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Lira, Guillana Alessandra A.


The Tourism Act of 2009

1. What is Republic Act No. 9593?

-The Republic act No. 9593 or also known as “The Tourism Act of 2009”, it
describes how R.A. 9593 has benefited the lives of thousands of people and
communities. The public may reinforce the transforming potential of the tourist
business by hearing the tales of people in the tourism industry who have committed
their life to providing meaningful and memorable experiences for visitors.The goal of
RA 9593 is to make a tourism action plan so that the tourism industry can become one
of the Philippines' main growth drivers.

2. Name the 3 Undersecretaries of DOT under the Office of Secretary.

a) Undersecretary for Tourism Development, who shall be responsible for the

Office of Product Development, the Office of Tourism Development Planning,
Research, and Information Management, and the Office of Industry Manpower
b) Undersecretary for Tourism Regulation, Coordination, and Resource Generation,
who shall be responsible for the Office of Tourism Standards and Regulations,
the Office of Tourism Coordination, the Office of Tourism Resource Generation,
and all regional and foreign offices;
c) Undersecretary for Special Concerns and Administration, who shall be
responsible for the Office of Special Concerns, the Financial and Management
Service, the Administrative Affairs Service, the Legal Affairs Service, the
Internal Audit Service, and the Legislative Liaison Unit.

3. What is TPB and its Function?

-Thr Theory of Planned Behavior explains that the decision of an individual to

perform a specific behavior can be influenced by factors such as attitudes, subjective
norms, and perceived behavioral control. According to the theory, three basic
components affect an individual's behavioral intentions: attitude, subjective norms,
and perceived behavioral control. TPB holds that behavioral intention is the most
proximal predictor of human social behavior. It started as the Theory of Reasoned
Action in 1980 to predict an individual's intention to engage in a behavior at a specific
time and place. The theory was intended to explain all behaviors over which people
have the ability to exert self-control.

4. What is TIEZA and its Function?

- The Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA) is a Philippine

national government agency under the Department of Tourism in charge of
implementing the department's policies and programs relating to the development,
promotion, and oversight of tourism projects in the Philippines. TIEZA's major
functions include the development of tourist infrastructure, the identification,
regulation, and oversight of Tourism Enterprise Zones (TEZs), the operation and
administration of TIEZA Assets, and the collection of the Philippine Travel Tax.

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