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Complete mental and physical preparation has to do with sacrifice and self-discipline.

And comes from

within.- Arthur Ashe.

To our highly respected Municipal Mayor, Hon. Rowena N. Codilla, Vice mayor Elmer Codilla,
Brgy.Captain Hon. Globa, Officer-In-Charge Mr. Reynante Raymundo ,Faculty and staff, supportive
parents, visitors, gorgeous completers of 2019,Ladies and Gentlemen a charming morning to all of us.

It is such an honor and pride to speak in front of these beautiful people of Rizal. Going here is such an
adventure for me because having this ceremony is inevitable. It is somewhat like CHANGE is inevitable
according to Robert Gallagher. It is inevitable and gratifying to see that our completers of 2019 matured
and become skills proficient ready to tackle a life-long education.

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