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Monday: Do you have to study like twenty minutes, calm and studying the first part of your


Tuesday: Do you have to continue studying, continuing where you finish at Monday and
studying twenty minutes more. But if you think you need ten or twenty minutes more, you can
study it too, but with some breaks for not get swamped.

Wednesday: You have to continue with the study plan, twenty minutes and if you need take a
break for relaxing your mind and return to study for twenty minutes more.

Thursday: Do you have to finish studying the subject. Take twenty minutes and finish the first
part of this study plan.

Friday: Do you have to make a little review and read and catch keywords or important

Saturday: You can review with some games or make cards with questions and then ask it to
yourself. You can ask for help to some of your friends of your class and review together.

Sunday: Is the day before the exam and you only have to make a short review of your study
plan that you make during the week and you will get a very good mark!

My two tips are: Do you have to distribute your work and don’t study it all at the last day.
Distribute the study plan in two parts: study and review.

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