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Jl. Rajekwesi No. 01 Gayam Telp.085100708260
Hari/Tanggal : 7-Desember - 2022 Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : 9 (sembilan) Waktu : 07.30 – 09.30 WIB

1. Berdo'alah sebelum mengerjakan soal
2. Isilah identitas diri kalian
3. Bacalah soal-soal dengan teliti
4. Bentuk soal meliputi :
*) Pilihan Ganda (nomor 1 – 15) dengan 4 pilihan (A, B, C, D) dan hanya terdapat 1 (satu)
jawaban yang benar
*) Pilihan Ganda Komplek (nomor 16 – 25) berupa pilihan jawaban berupa kotak untuk
dicentang dan terdapat lebih dari satu jawaban yang benar
*) Pernyataan benar salah (nomor 26 – 35)
*) Isian singkat (nomor 36 – 40), dimana jawaban berupa kata/kalimat, angka atau simbol
5. Kerjakanlah terlebih dahulu soal yang kalian anggap mudah
6. Kerjakanlah seluruh soal yang ada
7. Selamat Mengerjakan

Read the following text to answer question number 1 to 3 !


1. Why is the writer late?
a. He is sick c. He attends a meeting.
b. He has a party to attend d. He already ate go home

2. How will the writer go home?

a. He will walk c.He will ride a car.
b. He will take a taxi d. He will take a taxi.
3. A meeting at 7 pm. The synonym of meeting ……
a. conference c.Eating.
b. go home d.Work

Read the text carefullstudents

To celebrate the Hero’s day, our Student Organization will hold some interesting programs such as English Speech
Contest, Story Telling and Class Wall Magazine Competition.
Time : November 15, 2018, 8.00 a.m – 13.00 p.m
Theme : Hero
Registration: Budi
The coordinator of this program

4.. What does the text announce tell us?

a. A student organization c. Interesting event.
b. An English Speech Contest. d. A hero’s Day celebration.

5. Based on the text we can say that …

a. The programs will last for 5 hours >> c.. Two competation will be held.
b. The programs will be held in the Hero Street d. Budi is one of judges of the progam.

text no 6-7

Attention Please!
Students of grade XII are welcome to attend a morning seminar on :
You can learn a lot from Mr. Budi Umar, a well-known education consultant.
Date : July, 27th, 2018
Time : 07.30
Venue : School main hall
Don’t miss this free event. Seats are limited.
To reserve your seat, please call Kemal : 0812 69795677 0r 085234576
6. The advantages of attending the seminar that students get are able ….
a. To meet the education consultant c. To teach strategies for the final examination.
b. To prepare for the final examination d. To get the free chance of joining the seminar.

7. Who will come to the morning seminar?

a. All students c. Student of class XII.
b. Mr. Budi Umar d. All students and their neigh
The text is for number 8 to 10

Dear Mr.and Mrs. Smith

Congratulation on your wedding

We all wish your happy marriage ever after
Be a sweet and romantic everlasting couple
Justin and Cindy
8. To whom is the card written to …………
a. Mr.Smith and Justin c.Mrs. Smith and Cindy
b .Justin and Sindy d.Mr.and Mrs .Smith
9. What is the purpose of the text ……………
a. To make an invitation card c.To invite Mrs . Smith
b..To congratulation on Mr. and Mrs. Smith marriage d.To send a wishing card
10. Who is the card sender…………….
a.Mr. Smith c.Mrs .Smith

b.Mr.and .Mrs Smith d. Justin and Cindy.

11. Situation :
Siti has just the first prize in the “Bakiak race “ to celebrate Indonesia Independence day.
Beni congratulates her.
What does beni say to congratulate siti ?
Beni : “…………………………….”
Siti : “Thank You “
a. Sure, Good luck c. Congratulation, siti.
b. Congratulate to Siti d. Thanks, I will do my best

12 Dayu : “ Who won the football match yesterday ?

Udin :” Our team did. We won two to one “

Dayu : “ Well done………………..”

Udin : “Thank You “

a. I’m glad to hear that c. I’m Sorry

b. That’s too bad d. You’re Welcome
Edo : “Happy birthday, Lia”
Lia : “Thanks you Edo. You are the first who congratulate me”
Edo : “Oh really? Here is little present for you. I hope you like it “
Lia : “ Thank you very much. You are really my best friend”.
13 Why does Edo give Lia a present ?
a. Because Lia likes present c. Because Edo has a lot of money
b. Because today dayu’S birthday d. Because Lia is celebrating her birthday today

14 Situation :
Fadel is going to participate in the story telling competition.
Dara shows her hope that fadel will get Prize.
The conversation:
Fadel : “ Dara, wish me luck. I will take part in the story telling competition”
Dara : ……………………..I hope you will win the competition”
a. I hope so b. I’m sorry c. Sure, Good Luck d. Sure, Good luck
15 Situation :
Sure that tinta will like it.
Nida : “Ade, that’s a beautiful picture. I’m sure Tinta will like it “
Ade : “……………………………………”
a. Wish me luck c. Good luck
b. Happy birthday d. Thanks. I hope so too

A. Choose the answer with two (2 ) the best answer No 16 to 25.

16 What kinds of product is it in the label ?

a. Instant noodle c. Coffee
b. Frying oil d. Cappuccino
17 The Product in the label kind of….
a. Snack b. beverage c. medicine d. hot drink
18 From the label, we know that the product is produced by….
a. The true coffe lovers c. PT Sejahtera
b. The people in Surabaya d. PT. Indonesian Sejahtera
19 Where is the best coffe produced ?
a. In Surabaya c. In Jakarta
b. In semarang d. East java

20 What is the purpose of the label ? HOTS

a. To entertain the readers
b. To promote the product
c. To give all information of the product
d. To give information of the brand name, production,and expired data of the product.

