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Chongos - Bajo

Guía práctica de Ingles Básico

SEMANA Nº 6: Oraciones Interrogativas con Where, What, Why y Who.

Práctica N°06

Apellidos : Paucar Carrasco

Nombres : Fanny Merly

Fecha : 03 /06 /2021 Duración: 30 min

Tipo de práctica: Individual ( x ) Grupal ( )

Instrucciones: Lea detenidamente cada enunciado y desarrolle lo solicitado.

1. Escribir 5 preguntas utilizando Where con sus respectivas respuestas.

 Where is the backpack?
-In my room

 Where do you live?

-I live in Huancayo

 Where were you born?

-I was born in my town

 Where are you?

- I'm in the square

 Where is the rabbit?

- It's in its cage

2. Escribir 5 preguntas utilizando What con sus respectivas respuestas.

 What place do you like to sing?
-I like to sing

 What are you doing?

-I’m jogging

 What time are you going to arrive?

-I’m coming

 What place are we going to go?

-Let’s go to the beach
 What are they?
-They are blankets

3. Escribir 5 preguntas utilizando Why con sus respectivas respuestas.

 Why are you late?
-The car was deayed

 Why are there no classes?

-Because the teacher is not here

 Why are you afraid of me?

-You are bad

 Why dont’t you eat?

-I’m not hungry

 Why don’t you take bath?

-It’s getting cold

4. Escribir 5 preguntas utilizando Who con sus respectivas respuestas.

 Who is she?
-She is my couisin

 Who called you?

-My name is my mather

 Who has to go shopping?

-My sister has to go

 Who does not have their gift?

-He doesn’t have my friend

 Who is your brother?

-My brother is Jorge

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