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What made me interested in studying in the US ?

The events, experiences or accomplishments that made me want to study in the US. Since I
was a kid, cars and technologies interested me a lot, so I was very clear that I wanted to be
an engineer. Later I decided that I would specialize in cars, choosing to study the career of
mechanical engineer.

In college I have always had good marks in the scientific subjects like physics, chemistry and
maths. In the college I went to, they also signed us up for a math contest called “Proves
Cangur” . That math contest consisted of making an exam which evaluated your logic and
problem resolving. I was very good at those exams one year I was below 2% of 25,000
students. But in 3th of ESO, the math contest changed, it was no longer individual but by
teams, and now the school had to choose what students could participate in the conquest. I
was one of the students selected. We trained for months in a team, the day of the
competition we had to go to a school where the math contest took place. We ended up
winning that contest being the 1st team out of 20 teams. So we qualified for the finals which
took place in a sports hall that they had prepared with a stage and tables. In the finals we
were 30 teams, the best 30 teams out of 600. We solved lots of problems which were very
difficult, including one in which I was the only one of all teams who was able to solve it. We
ended up being the 11th but we had so much fun and we were happy.

Another experience I had in college was with robotics. In my college they also signed us in a
team conquest called “First LEGO League” , that conquest consisted in two parts, one part
consisted in making a project that had to solve a problem related to the year's theme, in our
case it was Space. The other part consisted of building and programming a robot made of
LEGO that had to complete several missions on a board. We were the best team in the class
which had a good project about space trash and how to pick it up, and even a better robot
which could complete several missions at the same time. We won the conquest at our
school so we qualified for the “First LEGO League” of Catalunya. We trained a lot and when
we went to the conquest we ended up being 3rd but only the 1st and the 2nd pass to the
Spain semi-finals. At first I was a bit angry and sad but then I calmed down and I had a great
time, it was an unforgettable experience.

A few years ago, my mum started talking to me about MIT University, because she saw a
documentary that explained what the University was about. She showed me that
documentary and it really fascinated me, since that day I decided that I wanted to study at
MIT. MIT University is the biggest scientific and technological university in the world with lots
of students that have won a Nobel prize and lots of students who have made important
technological advances and discoveries. So I decided to take a Dual Diploma, nowadays I’m
in my 3rd and last year of Dual Diploma. I think that the best place for me to study is MIT. I
hope I can enter the mit and learn a lot of new things, I think it could be one of the best
experiences in my life.

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