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Common features:

User management: register/login, password reset, profile management, user roles and
permissions (admin, vendor, driver, customer).

Multilingual support: Arabic and English to start with, expandable to other languages.
Multicurrency support: Saudi riyal as the primary currency.

Chat: real-time chat between drivers and customers/vendors, chat with admin.
Notifications: real-time notifications about order status, dispatches, and deliveries.
Payments: online payments (considering local and international payment gateways)
location services: gps tracking of deliveries, mapping the best routes for delivery.
Admin dashboard:
User management: add/edit/delete vendors, drivers, customers.
Order management: monitor all orders, solve pending issues.
Price list management: approve or reject all price lists & updates.
Vendor management: redirect all orders and requests to designated vendors.
Customers dashboard:
order management: place, revise, cancel orders, comment on orders & deliveries.
Product management: view products with prices, request new items or updates to the

Delivery management: monitor deliveries on map, revise/accept/reject delivered orders,

print delivery-notes and invoices.

Payment: ability to pay online.

Vendors dashboard:
order management: receive, accept, or reject orders, comment on orders & deliveries.
Delivery management: assign and dispatch drivers, view & print delivery-notes, monitor
deliveries on map.

Product management: view and update product pricelist & inventory.

Drivers dashboard:

order management: receive dispatched orders or tickets on scheduled & prompt orders,
comment on orders & deliveries.
Delivery management: notify customer about pending delivered orders, start deliveries on
app-map for live monitoring.

Routing: route-optimization option.

reports: generate reports on highest revenue, ordered products, peak times, driver performance,
and unpaid payments.

Terms and conditions: specify minimum order quantities, payment terms, additional services
options, and additional charges for exceptional and emergency orders.

Platform compatibility: the app should be compatible with android, ios,. It should also be responsive,
it should work well on different devices including phones and tablets.

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