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Sallallâhu 'alaihi wa Sallam

Key to the use of brackets:

( ) These brackets contain verse numbers of verses that mention or refer to the Asmâ' u'n Nabi, Sallallâhu
'alaihi wa Sallam.

[ ] These brackets contain verse numbers of verses that do not mention the Asmâ' u'n Nabi but convey their
meanings and essence

O Allâh! Bestow blessings and peace on our master Sayyidinâ Muhammad

(Please recite Sallallâhu 'alaihi wa Sallam after each name)



1. Muhammad Most Praised One (3:144) (33:40) (47:2)


2. Ahmad Most Praiseworthy (61:6)

3. Hâmid One who praises Allâh

4. Mahmûd Praised by all, Laudable (17:79)

5. Ahyad Protector of believers [62:2]

from hell-fire

6. Wahîd Unique [7:158] [21:107] [33:56]

7. Mâhî Obliterator of disbelief [17:81] [48:28]

8. Hâshir Summoner, Gatherer on

the Day of Judgement

9. 'Âqib Successor of all the [33:40]


10. Tâhâ Tâhâ (20:1)

11. Yâsîn Yâsîn (36:1)

12. Tâhir Pure, Clean (74:4)

13. Mutahhar One purified by Allâh (74:4)

14 Tayyib Good, Pleasant

15. Sayyîd Master of all [7:158] [49:7]

16. Rasûl The Messenger of Allâh (3:164) (4:64-65) (4:136)

(9:24) (9:99) (33:21)
(33:29) (33:33) (48:27-29)
(58:22) (61:11) (62:2)

17. Nabiyy Prophet (7:157) (7:158) (8:64)

(33:6) (33:7) (33:40)
(33:45) (33:56) (33:59)
(49:2) (60:12) (66:8)

18. Rasûl u'r rahmah The Messenger of (9:61) (21:107)


19. Qayyim Right and True, Straight [6:161]

20. Jâmi' One who gathers in [33:21]

himself all perfections

21. Muqtafî One who succeeds all [3:81]

the Prophets

22. Muqaffâ One who is followed [33:40]

23. Rasûl u'l malâhim The Messenger of [3:121] [3:123-124] [4:84]

fierce battles against [4:102] [8:17] [8:39-40]
oppressive disbelievers [9:29] [22:39-40] [33:9]

24. Rasûl u'r râhah The Messenger of [9:40]

comfort/ peaceful

25. Kâmil Perfect [21:107] [33:21] [68:4]


26. Iklîl Crown

27. Muddaththir One Enveloped (74:1)

in a cloak/mantle
28. Muzzammil One Wrapped up (73:1)
in a garment

29. 'Abdullâh Allâh's Ultimate Devotee (2:23) (8:41) (17:1)

(18:1) (57:9) (72:19)

30. Habîbullâh The Beloved of Allâh [3:31] [8:33] [21:107]

[33:36] [33:53] [90:1-2]

31. Safiyyullâh The Chosen One of (22:75)


32. Najiyyullâh One in whom Allâh

confides spiritual

33. Kalîmullâh One who talks with Allâh

34. Khâtim u'l Anbiyâ' The Seal of the Prophets (33:40)

35. Khâtim u'r Rusul The Seal of the [33:40] [48:28]


36. Muhyî Vivifier of dead hearts [8:24]

with the light of faith

37. Munjî Leader to salvation [62:2]

38. Mudhakkir One who reminds us of (88:21)

Allâh, Admonisher

39. Nâsir Helper (8:72)

40. Mansûr Helped by Allâh, (3:123) (9:40) (48:3)

Victorious (110:1)

41. Nabiyy u'r rahmah The Prophet of mercy (21:107)

42. Nabiyy u't tawbah The Prophet of (110:3)


43. Harîsun 'alaykum Full of concern for you (9:128)

44. Ma'lûm Well-known (63:1)

45. Shahîr Celebrated, Famous [17:1] [21:107] [33:56]

[53:8-18] [94:4]

46. Shâhid Beholder (33:45) (48:8) (73:15)

47. Shahîd Witness, Martyr (2:143) (4:41) (16:89)


48. Mashhûd Witnessed, The Attested [63:1]


49. Bashîr Bearer of good news (2:119) (5:19) (11:2)

(34:28) (35:24)
50. Mubashshir Conveyor of glad tidings (17:105) (19:97) (33:45)
(33:47) (48:8-9) (61:13)

51. Nadhîr Warner (22:49) (25:1) (34:28)

(51:50) (51:51)