Read the text carefully !

Buffalo are big, strong, dark-colored mammals with huge horns. African buffalo live in herds of several
hundred – usually near water, as they love to wallow in mud. African buffalo have very bad tempers, so
human have never managed to tame them.
Water buffalo are found in the wetter areas of Asia. Few are found in the wild now and they are mostly
kept as farm animal. Water buffalo have been domesticated for 3000 years. They are used to pull cart and
ploughs, but they can be kept for their meat, milk, and hides. Only a few survive in the wild in Asia, but
buffalo are released to run free In the swamps of the northern territory of Australia

21 Bufallo are big,strong dark colord mammals with hugh horns. This sentence tells us bout…
a. Buffalo habits c. buffalo physical charatristic
b. Buffalo habitat d. Species
22 Here is the fact buffalo habits….
c. Bufallo are used to pull carts c Buffalo love to wollw in mud.
d. Buffalo live in herds d. Buffalo live in herds of severel hundred usually near water

Read the text carefully !

Bats have big ears, furry bodies and wings like leather. They are nocturnal mammals. This means they sleep in caves
and attics during the day and fly out to feed at night-time.
Bats are the only mammals that can fly. They are very fast and acrobatic. When they chase after insects, they twist and
turn in mid-air. Bats use sound to catch insects in the darkness. They send out high-pitched squeals that humans cannot
hear. The echoes that bounce back tell the bats exactly where they will find their prey.
Flying foxes, or fruit bats are large bats that live in tropical Africa and Asia. They mainly eat fruit. Flying fixes are
impotant because they help to spread the pollen and seeds of many plants
23 Bat have big ears, furry bodies and wigs ,the only mammals that can fly,
This sentences tells us but…..
e. Bat habit c. Species
f. Bat habits d. Physical characteristic
24 Here is the fact BAT habits…
g. They (Flying foxes )mainly eat fruit c. They are very fast and acrobatic.
h. Bats use sound to catch insects in the darkness d. Flaying foxes important because they help to spread.

25.What is th e volume in the teks.

a. Bat use sound to catch insects in the darkness. c.. Mammals that can fly.

b. Bat exactly where they will find theirn prey. d.. Bats have big ears.


Fish are aquatic animals which belong to the group of vertebrates. There are more than 30.000 species of fish in the
world. Some of them live in freshwater and some other live in an ocean. All of them breathe by using a special organs
known as “gills”. They consume various of food such as plants, worms, and sometimes another fish with smaller body.
Each species of fish have their own maximum measurement. It can range from 8 mm to 16 m. Most of them have scaly
skin with various colors. Some of them even have a unique pattern on their scales which makes them more valuable for
humans as a decorative items. They have some sets of muscles on their backbone which allow them to move their body
and create ripples in the water that will push their body forward so they can swim. Each of them also have some fins on
their body to navigate their movement. Many of them have an internal organ called as “swim bladder” which contains
gases that prevent them from sinking.

26 Fish belong to invertebrates animal

a. True
b. False
27 Fish only live in fresh water
a. True
b. Fales
28 Fish have fins to navigate their movement
a. True
b. False
29 Swim bladder is an internal organ of most fish
a. True
b. False
30 Swim bladder contains air that prevent fish from sinking
a. True
b. False
Fina : I am so happy to hear you win the competition
Mita : so am I. I never thought that I would win
Fina : why? You are talented at dancing
Mita : the participants were so good. They danced beautifully on the stage
Fina : but, you are the best one. That’s why the judges chose you as the winner
Mita : I was so lucky this morning to win the competition.
Fina : you deserve it. Well done mita! I am so proud of you
Mita : thanks a lot

31 The underline sentences is expression of congratulation

a. True
b. False
32 Based on the dialogue, mita won singing competition
a. True
b. False

33 The product must be stored in hot place

a. True
b. False
34 Procedure text is a text that tells owto make something related to food.
a. True
b. False

35 Based on the text above, we must cook the food under 60 minutes.
a. True
b. Fals

Read the text carefully ! DAYANG SUMBI

Dayang sumbi was a beautiful and kind hearted princes,but sometimes she was very lazy. Her hobby was weaving
cloth.One day her weaving tool fell. Tumang,a male dog,come to bring her tool back to her. As she had promised,she
married him. Tumang was actually a man who had been cursed by a a with to become a dog. But sometimes he could
turn back to a normal man. Dayang sumbi and tumang got one son. His name was Sangkuriang. He did not know that
tumang was his father because he was a dog who always with him. Tumang always accompined sangkuriang whenever
he went hunting in the woods.

36. Who was Dayang Sumbi ?

37. Who was Tumang ? Why Dayang Sumbi marry him ?

38 .Was Tumang a human being or a dog ?

39. If you were Dayang Sumbi, would you tell to Sangkuriang that Tumang was his father ? Why?

40. What can you learn from the story ?

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