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Name: Trixia Dale P.

Anthony DeMello's awareness teachings address the fundamental essence
of human consciousness as well as its prospects for freedom and growth. He
believed that actual enlightenment starts with awareness, which is the condition
of being entirely aware and mindful in every moment. Furthermore, as I've
learned from DeMello's teachings, awareness urges people to begin on the path
of discovering themselves, freedom, and spiritual awakening.
Spirituality may be defined as both awareness and presence. It cultivates
mindfulness and presence in all moments of time. Spirituality drives people to
engage passionately and totally in their lives. Rather than just going through
routines or getting caught up in fears about previous experiences or the future,
being fully engaged means applying awareness as well as presence to each
moment. It involves conceding the full range of human existence, embracing its
joys, difficulties, victories, and awful events. Religion and spirituality both involve
devotion, belief, and supremacy, but they diverge in the way they concentrate on
institutional frameworks, societal power structures, and social rituals. Religion
serves as an outline for connecting veneration, moral guidance, and a sense of
religion along an established tradition, whereas spirituality switches a more
private and independent standpoint on finding meaning, significance, and
relationship with life's solemn or transcending attributes.
Love means we should embrace others as they are, without judgment or
anticipation. Love comprises accepting and welcoming others precisely as they
are, without seeking to change or mold them based on our own interests or
preconceptions.It entails enabling individuals to articulate their individual
personalities, opinions, and life experiences without being scrutinized or
Waking up is more than just a simple phrase; it has an immense meaning
and is about gaining an enhanced state of consciousness. Additionally, it involves
a shift in perception from the surface level of everyday existence to a deeper
understanding of the underlying truths of reality. It's about recognizing that
there's more to life than what meets the eye and acknowledging the profound
mysteries that lie beneath the surface. This deeper awareness isn't merely a
product of intellectual learning or knowledge acquired from books; rather, it
emerges from direct experiences and inner knowing.
After listening to the talk, I came to several realizations about myself. I've
understood how crucial it is for us to be totally present and involved in what is
happening right here and now. To achieve profound change and fulfillment, we
must live in the present moment, not linger on the past or worry about what is to
come. Furthermore, I've understood that we must nurture acceptance of what is
happening at the moment, despite its flaws and ambiguities. We must
acknowledge that life is a series of emerging moments and that facing every
moment with a willingness to explore may lead to better fulfillment and

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