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Submitted by:

PRATIK UPADHYAY (200401417035)

SAMBHAV PUROHIT (200401417057)

GARIMA SHARMA (200401417033)



COUNSEL-1: Hello Mam may we please know your name


COUNSEL-1: Did you have any problems finding this place? Was it easy to locate?

NIKKI: It is centrally located and was quite easy to locate and I had no problem in locating it.

COUNSEL-2: So, Mrs. RANI how did you come to know about this place

NIKKI: My friends and relatives told me about this place and since it is one of the best firms I
personally decided to come here for advice.

COUNSEL-2: So, I would like to introduce you to ourselves my name is X and this is my co-
council Y

NIKKI - Thank you and nice to meet you both.


COUNSEL-2: I would like to explain you about our policies (Goes on to talk about the fee
statements, non-disclosure policies, conflict of interest etc.)

Mrs.RANI: I understand and acknowledge

COUNSEL-1: I would further like to explain you about our no withdrawal rule from our side
whereas the NIKKI can always opt for a better option and please be clear in communication, we
are always there to listen to you and will do nothing which is against your conflict of interest.
Mrs.RANI - I acknowledge and understand.

COUNSEL-1: So, mam I would like to ask you certain questions which will help us establish
your issue and help us understand it, this will further help us in providing you with solutions or
remedies to your said issues.
NIKKI: - Okay I understand.

COUNSEL-2: So Mrs.RANI please explain us your entire issue in detail.

NIKKI: - So,this issue I am facing is regarding the conflicts between me and my husband It all
started around in the year 1993 when our child was born.My Husband started living separately I
expect love and affection, financial aid and physical security, respect from my husband but he
always fails to meet my expectations in this regard and I don’t know the reason behind him living
separately from me.

So, I would like to know if I can challenge this and what are the possible remedies available for

COUNSEL–2: Mrs.RANI this issue is a challengeable one so before giving you our suggestion
we would like to get into the facts a bit deeper. It would be more appreciable if you cooperate
with our questions and answer us genuinely.

NIKKI: Okay.

COUNSEL – 1: Ok Mrs.RANI could you please elaborate about your marriage like the date time
and venue of your marriage

NIKKI - I and BALU got married on September-24-1992 at around 9:19 A.M Delhi

COUNSEL-1: Did you both married with the acceptance of your elders?

NIKKI - Yes. Me and BALU got married as per the Hindu Customs and in the presence of all
our family members, relatives and friends.

COUNSEL-2: Do you have any proof of your marriage?

NIKKI- yes, I do have our marriage certificates.

(NIKKI hands over her marriage certificate to COUNSEL)

COUNSEL-1- How many children do you and BALU together have?

NIKKI- I have 1 child, X (29/11/1993)

(NIKKI hands over her child birth certificate to the COUNSEL)

COUNSEL-2- Is your marriage love or arranged?

NIKKI - Arranged

COUNSEL-2- Is dowry given by your in-laws during marriage or not?


COUNSEL-2- Have he demanded any particular amount of dowry?

NIKKI -No, he hasn’t

COUNSEL-1: Is your marriage a forced one or is it done with the consent of you both?

NIKKI: Our marriage is done with both of our willful consent.

COUNSEL-2: Can you brief us the exact period from when the conflicts have arisen between
you both?

NIKKI: Yes, I think it all started from the year of our son born i.e., in the year 1993

COUNSEL-2: Can you specify the exact date?

NIKKI: There is no exact date for the conflict, but from start of 1993 we started having small
misunderstandings and later it evolved into bigger conflicts. As I was pregnant, I expected more
love, affection and care from Mr. BALU but in return there was just a big conflict every time

COUNSEL-1: Is there any specific reason for the conflicts to arise?

NIKKI: I don’t have any idea about it.

COUNSEL-2: Have you ever tried to know the reason behind sudden change in his behavior?

NIKKI: Yes. There are multiple times of asking him to let me know the actual reason behind his
anger, the discussion would again result into a conflict.

COUNSEL-1: What made you feel like he has not been treated you with love and affection?

NIKKI: when I was pregnant and I have to visit hospital he never turned up to the hospital with

COUNSEL-2: Did he like to have this child with you?

NIKKI: Yes, there is no problem with the birth of our son. But after the birth of our son, he decided
to live separately from me

COUNSEL-1: So as per per your knowledge you don’t know the reason behind Balu’s behavior
and his lack of love towards you?

NIKKI: Yes Mam.

COUNSEL-2: Have you tried to talk things clearly?

NIKKI: Yes. I always try to calm him down and I always dreamt a peaceful life with him

COUNSEL-1: Have you ever tried to make up with him

NIKKI: Yes, I have tried many times

COUNSEL-2: did he ever mention about living separately.

NIKKI: There are conflicts between us but he never mentioned about living separately and this
decision was drastic and sudden.

COUNSEL-1: Is there any chance that your in laws implicated this this behavior in him

NIKKI: Iam not sure about it but there is always a good relationship between us

COUNSEL-1: You have different options such as judicial separation,

Restitution of Conjugal rights, and Divorce, what do you want to choose? Or shall we guide you?

NIKKI: I have no clue about the above-mentioned remedies

COUNSEL-2: As per Section 10 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 of A judicial separation is a
legal process by which a married couple is formally separated, despite being legally married for
a period of one year

COUNSEL-1: As per Section 9 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 Restitution of conjugal rights,
when either the husband or wife has withdrawn from the other's society without sufficient
justification, the aggrieved party may petition the district court for restitution of conjugal rights
and as per Section 13 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 DIVORCE as you know

COUNSEL-2: Hence for time being we will give some time to Mr.Balu so that if he can change
his decision or we shall proceed with legal action.

NIKKI: Thank you for your advice.

COUNSEL -1,2: Ok. Thank you for your information. We will look into it and try our best to


Firstly, the question asked during the greeting process was used to relive the mood and make
the NIKKI comfortable with the setting and the environment around. Secondly the
administrative questions were explained so that a professional image of the firm is created and
its social accept like wavering of fee and confidentiality principles are highlighted. Thirdly the
informative question asked were precise so as to get the entire Gist of the problem without any
loopholes occasional nod and responses by yes were given to keep the NIKKI engaged and
entertained. The questions about marital relationship were asked in order to understand the
relationship of the NIKKI with his wife and to establish motives. Finally, solutions were
proposed which would benefit the NIKKI the most and which would have the least chance of
being challenged.


After having riveting conversation with the NIKKI (Mrs.RANI) , with our expertise in family
matters we suggested her to have a healthy companionship that supports to repair disagreements
and conflicts between them .The marital purpose is where each supports the other’s hopes and
dreams ,working together strengthens marriages and overcome difficulties we suggested to
empathize her husband’s concern as well as to re-consider Mr.Balu’s decision about living
separately and gave him a period of 6 months to change his decision.

NIKKI: Well, thank you very much, your services have been appreciated.

COUNSEL-1: It is our pleasure Mrs. RANI. if you have any others issues or queries, we will
always be there so feel free to contact us regarding any matter to the case.

COUNSEL-2: Lastly, we would need your phone number in order to notify you of any further
developments regarding your case

NIKKI: I will mail it to you along with my others credentials.

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