52. Mundhir Warner, Dissuader from (13:7) (26:192-194) (38:65)

sin (50:2) (79:45)

53. Nûr Sacred light (5:15)

54. Sirâj The Sun of Prophethood (33:46)

55. Misbâh Luminous Lamp

56. Hudâ Right guidance

57. Mahdiyy Rightly guided (6:161) (22:67) (48:2)

58. Munîr Illuminator (33:46)

59. Dâ'î Inviter to Islâm (8:24) (12:108) (13:36)

(16:125) (33:46) (42:15)

60. Mad'uww One called by Allâh [73:1] [74:1-2] [96:1]

61. Mujîb Responsive

62. Mujâb One whose (3:172) (46:31)

prayers/calls are

63. Hafiyy Welcoming, Hospitable, (7:187)


64. 'Afuww Pardoner (3:159) (5:15) (7:199)

65. Waliyy Friend of Allâh, Friend of (5:55-56)


66. Haqq Truth (2:119) (3:86)

67. Qawiyy Strong, Powerful (8:60)

68. Amîn Trustworthy [68:4]

69. Ma'mûn Trusted [68:4]

70. Karîm Generous, Noble (69:40)

71. Mukarram The ennobled one, (69:40)

Honoured, Venerable

72. Makîn Firm, Unshakeable

73. Matîn Firm, Authoritative

74. Mubîn Clear, Evident (5:92) (15:89) (24:54)
(38:70) (64:12)

75. Mu'ammil Hopeful [3:123-124] [9:40]

76. Wasûl Uniter

77. Dhû quwwah Possessor of power (8:60)

78. Dhû hurmah Possessor of


79. Dhû makânah Possessor of firmly [53:3-4] [53:8-9]

established high

80. Dhû 'izz Possessor of (63:8)


81. Dhû Fadl Possessor of Allâh's (4:113)

grace/ bounty

82. Mutâ' One who is obeyed (3:132) (4:13) (4:59)

(4:69) (9:71) (24:51-52)
(24:56) (33:71) (48:17)

83. Mutî' One obedient to Allâh [6:161-163][39:11-12][40:66]

84. Qadamu sidq One with a sincere


85. Rahmah Mercy, Compassion (9:61) (21:107)

86. Bushrâ Glad tidings

87. Ghawth Saviour, Succour [62:2]

88. Ghayth Rain of mercy, brings

dead hearts to life

89. Ghiyâth Helper, Saviour [62:2]

90. Ni'matullâh Favour of Allâh [3:164]

91. Hadiyyatullâh The Gift of Allâh [3:164] [21:107]

92. 'Urwatun wuthqâ The Firm Tie that binds [48:10]

man to Allâh

93. Sirâtullâh The Path leading to


94. Sirâtun mustaqîm The Straight Path

95. Dhikrullâh Personification of the

remembrance of Allâh

96. Sayfullâh The sword of Allâh [4:84] [8:65]

97. Hizbullâh Allâh's partisan (5:56)

98. An-Najm The Piercing Star


99. Mustafâ Divinely selected (22:75)

100. Mujtabâ The Chosen One (3:179) (42:13)

101. Muntaqâ Chosen for his purity [3:179] [22:75] [42:13]

102. Ummiyy Not taught by a human (7:157) (7:158)

but directly by Allâh

103. Mukhtâr The Chosen One [3:179] [22:75] [42:13]

104. Ajîr One who selflessly (6:90) (25: 57) (38:86)

labours for Allâh, (42:23) (68:3)
rewarded by Allâh

105. Jabbâr Compeller

106. Abu'l Qâsim The father of Qâsim

107. Abu't Tâhir The father of the Pure


108. Abu't Tayyib The father of the

Pleasant ('Abdullâh)

109. Abû Ibrâhîm The father of Ibrâhîm

110. Mushaffa' The Accepted (2:255) (19:87) (20:109)

Intercessor (43:86)

111. Shafiy' Intercessor (2:255) (19:87) (20:109)


112. Sâlih Righteous, Virtuous, (23:51)

Pious, Devout

113. Muslih Conciliator, Peacemaker, (49:9)


114. Muhaymin Protector, Guardian

115. Sâdiq Truthful (33:22)

116. Musaddiq One proved true, (2:101) (3:81) (37:37)

Confirmer, Verifier

117. Sidq Truthfulness, Sincerity (39:33)

118. Sayyid u'l Mursalîn Master of all the [33:7]

Messengers of Allâh

119. Imâm u'l muttaqîn Leader of the pious who [24:52] [49:1-3] [57:28]
fear Allâh [59:7]
120. Qâ'id u'l ghurr Leader of those with
i'l muhajjalîn shining faces and limbs

