object stops, it v = 0. So,
02 – u2 = 2(-a)s
u2 = 2as
S = u2/2a
Motion under gravity / Vertical Motion:-
 Due to gravitational force, a = g = acc. due to gravity = 9.8 m/s2.
Time of flight
t = Root 2H/g

Velocity of Hit
v = Root 2gh
h a=g
Ground to Ground case:-
 Here, the object is thrown from the ground & it falls back to the

Hmax & Time of flight

hmax Hmax = u2/2g
a=g a=-g
T = 2u/g

Position-Time Graph:-

x Slope = tan (theta) = P/B = Delta x / Delta t = v

Slope of x-t graph gives the velocity.

Velocity – Time Graph:-

Slope = tan (theta) = P/B = Delta v / Delta t = a
Slope of v-t graph gives the acceleration.

v dv/dt = ainst

Area under v-t graph curve

 V = ds/dt
integral ds = integral Vdt
S = integral Vdt 1
 Area of small strip is
integral dA = integral Vdt
A = integral Vdt 2
From 1 & 2,
A=S (i.e). Area under curve =(gives) Displacement
Acceleration-Time Graph:-

Area under a-t graph curve
 integral dA = integral adt
A = integral adt  1
 As we know,
Delta v = integral adt  2
From 1 & 2,
A = Delta v (i.e). Area under curve =(gives) Change in velocity

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