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When working with a developer to create a food delivery application, it’s essential to
provide clear and detailed documentation. Here are the key documents you should prepare:

1. System Requirements Specification (SRS) Document:

o The SRS document outlines the functional and non-functional requirements of your
food delivery app.

o It includes details about user roles, features, interfaces, performance expectations,

security, and more.

o Your project manager and business analyst can help finalize the app functionalities
and create this document.

o The SRS will guide your mobile app developers in building the app according to your
project requirements.

2. Project Plan:

o A project plan provides an overview of the entire development process.

o It includes project scope, schedule, budget, risk assessment, quality assurance,

stakeholder communication, and procurement details.

o You can create a project plan that outlines milestones, deadlines, and resource
allocation for the food delivery app development.

3. Wireframes and Mockups:

o Visual representations of the app’s screens and user interfaces.

o These help developers understand the app’s flow, layout, and design.

o Include wireframes for each screen, showing elements like menus, order placement,
payment, and user profiles.

4. API Documentation:

o If your app integrates with external services (e.g., payment gateways, maps, or
restaurant databases), provide API documentation.

o Specify endpoints, request/response formats, authentication methods, and any

required keys or tokens.

5. Database Schema:

o Describe the data structure and relationships within your app’s database.

o Include tables for users, restaurants, orders, menus, and other relevant entities.

6. User Stories and Use Cases:

o Describe how different types of users (customers, delivery drivers, restaurant

owners) will interact with the app.

o Use cases help developers understand the app’s functionality from a user’s
7. Technical Stack Recommendations:

o Suggest the technologies and frameworks you want to use (e.g., React Native,
Node.js, MongoDB).

o Mention any specific preferences or constraints.

8. Monetization Strategy:

o Specify how you plan to monetize the app (e.g., delivery fees, subscription models,

o Developers need to understand this to implement relevant features.

9. Testing Guidelines:

o Define the testing approach (unit testing, integration testing, user acceptance

o Specify scenarios to test (e.g., order placement, payment processing, location


10. Legal and Privacy Considerations:

o Include any legal requirements (GDPR compliance, terms of use, privacy policy).

o Ensure that user data is handled securely.

Remember that clear documentation helps developers build your food delivery app efficiently and
ensures alignment with your vision. Collaborate closely with your development team to refine and
iterate on these documents as needed!

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