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Topic: Unemployment status of students after graduation.

Content: 1. Reason for choosing the topic.

2. Causes and consequences.
3. Solution.
1. Reason for choosing the topic.
The current student unemployment situation is alarming.
In the era of industrial revolution 4.0, unemployment is raising alarm bells,
because the unemployment rate is increasing, especially for students after
Seeing the huge impact of the problem, my group decided to analyze the
unemployment situation of students after graduation.
2. Reasons and consequences.
Objective reasons:
The quality of training is not really linked to social needs.
Businesses are indifferent to new graduates.
Subjective reasons:
Lack of career direction.
Students have limited language proficiency.
Students lack soft skills: computer skills, presentation skills, teamwork skills,
communication skills,...
For individual students:
Affects the quality of student life.
Students have to do unwanted jobs.
For society:
Causing harm to social order.
Impact on the general economy.
3. Solution.
For individual students:
Students need preliminary orientation about their future career.
Students need to seriously study while still in school.
Students should join clubs organized on campus.
Students must practice and always maintain a studious attitude.
For society:
Implement demand stimulation.
Create conditions for workers to lose their jobs.
Vocational guidance.

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