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History and Importance of Chemistry

• Prehistoric man used metals and made pottery and bricks

• 400 B.C., beginning of chemistry as a science
• Four-Element Theory proposed ( Earth, air, fire and water)
• Aristotle- summarized earlier theories and proposed “4”
fundamental properties (hot, cold, wet and dry).
• 1st century- combination of the arts of the Egyptians and the
Greeks; First book of chemistry written in Egypt; also the
beginning of alchemy in China.  12th century- alchemy reached
Europe through Spain.
• 16th and 17th centuries- chemistry applied to medicine; study of
gases begun, first textbook of chemistry written (1597), Boyle
studied gases and criticized the basic ideas of alchemy in his
book entitled “The Skeptical
• 18th century- Phlogiston Theory was proposed, oxygen
discovered (1774), careful quantitative work by Lavoisier
generally described as the beginning of modern chemistry.
• 19th and 20th centuries- Atomic theory (Dalton) periodic law and
theories of the structure of the atom and the formation of
During 400B.C. chemistry as a science began therefore, what is

⮚ is an organized system of knowledge that is based on


⮚ a large body of knowledge based on facts and truths known by

actual experience and observation.

It is the continuous search for knowledge about how and why things behave
under different conditions. The scientific method is important because it
provides the method for solving problems. Therefore what is scientific
Scientific Method

⮚ Is the procedure or process involved in the verification of

scientific knowledge or consists of the observation and

classification of facts, based on experimental evidence.
These observations are correlated into a tentative theory
called a hypothesis, this is often tested further and if found to
be correct a scientific law is proposed, which gives a
statement of the behavior of nature or it is a statement of a
relationship between observed facts.

It is a systematic way of doing things which a scientist follows. The

following are the basic processes of the scientific method. These steps are
common to many scientific investigations:

1. Identification and statement of the problem- the problem has to

be identified and defined first in order to find ways and means of
solving it.
2. Gathering of relevant data- This can be attained through keen
observation of all facts relevant to the problem.
3. Formulating a hypothesis- the scientist formulates a tentative
answer or a trial idea about the observations.
4. Testing the best hypothesis- Predictions made on the basis of a
hypothesis can be tested by experimenting and it leads to further
5. Drawing a conclusion- after the facts have been tested and
verified, the scientist draws his conclusion.

Let us find out how this scientific procedure is applied in the given
The electric stove used in the laboratory is out of order. You tried
investigating why it does not work. Observations on the wiring, the cord, the
plug, the outlet and other possible causes were made. You formulated a
hypothesis on why the stove does not function. Tests were conducted to
prove your hypothesis. Finally you were able to identify that the cause of the
malfunctioning stove is defective outlet. Thus you solved the problem by
following a scientific procedure.

Attitudes influence man’s ways of thinking and behavior. The

scientific attitude is a part of the scientific method. Therefore what
are the characteristics of a man with the proper scientific

⮚ Open-mindedness- the scientist must not be biased. He

does not reject ideas that are in conflict with his own ideas.
He is willing to change his ideas in the light of new

⮚ Critical-mindedness- the scientist is willing to evaluate

evidences presented in support of a conclusion.

⮚ Objectivity- the scientist records accurately actual

observations and data.

⮚ Curiosity- The scientist never stops learning. He wants to

know the
“Why” and “How” of things.

⮚ Careful Judgment- the scientist does not hastily jump to

He bases his judgment on true facts and reliable

⮚ Rationality- the scientist does not believe in superstitions.

He believes that things happen for a reason which are

actually supported by convincing proofs.

⮚ Intellectual Honesty- the scientist gives reports truthfully

and does not claim the works of others.

⮚ Humility- The scientist is humble and does not boast of

Creativity- the scientist is sensitive to problems,
deficiencies, gaps in knowledge and can generate original

Have you ever wondered why ice melts and water evaporates? Why
leaves turn colors in the fall and how a battery generates electricity? Why
keeping foods cold slows their spoilage and how our bodies use food to
maintain life? Chemistry supplies answers to these questions.

How is Chemistry useful to us?

• Many products of chemistry are useful to us. What things which

we use every day are products of chemistry?
Ex. Things we wear, Soap, shampoo, shoes, toothbrush and etc.
• Industry depends much on chemistry.
Ex. Steel, rubber, plastics, glass, gasoline and
petroleum  Chemistry creates new and better
Ex. Computers, telephone and cellphone
• Knowledge of chemistry is useful in a certain profession.
• Chemistry answers many of our questions.
Ex. Why does iron rust?

Definition and Branches of Chemistry

During the many years you have found chemistry to be an
exciting intellectual challenge and an extraordinarily rich and varied
part of our cultural heritage. As you study chemistry or learn
chemistry it requires new concepts and the development of analytical
Since chemistry began as a science during 400B.C. therefore;
What is Chemistry?

⮚ A branch of science that deals with the structure, composition,

properties and reactive characteristics of substances, especially

at the atomic and molecular levels.

⮚ Is the study of the properties of materials and the changes that

materials undergo?

⮚ Is concerned with the study of matter and changes that it

undergoes, energy changes and chemical reactions. Antoine

Laurent Lavoisier
⮚ A French chemist and father of modern chemistry. His theory of

combustion in which he proposed that oxygen is necessary

for combustion.

Example: Mg + O2 -----------🡪 MgO

What are the main branches of chemistry?

1. Inorganic chemistry

⮚ is a branch of chemistry that deals with the structure and

interactions Between inorganic compounds, which are not

based in carbon hydrogen bonds.

⮚ A substance which don’t usually contain carbon.

2. Organic chemistry

⮚ This branch of chemistry deals with the chemistry of

carbon and living Things.

3. Physical chemistry

⮚ Is a branch of chemistry that applies physics to the study of


4. Analytical chemistry

⮚ is a branch of chemistry involved with studying the

properties of Materials or developing tools to analyze


5. Biochemistry

⮚ Is a branch of chemistry concerned with the chemical

reactions that occur inside living organisms?

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