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Answer the following:

A. What does the document want to convey?

The document is conveying the affirmation and validation of the signing of the
Declaration of Independence. the document aims to emphasize the credibility and
legitimacy of the declaration by showcasing that it had witness testimony from
both Filipino citizens and a foreigner. This external validation serves to bolster
the claim of independence and establish its recognition beyond just the local
population. In essence, the document wants to assert the authenticity and broad
acknowledgment of the declaration, ensuring that its significance and impact are
acknowledged by all.

B. How did the revolutionaries regard Aguinaldo based on the document?

The revolutionaries, as depicted in the document, regarded Aguinaldo with
respect and admiration. They praised him for his leadership and his role in the
declaration of Philippine independence. The document highlights Aguinaldo's
prominent position as the President of the Revolutionary Government and the
Commander-in-Chief of the Filipino forces. It emphasizes his pivotal role in
spearheading the fight against colonization and establishing a sovereign nation.

C. According to the document, what do the symbols in the Philippine flag represent?

D. How did the Filipinos regard the United States of America based on the document?
The symbols in the Philippine flag, as stated in the document, hold significant
meanings that resonate with the values and aspirations of the Filipino people. The
three stars symbolize the three main geographical regions of the Philippines:
Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.
The sun, with its eight rays, stands as a symbol of freedom and enlightenment.
Each ray represents the eight provinces that first revolted against Spanish colonial
rule. Furthermore, the colors of the flag also carry symbolic meanings. The blue
stripe represents peace, truth, and justice, while the red stripe symbolizes
patriotism, valor, and the blood shed by Filipino heroes in the pursuit of freedom.

E. What is the importance of the document in the history of our country?

The document is a testament to the Filipino people's fight for freedom. It
symbolizes the birth of an independent nation and the struggles against colonial
rule. Its importance lies in preserving our history, inspiring national pride, and
reminding us of the sacrifices made for our sovereignty.

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