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NAME: Shashwat Lad
STUDENT NO. : 6815351

1. To what degree did the content respond to your assigned topic and its intended
persuasive focus?

A.1 Contemplating the time frame I think that the content of the video was extremely
precise to the point that was given and it secured each aspect of the topic. It fulfills the purpose
of the viewer as well by giving them a brief yet a legitimate understanding with regards to who I
am, hence empowering the viewer to know me better.

2. To what degree do you feel your presentation was logically organized and coherent
(i.e., the ideas were clearly connected to each other)?

A.2 I think my video presentation was efficient, logically sound, and coherent as I was effective
in satisfying the motivation behind the video which was to engage the watcher to know me
better by ensuring that I cling to the necessities of the substance that must be presented

3. How would you describe the verbal aspects (use of diction; pronunciation; pace;
audibility; voice variation) of your presentation?

A.3 I feel that the video could have been exceptional in terms of verbal perspectives. Talking
explicitly, I unquestionably think there was an opportunity to get better for me in my
articulation and voice adjustment abilities. I likewise imagine that I should work a bit more on
my accent as the individuals of the local nation will find it additionally persuading, convincing,
and relatable if the apparent tonal quality and the accent coordinates their style.

4. How would you describe the non-verbal aspects (eye contact; use of gestures;
posture; facial expressions; overall appearance) of your presentation?

A.4 As it's been said that there is consistently an opportunity to get better. I want to work at
my eye to eye connection and utilization of motions and gestures. While browsing through my
video after I submitted it I saw that I was not maintaining proper eye contact with the camera
and I was looking here and there to a certain extent, despite the fact that there was nobody
around. I feel one is ought to consistently adapt and adjust to the circumstance and
extemporize appropriately. Given the case, on the off chance that I needed to do a similar
presentation in a classroom. I certainly would have attempted to visually connect with
everybody by not simply looking someplace explicitly. I additionally believe that doing certain
hand gestures it makes your presentation more interactive and engaging to the people.

5. Based on this particular presentation, what two speaking aspects do you think could
use some improvement?

A.5 I believe that I should work more on my accent and voice regulation. I noticed that I was
talking in a fundamentally the same tone all through the entire video and for a matter of fact I I
realize that one needs to have legitimate voice articulations and proper modulations In order to
connect with the individuals or the viewers and engage them at the same time.

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