121. Khalîl u'r Rahmân The Friend of

The Merciful Allâh

122. Barr Righteous, Pious [33:21] [68:4]

123. Mabarr Essence of piety [33:21] [68:4]

124. Wajîh Honourable, Illustrious [33:7] [94:4]

125. Nasîh Sincere Advisor [7:157] [16:125] [62:2]

126. Nâsih True Counsellor [7:157] [16:125] [62:2]

127. Wakîl Faithful Trustee [9:103]

128. Mutawwakil One who puts all his (8:61) (9:129) (27:79)
trust in Allâh (33:3) (42:10)

129. Kafîl Guarantor, Surety

130. Shafîq Compassionate, Kind

131. Muqîm u's Sunnah Establisher of the

Sunnah [2:129] [2:151] [3:164]

132. Muqaddas Sanctified one

133. Rûh u'l qudus Spirit of purity

134. Rûh u'l haqq Spirit of truth [3:86]

135. Rûh u'l qist Spirit of justice (5:42)

136. Kâfî One who suffices here [3:31]

and in the Hereafter

137. Muktafî Contented (with little)

138. Bâligh One who has attained [33:21] [68:4]

spiritual perfection

139. Muballigh The Deliverer of Allâh's (5:92) (24:54) (64:12)

Revelations (72:23)

140. Shâfî Healer [9:103]

141. Wâsil The one who completed [17:1] [53:8-18]

his journey to Allâh

142. Mawsûl One bound by Allâh

143. Sâbiq First and foremost [33:7]

144. Sâ'iq Leading/driving force, [3:123-124]
One who urges on

145. Hâdî Guide (7:158) (24:54) (42:52)

146. Muhdî One who gives guidance (7:158) (24:54) (42:52)

147. Muqaddam First and foremost, (49:1)

in the forefront

148. 'Azîz Mighty, Honourable (9:128)

149. Fâdil Most Outstanding, [33:21] [68:4]


150. Mufaddal The Favoured One of (4:113)


151. Fâtih Victorious, Opener (48:1) (110:1)

of the doors of mercy

152. Miftâh The Key

153. Miftâh u'r rahmah The Key to Allâh's mercy

154. Miftâh u'l jannah The Key to paradise

155. 'Alam u'l îmân Symbol of faith (2:285)

156. 'Alam u'l yaqîn Symbol of certitude

157. Dalîl u'l khayrât Guide to good deeds [42:52]

158. Musahhih Perfecter of good deeds [33:21]

u'l hasanât

159. Muqîl u'l 'atharât Helper of those who


160. Safûhun Forgiver of offences (43:89)

aniz zallât

161. Sahîb One endowed with (2:255) (19:87) (20:109)

u'sh shafâ'ah intercession (43:86)

162. Sâhib u'l maqâm Possessor of the (17:79)

highest rank/position

163. Sâhib u'l qadam One endued with (49:1)

precedence/lofty rank

164. Makhsûs bi'l 'izz Distinguished with (63:8)

exclusively special

165. Makhsûs bi'l majd Distinguished with [53:8-9]

exclusively special glory
166. Makhsûs Distinguished with [33:6-7]
bi'sh sharaf exclusively special

167. Sâhib u'l wasîlah Possessor of the means [3:159] [4:64] [9:103]
to Allâh's Mercy [24:62] [60:12]

168. Sâhib u's sayf Owner of the sword [3:121] [4:84] [8:65]
against Allâh's enemies

169. Sâhîb u'l Fadîlah Possessor of Allâh's (4:113)


170. Sâhib u'l izâr Owner of the wrapper/

covering of prophethood

171. Sâhib u'l hujjah Possessor of the proof (4:163-165)

172. Sâhib u's Owner of (4:91)

sultân dominion/authority

173. Sâhib u'r ridâ' Owner of the covering


174. Sâhib u'd darajat i'r One endowed with the (2:253)
rafiy'ah exalted position/rank

175. Sâhib u't tâj The Crowned One on the

night of mi'râj

176. Sâhib u'l mighfar One who wears the [3:121] [4:84] [8:65]

177. Sâhib u'l liwâ' Holder of the banner

178. Sâhib u'l mi'râj Master of heavenly [53:8-18]


179. Sâhib u'l qadîb Holder of the rod/staff

180. Sâhib u'l Burâq The rider of the Burâq [17:1]

181. Sâhib u'l khâtam Possessor of the Seal of (33:40)


182. Sâhib u'l 'alâmah Possessor of the Sign of [5:83] [15:87] [17:88]
Prophethood [33:21] [33:40] [48:27]
[52:34] [53:8-18] [54:1]

