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Ryan Juenger, Rachel Henss

Counting On

Part 1: Lesson Overview

Instruction Time and Place: Number and Grouping of Students for Instruction: Date:11/17/ Grade:
45 min Entire classroom, separated into groups of 4 23 1st

Learning Segment Topic

Lesson Topic: Counting On

Part 2a: Target Student Learning Standards

Standard Code CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1.OA.A.1 : Use addition within 20 to solve word problems involving situations
of adding to, putting together, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using
objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1.OA.C.5 : Add within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition within 10. Use
strategies such as counting on; making ten

Part 2b: Lesson Objective

The student will be able to add and count more efficiently by utilizing the counting on method that is taught
during the lesson.

Part 3: Assessment Plan

Pre-Assessment Tools Used Prior to Lesson: Chromebook- online worksheet to show what they know

Formative Assessment Tools Used During Lesson: Practice Worksheet, Lego Wedo App

Summative Assessment Tool(s) for Learning Segment: Same online worksheet they did prior so we can see
what information they retained.

Part 4: Supports for Diverse Students in Sequence of Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks
List the language demands:
When can we use counting on- Whenever you have a group of something and gain more of that item.
Forming a number bond- When adding, you will take the two smaller numbers and merge them making the
bigger number.
Using a Ten Frame- Using a 2x5 frame and pictures will help the students visualize the addition, can be used
for numbers higher than 10 by increasing the dimensions.

Misconceptions: To count on we always start with 1

Part 5: Sequence of Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Introduction: Do an activity that touches on the subject that can be used to gauge the readiness of different
students and how much knowledge they have of the lesson prior to it being taught.

Development Provide the option for the student to work with counting on by utilizing different strategies such
as utilizing ten frames, pictures, snap blocks, number bonds(part-part-whole)

Closure: Practice worksheet that has examples of the different strategies that they can use to solve and see
how they understand the counting on method.

Learning Extensions: Create a game or allow games on the Lego Wedo App that are geared towards
counting on that can be played during the student’s free use time. This will subconsciously help the student
understand how to deepen their understanding while keeping the students entertained and engaged.
Part 6: Instructional Materials Chromebooks, worksheets, writing utensils, Lego Wedo Robot, Legos

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