183. Sâhib u'l burhan One endowed with the (4:174/175)

clear proof

184. Sâhib u'l bayân The Possessor of the (3:138) (16:89)


185. Fasîh u'l lisân Eloquent and effective [4:63] [19:97]

of speech

186. Mutahhar One with a purified heart

u'l janân who purifies hearts
187. Raûf Clement, Most Kind (9:128)

188. Rahîm Merciful (9:128)

189. Udhunu khayr Hearer of good (9:61)

190. Sahîh u'l Islâm Establisher of the [6:161-163] [39:11-12] [40:66]

correct Message of

191. Sayyid Master of this world and [21:107]

u'l kawnayn the Hereafter

192. 'Ayn u'n na'îm Source of Allâh's


193. 'Ayn u'l ghurr Source of


194. Sa'dullâh Joy of Allâh [3:31] [33:56] [94:4]

195. Sa'd u'l khalq Joy of all creation [21:107]

196. Khatîb u'l umam Preacher to all humanity [3:31] [4:170] [7:157]
[7:158] [12:108] [16:125]
[25:1] [34:28]

197. 'Alam u'l hudâ The Sign of the [7:158] [24:54] [42:52]

198. Kâshif u'l kurab Remover of [7:157]


199. Râfi 'u'r rutab Raiser of the ranks of [3:31] [48:10] [48:29]

200. 'Izz u'l 'Arab Honour of the Arabs [12:2] [26:192-195] [41:3]
[41:44] [42:7] [46:12]

201. Sâhib u'l faraj Source of bliss/comfort [9:103]

Sallallâhu 'alayhi wa 'alâ âlihi wa sallam
May Allâh's blessings and peace be upon him and his family.

Approved by: Ustadh Mohammed Sharif Said Al-Beidh (Mambrui, Kenya)

Compiled by: Siddîq Osmân Noormuhammad
Ramadan 1420 / December 1999, Toronto, Canada

Acknowledgements: I am grateful to Shaykh Ahmad Dualle, Brother Mahdy 'Ali and Shaykh 'Umar 'Îsa for
many helpful comments.

Du'â after the recitation of Asmâ u'n Nabi

Sallallâhu 'alaihi wa Sallam

As given in Dalâil u'l Khayrât of Imâm al-Jazûlî,

Rahmatullâhi 'alaih
Allâhumma Yâ Rabbi bijâhi Nabiyyi ka'l Mustafâ
wa Rasûli ka'l Murtadâ
tahhir qulûbanâ min kulli wasfin
yubâ'idunâ 'an Mushâhadatika wa Mahabbatika
wa amitnâ 'alassunnati wa'l jamâ'ati
wash-shawqi ilâ Liqâika
Yâ Dhal Jalâli wa'l Ikrâm

Wa Sallallâhu 'alâ Sayyidinâ wa Maulânâ Muhammad-in

wa 'alâ âlihi wa sahbihi wa sallama taslimâ
wa'l hamdu Lillâhi Rabbi'l 'Âlamîn

O Allâh! O Sustainer, for the sake of Your Chosen Prophet

Your Messenger with whom You are pleased
purify our hearts of all traits that distance us
from contemplating about You and loving You
and make us die following the Sunnah and the Jamâ'ah
with an ardent desire of meeting You
O The Possessor of Majesty and Generosity

And may Allâh's blessings and complete peace

be upon our master and patron Sayyidinâ Muhammad
and on his family and companions
and all praise is for Allâh, Lord of the Worlds.

Qur'ân Karîm

1. Translation by Professor Shah Farîdul Haque, Dâr ul 'Ulûm Amjadia, Karachi, 1988.

2. Translation by al-'Allâmah Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall, Kutub Khana Ishâ'at al-Islâm, Delhi, n.d.

3. Muhammad Fu'âd 'Abd ul Bâqi, Almu'jam al-mufahras li alfaz al-Qur'ân al-Karîm (The Concordance of the
Noble Qur'ân), Dâr al-Ihya' al-Tirâth al-'Arabiy, Beirut, Lebanon, n.d.

Classics of Muslim Spirituality:

1. Shaykh 'AbdulQâdir al-Jîlâni, "As-Salâtu Kibrîtil Ahmar" (The Philosopher's Stone"), in Al-Fuyûdât u'r
Rabbâniyyah (The Overflowing Abundance From The Lord), compiled by as-Sayyid al-Hâj Ismâ'il ibn as-
Sayyid Muhammad Sa'îd al-Qâdiri, Maktaba Ishâ'at al-Islâm, Delhi, n.d., p. 170-176. (Salawât with Asmâ u'n
Nabi Sallallâhu 'alaihi wa Sallam).

2. Shaykh Qâdi 'Iyâd ibn Mûsa al-Yahsûbi, "On his names and their excellence", in Kitâb Ash-Shifâ bi ta'rîf
huqûq al-Mustafâ (Healing by the Recognition of the Rights of the Chosen One), translation by Aisha
Abdarrahman Bewley, Madina Press, Granada, in association with Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur, 1991, p.

3. Maulâna'l Imâm al-Habîb 'Abdallâh bin 'Alawi al-Haddâd, Ad-Da'wat ut-Tâmmah (The All-Out Call), Darul
Hawi, Beirut, 1413/1993, p. 172-175.

4. Sayyiduna'l Imâm al-Habîb Ahmad Mashhûr bin Tâhâ al-Haddâd, Miftâhul Jannah (Key To The Garden),
translated by Dr. Mostafa al-Badawi, The Quilliam Press, London, 1990, p. 19-20.

References with all the Asmâ u'n-Nabi:

1. Shaykh Mustafâ Rushdî bin Isma'îl ad-Dimishqî, "Al-Istighâthati bi-Asmâ i'n-Nabiyy Sallallâhu 'alaihi wa
Sallam", ("Seeking Allâh's help with the recitation of Asmâ u'n Nabi Sallallâhu 'alaihi wa Sallam", in verse), in
Jabr u'l Kasr (Mending The Broken), Maktaba Ishâ'at al-Islâm, Delhi, n.d, p. 9-12.

2. Khawâja AbdurRahmân Chohravi, "Salâtul 'Uzmâ" ("The Exalted Invocation of Blessings"), in Awrâd ul
Qâdiriyyah Rahmâniyyah (Regular Voluntary Invocations of the Qâdiriyyah Rahmâniyyah), compiled by al-
'Allâmah al-Hâjj as-Sayyid Tayyib Shah, Anjuman Rahmâniyyah, Châtgam, 1407, p. 128-180. (Salawât with
Asmâ u'n Nabi, Sallallâhu 'alaihi wa Sallam).

3. Shaykh Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrâhi al-Halveti, The Most Beautiful Names, Threshold Books, Vermont, 1985, p.
143-163. (An explanation of Asmâ Allâh ul Husnâ and Asmâ u'n Nabi Sallallâhu 'alaihi wa Sallam).

4. Shaykh Abû Anees Muhammad Barkat Ali Ludhianvi, Asmâ' u'n-Nabi al-Karîm, The Bounteous Names of
the Holy Prophet Sallallâhu 'alaihi wa Sallam, Vol I, Dar ul Ehsan Publications, Faisalabad, Pakistan

5. Janâb Iqbâl Ahmad Nûri and Janâb Anees Ahmad Nûri, "Asmâ u'n Nabi Sallallâhu 'alaihi wa Sallam", in
Qâdiri Ridwi Majmu'ah Wazâif (Collection of Regular Voluntary Invocations of the Qâdiriyyah), urdu
translation, Maktaba Nûriyyah Ridwiyyah, Sikhkhir, 1994, p. 183-210.

6. Janâb Iqbâl Ahmad Nûri and Janâb Anees Ahmad Nûri, "As-Salâtu Mustagâth" ("Seeking Allâh's Help With
Salawât"), anonymous, in Qâdiri Ridwi Majmû'ah Wazâif, Maktaba Nûriyyah Ridwiyyah, Sikhkhir, 1994, p. 149-
172. (Salawât With Asmâ u'n Nabi Sallallâhu 'alaihi wa Sallam).

7. Pir Muhammad Karam Shah, "Asmâ u'n Nabi Sallallâhu 'alaihi wa Sallam", in Majmû'ah Wazâif ma' Dalâil u'l
Khayrât (A Compilation of Regular Voluntary Invocations Together with Dalâil u'l Khayrât of Imam al-Jazûlî).
urdu translation, Diyâ u'l Qur'ân Publications, Lahore, 1404/1984, p. 209-219.

Related Web Pages:

Qadiri Noshahi webpage
Siddi Hassan Rosowsky, "201 names of our master and Prophet, Muhammad, Allâh's blessings and peace
upon him", as part of the translation of the complete Dalâil u'l Khayrât (Proofs of Good Deeds) of Imam al-
Jazûlî, Rahmatullâhi 'alaih.

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